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The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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Juggernauts get a mobility buff but Marauders are fine ? What ? Juggernauts have much more CC and a great knockback, Marauders don't.

I came to this thread to pretty much rage about this. I can't believe Bioware would make an announcement about helping Guardians/Jugs but say nothing for Sentinels/Marauders.


Anybody who's seen one in Huttball knows exactly how mobile they are, even moreso if they specced right and picked up Zealous Leap or Obliterate. While I'm sure this change isn't made entirely because of PvP, Huttball is an excellent way to look at how mobile a given class is.


Marauders have absolutely nothing: Is your Huttball carrier up on a walkway and needs your help? Leap up to immobilize the enemy chasing him, and... osht, his buddy just knocked you off the walkway. Now you have to chill down below for the 15s cooldown, or go try your luck with the random vents that could send you flying any which way, or possibly bug you to where you're stuck in a falling animation which prevents you from using any channeled ability.


In contrast, let's say you're a Juggernaut on a Huttball premade. You're pretty survivable, so you wade in there and grab the ball. You see a slower enemy coming down the lower front ramp behind the green pit, and you Force Charge to them. The enemy thinks you're still on the ground floor, so they're not trying to get up high, like how they usually chase ball carriers. Your Inquisitor buddy has stealthed further back behind the fire on an upper walkway, and you Intercede up there. You've got height, you've got the fire to keep them at bay from giving chase, you've put a lot of distance between yourself and the enemy team. Even a sprinting Consular couldn't catch you. Only a lucky Vanguard using Harpoon to reel you back in could stop you from scoring, and even then, one of possibly three leap moves could get you out of their reach again.


And if an enemy Jedi leaps up after you, you can always Force Push him off the ramp. While this isn't directly mobility-related, it shows that they have a defensive option to keep others from lessening your mobility.


That scenario didn't even make use of Obliterate/Zealous Leap, which is a popular build most take, considering the crazy numbers the auto-critting AOE Smash/Force Sweep can put out.


Like I said, Sentinels and Marauders have nothing for mobility by comparison.


I'm not saying don't buff Guardians/Juggernauts if Bioware somehow believes they need it -- but jesus, it's insane not to take a look at the other Advanced Class which is far more lacking.

Edited by Luxora
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I dont see why people would want force pull. I Personally prefer force push.


It is a great utility tool to just throw someone out of your face, or completely remove that annoying little operative thats attacking you like a barking chiuaua when they think they can cheap kill you while your busy.


Personally I dont see a problem with the classes mobility as it is. Perhaps a longer range on Obliterate would be good. 15-20 yards instead maybe.


But currently, if your slowed and being kited. Just intercede to an ally. Get the hell out of there. You don't have to take that abuse.


I have a habit of interceding to an ally in huttball when they are on the platforms. Force Pushing the person attacking them straight off the ramp. and then charging after them into the pit to deal with them my self. The person I am protecting loves me for it.


Plus it looks cool as hell when you just fly around knocking people about.


Right and yet your class is getting more movement aids and Marauder who doesn't have Intercede or Force Push gets nothing? Makes no sense.

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I came to this thread to pretty much rage about this. I can't believe Bioware would make an announcement about helping Guardians/Jugs but say nothing for Sentinels/Marauders.


Anybody who's seen one in Huttball knows exactly how mobile they are, even moreso if they specced right and picked up Zealous Leap or Obliterate. While I'm sure this change isn't made entirely because of PvP, Huttball is an excellent way to look at how mobile a given class is.


Marauders have absolutely nothing: Is your Huttball carrier up on a walkway and needs your help? Leap up to immobilize the enemy chasing him, and... osht, his buddy just knocked you off the walkway. Now you have to chill down below for the 15s cooldown, or go try your luck with the random vents that could send you flying any which way, or possibly bug you to where you're stuck in a falling animation which prevents you from using any channeled ability.


In contrast, let's say you're a Juggernaut on a Huttball premade. You're pretty survivable, so you wade in there and grab the ball. You see a slower enemy coming down the lower front ramp behind the green pit, and you Force Charge to them. The enemy thinks you're still on the ground floor, so they're not trying to get up high, like how they usually chase ball carriers. Your Inquisitor buddy has stealthed further back behind the fire on an upper walkway, and you Intercede up there. You've got height, you've got the fire to keep them at bay from giving chase, you've put a lot of distance between yourself and the enemy team. Even a sprinting Consular couldn't catch you. Only a lucky Vanguard using Harpoon to reel you back in could stop you from scoring, and even then, one of possibly three leap moves could get you out of their reach again.


And if an enemy Jedi leaps up after you, you can always Force Push him off the ramp. While this isn't directly mobility-related, it shows that they have a defensive option to keep others from lessening your mobility.


That scenario didn't even make use of Obliterate/Zealous Leap, which is a popular build most take, considering the crazy numbers the auto-critting AOE Smash/Force Sweep can put out.


Like I said, Sentinels and Marauders have nothing for mobility by comparison.


I'm not saying don't buff Guardians/Juggernauts if Bioware somehow believes they need it -- but jesus, it's insane not to take a look at the other Advanced Class which is far more lacking.


wow I couldnt describe it better...

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I completely agree with this, when i'm the correct level for a quest and getting slaughtered several times before asking for help with it i know i'm underpowered. My Juggernaut was level 20 and getting slaughtered on the final Balmorra class quest and that was only fighting one guy. The same happened on Coruscant with my jedi guardian. Level 15 on a level 15 quest getting murdered by one guy in a class phase while my commando and jedi sage can go complete class missions 2 levels above them.
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Guardians/Juggernauts (the ones who know how to play them, super many newbs rolling that class) are borderline op. They get incredibly high survivability in comparison to how much damage they can deal.


There's simply no point to spec defense cause you get so much from going focus. And I come here, seeing plans for a buff?


Truly ridicolous. Boy, you people are in for a mean surprise when they learn their class.

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Man I was hoping you guys would increase the Threat percentage on Soresu form to 100% instead of 50%. Anybody else feel like 50% is a little low?


It DEFINATELY needs to be 100%. At LEAST.

So sick of blowing all my pre prep focus points on high threat abilities, just for a sentinal in lesser gear to pull threat while I slash and sunder away to build up my focus again.


Sick of taunting and taunting all everytime they are off CD.

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This is the one post we are likely to get addressing two forums full of discussion about peoples feelings about the Sentinel and Marauder ACs, and this is what we get?

I'm so dissapointed that Marauders and Sentinels are basically left here blowing in the wind.


There is a lot of discussion, because there is a lot of disagreement.


Marauders and Sentinels are difficult to play. Not weak in and of themselves. If you can manage to hit the right keys in the right combos they are devastating.


They are planing on making it more clear which keys to hit when.


Of course, the problem is there are too many people who have egos to big to accept that other people can play a class better than they can.

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Interesting changes.


Still though, Ravage is a huge problem due to its non mobile nature and channel time for a melee class. Same goes for other melee class channeled abilities.


Need to change that somehow, best way imo would be to allow movement while using it.


Also lack of AoE or alternative to AoE like increased movement speed or no min range on jump would help for packs. Would still prefer a frontal cone attack that does good dmg.

Edited by Sivn
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While it's nice to see that this thread has the dev attention, it's disappointing to see that out of many clear and visible issues warrior class suffers from, only 1-2 are really adressed and that's only for 1 AC (I don't count fixing the ability delay as a valid fix for marauder, sorry).


Out of my head, some changes that would really help the sentinel / marauder AC without making it completely overpowered like people would apparently love to be:


- Pommel Strike and Savage Kick merged into 1 ability - we suffer from a MASSIVE number of abilities and seeing how those 2 are identical but work on different kind of "cc" and that's only while pve AND only up to strong-level, there is little sense in them being separated. To be honest, there are more abilities that would be better off merged into one another but those 2 are clear examples;


- some consistent cc - this idea about picking someone up (similar to Force Choke) and then slamming them on the ground applying a stun is pretty awesome in my book - as right now, marauders have only 1 cc and that requires channeling;


- bigger uptime - we already haver to deal with the ramp-up time while range classes can simply unload their package right off the bat and then casually knockback. While that's being adressed for juggs, marauders are apparently left with nothing once Charge is on cd. Someone suggested that Charge could fill the resolve bar for a few seconds. That's a great idea but in my opinion, marauders should have some way to reset the cd on Charge as well;


- bigger survivability against ranged classes - again, there was a post a few pages back about an ability that actually reflects the projectiles back to the caster. Something like this would really help us with the kiting issue, especially with ranged classes having the possibility of actually firing off their biggest nukes without any particular ramp-up time. Of course it wouldn't reflect the spells completely, just 50% damage or something but nevertheless it would give marauder some edge;


- Victory Rush - to those not familiar with that particular WoW ability, it's basically a self-heal that activates after dealing a killing blow to player or a mob in your level range. For next 15 seconds, you can use it to deal some damage and heal for a percentage of your total hp (20 or 30 depending on the talents). Next to protection from kiting, this is in my opinion, the single biggest thing marauders currently need as it would help in both staying alive in group pvp and while questing.

Edited by gibmachine
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My Trooper Commando breezed through every thing bar heroics. Still ploughing through Tatooine with him.


My Jedi Gauardian is struggling through Taris... Some thing not right here.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Tatooine is level 25. You'll see, after Alderaan it will get increasingly difficult with the occasional breeze.

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The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety.


Not sure what metrics you're looking at, but DPS Juggernauts/Guardians are currently doing the sustained DPS of a kitten. They badly need a damage buff...heck, Juggs across the board could use one, us tanks do crap damage compared to Powertechs and Shadow tanks.

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It DEFINATELY needs to be 100%. At LEAST.

So sick of blowing all my pre prep focus points on high threat abilities, just for a sentinal in lesser gear to pull threat while I slash and sunder away to build up my focus again.


Sick of taunting and taunting all everytime they are off CD.


I second this as a TEMPORARY solution, but hope that the problem be addressed in a more meaningful way so that it doesn't take skill out of tanking, but also doesn't leave it impossibly difficult to tank multiple mobs as a Juggernaut.


Personally, I never lose hate when I'm tanking a single large target, like a Boss; then again I have incredible gear for my level. It's AoE tanking that always gives me trouble. Having to split my focus between several targets, meaning I have to split my hate by tabbing around, means half the mobs are running all over the place, especially the ranged mobs. What I propose is that Smash become a High Threat ability in Soresu Form, that Sweeping Slash come MUCH earlier, like in the high 10s earlier, and that Sweeping Slash be added to the list of abilities with their rage cost reduced by Revenge, making it a good ability to burn through Revenge stacks when Scream and Smash are on cooldown.


The 20s and low 30s are hell for Juggernaut tanking, because we just can't handle that many mobs at once. We are too focused on single target combat, and before 34, our only AoE is fairly weak and on a 15 second cooldown. Given how weak an attack Sweeping Slash is, but nevertheless how useful it is given our lack of other options and its lack of cooldown, I see no reason for it to come so near the end.


However, we also need help with runners and ranged mobs, and currently Taunt is not the answer, because all it does is apply a band aid. It gets you the attention for a few seconds, but then you still have to chase the mob down to get hate cemented, or else you'll lose it right away again, even if you have enough Rage for a Force Scream. Saber Throw works, but comes very late. Our AoE Taunt has a good range, but still doesn't force mobs to come into melee range where we can cement that hate. Force Scream and talented Force Choke are great abilities that help bring a ranged mob back, but oftentimes, their range is just barely too short, forcing me to run after the mob anyway.


I therefore propose we also increase the range of Scream and Choke from 10m abilities to 15m. That small change would do WONDERS for ranged mob tanking, since I find that most of the time, mobs are not so far away that a Charge is justified, but are instead JUST out of range of Force Scream and Force Choke, forcing me to run a little bit in order to land them before turning back to my corral of mobs. It also gives me more time to react when a runner starts to go after the ranged DPS. I find that the 15m range of Threatening Scream is perfect for on the fly attacks, thus our short ranged abilities need to match it.




One thing that would make tanking SO much easier, however, would be to fix the damn targeting system. Tab targeting is INCREDIBLY inconsistent and seems to pick mobs at total random, making it very difficult to tab through targets correctly, and very difficult to pick specific mobs out of the pack.


It is also extremely difficult to tell which mob is currently being targeted by you, with only an easily-obscured, easily overlooked red triangle at the very top of the indicator to tell you. The triangle doesn't flash, it doesn't blink, it doesn't highlight in any other way. Your current target needs to SCREAM "I am your target! These other guys are not your target!" At the moment, the only time you can see your target clearly marked is if you're way out in the distance, where a rotating circle highlights them, but fades away as you get in range. At least give us the option to leave that on at close range, or set the distance at which it fades, or set how much it fades if at all."


Click targeting is even worse, as clickboxes are also incredibly inconsistent. Some mobs have clickboxes 10 feet higher than their models, making it difficult to target mobs behind them that need to be taunted, and making it impossible to tell that you're about to taunt the wrong mob until it's much too late. This is especially apparent with four-legged creatures, particularly ones with long bodies, which are low to the ground, but have a high point on their back. Humanoids and bipedal droids, on the other hand, have tiny clickboxes that need such pinpoint accuracy with their models as to make it impossible to click them when they're on the move, which is when they need to be clicked the most.


First things first, Tab Targets need to follow a strict list, based on who you can see at the given moment. When tabbing forward, with normal tab, it tabs through targets that are visually to the right of your current target. When tabbing backward, with Shift+Tab, it targets the mob visually to the left of the current target. It ignores mobs you cannot currently see. This is how it worked in City of Heroes, and it was a damn fine system. You could SEE how many tabs you needed to pick your target, vastly increasing the speed at which you could acquire a specific one.


As for clickboxes, they need to be made more consistent with their models, but not TOO consistent with their models; smaller models need to have roughly cube shaped clickboxes that have a bit of leeway, so clicking between the legs of a humanoid or just to the side of them will still get them, but for large models, they need to not so strictly cube shaped that a single raised point will throw the whole thing off, and make it hard to click anything else.


We also need to be able to see which mob we are targeting more clearly, and which mob we are ABOUT to click needs to be more readable. City of Heroes yet again did a good job with this as well, since mousing over a target would make its target box fade in halfway, highlighting it but not as much as the current target. Something like this needs to happen here too.


In short, I don't feel that tanking is broken at all, but is full of headaches that could be easily addressed by small changes, rather than sweeping changes. A flat buff to threat would make it too easy for bad tanks to tank single mobs, while not adequately fixing our weak points and not giving us necessary tools to get better. I feel these changes would do perfectly.

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There is a lot of discussion, because there is a lot of disagreement.


Marauders and Sentinels are difficult to play. Not weak in and of themselves. If you can manage to hit the right keys in the right combos they are devastating.


They are planing on making it more clear which keys to hit when.


Of course, the problem is there are too many people who have egos to big to accept that other people can play a class better than they can.


I have a lvl 50 Sentinel with Champ / Columi gear and I have to agree with you in one thing. If you play Sentinel / Marauder well then you are quite dangerous. BUT it is 1 vs 1.


In team fights Sentinels / Marauders are the most useless class in the game. WHY? no CC only damage.


DPS Guardians have nearly same dmg output but they have heavy armor, a lot of CC and they can protect peaple. So why take Sent / Mara in to the group?


I like Sentinel but he really need buff. Give him Force push (or Force pull?) so he will be useful.

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If you are playing a guardian presently, my advice is to stay on the planets you get to, even do the bonus missions as they pop up. If you disregard the story you will begin to out level the planets as you come to them. Its easy sailing when you are 4-5 levels higher than the mobs.


Granted, this speaks volumes to me about the state of the class, but I am enjoying my JK, hes now level 44 (Guardian / Vig) and plowing through Hoth. Nothing kills me but I still need to use CDs and manage my companion against gold mobs.


PVP drives me a bit nuts as my pvp server/group seems to be full of sith pvp lifers, already decked out in full purple whatever and are impossible to kill. But I dont bother trying to kill things in pvp. I learned early on that I just dont do the damage to kill anything. If it can heal or has heals, im screwed. Instead I manage control nodes or get good field position for Hutt ball. It usually works out well if the other people in the group are ranged classes (since those seem to dominate everything).

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As a Sentinel in PvP, I can do great single target damage. Unfortunately, this doesn't help me much in objective based Warzones. It's frustrating not being able to stop a hutball carrier when my Force Stasis is on CD. It's annoying not being able to reliably slow/stop multiple objective cappers on Voidstar and Civil War.


Finally, it's ridiculously frustrating when I can't catch a player who has my slow debuff on them. They are suppose to be moving 50% slower than me, but due to the amount of other snares there are in game, I'm almost always slowed too.


A passive speed boost (ala Combat Spec's Defensive Forms with Ataru Stance) for all specs would be great.


15% passive movement speed increase please for Watchmen please!

Edited by Naroga
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I am an Imperial Agent Sniper (lethality spec). I will say this after PVP'ing to just about battlemaster.


Juggernauts are laughable in PVP and only worthwhile because of their leaps. They do no damage. Never am I threatened when a Juggernaut or Jedi Knight is trying to kill me. They have one ability that can crit for a high amount and thats it.


Meanwhile, Operative's and Scoundrals are four hitting people in full champion gear, while being able to heal, while being able to use dots to keep people from objectives, while being able to stealth in and out of combat.

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Hi guys,



There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


  • Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.
  • DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.

Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel.


In regards to PvE balance, any place in the game where our data shows significant issues with the balance tuning for one or more classes or specs are of course also being looked at.


For example, Jedi Knights will be pleased to hear that we are working on tuning the final mission in their class chain to provide a better, more fun and more reliably solvable challenge (see a post from another member of my team here). Currently a large percentage of players bring a friend to solve this mission, which, while social and often more fun, is not in line with our stated goal of allowing players to progress solo through their class arc if they desire to do so. We're also looking at some companions with a critical eye to improve their viability for certain role/companion combinations.


I would also like to give you some general understanding about approach to class balancing and how you can aid us with your feedback:


  • Now that we're out of the first few weeks of launch madness, you will see class and combat balance issues addressed with increased frequency. Larger scale gameplay changes and features are more likely to coincide with major content releases, but smaller scale changes and improvements can be expected to become part of our regular update schedule.
  • Statements that we hate a specific class or faction, or that we intentionally underbalance certain classes to make it less popular are conspiracy theory territory. We have nothing to gain from such an approach – we want players to pick the class and faction they want to play and have confidence that they are able to perform their chosen role in the game. Anything that comes in the way of that goal is considered a balance issue for us.
  • We make our balancing decisions based on a combination of internal and external testing and metrics. We don't make decisions based on who is the loudest on the forums. Community feedback is valuable in bringing issues to our attention and even to highlight possible solutions, which means that well written, constructive posts are the most effective way to communicate your wishes and feedback to us, rather than petitions and calls to nerf specific classes.
  • Please understand that balance issues during the leveling process are different than issues at level 50 and are handled in different ways. If you feel your class has issues during your journey to 50, especially communicate the level range and area of the game where you are experiencing issues to aid our investigations. Player versus Player situations in during the leveling process are not always balanced at every level (a mathematical impossibility), but we are always willing to investigate.
  • Just because we haven't mentioned the specific issue close to your heart in a post (such as the one above) doesn't mean we are unaware of it or that we don't want to address it. It would be impractical for us to comment on all investigations currently in the pipeline. That said, we definitely want to take a more open approach in regards to upcoming class changes.


Finally, I'd like to acknowledge, again, that we do understand that there is a desire for players to get more detailed information what happens to their character in combat. We agree with those requests and are working on various ways to, optionally, get more detailed data on your combat performance.


Thanks for your feedback!


-- Georg

Regarding Quality of Life Changes, please consider removing/changing changing abilities that are very similar to each other, such as Sundering Assault to replace Assault, Impale to effectively replace Vicious Slash and so fourth. Right now I feel that Juggernaut/Guardian have many abilities that I'd prefer to just macro together to act as one ability instead of 2-3 separate (I'm running out of toolbars here! Would like to have my companion bar up and keybind my abilities at the same time.)

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What about the Marauders u naabs..

They suck so hard my grandma could do better.


Im thinking of rerolling allready and THATS just wrong this early in the game..


And u might have noticed that because of your "Lack of faith"

This game will soon be a "only Bountyhunter/Agent" game cause the rest of classes cant match up...


Get to work u lasy bastards, the X-mas is over!

Fix this class probs or i think many ppl will go back to wow...

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... Finally, I'd like to acknowledge, again, that we do understand that there is a desire for players to get more detailed information what happens to their character in combat. We agree with those requests and are working on various ways to, optionally, get more detailed data on your combat performance.


Thanks for your feedback!


-- Georg


Was it just me, or did anyone else noice the italicized "your" above when pertaining to combat information?

Edited by jHats
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Hi, Georg. Thanks a lot for your detailed response and I'm very glad that you are buffing the Knight/Warrior classes as I believe they are currently the weakest classes overall in PVP/PVE.


With that said, I think that using Force Push to clear the cooldown of Force Leap is a bit counter-intuitive. I mean why do you have to create distance with one ability and then just to close that same distance with another ability? Don't these two abilities just cancel each other out mechanic-wise?? And I tend to save Force Push for many other situations like pushing ball carrier in Huttball into a pit or hazard.


Your proposed change would pigeonhole Force Push into being a clear for Force Leap only, and this would limit the other uses of Force Push especially in a very busy warzone when our limited mobility forces us to rely on Force Leap all the time to close distance.


Perhaps this has already been suggested (I did not make it through every post since the Dev update) , but wouldn't Having Saber Throw (instead of Force Push) reset the cooldown on Leap make more sense?

Throw is still on a cooldown meaning you cant just spam it for free leaps, and it would leave our interrupt/utility ability alone. It would also provide us with a gap closer for that first knock back.


My 2 cents



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