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This game has devolved into a complete money-spinning rip-off.


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Having to pay cartel coins for EVERYTHING.


As a player who commits to a sub every month, I shouldn't have to pay cartel coins for packs then have to pay again to use the items on another character.


All pack drops should be account-wide. Minor cosmetic changes should be free to subs also, or have a minor credit cost.


Legacy unlocks with prohibitive credit alternative costs leave no real option but to spend coins on alts. It's ridiculous. I'm all for micro-transactions, but, for instance, 240 coins to unlock a color crystal for account is stupid. At least moderate the cost some for subbers, it's not like you're not getting your pound of flesh every month, is it?


The money-grubbing just puts MMO players off this game. That and the stupid amount of time devoted to new ways to screw more money out of the playerbase while glaring game bugs go unfixed because what devs Bioware have are busy coding a new jetpack and sundry other fluff crap.

Edited by Koppster
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Having to pay cartel coins for EVERYTHING.


As a player who commits to a sub every month, I shouldn't have to pay cartel coins for packs then have to pay again to use the items on another character.


All pack drops should be account-wide. Minor cosmetic changes should be free to subs also, or have a minor credit cost.


Legacy unlocks with prohibitive credit alternative costs leave no real option but to spend coins on alts. It's ridiculous. I'm all for micro-transactions, but, for instance, 240 coins to unlock a color crystal for account is stupid. At least moderate the cost some for subbers, it's not like you're not getting your pound of flesh every month, is it?


The money-grubbing just puts MMO players off this game. That and the stupid amount of time devoted to new ways to screw more money out of the playerbase while glaring game bugs go unfixed because what devs Bioware have are busy coding a new jetpack and sundry other fluff crap.


Basically you feel that because you pay $15 a month you shouldn't have to PAY to unlock the cartel item in collections?


Sounds like more Entitlement BS to me.


P.s. You want to see a true nickle and dime MMO go play some of the Korean ones who have P2W cash shops then come back and complain about TORS CM.

Edited by Anaesha
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Every mmo turned into a complete turd recently.

This is the future, and you should get used to it. People are abandoning the genre, and the studious/corporations are in distress how to profit on their games.

It is happening to literally every single mmo.

Complaining about it is pointless. The devs are hostages to big corporate interests. It is not about the game anymore, but about the financial model.

And as you can see in SWTOR, we are getting small planets, bugged operations, but perfectly fine working cartel packs.

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You haven't seen money hungry rip offs like those Korean MMOs. Where if you want to do all the end game content you need to pay, a lot. Paying for vanity items is something 99% of MMOs do. And you are free to pay Credits for the items you want instead of Cartel Coins. But you'd have to buy the item X amount of times depending on how many characters you wish to have the same item.
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Did someone say entitlement? *takes a shot*


They don't have to say it out right. The moment they say "I pay you $15 a month I shouldn't blah blah" It's basically putting up a HUGE neon sign saying I feel entitled to this.

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No-one said anything about entitlement, there's just little incentive to support this game by paying a monthly sub since you get screwed nearly as much as the f2p/preferred players.


I could just grind credits and pay for everything that way, which just alienates players even more from the MMO since most of us have real jobs and don't need a 2nd one online.


Yes the genre is haemorrhaging customers as a whole and the best these companies can come up with is, "screw those customers that stick with us even harder".


Great business plan. I think I'll go back to playing Elite Dangerous.

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That, in addition to the fact they've been absolutely butchered. Ziost, as it stands right now, is absolutely depressing.


Sign of the times I guess.


Still better having it as it is than not having it at all. :cool:


That's your opinion, I love Ziost. At first I was like, 'This just looks like they mixed snow into Balmorra' but then it moved into more Dromund Kaas-esque architecture.

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I'm not on the PTS currently, but the pics of Ziost are just sad...just looks like "Oricon sans lava" to me.


The fact that it appears to be another single map planet....meh.


(dear god I hope I am wrong about that though, feel free to correct me if I am)

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I'm not on the PTS currently, but the pics of Ziost are just sad...just looks like "Oricon sans lava" to me.


The fact that it appears to be another single map planet....meh.


(dear god I hope I am wrong about that though, feel free to correct me if I am)





^^ You've been warned.


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Did someone at Bioware lose their crayons? where's the color? lol



It is likely the former Sith Emperor was successful in his endeavor, and all life on Ziost was devoured as a result. The planet Nathema, over a thousand years ago, suffered the same fate.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You don't see the top MMO in the World doing this ****, do you?


Actually, if you are referring to WoW, they have recently stopped adding new mount models in any form except for store mounts. Every single unique mount they make will cost you either $25 or $30. Also, WoW has no F2P version to max level. swtor has the best F2P model I have ever played. (though I am enjoying the game enough that I subbed)

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You don't even know what I'm referring to. :rolleyes:


Keep on trolling regardless.


Okay, because the final area wasn't on the PTS I can't pass judgment on the several areas we HAVE been able to play so far?


Keep on trolling regardless.


Might as well change your name to 'Darth Pretentious'.

Edited by Djiini
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Okay, because the final area wasn't on the PTS I can't pass judgment on the several areas we HAVE been able to play so far?


And even in that you are wrong.


Might as well change your name to 'Darth Pretentious'.


Not exactly my fault you try to delve into a subject you are obviously oblivious to.


That be all on you.


It has nothing to do with being pretentious; there's a reason for the use of the word "butchered".

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Also, WoW has no F2P version to max level.


Do you seriously consider that a viable way to play the game, at the atrocious rate of xp gain for non-subbers? Besides, you're wrong. you can't get to 60 without buying Revan.


WoW has transmog for FREE, which in this game would neatly nip the cartel market for armor sets and the extortion to account unlock them in the bud. I hear there's some sort of sound-alike in 3.2. I'll believe it when I see it. I would have thought it was too much of a cash-cow.


WoW has a much larger playerbase and therefore the subs sustain the game, with the occosional cosmetic micro-transaction and player services to fatten the balance sheets.


Even if the subs dropped to swtor levels, I doubt Blizzard would turn around and spit in the faces of their day 1 players by making them take out their wallets to compensate for their fail.

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