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This is very strange


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Ok so I logged into my character today and I had some mail. It said that this mail was from "character that has been deleted"

Subject: I will kill u


The message in the mail read "I will ******* kill u one day!!!"


This happened to a character that I created literately seconds ago as I am about to play through the imperial agent storyline so it must have been automatically generated. I'm not angry or offended but it's very strange and does anyone know about this?

Picture here https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/11074136_10204250196682703_1963785210_n.jpg?oh=45a6d86221983f65c1ffd5df6e48d138&oe=55123354&__gda__=1427319180_aa8e62f31890479ae0054156bb934174

Edited by Joefarouk
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Maybe someone spelled the name of someone they actually hated incorrectly and it made its way to you?


Edit: Either that or credit spammers have decided to take a much more aggressive approach. Let's see if it pays off for them Cotton.

Edited by azudelphi
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Maybe someone spelled the name of someone they actually hated incorrectly and it made its way to you?


It can't be, no one could have had the name "Character has been deleted" cause it's too long and I had the mail literetly as I logged in for the first time on this character so ofc I was like "***"

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Since it said "character has been deleted" I wonder if there was simply a psycho who was spamming anyone they saw in a search with that email...then either enough reports or an auto "okay this is just too crazy" algorithm kicked in banning the character. Maybe the OP just had the odd fortune of being the last target?
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Since it said "character has been deleted" I wonder if there was simply a psycho who was spamming anyone they saw in a search with that email...then either enough reports or an auto "okay this is just too crazy" algorithm kicked in banning the character. Maybe the OP just had the odd fortune of being the last target?


Thats possible, I thought it might be some bioware joke, that some character I deleted was out for vengence or something and I thought it was kind of funny.

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I took a pic on my phone because I thought I would be able to share in on here but I can't.


Use the mail report function, eventhough the character has been deleted I am sure they can lock on to the account that sent it.

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I say "Pictures or it didn't happen".


Upload it to something like imgur or whatever, and post the link.


You do realize that when people say "pics or it didn't happen" that doesn't mean it actually happened or is real. You can still alter a photo or screenshot with photoshop sometimes in a matter of minutes to make it look like it supports your cause right? Because if a person REALLY wants to convince somebody they will do that. Just throwing that out there :)

Edited by Sarfux
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Nooo, like I said I recived this mail on a character that had literately just been made so it must have been automatically generated because I had the mail when I logged in and I hadn't contacted any other player before chekcing my mail (like 20 secs after initial login) Edited by Joefarouk
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Nooo, like I said I recived this mail on a character that had literately just been made so it must have been automatically generated because I had the mail when I logged in and I hadn't contacted any other player before chekcing my mail (like 20 secs after initial login)

A newly created character? What newly created characters start on Balmorra with the mission "Big Guns" already active?


Hmmm... maybe you created a new character to send this mail to one of your own toons, deleting the character immeadetely thereafter, logging back to your old toon... just to have something to troll about?

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What actually happened was that Revan meant to sent this to the Emperor and somehow got misplaced. As for the character no longer exists well... let's just say he is now whole again and sane.


Well at least they were kind enough to give you 1 credit :)

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What actually happened was that Revan meant to sent this to the Emperor and somehow got misplaced. As for the character no longer exists well... let's just say he is now whole again and sane.


Well at least they were kind enough to give you 1 credit :)


You know who attaches 1 cred? Gold sellers. Revan was a friggin' gold seller, good riddance.

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Ok so I logged into my character today and I had some mail. It said that this mail was from "character that has been deleted"

Subject: I will kill u


The message in the mail read "I will ******* kill u one day!!!"


This happened to a character that I created literately seconds ago as I am about to play through the imperial agent storyline so it must have been automatically generated. I'm not angry or offended but it's very strange and does anyone know about this?

Picture here https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/11074136_10204250196682703_1963785210_n.jpg?oh=45a6d86221983f65c1ffd5df6e48d138&oe=55123354&__gda__=1427319180_aa8e62f31890479ae0054156bb934174


It looks like everything in this post is a lie. I'm not sure what the OP was hoping to gain from this, but I hope you end up getting what you deserve for it.

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