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Do something with SM Underlurker already, TOS has been wasting for nearly 4 months


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Yes, voice-chatting seasoned raiders can get past this boss, more casual guilds let alone PUGs roadblock on it over and over. You've admitted yourself only a fraction fo players bothers with TOS, what could possibly be the reason oh my? Maybe because most assume the run won't finish more than 2 bosses? This is the worst SM balancing in any ops in the game ever released, forget the EC Tanks or DP Council, this boss is overdone on every aspect in story mode.


It's been 4 MONTHS already, we're gonna be approaching halfway point of the current 2 operations' main life cycle soon and most still either haven't seen 4th and 5th bosses or only few times thx to lockout run.


HM level of dps, healing, tacs and co-ordination belong in HM modes.


Do you know they are not releasing new ops this fall right? Well, TOS must last them all 2016 stil....

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I don't know... things have gotten better I think. We are clearing ToS SM weekly with new people who have never done the Op before. In addition, I'm seeing less and less gearing issues so to speak.


Now, having said that, I wonder what the Op will be like when it scales up?

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The Underlurker fight is a DPS CHECK. Having said that, so many casuals out there do not understand what "Optimizing your gear" entails. When you get 186 comms gear from Yavin, you are NOT ready to run SM Underlurker on TOS, especially in terms of DPS and Healers. So much of that gear is overloaded with Crit. DPS do NOT need that much. The mods and enhancements in most of that gear MUST be immediately swapped out for matching mods and enhancements that have POWER in them. Healers should take a similar approach to their gear, but it's okay to hold on to a little more crit vs. the DPS. Also, properly augmenting your gear also goes a long way to making sure you are ready for bosses like UL, and by properly augmenting the gear, I mean putting the correct augments in. Level 60 DPS stacking Power instead of Crit can go from a measly 780 bonus damage to a 1250-1300 and that makes a HUGE difference in your numbers!


Case in point: I see so many tanks in game right now with 65k HP. I dont need to inspect their gear to discover that they are augmenting their gear with Endurance based augments. THIS IS NOT CORRECT. When you stack Endurance instead of mitigation stats, such as Defense and/or Absorb and Shield, you are hurting your team. Healers need to burn more of their energy pools and spend more time on keeping you up vs. spreading heals out properly among the entire team. It also hurts you as the Tank because your Defensive CD's are not as good as they could potentially be, which again requires the healers to spend more time on you vs. the team. As a Tank, you should not be losing 25% of your health immediately following the initial pull of the boss. Period. Mitigation is the key to having this NOT happen to you and keeping you alive longer.

And what was the point of your necro? We know that. Doesn't change that many players dont and the fight is overtuned compared to other 9 bosses on SM. It doesn't matter how many posts like this you write or how many hours you spend on fleet chats on each server explaining optimization. On average, this boss is not what it should be on SM level next to other bosses, it results in too many wipes and needs to be nerfed. Period.
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The boss is so easy lol if you're using TS or mumble etc


Our guild 6manned it, because we wanted to gear one guy fully thus no pugs, did it on mostly 192gear. I know, there are some that 4manned it, but we aren't hardcore pve guild. This boss is an example of how much of a skill gap there is in swtor, its really is a joke if you got decent players.

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