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Bought 2 CE copies of game , subbed for 2 6 monthes subs, wont run 2 games?


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All it takes is one google search. nuff said.


While i dual and multi boxed a few MMOs for the heck of it, i dont think that swtor is the game for it.

Have a second account in the background for crafting ? Yeah, i can see that. Not actual dualboxing though. Though thats just me.

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There is no point in doing this. Most people that do this is only so they can have a medic follow with with heal's in open world PvP and all that shows is how bad a player they are.



Why they don't allow it is basic. People would Bot accounts to sell gold and accounts them self's.

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I am pretty sure "boxing" is against the terms of agreement of most mmos.


I myself have reported in previous mmo, groups of 4 characters moving together in perfect synchrony, giving them insane advantages, especially in pvp, and spoke to the GM about it, and always been told that, they did not allow it.


I also once tried to run both my friend's account and my own over my pc, but the game would not start and moan that there was already an instance of it open (wow), so if you have to "hack" it to make it work, that breaks the TOA.

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Nothing illegal about mulitboxing. Its not something they'd even be allowed to deny. No need to hack anything to run multiple copies, runas.exe is your friend


Nobody said illegal, but the company can write whatever they want in the Terms of Agreement.


Which means that although is not illegal, it is also not allowed and can get you banned fro the game, many things goes against terms of conditions like Gold selling, and that is not an illegal action.


Also, if the game itself does not allow you to run 2 instances, so you have to resolve to virtual machine or whatever other trick, to run 2 copies, that I think goes pretty close to one of the clause written on the TOA, but I am no lawyer so do not quote me on that :)

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This seems by design as you can't run the launcher twice. The launcher actually checks for a running copy of the game and exits when it finds it. Many games simply don't do this sort of check but few are designed with this use in mind.


One PC running two copies of the game is common enough practice but still will only have a small minority of players who will doing it. If it's something that minority wants they will need to get this message seen. Best way may be to submit customer support tickets on occasion and wait it out.


Currently the best solution to those wanting to run two accounts at one desk is to have two computers. If that's not an option for the player in question then it's a matter of waiting to see if this will be added sometime.

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also, why restrict something that hackers can easily bypass anyways?


Because (For example) as opposed to have 5000 legit accounts botting, you will have maybe only 2000, as the rest will be banned by the mods.


It's a bit like saying, why having police? Criminals will shoot you anyways.

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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Because (For example) as opposed to have 5000 legit accounts botting, you will have maybe only 2000, as the rest will be banned by the mods.


It's a bit like saying, why having police? Criminal will shoot you anyways.


I see your point there. But multi clienting is hardly an issue I would say. For a game like this, that feature seems harmless. Unless you can point out a more specific reason as to why this feature shouldn't be implemented

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Multiboxers crack me up. If anyone of note is actually reading this thread.....please don't waste an ounce of time looking into this. Please work on other more important game features that would actually add value to the game. TY.
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I see your point there. But multi clienting is hardly an issue I would say. For a game like this, that feature seems harmless. Unless you can point out a more specific reason as to why this feature shouldn't be implemented


Well, Gold Farming is probably the second most big threat of the fall of an mmo (First one being bad design), so I'd say that is a pretty good reason, however, if you think about it, this is an mmo, which is about building a community, and if you bot by yourself, and play it solo constantly, you will kill that multilalyer aspect that the game is trying to achieve.


Imagine a server where you are asking to look for group, but most of the people around you do not want to group because they already have a second account, it means you will have even less chances to complete grouping instances, which will result in a singplayer game, with subscription.


This is what I think based on the past years experience, but perhaps there are more important reasons that I am not aware of.

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Why would you do this? What do you gain from playing two copies at the same time, unless you have someone else that's playing... and even then, why don't they have their own computer.


I highly doubt ANYONE but you is trying to do this and personally the concept has never even entered my mind...


Awnser: Dual box is widely spread especialy for PvP...imagine 2 Inquisitor and 2 pet 1 a tank one a healer and the 2 inq controle by 1 keyboard

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Well, Gold Farming is probably the second most big threat of the fall of an mmo (First one being bad design), so I'd say that is a pretty good reason, however, if you think about it, this is an mmo, which is about building a community, and if you bot by yourself, and play it solo constantly, you will kill that multilalyer aspect that the game is trying to achieve.


Imagine a server where you are asking to look for group, but most of the people around you do not want to group because they already have a second account, it means you will have even less chances to complete grouping instances, which will result in a singplayer game, with subscription.


This is what I think based on the past years experience, but perhaps there are more important reasons that I am not aware of.


In some cases, yes that would be an issue. But I remember from my WoW days, My friends and I only multiclient so that one character can be used as a mule. (just to note; we didn't have multiple accounts, we just shared our accounts... TOTALLY illegal xD). Also, farm botters can easily find ways to multi-client. So having this feature will really just benefit the legit players. If that makes sense? Lol

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The companies might allow it but the honest truth is that the large majority of your co-players think it's cheating.


There are good arguments for it, because to make it work in other games there are mods that make it so that there is a master toon and slave toons copying the master. Now I don't know about you but what the slave toons do sounds awfully like botting and no game (officially) allows that, although given the amount of bots in some games you'd think they don't care much.


In short any game that allows multiboxing is hypocritical about cheating just because they can get the extra $$$ from the multiboxers for multiple accounts.

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Now I don't know about you but what the slave toons do sounds awfully like botting and no game (officially) allows that, although given the amount of bots in some games you'd think they don't care much.




Having a setup that automates the actions of one or more characters in-game IS cheating and is against the ToS of every MMO that I have ever played. Whether the developers agree and feel they need to curb/stop this behavior is ultimately up to them.

Edited by iain_b
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  • 11 months later...

since SWTOR doesn't allow for third party addons, I don't see how multiboxer could possibly cheat. they would either have to have 2 keyboards, or manually switch between characters, if follow function fails. forget about attacking at the same time and scewing pvp balance.


the benefits I can see to a solo player doing that (and I actually for a bit considered creating a second, free account, that I would run on my SO's computer, while playing myself - while I like playing with friends, our schedules do not always match). group leveling experience bonus. social points. multiple gathering professions at the same time, having 2 companions for support instead of one, allowing for faster questing and possibly easier soloing of some of the group quests.

I also, due to above can see why bioware might frown on the idea and make it more difficult to implement for a player. they do after all try to keep it an MMO, rather then massively online single player game.


will they ever make it possible to run 2 clients at the same time on the same computer? I doubt it. I'm not sure how much effort it would take, but I'm guessing more then they can justify.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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