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Sand demon lair lolwut?


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Now I'm not one to complain and stuff... but I just got done doing a "soloable" story quest called "The Sand Demon's Lair" and... well first of all healing after every fight is okay I'll get over that. But I do believe that your sand demon elite crab thing is a BIT overtuned for it to be called "soloable". I really don't think a soloable quest should require you to use all your cd's, including the 20 minute one and still skin by the hair of my... booty? lol
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  • 2 months later...

As a level 26 Guardian with level 20 PVP blues and my companion(s) geared in mid 20's greans, this mission is extremely difficult. On half a dozen occasions, with popping all my CD's and medkits, using stims etc etc the best i've done is get the boss down to 4k health.


I also have 2 other 50's and have had plenty of challenging quests before (I like to think that I know how to play).


So instead of a 'I did it easy mode' or 'your just not doing it right' how about a 'try this approach / use this companion'?

I personally think it would be much more constructive. thanks


Edited by Calleva
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As a level 26 Guardian with level 20 PVP blues and my companion(s) geared in mid 20's greans, this mission is extremely difficult. On half a dozen occasions, with popping all my CD's and medkits, using stims etc etc the best i've done is get the boss down to 4k health.


I also have 2 other 50's and have had plenty of challenging quests before (I like to think that I know how to play).


So instead of a 'I did it easy mode' or 'your just not doing it right' how about a 'try this approach / use this companion'?

I personally think it would be much more constructive. thanks



Wearing gear six levels below you is always going to cause issues...


I did it first time as a Guardian with Kira. It is definitely doable and not even close to impossible. Lightspring (Smuggler equivalent), before they toned it down, was ten times harder. I didn't use any tricks. Sent Kira in to pick up initial aggro and when she was down to about 50% health I taunted and then took the rest of his hits.

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The sand demon is supposed to be one of those story line bosses that is really difficult. The fact that you had to use a 20 min CD ability means that it's just right. If not on this type of boss, when else would you expect to need that 20 min CD ability? You get maybe one of these per planet, and sometimes not even then. It's meant to test you skill, gear and tactics.


And if you're having trouble on sand demon, lol, just wait till you get to the end boss of Ch1 or the end boss of CH3. The JK story bosses are no joke.

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I dont get it why people complain about hard fights.. =o


i wish i could have such "hard" fights in ev or kp... not that it is that hard but seriously be happy that you still got something where you can say "i beat it" and it was actually challenging.


Once you cleared NiM you gonna realize what a joke endgame content that was and wish it would be harder.

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Wearing gear six levels below you is always going to cause issues...


I did it first time as a Guardian with Kira. It is definitely doable and not even close to impossible. Lightspring (Smuggler equivalent), before they toned it down, was ten times harder. I didn't use any tricks. Sent Kira in to pick up initial aggro and when she was down to about 50% health I taunted and then took the rest of his hits.


Thanks for the helpful information. As for myself, I waited a little and completed a couple of quests that put me to level 27, went from extremely difficult to 'easy mode' for those that are interested. same gear, same companion, same approach. 1 level made a ton of difference.

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I don't remember it being impossibly difficult, I'm pretty sure I downed him in one attempt. I used T7 to tank and when he died I popped my cooldowns as usualand killed him with about 20% life left. He is a beast, though - I can understand people having trouble with him if they aren't used to the difficulty.


I will say expecting people to use a 20 minute cooldown to beat a fight isn't really very effective, since if you fail you have to wait 20 minutes for it to be available again so you can try again.


I think the 20 minute cooldown thing is pretty silly - the cooldown is so long I never use it so I forget I even have it. I think I've hit it by accident far more often than needed it, since the icons are so similar.


Funnest part of that quest for me is that I was biochem, so I "harvested" the sand demon, which made him go away. Then the NPC showed up and started talking about it, even though it wasn't there anymore.

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I was 4 levels above the quest on a Vigilance specced Guardian, with fairly current gear. I tried it with Kira first, then T7, and even the protocol droid in desperation. Used every CD and it wasn't enough.

In the end I got help from a same level guildie (a Jedi Shadow) and it was fairly easy.

Only the Sith Ravagers (if that's what they were called) elites in Chapter II and the final boss gave me similar trouble, and those I managed to do without help.

IMHO, Sand Demon is too damn hard.

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i didnt have a problem at all. what i did was fight him till i got low on life, which he would be pretty low also. Make sure i poped all my cooldowns/pots. Force Pushed him and then kited him LIKE EVERY MMO. I had kira out she would slow him and dps him in the back while i kited him around the room. about that time i would have gotten more health from the 20 Min healing cooldown.



ALL these fights are not hard, whats wrong is people think you have to sit infront of the mob till it dies to win. You need to think outside the box, alot of times it is much like pvp, you need to KITE/Line of site. dont be stupid and stand there and take the *** kicking.

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I don't remember it being impossibly difficult, I'm pretty sure I downed him in one attempt. I used T7 to tank and when he died I popped my cooldowns as usualand killed him with about 20% life left. He is a beast, though - I can understand people having trouble with him if they aren't used to the difficulty.


I will say expecting people to use a 20 minute cooldown to beat a fight isn't really very effective, since if you fail you have to wait 20 minutes for it to be available again so you can try again.


I think the 20 minute cooldown thing is pretty silly - the cooldown is so long I never use it so I forget I even have it. I think I've hit it by accident far more often than needed it, since the icons are so similar.


Funnest part of that quest for me is that I was biochem, so I "harvested" the sand demon, which made him go away. Then the NPC showed up and started talking about it, even though it wasn't there anymore.


Except that the timing of the 20 min CD isn't really clutch, there's a fairly reasonable length of time you could do it in. It's the timing of the refreshed Saber Ward that's a lot more important.

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Hmm... I don't remember having any issue with this fight. Fully tank specced guard, 6 moddable armor pieces (cheap belt find ftw) with updated green quality armoring and mods, sent kira in first, took agro after she was about halfway on health, and it went down like a wet paper bag. It's long enough ago tho that I don't remember what lvl I was.


Sounds like the biggest problem, tho, was the low lvl gear. Interesting, tho, that one lvl would make all the difference.

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i dont know about you mate but I walked out of the earthquake zone and used a medpack and dpsd him on my juggernaut while vette was out. I had lvl 16 gear on but its purple so I think its doable. just kite him around and get out of the ground shattering skill whenever it's casted.
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Firstly it really wasn't that hard, secondly why people complain that something is hard is just... woosh over my head. I mean, just how easy do people want it?


They complain because they think that going in w/ subpar gear and a woefully equipped companion should be ezmode. You really have to wonder about some ppl when they can't handle a simple video game :) They completely fail to realize that the class boss is at the end of the quests for a given planet, so BW tunes the fight based on expecting the player to be using up-to-date commendation gear. And you tell the person that, and half the time the response is, commen-what? Just confirms my ongoing commentary on the world... ppl ... are... stupid.

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I did this at level 26 on the first go with a guardian. I am defense spec, though. Maybe that's why it seemed like a facerollingly easy fight. I've solo'd all the class quests without leveling in between. I guess spec makes a huge difference. My sentinel did kill the sand demon on the second try, though. Just by being smart with timing cooldowns and using Kira to take the brunt of the damage at first.
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