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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are not high enough level for the event, the event should not affect you.


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I speak, at the moment, of the rakghoul plague event, but this suggestion applies to any such event that may or may not yet exist.


So the rakghoul event is going on this week. As a brand new level 10 just getting to Fleet for the first time, I'm not worried about this as you need to be level 20 to participate and that's probably not going to happen before the week is out for me. Low and behold, imagine my surprise as I get onto the fleet and enter the main central area when another character explodes in green goo and I find myself with the plague stage 1 debuff.


OK, I can deal with debuffs, no big deal - this will go away eventually. So I start making my way around the station to pick up crew skills, meet my advanced trainer, get stuff stored in cargo, possibly even check the GTN to see if there are any good deals on adaptive or moddable gear that I like the looks of. Scratch that - I attempt to make my way around the station to do all of these things, but at least once every 10-30 seconds I stop, turn green and cough for a second or two. Usually this is closer to the every 10 second mark than the 30 second mark.


So after finally getting through all of these tasks - what should have taken about 2 minutes at most (aside from the GTN which I opted to not bother with) the duration on Stage 1 (9 minutes and something) was almost up. I remembered from a previous character that most Medical Droids have a Rakghoul Vaccine in their inventory so I went looking for a Medi-droid. Found one and opened his menu with every stim known to levels 1-50 and started scrolling through looking for the vaccine. A coughing fit knocks me out of the menu. So I start again, and get knocked out again. This happens two more times before I finally manage to find the vaccine and buy it - for 2000 of the only 6.something K credits I had gathered thus far.


So, yeah, I can see where the event might be interesting if you are able to participate/mitigate the effects. However, new-to-fleet level 10s have no real way to do this short of wiping out large chunks of the only credits they have to that point. It only seems fair that if the character is not high enough level to participate in the event, the effects and fallout of the event should not affect the character.

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I agree with this. Most fresh 10-24s don't have 2000 disposable credits to blow on an injector. Most new players don't even know they exist or where to get them. There should be an immunity for characters below the event level. If they cannot participate int he Daily for spreading the virus then they should be free from worry about contracting it.
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The whole event just sucks - worst thing done ever.


The event should not only affect only those of the appropriate level, it should only affect those actively and volutarily participating in the event. This event needs an "opt out" button, better an "opt in" button. Only those who opted in can be affected, everyone else should be 1000% immune to everything involving this event.


It has been mentioned everytime this event takes place, but instead of making a good job, EA/BW keeps listening to antisocial gankers who keep using this event to have their perverted sick fun by intentionally harrassing other players and spoiling their fun.

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I agree with everything said here!


There are so many people grouped up around the zone in point that my screen went totally black, I could not move, and I had to transport to a SH to get out of it. And when it cleared, I was infected. :mad:

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The whole event just sucks - worst thing done ever.


The event should not only affect only those of the appropriate level, it should only affect those actively and volutarily participating in the event. This event needs an "opt out" button, better an "opt in" button. Only those who opted in can be affected, everyone else should be 1000% immune to everything involving this event.


It has been mentioned everytime this event takes place, but instead of making a good job, EA/BW keeps listening to antisocial gankers who keep using this event to have their perverted sick fun by intentionally harrassing other players and spoiling their fun.


ehm? so when plague comes in real world, you can choose to participate in it - right.

Easier solution would be to post vendor with free vaccines for below 25level people.

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ehm? so when plague comes in real world, you can choose to participate in it - right.

Easier solution would be to post vendor with free vaccines for below 25level people.


This is a game, that people pay for, that is allowing other players to harass new players.


This is a bad thing.

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so when plague comes in real world, you can choose to participate in it - right.

Might be a big surprise for you, but SW:TOR is not the real world. It's a game I pay money for so that it entertains me. This event doesn't entertain me - it actually kind of keeps me from playing the game I pay for.


In real world I also can't stop robbers from robbing me by keeping my pvp-flag down. In this game, I can - no stupid PvP-jerk will be able to harrass me. This ****** desease is just the same.


In addition, if we want to go into the story:

my character is immune to the desease. Prooved that on Taris. The anti-bodies my characters metablosim created is the base the vaccine was made from. So the desease cannot affect me. Suddenly, it does? Big immersion break.

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ehm? so when plague comes in real world, you can choose to participate in it - right.

Easier solution would be to post vendor with free vaccines for below 25level people.


Well, if we're going to bring "Real world" logic into this, then I expect everyone with the plague to be rounded up and quarantined in one location where they cannot spread it - as would be quite possible in "real world" with the level of technology displayed in SWTOR.


It is not a matter of choosing to participate in the event. For characters below a certain level they CANNOT participate except as victims. THAT is a simple matter of setting the code such that the Debuff does not actually trigger on a character below a certain level.

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Well, if we're going to bring "Real world" logic into this, then I expect everyone with the plague to be rounded up and quarantined in one location where they cannot spread it - as would be quite possible in "real world" with the level of technology displayed in SWTOR.


hehe they do in game as well, if you're on imp side at least. There is always a fleet announcement that if you've contracted the plague you'll be rounded up for termination. :rak_04:


EDIT: Overall though this does sound like a sensible suggestion.

Edited by Ridickilis
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That's an even better idea - rather than make people immune, just post fleet sentries, and anybody carrying the plague on to the respective fleet stations gets locked up/away from people as long as they remain infected - or killed if they try to proceed past the security checkpoint while infected.


Now we not only get the new players somewhat protected from the initial fallout, we get a little more immersion, because that's what those fleets would really be doing.

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This is a game, that people pay for, that is allowing other players to harass new players.


This is a bad thing.


Harassing? Easy now, people aren't head hunting noobs with the plague, the idea is to spread it to everyone they can which is the whole point of the plague. No need to over blow it with hyperbole.

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Yes, harassing. No matter how much you wrap it up in a package of sweet lies, in the end it's nothing but harassment: you interact with other players against their will and put a negative buff on them, having fun at their expenses. I'd say that clearly defines itself as harassment.

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In addition, if we want to go into the story:

my character is immune to the desease. Prooved that on Taris. The anti-bodies my characters metablosim created is the base the vaccine was made from. So the desease cannot affect me. Suddenly, it does?


Life finds a way. :rak_09:

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I agree if you are under the level required for the quest it should not affect you.


As far as the rest there is a injection or even a relic you can get.


I am not a big fan of this event but I get the injection so when I play I don't get infected and it normally last me until I log out.

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Yes, harassing. No matter how much you wrap it up in a package of sweet lies, in the end it's nothing but harassment: you interact with other players against their will and put a negative buff on them, having fun at their expenses. I'd say that clearly defines itself as harassment.


You know that there is a DAILY mission to in fact, spread the plague to 3 other people, right? Being that the Devs PUT said mission into the game, you are going to have a tough time with your harassment claim. Now I *do* support some sort of "free clinic" for low levels (1-24?) where they can immunize for free, but not the credit spammers!

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Yes, harassing. No matter how much you wrap it up in a package of sweet lies, in the end it's nothing but harassment: you interact with other players against their will and put a negative buff on them, having fun at their expenses. I'd say that clearly defines itself as harassment.


It's an actual part of the event. Lmao. It's not harassing. There is a Daily with the intent of infecting others. But sure, people are gunning for you. :rolleyes:


Edit: Looks like the guy above me pointed out that there is a daily for the infection.

Edited by SgtJeremy
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You know that there is a DAILY mission to in fact, spread the plague to 3 other people, right? Being that the Devs PUT said mission into the game, you are going to have a tough time with your harassment claim.

What's the difference? It doesn't matter wether there is a mission that tells you to do it or not. Harrassment stays harassment. Just because someone says "yea, go ahead, do it, I say it's fine" doen't mean that the receiving end - the victim - has to be alright with it. Wether something is harassment or not is never decided by the one doing it, or by some third party, but by the victim. And to me, being infected by some a**hole just because some lousy mission designe by a careless programmer tells him to do it, is harassment. The j**k spoils my fun, intenionally and knowingly. This has to stop.

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What's the difference? It doesn't matter wether there is a mission that tells you to do it or not. Harrassment stays harassment. Just because someone says "yea, go ahead, do it, I say it's fine" doen't mean that the receiving end - the victim - has to be alright with it. Wether something is harassment or not is never decided by the one doing it, or by some third party, but by the victim. And to me, being infected by some a**hole just because some lousy mission designe by a careless programmer tells him to do it, is harassment. The j**k spoils my fun, intenionally and knowingly. This has to stop.


The problem with you argument is that it is EA/BW's game. They set the rules not you. You can not be a victim in EA/BW's world if they say you are not. It is their game to do with as they want. Including add a quest to spread the plague. And to all of you "But I'm a SUB!!! I get to say what is right" people please remember that the sub you pay is to allow access to EA/BW's servers and have all available content which includes the rakghoul event which has a quest to spread the plague. Please get over yourselves it is over tomorrow.

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What's the difference? It doesn't matter wether there is a mission that tells you to do it or not. Harrassment stays harassment.

Spreading plague for the daily is no more harassment than PvPing is. It is a legit part of the game. It's just pixels. Deal with it.


Wether something is harassment or not is never decided by the one doing it, or by some third party, but by the victim

Wrong. Harassment is defined by the rules of the society in which the behavior takes place. In TOR, BWEA sets the rules. If you feel harassed, which is your right, and BWEA chooses not to regard the behavior as harassment, you have the option of simply not playing. Their game, their rules.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The problem with you argument is that it is EA/BW's game.[...]It is their game to do with as they want. Including add a quest to spread the plague.

And I, as a customer, can tell them they should stop doing this event, or rearrange it in a way that those who don't want to be in it aren't forced to either participate or spend in-game currency on a regular base to stay out. I can and will give them negative feedback everytime they do this BS again, until they finally change it.



Why do those who like the event bother? What would be different if there would be a free, vendor-independent "opt out"-button? The fact that all those j***s keep writing their stupid "buy vaccine", "then don't play" or "get over with it" just proves that it is only about anti-social behaviour. If anyone of those enjoying the event only had a minimal social competence they would agree with me, or at least wouldn't oppose the idea of implementing a real opt-out button. Wether my toons are immune to the plague or I am not palying for that week, both leads to the same end: my toons can'tbe infected, and thus there's one possible victim less available. So, implementing a real opt-out button would, in no way, change your gaming experience, but it would give me the option to play the game when I want it instead of not being able to use the holidays to enjoy the game because of a crappy and bad designed event.


Spreading plague for the daily is no more harassment than PvPing is.

Correct. But to avaoid PvP, I have that flag that is always turned off. All I am asking is for the exact same (not just similar like the f***ing vaccine) featurer to avoid that "infection"-PvP-BS.

Edited by Turajin
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And I, as a customer, can tell them they should stop doing this event, or rearrange it in a way that those who don't want to be in it aren't forced to either participate or spend in-game currency on a regular base to stay out. I can and will give them negative feedback everytime they do this BS again, until they finally change it.

They are not going to, unless enough players start canceling their subscription and give that as the reason why. I have a hunch a very tiny minority of players really get jacked up about this. Again, it's just a game. If your character gets infected, either let the infection run its course or go get the vaccine. Or don't play. Your choice.


For whatever reason, some people react as if they themselves are being subjected to the travails of their characters. As I posted elsewhere, these folks remind me of the guy from a few years ago on the LotRO forums who said slapping his character was the same as slapping him. And I am as sure as I can be that he was serious.

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For the record I do not participate in this event. However my answer is still the same. You have the right to not participate and give them negative feed back or unsub but it will do nothing to EA/BW. May I suggest a happy pill or a stiff drink? You need it.
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For whatever reason, some people react as if they themselves are being subjected to the travails of their characters.

All I am asking for a reasonable solurion to the problem. For some reasoin noone (propably not even you) understands, you counter the idea like a little child that has his toy taken away, crying, yelling and all the stuff.


As I said, it wouldn't spoil your fun if they implemented a real opt out button. The fact that you keep arguing against is tells me you are nothing but a j**k that gets his sick enjoyment by harassing other players.


Nuff said, but you on ignore where things like you belong to...

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