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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Revan Solo Fight.


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To The-Powers-That-Be.


First of all, I'd like to applaud the new direction that you guys are seemingly taking by putting a lore important character in reach for players of all walks, from raiders to casuals and everyone in between. It's a good design philosophy that I hope you guys continue into the future.


Now for the meat n potatoes of this post, after playing Shadow of Revan since early access, and having gotten something like 6 or 8 lvl60's all doing the questline, I would like to have another look at the solo revan fight as part of the weekly (and, by extension the normal solo questline itself).


Revan's cc abilities have got to go.


I quite like the fight in essence, the galaxy's 'greatest' hero with his/her allies to stop the imminent threat. The actual fight however is tedious due to how many cc abilities Revan does and how quickly he does them.

Force Choke, Force Push, his Saber Throw knockback all have way too long a duration with relative quick recast times. They add absolutely nothing to the fight other than to waste time, it doesn't make the fight more interesting and frankly it's not fun. Doing it every week just hammers that point home. Getting force pushed into a force choke isn't interesting at all. The fun lies in hacking or shooting revan, not being controlled by him.


Please revise this fight to make it less tedious. Thanks.

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This isn't new the devs have always made certain mobs or bosses into stun lockers. Honestly I think they have gotten to the point where they do it out of sheer habit not for any logical reason.


stun locking NPCs is a no no in my book If I want stun locked I'd go do PVP. :rolleyes:

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It takes 10 minutes (or whatever, I have never actually timed it). Deal with it.


Unless you can back up that statement with hard proof I.E. a video of it taking only ten minutes we will file this under trying to make yourself sound impressive, stroking your e-pen, and trolling.

Edited by Anaesha
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Unless you can back up that statement with hard proof I.E. a video of it taking only ten minutes we will file this under trying to make yourself sound impressive, stroking your e-pen, and trolling.


If I do quests in this order:

- Dailies for weekly -> QT back

- Revan weekly

My QT is still on cooldown when Revan is defeated and I have to wait 1-2 minutes (~30 seconds on my Shadow tank)


If I do quest in this order:

- Revan weekly -> QT back

- Dailies for weekly -> QT back

No problems with QT cooldown. Yes, I have cooldown reduced to 10 minutes.

Edited by Halinalle
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Unless you can back up that statement with hard proof I.E. a video of it taking only ten minutes we will file this under trying to make yourself sound impressive, stroking your e-pen, and trolling.

Apparently the words "or whatever, I have never timed it" are invisible to you. Maybe it takes 15. Maybe 20. Whatever it takes, it's no big deal. Get over yourself.

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Unless you can back up that statement with hard proof I.E. a video of it taking only ten minutes we will file this under trying to make yourself sound impressive, stroking your e-pen, and trolling.


it really does take 10 minutes and honestly you dont even have to do anything beyond run the bubbles


Dont much care for guy your replying to there but in this one hes right


Guildie of mine (and later myself) tested this out


Pulled out a healer companion in dps mode (still heals some)

started fight

sat back and watched

got pulled to center

ran bubbles

sat back and watched

got pulled to center

ran bubbles

sat back and watched


finished quest successfully in 15 minutes time

And thats WITH OUT my damage (which would be top damage of anyone normally)


Truth is this fight is super annoying with the endless stuns and knockdowns and very very very poorly designed

Takes mindless sloppy easy mode design to a whole new level


But dont take my word for it, go ahead and try yourself

Edited by Kalfear
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I find the fight rather dull as your performance (besides grabbing orbs) didn't effect the outcome of the battle. It only speeded it up. The amount of CC does make it rather dull and that you aren't doing anything productive.


I actually enjoyed the bug on launch where orbs didn't spawn and he would start globaling people. It was awesome as we brought in 3 of us and proceeded to beat him down. Healing was on the intensity of any HM Ops imho lol. I miss that lol.

Edited by FerkWork
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I like the fight just as it is. It's fun. Having to battle against those abilities makes the fight feel authentic.

I just looked at a video I recently recorded of the fight. The battle lasted less than 12 minutes and it would have been over sooner but I was concentrating on trying to get some cool screenshots.

Can easily be finished in under 10 minutes. If it took much less time than that then it would feel anti-climactic.

Edited by JediRelentless
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  • 6 years later...

revan just stand in middle, immortal and throwing air balls at my "friends"

cant free them and cant hurt him when he is in that immortality field ?


how do i make him take damage again, been like this for 10 min now just stands the woffing out air balls

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when he is doing that, balls of 'light' spawn, blue and pink (red), you run in to the ball (avoid hitting the other) and then run to a companion who has the effect on them (usually blue for imp, red for pub) it releases them, and they return to the fight, when all comps are released, you can start damaging revan again


  • Locate the glowing red and blue orbs in the arena
  • Run through one of the orbs to get a buff (DS for red, LS for blue)
  • Run through an NPC ally who is still trapped by the appropriate color of circle (red orb -> purple buff -> purple circle, blue orb -> blue buff -> blue circle)


More notes:

  • Sometimes Revan will blast you with something and remove your buff, in which case you need to go back and pick up the buff again.
  • Movement abilities are useful here, especially Guardian Leap, Force Speed, and Scamper.
  • Sometimes NPCs will bug and wind up spinning somewhere other than their pillars. Run in front of their pillar to free them anyway.

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