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  1. +1 Here for emphatically requesting retroactivity to whatever the heck they do with legacy. If having multiple characters before they release the whole legacy system is at all a "wrong answer", that's a very bad move. I *want* to just give bioware the benefit of the doubt here, as I hope they realize that many altoholics come with a serious efficiency streak (or an attachment streak) that deleting or re-rolling is anathema to, but this silence concerns me. This is not a small issue (relatively speaking, it *IS* just a game after all, not disputing that), and all it takes is one post such as "nothing we have planned for legacy will require you to re-roll to benefit"... and the absence of the post is concerning. Sure, it's just a game... but one won't pay to play a game that is making them unhappy. Not that I'm demanding a post, I'm not "that guy", but one would think this would be priority in developer communication. ARE WE "SAFE" TO ALT NOW?! That's all we need to know. Somewhere. If not here, then in one of those shiny new regular communications we've heard tell of.
  2. Very sad to hear all of this flack about my future girlfriend. I might have to go from deception to darkness spec just to justify having her around. Of course, I could always just keep doing what I do, and spend the resource I would have spent gearing her on gifts, and keep her on the ship...
  3. Just finished this one as a 19 deception assassin, (turned on darkness charge, let khem handle the boss, and I kited/aoe'ed the adds) and I have to agree with much of what has been posted by frustrated parties: -It's not the difficulty, it's the leap in difficulty. The game establishes an access level, then tells you what level "you should be able to do this", and then cranks that expectation for one quest every so often. That inconsistency will cost the game subscribers. -Throwing in a "L2P experience", of this magnitude, intending for it to be soloed, in the first 20 levels is ridiculous design in this kind of game. This kind of tuning and "you're not good enough" message-sending is bad for business. -Not going to read the whole thread, but anyone telling folks to respec for this fight is wrong. If you have to respec for the fight, when you have (at par) 10 talent points, the fight is overtuned, or the class needs to be buffed. -A kite-fight for the "backstab class" is just a stupid idea. Yes, I beat it, by thinking outside the box, but people choose their classes and build their characters based on "the box", and I can't fault people for wanting the game to let them play the character they built. If I wasn't as tank-experienced as I am from other games, I probably would have given up on the assassin at this point, as I am a good player, and won't tolerate a game telling me otherwise. -I dislike "channel the force", or at least, I dislike its cooldown length. Long cooldowns of this game-changing nature are counter-fun to situations where multiple attempts are likely. If you make an attempt with this cooldown up, and you die, you have 20 mins before a feasible attempt can be made once more. CTF is an answer, but it shouldn't be. I would not classify this quest as a level 19 quest for the average player, so the number you see is, in my opinion, wrong. That is, as I see it, Bioware's mistake, not the player's. Good luck to those attempting this fight. Be assured that captain reasonable here feels your pain, and believes Bioware owes this quest a tweak. Do not gauge your aptitude with the game, or as a gamer, on this encounter!
  4. Hey all! Experienced MMO'er here with a few questions pertaining to the kinds of "universal truths" that SWTOR tries to challenge. So, I love my sith assassin, love him to pieces, and I started him off as a backstabby type with the obvious tank-centric companion, but I've noticed that, while solo-questing (my primary enjoyment while leveling) I become damned squishy in those times of larger packs of monsters. I'm wondering if speccing all tanky to quest and solo would make for a smoother experience, as I love the assassin across the board, and could find fun in pretty much any spec. The one thing stopping me is the ideal of most MMOs that going tank means "it will take forever to kill you... but it will take forever for them to die as well". Is this the case in SWTOR? I mean, I know stuff won't die as fast as they do when I line up a good maul, but if it means that I spend less time thinking "I'm getting smoked while I position myself to backstab and while my tank companion gets his act together", I can handle that, if my pet can handle doing damage. Short version: How much longer does it take to kill things specced as a tank, with the pet in DPS mode? Heck, if I spec tank, should I leave the pet in tank mode as well? Oh, and bonus question: aside from a shield-y offhand, is there any other great disparity in gearing tendencies, or does an inquisitor just "gear like an inquisitor" for the most part? Thank you in advance for all constructive replies
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