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Outfit designer = useless ?


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Dear Bioware,


I was desperately hoping the outfit designer to be a clever way to switch from my PVE gear to PVP in one click. Even from my HEAL gear to DPS or TANK.


But no.


It seems to be only a cosmic wardrobe to show how good are our fashion tastes. Nothing more.


Disappointed, I'm really are.



Edited by BanGyaMan
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look on the Brightside, it will KILL the value of most noncartel adaptive armor, farming armor parts will soon be a thing of the past. Just equip the ugly, free, adaptive sets you get with every new toon, and craft up some zero value greens to get the look you want. Of course there will still be new cartel sets to spend real money on, their not going to kill their own profits, just the income of those of us who managed to get one of those rare adaptive armors that actually had some value.
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Dear Bioware,


I was desperately hoping the outfit designer to be a clever way to switch from my PVE gear to PVP in one click. Even from my HEAL gear to DPS or TANK.


But no.


It seems to be only a cosmic wardrobe to show how good are our fashion tastes. Nothing more.


Disappointed, I'm really are.



What you just wrote makes me feel really sad.


So this outfit designer is definitely not what I expected.


You obviously mismanaged your expections, like a great many other players over the last three years or so. Nothing about it from the name to the info we ever got on it ever gave me the impression it would ever be anything more than a way to customize our appearance.


look on the Brightside, it will KILL the value of most noncartel adaptive armor, farming armor parts will soon be a thing of the past. Just equip the ugly, free, adaptive sets you get with every new toon, and craft up some zero value greens to get the look you want. Of course there will still be new cartel sets to spend real money on, their not going to kill their own profits, just the income of those of us who managed to get one of those rare adaptive armors that actually had some value.


See what's rolling down my face? They are tears because my heart is literally breaking for you.

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Agreed. Maybe I hyperbolized a bit too much. I just tried to be catchy with this title. And apparently it works.


I do think switching from a gear to an another one by just a click is a better idea than what they propose.


They should hire me for this idea. Or not.


ps: sorry about my english, it's late, and it's not my mother-language.

Edited by BanGyaMan
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It's going to mean a change in the economy; players with lots of alts won't have to spend quite as much getting augments and kits for all of them if they don't want to. So what? There will still be a market - no matter what every character's going to need at least 5 kits/augments not counting companions.... I already see a lot of people using legacy sets. The main difference for them is that they will get to look how they want to, not that they will be spending more/less on the GTN.
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But now they can equip Heavy armour whilst appearing to wear Light armour without any penalty to their armour rating... This was not previously the case.


If my understanding is correct, it's not the actual armor that is changing. It's just the look of it right?

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It's not their fault that it's not what YOU were expecting.


Thanks for the lesson, was really interresting.


I'm probably stubborn, but I'm surprised that this idea (switching from a gear to an another one through the outfit designer) come from me and not from people paid to bring...ideas.


Just imagine how faster it could be to use only a button to switch your gear, how many space you can save in your inventory. It's not only fashion, it's clever.


And I'm not sure what I expected is a foolish proposition. Or maybe yes.

Edited by BanGyaMan
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Thanks for the lesson, was really interresting.


I'm probably stubborn, but I'm surprised that this idea (switching from a gear to an another one through the outfit designer) come from me and not from people paid to bring...ideas.


And I'm not sure what I expected is a foolish proposition. Or maybe yes.


It's not really your idea. This has been brought up before. A long time ago in fact. If/when it gets put in, it will be when the developers make it a priority. Still, to expect anything other than what the name implies, was entirely on your end.

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actualy thats the thing. it ISN'T a CC sink


Of course it is, just a different one. The idea being we get so addicted to playing Sims in Space, we pay for all the tabs, if we use CCs along the way, all the better.


I would expect them to review the low credit prices on the PTS and make it more appealing to use CCs rather than credits.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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It's not really your idea.


Do you really think I believe "I'm the only one who ever had this idea" ?


Of course I'm not. But whatever, it's off topic.


I just hope someone from Bioware will check this thread out and maybe, MAYBE, one day, if any god allows it, we will have a really useful tool.

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Of course it is, just a different one. The idea being we get so addicted to playing Sims in Space, we pay for all the tabs, if we use CCs along the way, all the better.




I still don't have a fortress. And I'll never have one. Especially because I always hated Sims.

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So, Bioware, will you reply to this thread ?


Show us what do you think about all of this.


Do you guys plan to give us a device to switch quickly from a gear to an another one ?

Edited by BanGyaMan
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Oh this is again a pathetic heist from blizzard... Guys you dont have to copy&paste the Blizzard server notes. Do your own thing...


Make the cloth changing cheaper... thats all^^ Oh and more inportant, give us a option for gear change... allways the oldshool, search and click, slot by slot:eek:

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