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If you're leaving, what do you hope to see if you return?


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What do you people wish to see?


A combat team that listens to feedback and acts on that feedback properly, not whatever it is we have right now. I'm at a complete loss and a bit more than just miffed at the awful changes coming through for 3.1.2 for my preferred class, that they seem to think addresses the issues my class has.


So far off the mark it's not even amusing.

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With an expansion coming soon for the other MMO I dabble in, I'm contemplating unsubscribing to this one as its updates seem lackluster in comparison. What I'd hope to see:


- More appealing "fluff" and better attention to aesthetics and detail. I am so tired of cosmetic things (armor, hair, etc) being buggy and having obvious visual glitches. I understand that mistakes happen, but it is like they just can't be bothered to fix so many things. And it doesn't help that most of their artists seem to have the aesthetic sensibilities of a junior high school boy.


- More companion content. A new human-like, non gibberish speaking companion for all classes, or the ability to change the role of existing class companions, would be a big draw. And, y'know, giving all of them location triggered lines in new content, not just the love interests. >.<


- 12xp for class story quests, or even half that would be fine. Just, faster leveling for alts.


- Wardrobe system and the Togruta race. I know these are coming, but I want to be impressed by them, dangit.

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Not going to unsub until a certain other mmorpg is released and I get to see how it plays out.


When I leave and my wife leaves I doubt we will be back. If we ever did come back here is what we would like.


1. Update the legacy system to allow more then one account to share it. Allow the shared legacy to share characters as well as companions on the family tree. To make it fair, make the xp required to level doubled for each account that joins the legacy. Make each achievement require EACH account to complete it. This way it allows more immersion and allows multiple accounts to share one legacy. Limit it to sat 10. Allow legacy's to align themselves with others after the cap is reached to expand upon the family tree if needed.


2. Fix the ability delay. Never ran into anything like it in my 18 years of playing mmorpgs until this game.


3. Release content patches/expansions on par with world of warcrafts expansion /content patches. Yours BW are lackluster compared to every other mmorpg I have played.


4. Get rid of bugs/exploits faster. Never before have I seen am MMORPG with this many bugs in it that have not been taken care of since launch.


5. Get rid of the credit cap and ability bar cap for F2p people. I am a subscriber and think this is ****. No other mmorpg does this to their f2p people.


6. 12x xp for leveling alts.


7. Either jawa or ewok as a playable race. Please include force users with them as there have been many force using jawa and ewoks.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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A proper MMO. Not this singple player version of one.


To late for that


The current player base expects solo play and would be massively upset if suddenly they were forced to group for normal content.


I will even follow up my last post with quotes from this very thread to show case what I said about being to late.


Anyone with any experience in this genre knows SW:TOR has exactly ZERO grind to it

To couldn't ask for a more solo friendly, no gear or level grind MMORPG

They give away levels so fast under normal play (forget 12x, 2x week ends, rested xp, xp boosts, and more) that players dont understand their classes or abilities when they reach 55+ already. Much to the general dislike of those players in the 55+ range who endd up having to carry their lazy arses through the content.


And they give away gear even faster that there is now NO GEAR GRIND in existence in game. Companions get free 192 gear from Rishii and Yavin (which is more then they will ever need). Players get free 186 gear at 60 and staying geared up through basic coms on the way up is beyond simplistic and easy.


Truth is this game could do with SOME GRIND because right now it loses players attention from being to easy and simplistic with no difficulty curve or challenge outside Ops.


Yet even though what I just said is widely known regarding SW:TOR through out THE GENRE (not just SW:TOR)

Even though 12x can be pin pointed as one of the biggest negative factors to hit this game and when the latest round of subscription bleeding went into over drive.

Even though everything is spoon fed to players and some fights actually require the player to do nothing at all beyond watching


Despite all that, we still get people wanting it faster, easier, more solo


Which brings me back to point that its simply to late to give this game real MMORPG treatment and basic level standards.

This is a Single Player Online Game (SPOG), not a MMORPG.

EA has refused to support the RPG portion of this game in a online settings (cutscreens in a so called MMO is not enough, not nearly enough to make the RPG claim)

The fan base that wants interaction and standard MMO functions have all but left game


Whats left in SW:TOR are not looking for a MMORPG.

They are looking for a Single Player Online Game with almost zero challenge


Its to late now to put challenge, grouping, socialization, interaction (you know, all the standard fun and interesting MMORPG features) into SW:TOR.


Hopefully someone else will do so soon (they will get my money then) but its simply to late for SW:TOR



Something akin to 12x XP will bring me back.


Short of that, I'll probably never come back to be honest.


I was in it for the stories and I can't be bothered to grind through all that side-content again on my alts.


I'm a SOLO gamer...that's all it is to it. I don't play any other Mmo's, mobas, or even online multiplayer games. I LOVE SW, And with an option like a 12XP unlock I'd be subbed till they shut the servers down because it'd allow me to play the class stories, FP's, and planetary stories I enjoy most. But I can't deal with this "MMO grind" much longer. That's also why I don't use or post my "referral link" anywhere. My friends are solo gamers to. The few I did convince to try swtor thought it was cool, but took to long to lvl up (yes they tried the f2p option).


I wish the swtor team much success, but it's become obvious this game ain't for players like me.


I just came back last week,subbed for a month and bought the Revan expansion.Having completed the Revan storyline I got to 60 and thought to myself....there is no effing way I'm doin another gear grind EVER.It put me off so much I have unsubbed already.

Edited by Kalfear
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well in my case... what would get me to renew my sub and do more than just log in for scheduled ops, using ops passes.


bioware fixing/balancing things instead of just removing them. bioware QC actualy paying attention to existing bugs that have been fixed, yet showing up again in new content. bioware fixing cutscene outfit bugs, from hide headslot, to color matching to chest, to default outfits showing up instead of what companion is wearing, to pants inexplicably showing up on skirts that shouldn't have them.


stories that are not threadbare, short and virtually identical across factions/classes (at least in paid DLC's). enough content to get free to play player to lvl cap with new quests alone, without having to resort to flashpoints, dailies etc (there is just barely enough quests to go from 55 to 60 if you are subscriber in a guild, using xp buff, if you are lacking even one of those - you are going to be short - which is huge contrast to lvl 1 through 50 content where you have more than enough quests to be able to pick and chose which side quests to do and which to drop).


actual new group content rather then new difficulty of the old thing. outfits/mounts/pets in packs that are not endless recolors of the same thing no one wants and you cannot even vendor. new craftable outfits that are not identical looking across every crew skill. more craftable decorations. bioware taking time to test items added to the game on PTS instead of going for whiplash like effect of nerfs. and speaking of nerfs - as I said above, streamlining is not fun. removed abilities are not fun. "balancing" based on a single bracket of play with NO regard as to how it affects other modes of play - is not fun.


for starters.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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The only points I really agree with are the lack of grind, and zero difficulty curve. Going into my first op I was taken completely off guard (which is catastrophic when you're a tank.) As for the grinding anyone who tried to hit 99 agility will feel my pain.
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Probably won't unsub until Star Wars Battlefront 3, but who knows. All I do is PvP and this game is a stale disaster in that regard. Not sure how much longer I can stomach the Dev ineptitude and mismanagement.


Once SWB3 comes out though, I'll be gone for good.

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Bioware actually giving a damn.

Would say it in a more polite and diplomatic way, but this. I still like the game, I just lost faith in the development team and ergo in the future of SWTOR. 3.1.1 was a step in the right direction, but one single lone step cannot rectify the mess of last few months. So right now, I'm in the " wait and will see" mode.


What mess/why I lost the faith? Among others:


- The "Achievement reset upon logout" bug coming up over and again. It can happen once, but I can't imagine the state of the team if the bug pops in 3-4 separate occassions in a row.

- Ravagers exploit going for a whole month before being adressed

- The Slot machine (both the original and the adjusted iteration, especially how they were handled)

- Lack of foresight regarding "meele friendliness" in the new content

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Bioware actually giving a damn.


Check out the recent patch notes. Previous ones were tossed out without any rationale, and this round have very clear rationale. I'm sure folks will disagree but these class balance notes are a huge step up from the previous ones.

Edited by bdatt
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You're right, it does sound like crap. Hell nah. No p2w crap please.


As for the topic, no offense intended to swtor but after my 2 month renewal with the expansion, I think I'm about done as a sub. I may hang around as a ftp but as a sub, probably not. I think one of the things keeping me interested in SWTOR at this point is my guild and the xpac I haven't played yet.


I'm not a traditional MMO player, so to have kept me for nearly 2 years is impressive but subscribing adds up and it all comes down to "is this as fun as something else I can get for alot less in the long run?" MMOs are also very time consuming and its coming to the point in my life where I can't spend as much time as I used to.

I never said nothing about pay to win,i'm talking about cutting the huge timesink out .Dailies......ppfft.

This game has NOTHING to offer players at end game apart from a gear grind.Do you realize how wrong that is?

And that is why this game fails.Nothing to do once you've done the stories etc etc.

I regret wasting money coming back,it won't happen again.

The theme park has failed.We need something more open,more interactive.And this game doesn't have it.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

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I will be cancelling my sub in July, and I don’t know yet if I resume it after the summer is over. I am having a lot of fun playing the game, I love it to bits, but here is the thing.


I started out SWTOR to see the 8 class stories, and would love to finish them all (after one year I have 6 done, and a 7th character at level 44). But I can do it as preferred customer with a few unlocks. So, I want either some mechanisms to allow a late-comer to get into the PvE content easier (not making it easier, just giving a new player a chance to catch up to the crowd) or a lot f work on the PvP content!


1. the game does not seem to have a viable mechanism to accommodate someone who was a late-comer. By the time I started a year ago, everyone seemed to have played through everything a million times, and there was no simple way to start even Flashpoints, let alone Operations. So, forget the end-game PvE, forget seeing the Dread Master Story Arc on levels 50-55, and tbh, forget the Flashpoints as you level as well, since the queue just drops you into that blessed KDY and never pops for anything else.


Solution: A Training Mode for at least the Operations (since you can solo the FPs on level 60) active for that narrow Level Window, that does NOT penalize for death. Make it so that you can actually queue, get a pop and get through the blessed thing without engaging into a diplomatic mission and begging for favors from strangers on-line! Add Fight Tutorial page for each boss fight that you can review prior to the engagement, add a God Droid Option to substitute for places that the queue cannot fill in after 10 minutes of waiting for the OPs.


2. Tanking role does not have enough support. The difficulty jump between levelling content and a Flashpoint is huge, and between a Flashpoint and an Op is even huger. A new tank needs help out of the gates.


Solution: The first 3 times you queue a character as a tank for each group PvE entry though the GF, the group receives a buff some sort and rewards triple, encouraging the players to be more forgiving.


3. Putting tons of time and efforts into multiple alts to just… sit there afterwards. It’s a game with a Legacy system that promotes alt-creation (a minimum of 8 alts) BUT eventually turns into a Game of the Main at its end. Playing the Main competes heavily for time with levelling the alts. The only reason to create an alt is to see a new story or to switch the Main.


Solution 1: Legacy unlocks for 12xXP for Class at a certain Legacy levels or increase the XP buffs for PvP .


Solution 2: Allow AC change.


4. PvP. I love PvP! I loved Ilum, I love zones, I love it, I love it, I love it. But the community is divided, and dwindling because of the Faction Imbalance, Server segregation, Mid bracket bias, Unintuitive Bolster and the competitive tiers set-up that is illogical and punitive


Solution: Cross-faction queues and regional PvP queues. Add L50 to 59 bracket. Reduce bolster penalty for 162+ gear. Put team in Group Ranked and take out group from the Solo Queue. Group rank not to be assigned on an individual basis; the players should be able to create a team, give team a name, compete as a team with some room for substitutes. Provide some rewards for things other than rank, such as number of wins or MVPs. Open a practicing venue, where people can hang out, and duel as solos or groups. New zones once in a while, and give some old ones a rest! More PvP-centric play like Ilum!


PvP is the only potentially dynamic part of the game that can be not grindy with relatively small periodic content additions/rotations, ‘cause ever changing comps! It can breathe life in the already existing maps.

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I never said nothing about pay to win,i'm talking about cutting the huge timesink out .Dailies......ppfft.

This game has NOTHING to offer players at end game apart from a gear grind.Do you realize how wrong that is?

And that is why this game fails.Nothing to do once you've done the stories etc etc.

I regret wasting money coming back,it won't happen again.

The theme park has failed.We need something more open,more interactive.And this game doesn't have it.

Just my 2 bobs worth.


You are soo right.


Ultima Online had the best online gaming experience for its time. At end game I was a real estate agent, dungeon crawler, blacksmith, fisherman, miner, and carpenter. and owner/operator of a huge vendor mall. I never, NEVER was able to sit in town like I do in this game. I always had customers coming to my vendor mall to buy things. I had to keep them stocked up. I was always having requests for people wanting furniture for their homes or ore to mine. Not only that, I also would go around the world looking for people who wanted to buy and sell houses and I would make commission off of the sales. When all of this stuff was done, or I felt like doing something else, I would go dungeon crawling. The game was not limited at all and always provided those at end game something to do other then fighting mobs or other players.


That does lack here. Lets not forget though that this game is limited and on rails. It is a themepark. While I do not relish the idea, it is still fun to gear up somewhat.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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What can you expect? BW-A is run by Jeff Hickman.


He has a track-record in the MMO industry, and was EA's yes-man when this game went F2P. Even if he is no longer overseeing only this game, it can't possibly help he is at the top of the management structure at that studio.


Some of us don't keep up to date on this kind of thing.

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after todays live stream i think it's clear bioware just doesnt care anymore.


almost everyone i know disliked the sor storyline. more so look at notes once again they are buffing classes that don't need it and nerfing classes that do need some buffing.

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after todays live stream i think it's clear bioware just doesnt care anymore.


almost everyone i know disliked the sor storyline. more so look at notes once again they are buffing classes that don't need it and nerfing classes that do need some buffing.


Can u link to the stream that happened and the patch notes?

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I would like to see more end game content; not that they need to make more Ops.

It would just be nice if all Ops and flashpoints are still available at lvl 60 and scaled to level.


Right now Ops are just 2 or 3 that are challenging, the others have been cast into the pit of nostalgic .

Same for a lot of the flashpoints that are stuck at level 50 HM...


Right now end game at level 60 is just 2 Ops and a handfull of flashpoints that you keep doing over and over again.

Conquest is a failed aspect of this game imo, its just a list of who's on top with some petty rewards.

PvP is starting to get old; introduce some new game types (like CTF) or create some open world pvp like it should have been from the launch.

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Less toxic and not so hateful forum community.

Do not let the few that troll around, antagonize, bully and be difficult ruin it for you. They are stuck in their own little world and will never see anything past their arrogance and critique. Best not to pay attention to it :)

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Would like to see the comm system go back to the way it was before 3.0 As a casual player I enjoyed running flashpoints to get elite and ultimate comms. Now running those is just a pain if they are run at all.

I also enjoyed having 4 OPS to choose from to get those elites and ultimate's.


Also would like to see a more friendly melee OPS. As it stands now groups are taking less and less melee DPS to complete the current ops.


Would like to see a force user healer companion,preferably human but I can agree on another species.:D


Would like to see Biochem reusables again. The rare mats doesn't justify making those unless all you do is log on twice a week to raid on that toon.


Would like to see the war between the Empire and Republic continue. Its feel as with these shared enemies story lines your taking the cheap way out to make stories.

Edited by GrimWulf
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