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SWTOR Developer Live Stream - March 20th


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London's 7 hours ahead of PDT (California and a bunch of other states that don't matter :-P) only 5 hours ahead of CDT, which is what Eric listed for this post - should be starting at 8pm in the UK.


Thanks! see why I get confused :D I might actually watch a part of this then since all the previous SWOTR streams have all run upto midnight for me (I need my beauty sleep as some would say I clearly don't get enough)

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Thanks! see why I get confused :D I might actually watch a part of this then since all the previous SWOTR streams have all run upto midnight for me (I need my beauty sleep as some would say I clearly don't get enough)


Made me laugh actually. I listen to the BBC world service on the over night shift at work religiously...so I know automatically where I am in relation to GMT even though you Brits mess things up as much as we do with Daylight savings time lol.

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Made me laugh actually. I listen to the BBC world service on the over night shift at work religiously...so I know automatically where I am in relation to GMT on the East Coast of the USA add the 3 hours to Cali and I know where I am at London Time

Whenever I'm dealing with international times, I always get thrown by Daylight Savings Time starting on different dates (if they observe it at all) and shifting things by an hour. At this point I just say screw it and do a quick Google search every time - lazy but effective :p

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Do you guys really believe BW will answer any really questions? They have never answered any really questions. Anybody that has been playing since launch knows this. They use to answer question player asked on Friday from a forum thread started on Tue. They would pick T-ball questions and avoid everything else. You really think they are going answer a really question in these steams? They are going to pick the easy questions someone ask. Eric what is your favorite class? Instead of anything doing with where the **** is the information about "better than cross-server"? What are you doing about lack of people queuing for PvE?

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Do you guys really believe BW will answer any really questions? They have never answered any really questions. Anybody that has been playing since launch knows this. They use to answer question player asked on Friday from a forum thread started on Tue. They would pick T-ball questions and avoid everything else. You really think they are going answer a really question in these steams? They are going to pick the easy questions someone ask. Eric what is your favorite class? Instead of anything doing with where the **** is the information about "better than cross-server"? What are you doing about lack of people queuing for PvE?


That's not true! That's impossible!!! Remember on Snave's stream when Eric said there would be info on the better than cross server fix coming by the end of last year?! That was something......kinda.....err....:(

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That's not true! That's impossible!!! Remember on Snave's stream when Eric said there would be info on the better than cross server fix coming by the end of last year?! That was something......kinda.....err....:(


Remember when they got the dev drunk at cantina tour and they told us what the next race is.... There is a difference between directly asking them question in interview or cantina tour and them picking from a list of questions. They are going to pick the easiest question or answer "soon".


"Better than cross server" more information is coming before the end of the year (2017).


Eric did also say they know they need to work on commutation. We all see how hard they are working on that...

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I don't care much about Ziost. Things I do want to know:


When are server merges and how do they plan to handle name conflicts?

Any status on an armory (web based character lookup/review)?

Any status on guild support tools (web based guild hubs)?

What is the outfit designer/wardrobe thing? Will I be able to switch outfits without spending 400k+ credits to resocket everything?

When do we get more pvp maps?

When can we opt out of certain pvp maps (huttball for me, arenas for others) when we q?


Storywise - when exactly do our characters get locked in suspended animation cells that break down after around 3000 years?

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I actually want to watch an spam questions about why sages are getting nuked and why they ask for advice then go the other way or how about why they are to lazy to build a separate pvp tree so they don't have to kill pve to get balance or even better when you try and get balance how does the math work out when you keep nerfing the middle and leave the op classes alone. How long before they boot me from the stream?
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I actually want to watch an spam questions about why sages are getting nuked and why they ask for advice then go the other way or how about why they are to lazy to build a separate pvp tree so they don't have to kill pve to get balance or even better when you try and get balance how does the math work out when you keep nerfing the middle and leave the op classes alone. How long before they boot me from the stream?


Probably after first attempt :D

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Eric did also say they know they need to work on commutation. We all see how hard they are working on that...

I feel like this will be shortlived. It always has, and it's one of the reasons why this forum's community team has gone through 2 community managers and has now lost virtually the rest of its coordinators. Once or twice a year, they always touched up on moderation and communication and said how they would up their anty on each, only for the improved communication to die off a month or 2 later and moderation to become extremely biased toward certain posts and posters. At least moderation has been very lax now, but that's probably because Eric and Tait are the only ones left who actually look at these forums.

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From SWTOR's Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor



March 20 – Developer Livestream, 1PM PDT / 8PM GMT

March 21 – Nomanis Stream, 6AM PDT / 1PM GMT

March 21 – Snickerr/Zorz Stream, 6PM PDT / 1AM GMT

March 28 – Nomanis Stream, 6AM PDT / 1PM GMT


So, this Nomanis guy is unknown to me, and seems to be another WoW streamer. I take it Towelliee got sick of it?

On Nomanis Twitch site he explains how to do effective gold farming AND macros to use while goldfarming in WoW, and especially the last part strikes me as something SWTOR should NOT get too near considering the use of macros in SWTOR is against the RoC.


So, what is the rationale for taking in Nomanis instead of actual SWTOR streamers?

Edited by MFollin
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From SWTOR's Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


So, this Nomanis guy is unknown to me, and seems to be another WoW streamer. I take it Towelliee got sick of it?

On Nomanis Twitch site he explains how to do effective gold farming AND macros to use while goldfarming in WoW, and especially the last part strikes me as something SWTOR should get too near considering the use of macros in SWTOR is against the RoC.


So, what is the rationale for taking in Nomanis instead of actual SWTOR streamers?

I'd like to know this as well. I can totally understand the decision to let Snickerr stream, but why sponsor Nomanis? Has he ever played SWTOR before?

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From SWTOR's Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


So, this Nomanis guy is unknown to me, and seems to be another WoW streamer. I take it Towelliee got sick of it?

On Nomanis Twitch site he explains how to do effective gold farming AND macros to use while goldfarming in WoW, and especially the last part strikes me as something SWTOR should NOT get too near considering the use of macros in SWTOR is against the RoC.


So, what is the rationale for taking in Nomanis instead of actual SWTOR streamers?

I don't know anything about this individual streamer, so can't say if he is a particularly good or bad choice, but bringing in an established WoW streamer seems like a good idea compared to someone who is only known for their SWTOR streams (at least as part of the official SWTOR Twitch schedule, I think they should get some established SWTOR streamers in there too).


It's a good way to bring in new players, if this guy focuses on WoW streams he probably has a lot of WoW players as 'Followers' on Twitch, Followers who may very well check out his streams when he tries out a new game. Cross-promotions like this are a way that twitch streamers can grow their Follower bases - seems like that approach could work for official channels, too.

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I don't know anything about this individual streamer, so can't say if he is a particularly good or bad choice, but bringing in an established WoW streamer seems like a good idea compared to someone who is only known for their SWTOR streams (at least as part of the official SWTOR Twitch schedule, I think they should get some established SWTOR streamers in there too).


It's a good way to bring in new players, if this guy focuses on WoW streams he probably has a lot of WoW players as 'Followers' on Twitch, followers who may very well check out his streams when he tries out a new game. Cross-promotions like this are a way that twitch streamers can grow their Follower bases - seems like it could work for official channels, too.


But that's the thing, bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR. I don't see the gain here.

At least Towelliee is sort-of a variety streamer, so you can argue the viewers follow him rather than WoW. Towelliee's viewers are used to seeing new games every once in a while, and could get interested in some of those games.


I've seen other streamers (e.g. Gouken) who only stream one game 99% of the time. The moment they just mention other games (nevermind streaming them) you can see people are unfollowing and leaving the channel. Noone gains anything from that except whatever payment Nomanis might get from SWTOR.


I can easily see the idea in getting variety streamers with 250k+ followers, but a WoW streamer with under 50k followers? Meh.

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But that's the thing, bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR. I don't see the gain here.

At least Towelliee is sort-of a variety streamer, so you can argue the viewers follow him rather than WoW. Towelliee's viewers are used to seeing new games every once in a while, and could get interested in some of those games.


I've seen other streamers (e.g. Gouken) who only stream one game 99% of the time. The moment they just mention other games (nevermind streaming them) you can see people are unfollowing and leaving the channel. Noone gains anything from that except whatever payment Nomanis might get from SWTOR.


I can easily see the idea in getting variety streamers with 250k+ followers, but a WoW streamer with under 50k followers? Meh.

If they can get one of the big variety streamers to do a dedicated SWTOR cast, that'd be great, probably even better than this guy. But "bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR" is a good move IMO, especially given how similar the gameplay mechanics are - WoW is a good choice to try to poach players from.


Again, I don't know if they picked this particular guy's name out of a hat, if he was the biggest name willing to do it for cheap / free, if he knows a guy who knows a guy at BW, or whatever - but I like the idea that they're trying to get the attention of (and potentially subscriptions from) WoW players or other MMOers.


Showcasing dedicated SWTOR streamers may keep up the interest for some existing players, but cross-promotions can bring in new blood.

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I watched through his VODs and he just started streaming last July, so he's a relatively new streamer, and like you mentioned, he only plays WoW. I saw him play DA:I for two days (which may be the reason why he was approached by SWTOR) and he played Total War: Attila on one day, but other than that, he only plays WoW and is not nearly as big as Towelliee.


I don't really like his style, it seems like Sodapoppin is his role model, he even admires Soda's chat room. He has no camera and he smokes. So no matter how good his stream is, I don't think I could ever watch him on a regular basis.


I'm wondering what he's going to play on Saturday - maybe leveling a new toon? I suppose SWTOR will host him and monitor the chatroom or something?


And I agree with MFollin, I just don't see one of his viewers trying out SWTOR, it just can't compete with WoW.

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If they can get one of the big variety streamers to do a dedicated SWTOR cast, that'd be great, probably even better than this guy. But "bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR" is a good move IMO, especially given how similar the gameplay mechanics are - WoW is a good choice to try to poach players from.


I really don't see how SWTOR would get players from that. If you're into watching WoW raiding (which seems to be what Nomanis focuses on http://www.twitch.tv/nomanis/profile/past_broadcasts), what's the argument for swapping to SWTOR?

Swapping to a new MMO for raiding takes a lot of effort, leveling up, getting gear, finding a good guild etc, and I really don't see what SWTOR supplies in raiding that warrants that kind of effort from WoW players.

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Hey folks!


I wanted to give you the details of our next live stream:


When: Friday, March 20th from 3PM-4PM CDT

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor

Who: Bruce Maclean, Michael Backus, and myself

What: We are going to to talk about the story coming to Ziost and what is coming in Game Update 3.2. (no spoilers!)


I hope to see you there!




They forgot to mention this event will be canceled three hours prior due to "Winter Storms" "in the area". Can't wait to see Bioware field softball meaningless questions yet again.


"Wuts ur favurite clazz eric!?"

"How 2 Force leap!?"

"Dev, do you even play bro? (variation on lift meme)"

"y r stealth gud?"


These and many more fascinating and intriguing questions will be softly lobbed at the devs folks, while you get straightforward and meaningful answers about "3.2!" I'm "giddy" with anticipation. :rolleyes:

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Holy crap, you are all a bunch of whiners! I appreciate all the effort that they put into this AWESOME game. I would love it if the complainers either **** or quit altogether. Suggestions for improving gameplay are one thing, but if you can't even provide that without complaining, I have to wonder why you bother playing.


I take the game for what it is and adapt to however it is working (or not working) at the time.




Be Jedi.


Or Sith.


Or find somewhere else to whine.


To the Developers and all associated with producing this wonderful game, I apologize on behalf of the true fans. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by some of us, and I salute you for giving me the opportunity to play SWTOR, the greatest game humankind has ever seen!



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Holy crap, you are all a bunch of whiners! I appreciate all the effort that they put into this AWESOME game. I would love it if the complainers either **** or quit altogether. Suggestions for improving gameplay are one thing, but if you can't even provide that without complaining, I have to wonder why you bother playing.


I take the game for what it is and adapt to however it is working (or not working) at the time.




Be Jedi.


Or Sith.


Or find somewhere else to whine.


To the Developers and all associated with producing this wonderful game, I apologize on behalf of the true fans. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by some of us, and I salute you for giving me the opportunity to play SWTOR, the greatest game humankind has ever seen!





I wouldn't phrase it like that (I work as a CSR Rep, so its more of a personal thing), but I agree with the direction of this post.



FRIENDSHIP GUYS. FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC. Or something. Maybe legos. ANYWAY, NEW RACE. Wooo! And its one I'm excited about too!

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Cool. I heard from somewhere that there was a new GSF ship with a new function coming out 5.3 and a new pvp huttball coming out 6.2.1 so I'm super excited.


Also with the 2 stronghold decorations every 6 weeks I might have enough in two years when 4.0 comes out to decorate the new stronghold we're getting Dec 31, 2015.


So stoked I have this guildship anchoring me down that's keeping me subbed. Thanks!

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They forgot to mention this event will be canceled three hours prior due to "Winter Storms" "in the area". Can't wait to see Bioware field softball meaningless questions yet again.


"Wuts ur favurite clazz eric!?"

"How 2 Force leap!?"

"Dev, do you even play bro? (variation on lift meme)"

"y r stealth gud?"


These and many more fascinating and intriguing questions will be softly lobbed at the devs folks, while you get straightforward and meaningful answers about "3.2!" I'm "giddy" with anticipation. :rolleyes:

you can always leave.

Or just keep on being that positive force for the community you always are.:rolleyes:

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