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Into the pit


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Thats a great idea to pull to the canister.


Its been a while since I did the quest but I do remember I got whipped so bad the first try that I did not think I could beat the dude.


I am a tanking assassin, I turned the AOE taunt off of Khem because without heals he just could not make it through the fight. There were only two spawns of the adds, and if I remember right, I killed the boss before killing the adds at the end. I'm not entirely sure but the second time I tried things were suprisingly easier.

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This monster and her zergbabbies nailed me once solo. Got her down very very low but Kem croaked at a bad moment and it was curtains for me. 20 scor... healspec. I did go in there expecting to be able to solo as I was terribly overprepared for the cyborg washout before and was a little cocky.


Next time I went in it was with a mercenary and two sith warriors at my side. Handed her her bug butt. I'm glad were allowed to bring friends. Possibly your easiest strategy baring yanking her from her broodling spawnpoint.


On a side note, I even found the switch in preferences that I think allows someone of the same class to enter, but I've yet to test it.


Next time. :)

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Just finished this one as a 19 deception assassin, (turned on darkness charge, let khem handle the boss, and I kited/aoe'ed the adds) and I have to agree with much of what has been posted by frustrated parties:


-It's not the difficulty, it's the leap in difficulty. The game establishes an access level, then tells you what level "you should be able to do this", and then cranks that expectation for one quest every so often. That inconsistency will cost the game subscribers.


-Throwing in a "L2P experience", of this magnitude, intending for it to be soloed, in the first 20 levels is ridiculous design in this kind of game. This kind of tuning and "you're not good enough" message-sending is bad for business.


-Not going to read the whole thread, but anyone telling folks to respec for this fight is wrong. If you have to respec for the fight, when you have (at par) 10 talent points, the fight is overtuned, or the class needs to be buffed.


-A kite-fight for the "backstab class" is just a stupid idea. Yes, I beat it, by thinking outside the box, but people choose their classes and build their characters based on "the box", and I can't fault people for wanting the game to let them play the character they built. If I wasn't as tank-experienced as I am from other games, I probably would have given up on the assassin at this point, as I am a good player, and won't tolerate a game telling me otherwise.


-I dislike "channel the force", or at least, I dislike its cooldown length. Long cooldowns of this game-changing nature are counter-fun to situations where multiple attempts are likely. If you make an attempt with this cooldown up, and you die, you have 20 mins before a feasible attempt can be made once more. CTF is an answer, but it shouldn't be.


I would not classify this quest as a level 19 quest for the average player, so the number you see is, in my opinion, wrong. That is, as I see it, Bioware's mistake, not the player's.


Good luck to those attempting this fight. Be assured that captain reasonable here feels your pain, and believes Bioware owes this quest a tweak. Do not gauge your aptitude with the game, or as a gamer, on this encounter!

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I never really had issue with any class quest listed as SI, and with a bit of attention and properly geared (not green from 10 level under yours) most of them will be as easy as breathing.


If you guys think this quest is hard, it will be nearly impossible for you to finish your class quest as boss here deal a serious amount of damage even for a 50. Even a group of 4 random can fail the last class quest.


- Read and use all your ability wisely (stun, knock back, whirlwind, shield)

- Keep med pack's and use them early in fight,

- Gear yourself and your companion,

- Use orange item and buy Mod, it's the cheapest way to upgrade your set,

- If you are not smart enough or don't want to kite mobs, then pick gear with a lot of health rather than any other stats.

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Read this thread. Tried this fight today.


L21 Assassin. So far tried this fight 3 times.


The queen has ~8k hp. DoT's don't work because she resists force attacks and they all expire anyway when she tunnels.


Killing the adds does not work. The moment I killed the last one, 4 more appear. Did it again, 4 more appear. Khem lasted about 10-15 seconds into the fight. Tried both DPS and Tanking mode for him.


Blew all cooldowns, went in with stims. Pulling back to the tank doesn't work all the tunnel mobs respawned on me when I tried. Not to mention half the time Khem bugs out *pun* and gets stuck in the tunnel.


As you only have 3 basic attacks left in melee...(well two since backstabs are few and far between) this is a very very tough fight.


Going to try this a few more times. :D

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try reading this thread again before doing the fight. i'm thinking you missed the "pull her back to the base of the entrance shaft for ezmode" part.


or just reroll now, you're really going to hate some of the later fights.

Edited by malaclyps
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I'm an Assassin and I am not using that droid, I refuse to until they let me shut him up.


All that keeps happening is the Mutant dies as I cannot heal him and then everything goes on me and I die. Speaking to other people they've had problems as my class too. I would come back in a few more levels but the quest log limit is too low and mine is full so I need to get it out the way.


Wondering if any Assassins had any tactics?


I just asked for help when I hit that quest from a friend, but it is soloable with some work. And yeah, at several times you'll feel the Assassin is weak in PvE if you solo, especially with more PvP oriented specs like I used. Be sure to read the stickied guide at the top of the Assassin forum, it will help you a lot. A great deal of confusion I see coming from a lot of newer Assassin's is related to a general lack of knowledge of their abilities. You have a crowd control or two at that level you can utilize when you're in a pinch, and don't forget to use medpacks/that one ability with the 20 minute cd.


If you're deception specc'd, use Maul as an opener from stealth, thrash twice to build up its proc, then Shock, then Discharge, and repeat ad nauseum. If you feel like you've got the energy and cc to spare, electrocute and go for a Maul when exploit weakness is up. Use any and all cd's you need.


That's not really elegant, but that's what I find to be the best approach when dealing with tough single mobs like that. Try and save electrocute for when the spawns arrive, but if you feel you don't need it feel free to use it for a Maul or two. Additionally, don't be afraid to swap to Dark Charge when your companion falls.


That is a rather difficult quest for an Assassin at that level because you have so few tools available. It was definitely one of the hardest quests for me going 1-50. Good luck, don't be afraid to call for help if you need it. I'm sure you could find someone within a reasonable amount of time that is willing to come save you.

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Just finished this one as a 19 deception assassin, (turned on darkness charge, let khem handle the boss, and I kited/aoe'ed the adds) and I have to agree with much of what has been posted by frustrated parties:


-It's not the difficulty, it's the leap in difficulty. The game establishes an access level, then tells you what level "you should be able to do this", and then cranks that expectation for one quest every so often. That inconsistency will cost the game subscribers.


-Throwing in a "L2P experience", of this magnitude, intending for it to be soloed, in the first 20 levels is ridiculous design in this kind of game. This kind of tuning and "you're not good enough" message-sending is bad for business.


-Not going to read the whole thread, but anyone telling folks to respec for this fight is wrong. If you have to respec for the fight, when you have (at par) 10 talent points, the fight is overtuned, or the class needs to be buffed.


-A kite-fight for the "backstab class" is just a stupid idea. Yes, I beat it, by thinking outside the box, but people choose their classes and build their characters based on "the box", and I can't fault people for wanting the game to let them play the character they built. If I wasn't as tank-experienced as I am from other games, I probably would have given up on the assassin at this point, as I am a good player, and won't tolerate a game telling me otherwise.


-I dislike "channel the force", or at least, I dislike its cooldown length. Long cooldowns of this game-changing nature are counter-fun to situations where multiple attempts are likely. If you make an attempt with this cooldown up, and you die, you have 20 mins before a feasible attempt can be made once more. CTF is an answer, but it shouldn't be.


I would not classify this quest as a level 19 quest for the average player, so the number you see is, in my opinion, wrong. That is, as I see it, Bioware's mistake, not the player's.


Good luck to those attempting this fight. Be assured that captain reasonable here feels your pain, and believes Bioware owes this quest a tweak. Do not gauge your aptitude with the game, or as a gamer, on this encounter!


+1 :D Agreed. I already got several responses similar which are not helpful.


I did manage to solo her eventually. I tried the same tactic over and over. Contrary to what some less than polite posters claimed the adds do not always spawn back in the cavern for "ezmode".


In my case they all spawned directly on me. However after several tries they did spawn back in the cavern, allowing me to focus on the queen. I reported this to the developers, not sure why that is inconsistent unless it was a recent patch change to remove the exploit.

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What you do is, clear the hallway out and pull him into there. Pull him as far back as you can. He spawns the adds at 25% increments. It may prevent the adds from reaching you and sometimes makes them despawn all together. Hope this helps.


this!! thanx mate! .. did it at 19 with this bit of advice easily

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Didn't read all tips, but the way I did was:

- get stims that heal you and your pet

- take turns with Khem on who tanks her (so u gotta manually control the taunt and switch off the tanking stance on him)

- Dark Charge's Discharge worked wonderfuly on the adds


That way both me and Khem ended up about ~20% hp. Point of all that is to use both your and Khem's hp pool without any of you dying. If you let him die midfight, you alone won't have enough dps to bring her down before she tears you into little ugly pieces :D You simply need to use Khem's HPs as much as you can while keeping him dpsing the whole time.

Edited by Strelsky
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Yes, its a doddle as a sorceror...


guess what i'm not a Sorceror, so if your a sorceror and reading, this, stop reading it now... its easy for you.


and while pulling back to the end of the tunnel would have been easier, its avoiding game mechanics, and taking advantage of the coding... or exploiting. If I can't do it properly, i'd rather not do it at all.


I died lots at level 20... Gave up on Khem and used the robot.... Worked fine then.


just had to be a careful .

Edited by Turtlehed
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i've done it as both a sorc and an assassin, sorc definitely has it easier there. but then as a tank specced assassin it didn't give me too many problems as i use the droid (he's really not that annoying). my gear really isn't that good either so it's definitely possible, just get the little ones down asap and you should be fine. :hope_06:
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  • 4 weeks later...

This was quite hard one. I tried it about ten times :D


But I manage to complete it with lvl 19 assasin. First you have to take her to end of the tunnel (where you came from). Then do as much damage as possible with Khem. When the youngsters come, they so far away and when they finally reach you, use the toxic gas (if you didn't use it earlier). Just take out the little ones and go back to mama :D


In that way, Khem Val died, but it was easy you to finnish the job. I didn't use any stims or med pacs. :hope_06:


Try that and I think you'll be laughing how easy it was ;)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...

First off. My first time playing was a Sith Sorcerer. I couldn't get past this, and I tried 5 times.:( Since then, I hadn't played Sorcerer again, until recently. The tips here (and maybe better understanding skill points:cool:) have really helped. Thanks to all. Was able to get through 1st time trying this time. :p


Getting out of there was another problem.:eek:

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well I am no power gamer. I can't hit all the buttons fast. I cant afford to outfit myself because I dont have any money. my armor keeps decaying and i spend all my money repairing it. I am 22 and keep dying. I finally found someone to help. they went 1st and completed their class then we exit and I go in first and they get the message they are ineligible and cant come in.


devs you have no idea how hard this is some people. This game is supposed to be fun and I can understand a challenge, but I can't do this crap.


I could not solo the dromand kas class boss either. This is total bullcrap.


If it was too easy it won't be fun, I leveled mine as an assassin tank, and I completed pretty much all my story line class quest like 4 level before the lvl requirement. Mak sure you have good gear, get a full adaptive armor set with up to date for your level, armoring, mod and enhancement pieces in it and make sure that the companion you are using is well geared as well, that make such a big difference! I am now level 48 and I killed Thanaton at lvl 46 but I was already at the robot before the first fight with Thanaton at lvl 43 but at that level I was not even touching the lvl 49 elites or plainly barely scratching him.


Of course you get different companion as you level for me Ashara did an awsome work and she is a dps machine, later you get Talos, well geared he is a powerfull healer and I use him mainly to complete and finish my class quest story.


So check your gear because it's all about gear, and remember if it's too easy people don't push themselves to perform better and that's how I see life as well!

Edited by Paltan
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