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Sell Me On the Marauder...please?


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I've been doing PVP in this game for quite a long time, and before anybody tells me that I just suck; I suck more than I normally do with the marauder, so I´m not sure that's it. As always though, I'm still improving and have a long way to go.


I'm really trying to come up with a reason to continue doing pvp with this class, but can't find any reason not to just start up a juggernaut instead. It seems like the lack of utility and defense isn't really offset by the supposed increase in damage (Which seems to be situational because I find myself wasting time closing distance with people a lot. Whoever decided you shouldn't be able to force charge a sniper in cover is sadistic).


So please give me some pointers on how to make pvp with this class more efficient/enjoyable. What does the mara really bring to a warzone that the jugg doesn't right now? As I said, I am continually trying to get better at this game so non-douche replies are greatly appreciated.


edit: I've been playing in Carnage. So far it seems good for bursting down guys that are already damaged. It would be nice if Gore lasted another 1.5 sec or so...

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Play what's fun.


Play something not many other people are playing.


Maras are still great in 1 vs 1s.


If you're doing very well with a mara now, any future buff, you'll be above the rest.


Still probably the most difficult class to play, not counting the fact that it's under performing.

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Won't lie, playing Mara is rough right now.


BUT if you enjoy the playstyle and like running around whacking things like a caffeinated hamster, power to ya. I main a sentderp and typically put out good numbers, but fall short in medal count when compared my Sage and Guardian.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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It sounds like I am just going to have to deal with being dog class of the month for a while. :) It is fun to play the class, no doubt about that, at least when I fight other melee fighters. With all the roots and slows, ranged opponents are giving me trouble.


Maybe switch to Fury so I can get Obliterate for another gap-closer?

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Marauder promotional ad.


You are running towards your enemy, you can feel the feet pound against the ground. Light sabers humming in each hand. You are a warrior, you are Sith, you are a Marauder. Nothing will stop you. The twin fury of your light sabers blazing as you approach your victim. A mere private in the republic army, they hide behind what appears to be a glowing laundry basket.


Silly little private the marauder thinks smugly to himself. To think a lone solder could stand up to the might and power of the Sith? The marauder senses little to no force in this dual weapon wielding soldier. He slows his pace for a moment, senses a Jedi in battle in the far distance. Perhaps he should ignore this lowly soldier and fight the bigger picture.


Thinking the soldier would be grateful to be ignored by a Sith Warrior, the marauder turns his back to head for the Jedi when a bolt of energy singles his cheek as it flies past him crashing through branches and causing the avian wildlife to flee the safety of their nests.


So, the soldier wishes to fight. The marauder spins the light sabers in his hands idly thinking of how he would approach the situation. He could see the enemy ahead take aim, the trigger was being pulled.


He vanished, the force was strong with him, being able to force the enemy to think he was invisible as he rushed to the position of the soldier. Now mere feet in front of his now victim the marauder revealed himself. He was sure the soon to be dead solder would be horrified.




The soldier took one look at him and a massive explosion sent him flying away. The marauder stood there blinking, what had happened? He couldn't move, he felt frozen in place, was it fear? No, fear would power his hate for he would destroy this soldier who dare defy him. He felt energy in his legs once more, and flung his light saber at the enemy. They mere ducked behind their cover and took no harm. Once more the lone republic soldier fired his weapon and once more the marauder was stuck in place. The enemy opened fired on him. He could do nothing but fight desperately as a salvo of four shots forced him backwards. He regained his composure and once more sprinted at the enemy, determined to take him on.


Once more he found himself pushed back by the precise attacks of the enemy. He decided he would call up on the force to increase his speed, he surprised the enemy as he neared quickly but they ducked and rolled out of the way . The marauder looked down at his legs and found himself stuck in place once more. What sorcery was this? How could a single soldier take on a Sith Warrior?


He found himself weary as he fought an uphill battle to take on this now seemingly omnipotent adversary. It seemed every time he made an effort to get close he was pushed back, or frozen in place.


Minutes had passed as the marauder now wandered aimlessly, blinded by the enemies defenses. His ears ringing matched the hum of his blades, he stumbled about feeling sick to his stomach. His blurred vision recovered quickly to the aid of the force and found himself sensing danger in all directions. Before he could move a blast from the sky slammed down on his position. The orbital defense set up by the republic must have sensed his position. He grinned mischievously. He had personally been responsible for disarming and lowering the power to their orbital defense. It was mere childs play compared to the storm the force could unleash. Sadly he lacked the know how or strength to do so, but some say it is the gods that can unleash that kind of power.


A glint from one of the pistols scope caught his eyes from the cliff side. So the enemy had found higher ground. That was fine. He summoned the force and prepared to leap to his target...he forced his legs to move. He couldn't. For some reason it felt as if the force had abandoned him. He felt the overwhelming confidence of his prey and knew no more.




Well....not sure what I was doing here, but yeah this should motivate you to play....right? Marauder wooo....*claps*...

Edited by VixenRawR
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Marauder promotional ad.


You are running towards your enemy, you can feel the feet pound against the ground. Light sabers humming in each hand. You are a warrior, you are Sith, you are a Marauder. Nothing will stop you. The twin fury of your light sabers blazing as you approach your victim. A mere private in the republic army, they hide behind what appears to be a glowing laundry basket.


Silly little private the marauder thinks smugly to himself. To think a lone solder could stand up to the might and power of the Sith? The marauder senses little to no force in this dual weapon wielding soldier. He slows his pace for a moment, senses a Jedi in battle in the far distance. Perhaps he should ignore this lowly soldier and fight the bigger picture.


Thinking the soldier would be grateful to be ignored by a Sith Warrior, the marauder turns his back to head for the Jedi when a bolt of energy singles his cheek as it flies past him crashing through branches and causing the avian wildlife to flee the safety of their nests.


So, the soldier wishes to fight. The marauder spins the light sabers in his hands idly thinking of how he would approach the situation. He could see the enemy ahead take aim, the trigger was being pulled.


He vanished, the force was strong with him, being able to force the enemy to think he was invisible as he rushed to the position of the soldier. Now mere feet in front of his now victim the marauder revealed himself. He was sure the soon to be dead solder would be horrified.




The soldier took one look at him and a massive explosion sent him flying away. The marauder stood there blinking, what had happened? He couldn't move, he felt frozen in place, was it fear? No, fear would power his hate for he would destroy this soldier who dare defy him. He felt energy in his legs once more, and flung his light saber at the enemy. They mere ducked behind their cover and took no harm. Once more the lone republic soldier fired his weapon and once more the marauder was stuck in place. The enemy opened fired on him. He could do nothing but fight desperately as a salvo of four shots forced him backwards. He regained his composure and once more sprinted at the enemy, determined to take him on.


Once more he found himself pushed back by the precise attacks of the enemy. He decided he would call up on the force to increase his speed, he surprised the enemy as he neared quickly but they ducked and rolled out of the way . The marauder looked down at his legs and found himself stuck in place once more. What sorcery was this? How could a single soldier take on a Sith Warrior?


He found himself weary as he fought an uphill battle to take on this now seemingly omnipotent adversary. It seemed every time he made an effort to get close he was pushed back, or frozen in place.


Minutes had passed as the marauder now wandered aimlessly, blinded by the enemies defenses. His ears ringing matched the hum of his blades, he stumbled about feeling sick to his stomach. His blurred vision recovered quickly to the aid of the force and found himself sensing danger in all directions. Before he could move a blast from the sky slammed down on his position. The orbital defense set up by the republic must have sensed his position. He grinned mischievously. He had personally been responsible for disarming and lowering the power to their orbital defense. It was mere childs play compared to the storm the force could unleash. Sadly he lacked the know how or strength to do so, but some say it is the gods that can unleash that kind of power.


A glint from one of the pistols scope caught his eyes from the cliff side. So the enemy had found higher ground. That was fine. He summoned the force and prepared to leap to his target...he forced his legs to move. He couldn't. For some reason it felt as if the force had abandoned him. He felt the overwhelming confidence of his prey and knew no more.




Well....not sure what I was doing here, but yeah this should motivate you to play....right? Marauder wooo....*claps*...


Solid. Fukking. Gold.

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You play a marauder so you can /fistbump with pride when you defeat any ranged class in a 1v1.




That... and predation spam.


In all seriousness, if you like the "warrior" melee kind of class, but want something more challenging than a Jugg, you'll probably like mara.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Marauder promotional ad.


You are running towards your enemy, you can feel the feet pound against the ground. Light sabers humming in each hand. You are a warrior, you are Sith, you are a Marauder. Nothing will stop you. The twin fury of your...


I have read up to here, it is enough.


Then *snare - snare - root - stun - snare - hard stun - dead*

Edited by rosikquit
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They look aesthetic as ****. If you with a healer in regs you will be fine. I run with a mara a lot on harbinger and he is almost always top dps even being under geared. The damage is there you just need a little support.


You need full on 1 on 1 pocket healer to survive. =) Marauders are pretty much on life support in warzones, as long as you keep pumping the fluids *heals* they will survive. Pull the plug and they flat line and die. xD

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You need full on 1 on 1 pocket healer to survive. =) Marauders are pretty much on life support in warzones, as long as you keep pumping the fluids *heals* they will survive. Pull the plug and they flat line and die. xD


That's not true at all. Do they need a healer? Yes but it's not that bad if you don't.

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That's not true at all. Do they need a healer? Yes but it's not that bad if you don't.


This. A marauder can be played without a healer, but it is helpful to have one. With how the game is right now you obviously should have one, but just because you don't have a pocket healer doesn't mean you can't put out good numbers.

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