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Rise of the Emperor - let's discuss it


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Evil-Zombie Kephess picture, outfit system from LOTRO, pink movie tie-in speeder. What's everyone's thoughts? I'm really curious.

If you didn't catch the live stream, they have notes up everywhere. If you have and if you've heard, what's the consensus.


btw, my own reaction in the siggy.

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Rise of the Emperor is just incredible in my opinion. I've tried it out on PTS and it blew my mind away, of course with whatever bioware has in store for us that's actually new and interesting, something to keep me focused for the next few days or so is perfect.

They left us with a big tease on PTS though with the final mission bugging out, so I assume we will get to do a lot more on April 28.

To experience Ziost was just incredible, although it didn't have much to explore, I'm not disappointed with it, I'm actually glad we get a new planet, and who knows it might be a daily planet, might have a lot more we don't know about yet.

Upon the emperor returning, I knew it would happen eventually.

I'm hoping once April 28 hits we will start seeing some new flash points maybe an operation we can solo like on Yavin four, but besides that I'm just excited and sad, sad because I have to wait >.<

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It seems a little on the short side and perhaps a little lacking depth from a story point of view. I thought people were asking for more class story; more so than an outfit designer. I was a bit surprised when they said the second video was half way through and I got to it after 30 minuets I was thinking this can't be right. and it looks very similar for both factions.


As for the cantina stuff not really looking to fly to the states for a mount I wouldn't use, the outfit designer is just saving outfit looks not so much a designer. I don't recall much else from the live stream.


Fairly certain though Kephis is not ever coming back and that was a joke.

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It was pretty damn amazing.


Being carefully optimistic here, but it seems like the folks at BioWare meant what they said about putting the emphasis back on story. If they keep this up, the future's looking bright. I mean, this was a hell of a lot of story content in a patch, not an expansion.


Musco and the devs also pulled it off perfectly on the stream. I was just casually listening in as they discussed the Choose Your Path stuff, when suddenly, out of nowhere, "Oh by the way, Rise of the Emperor is now on the PTS!" I've never dealt with the PTS before, but I immediately went to read the instructions and sat through like 6 hours of downloading. And it was totally worth it.


Well played, Eric :cool:


I gotta say the writing staff outdid themselves, and I don't mean just in the overall story. I won't go into spoilers, but you know how in most dialogue wheels, option 1 has a unique line for your class? Well, in a lot of the conversations here, all 3 choices are unique per class. It may not be new class missions, but it definitely fleshes out and adds more depth to our characters.

Edited by ThirdDementor
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Like most content patches, its pretty good but its not gonna last 2-3 months till the next patch.

Ziost is looks pretty good and the quests are quick, simple and good credits. The 190 gear is very useful for gearing up new people for SM raids. The outfit designer is very simplistic but does all it really needs to. The travel improvements are great.

But story content is once you've done it , its over then you have nothing to do again.

Edited by DarthZaul
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Like most content patches, its pretty good but its not gonna last 2-3 months till the next patch.

Ziost is looks pretty good and the quests are quick, simple and good credits. The 190 gear is very useful for gearing up new people for SM raids. The outfit designer is very simplistic but does all it really needs to. The travel improvements are great.

But story content is once you've done it , its over then you have nothing to do again.


Well there is that not-yet-implemented TC style world boss with a lockout...

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Is everyone serious? lol They showed a screenshot of a zombie looking Kephess.

The Emperor is taking over people's minds, there's a jedi group called the 6th line or whatever, and ....seriously?

Does anyone here remember playing KOTOR one an two?

or I dunno, played the recent Dragon Age Inquisition?


This writing is a shadow of what it could be. The Emperor is nothing like how one would imagine him to be from the book, Revan. Guess those writers are gone.


No new class specific story lines was it for me when they announced it what, last year? The bone they through us on Rishi was an insult.


No decent class changes. No talk of soling the queue times. Nothing at all about improving the game itself. Just more fluff, more distractions to tide over star wars fans. Which, I find amusing considering this game isn't even canon anymore.

Official stance is Disney/Lucas hasn't confirmed this to be canon. Yet they don't want to destroy the game by saying it isn't. They told Bioware to just keep doing what they're doing since this game is set so far back in time it will have no bearing on the future of star wars.

That said, the lore is game is based on is definitely NOT canon. The books and games prior are officially OUT. So Ziost? probably not even considered the same way in the new expanded universe.

Now if this game's story was as good as the two games it was inspired by, I could let slide the 'not being canon' issue. But since the story isn't, and the PvP -- which is the second selling point with me -- seems to be constantly overlooked...I've had it. I'm done.


Been with this game since beta. Defended it from all the hate post launch, all the hate after the free to play announcement, all the justifiable hate from rohc patch. Just can't defend it anymore. I understand the rants many a person has made, and the videos of them saying good bye to this game.

It's not a sequel to KOTOR 2, it's a bastardization of those amazing games.


My own rant is in the siggy.


To those that think this patch is amazing....I'm glad you do. Glad you can find something positive in it. I'm sure I would too if the rest of the game was running smooth. Or that I knew the 'major' concerns were being addressed/in the process of being fixed.

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They left us with a big tease on PTS though with the final mission bugging out, so I assume we will get to do a lot more on April 28.


What makes you think it's a bug?


To me it looks like a typical way to block players from progressing into areas that are still under development.

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Well, see, the emperor is like a pile of unbaked bread dough.


"The Emperor is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get."


It could be a guy with a brain helmet; it could be a Voss Mystic, or an old man in a temple, or perhaps a purple beam. You could also get an Imperial soldier, a female Jedi, an angry mob, or sometimes just a disembodied voice.

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Is everyone serious? lol They showed a screenshot of a zombie looking Kephess.

The Emperor is taking over people's minds, there's a jedi group called the 6th line or whatever, and ....seriously?

Does anyone here remember playing KOTOR one an two?

or I dunno, played the recent Dragon Age Inquisition?


Well, excuse us for daring to have our own opinions different from yours...



Story-wise, you need to remember that SWTOR is an MMO. Not a typical one, granted, buts still an MMO, and as such it simply can not offer multiple expansive, complex story arcs. Single player games are for that and you should never compare SWTOR to KOTOR or DA:I. Totally different media.


Also, this is a free PATCH, not a paid EXPANSION, so don't expect hours of gameplay from it.

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you know how in most dialogue wheels, option 1 has a unique line for your class? Well, in a lot of the conversations here, all 3 choices are unique per class. It may not be new class missions, but it definitely fleshes out and adds more depth to our characters.

Hmm. Well, that's...something.

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Story-wise, you need to remember that SWTOR is an MMO. Not a typical one, granted, buts still an MMO, and as such it simply can not offer multiple expansive, complex story arcs.

Is there some other kind of game that does offer multiple expansive complex story arcs?

Single player games are for that


and you should never compare SWTOR to KOTOR or DA:I. Totally different media.

I don't know. I'd say that in terms of multiplicity and expansiveness, the vanilla swtor content is by far superior to kotor. It simply has more and bigger stories. I haven't played DA:I, and maybe I never will, but as far as I know that has one overall storyline, rather than eight - so I would guess swtor beats that also. So...to me, vanilla swtor, despite being an MMO, is better in those respects than single player games.


One big reason it had such multiple and expansive stories was the original budget. The size of the original budget was, I think, largely due not to its being an MMO per se, but the kind of payment model it would use - subscriptions.


So...the reason not to expect multiple expansive stories from new swtor content isn't that it's an MMO, but that the budget has dried up. If they'd had a stable base of 10 million subscribers, I think they would have continued with multiple expansive stories, MMO or not.

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This writing is a shadow of what it could be. The Emperor is nothing like how one would imagine him to be from the book, Revan.


Your opinion.


No decent class changes. No talk of soling the queue times. Nothing at all about improving the game itself. Just more fluff, more distractions to tide over star wars fans.


Yeah, uh, news flash, TOR's only selling point is its story and voice acting. The rest is crap. The rest will always be crap compared to innumerable other MMOs that can be named.


Official stance is Disney/Lucas hasn't confirmed this to be canon. Yet they don't want to destroy the game by saying it isn't. They told Bioware to just keep doing what they're doing since this game is set so far back in time it will have no bearing on the future of star wars.

That said, the lore is game is based on is definitely NOT canon. The books and games prior are officially OUT. So Ziost? probably not even considered the same way in the new expanded universe.

Now if this game's story was as good as the two games it was inspired by, I could let slide the 'not being canon' issue.


Who the **** cares what Lucas thinks? And this game's story is far better than KOTOR 2's, that's for sure. 'Destroy the game'? How many people would quit if Disney said TOR isn't canon? And then how many of those people aren't being dumb?



It's not a sequel to KOTOR 2,


Yeah? It only took you, what, 4 years to realize that?



My major responses out of the way.

Edited by Djiini
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If quality of expansions will rise by a similar standard to the quality of patches with this patch then we're in for a good year.


Don't think there's ever been a meatier patch. Perhaps in the early era with the rakgh. plague event and the flashpoints. If this isn't just a blip and we're talking similar levels with 3.3 and onwards then w000t.

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The patch is ok, the story is pretty solid and it seems relatively bug free but all this 'biggest ever' is a little overblown for an area about the same in scale as Orion but not including the 2 operations.


Unless they have something big in store that's not on the PTS yet it is an afternoons worth of content even for multiple toons.

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