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My secret to enjoying this game and the other MMO i play so much


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interesting, you don't see me complaining about anything, in fact some have accused me of seeing things through rose tinted glasses.


The secret is because i'm enjoying the game, and it's not all I do. I am feeeling if you play too much you will get bored very quickly, agitated because stuff isn't fixed fast enough etc. Sure i'd have liked chat bubbles, toggle hoods, presets for action bars, cross realm warzone/arenas or a super server much earlier and a host of other stuff, but i'm not agitated by it not been here yet, i'm enjoying what I can expereince so far, and when the stuff comes along, great, new stuff, if it's good, I usually enjoy it.


The secret is not being too heavily emotionally invested in a video game, and having balance in your life, it's dangerous when SWTOR is your only fun time or your only pressure release, you then put too much on it, too much expectation and maybe that's why everything ends up being a whine, but the thing about grumbling, is it just makes you feel worse about it and doesn't improve or change anything, you're better off not doing at all, it discourages you and discourages others too.



You may feel my standards are lower, that I don't appreciate or can even see how bad things are in many ways because I'm dumb or something, I do see a lot of stuff, but much of what bothers you doesn't bother me anywhere near as much therefore I enjoy the stuff here a lot more. You obviously like the game, otherwise you wouldn't get so paranoid or aggressive about every thing or whine so much, you'd enjoy it even more if you relaxed a little bit more concerning it and enjoyed your life a lot more.

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I enjoy the game by realizing the only strong points are the story/voice-acting, and anyone expecting anything else is kidding themselves.


Story used to be a strong point; not so much anymore.


Same can be said from the VA, seeing they don't have enough budget for it nowadays.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Story used to be a strong point; not so much anymore.


Same can be said from the VA, seeing they don't have enough budget for it nowadays.

why use to be? it is still well done, it may not be as extensive as previously, or much less than before, but the Revan story is really good and it is continuing the main theme,


besides after SWTOR, no mmo so far quite tells the story in such a nice way, everytime i jumped on ESO, i was missing the convo style, close ups etc of this game, WoW ofc has no such thing, altho in their WoD

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I think a lot more people need to be more positive and take things for what they are instead of having very high expectations then "settling" then bashing a game they are paying for and continue to say negative things about it even though they are playing it.


Just enjoy yourself :)

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I think a lot more people need to be more positive and take things for what they are instead of having very high expectations then "settling" then bashing a game they are paying for and continue to say negative things about it even though they are playing it.


Just enjoy yourself :)

I don't think people need to be more positive. Their contribution to posting on these forums and being subbed (if applicable) is enough.


To start, I think it's hard for many players to take things as they are instead of having high expectations because from the beginning, this game was being developed WITH high expectations (an example is that when this game was being developed pre-release, the videos totally showed that BW was aiming to take down WoW). And then there's the fact that most updates we get from the community team end up being only half-fulfilled or virtually unfulfilled in total. So it's totally understandable that the community we have left now is getting more and more impatient or have already decided to stop supporting by not purchasing from the CM as much or at all, or totally unsubscribing.


However, I DO think that maybe some players need to take a step back, and ask themselves whether they should continue playing or take a long break and not touch the game for a couple of months, a year or more. Maybe not quit completely, because as it stands this game is the only active Star Wars game out there, and TBH, if you feel very displeased with the current direction this game has taken on multiple fronts and have felt this way for a while now, you may feel even more displeased about leaving your friends, guild, experience and time put into SWTOR completely. What I'm trying to say is, just take a break that will be reasonable to you but that'll also reignite the hype you felt for this game before you played it at any point in time and then maybe you won't feel as negative about it.


The reason why I'm thinking of coming back is because I regret quitting when I did. I don't wanna lose the connections with the few friends I have that still play this game. I love Star Wars, and even though I've felt very displeased with SWTOR and its PvP facet being in maintenance mode since early-to-mid 2013, I think just grouping with my friends and being in voice comm and making the best of it will improve this game little by little. Maybe not to my total expectations, but just enough to where I can tell myself: "This game may and probably will never be what I want it to be, but as long as I have my friends here who want to enjoy this Star Wars experience with me, that'll be just as much fun as when I felt before SWTOR officially launched."

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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Don't make [current game here] out to be anything it isn't, especially vis-a-vis any preconceptions you may --and almost certainly will, that's human nature for you-- be bringing in from [previous game/s here].




I don't expect SW: tOR to be the harsh-but-full-freedom open sandbox that EVE-Online is, anymore than I expect EVE-O to protect me from myself and offer me a full opt-out of PvP, with a much better PvE experience the way TOR does.


Misconceptions, wishful thoughts, and pre-conceptions, people:


You need to like, shed them. You overall gaming experience will be much more enjoyable --warts, bugs, developer-incompetence, and all-- once you do.

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


Lack of communication, lack of in game events (and I dont mean the lazy,dull Bounty Hunter rubbish), lack of bug fixes(Revan was SO broken at launch) and the slow pace of any changes.


However, they work on things that just increase (so they think) like an 'Outfit designer' - seriously?!!!! Yet ANOTHER Cartel coin item.


Server populations are dropping and players are leaving for a reason - lack of NEW content that doesnt involve paying for it through an expansion lite.

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


Lack of communication, lack of in game events (and I dont mean the lazy,dull Bounty Hunter rubbish), lack of bug fixes(Revan was SO broken at launch) and the slow pace of any changes.


However, they work on things that just increase (so they think) like an 'Outfit designer' - seriously?!!!! Yet ANOTHER Cartel coin item.


Server populations are dropping and players are leaving for a reason - lack of NEW content that doesnt involve paying for it through an expansion lite.

I don't even think this latest expansion buffed sub numbers or revenue that much, if at all. Their latest roadmap for 2015 doesn't even seem to have anything too impressive, and if you aren't a PvE'er you're basically stuck in maintenance mode per se.


But still, I'd say just to play the game casually, or quit (and maybe leave your sub up if anything exclusive you want comes along while you're gone) temporarily and come back in a few months or a year from now and see if anything entices you to come back. Additionally, just continue to group with friends—as much as possible. Don't lose you current connections to people who make this game a lot more enjoyable over some currently less-than-desireable management.


It's sad that most of the things to "look forward to" involve the cash shop, but your best bet is what I said previously, or ultimately, speak with your wallet. Things may improve. With little up-to-date metrics to go with, it's hard to say how SWTOR is doing revenue-wise and populationally, and if it'll get more so worse.

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Story used to be a strong point; not so much anymore.


Same can be said from the VA, seeing they don't have enough budget for it nowadays.


They do Need a Lot More Storylines and Cenematic cutscenes for Class storylines, but it should also be a persons Choice to do it or not with more content. The Story content in SoR is nil', terrible.


And when i heard that EAWare was doing away with most Cenematic scenes, that scares me Because the Biggest thing that the then Biowre Co. Original Devs, and even a few still at EAWare try to Promote.


Of course Combat balance is just as important. Of course the storylines aren't that important, or at all if u have already done them a cpl times or more. Gotta have more Storyline available if you, but not needed to have done on all characters to progress in certain areas.


And Yes, of course Combat issues and Pvp is important to, and I still want 12X as well with Class storylines.


I'm also Hoping that Ziost will be more than just another Oricon Refueling station with just 2 Ops or whatever.

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


Lack of communication, lack of in game events (and I dont mean the lazy,dull Bounty Hunter rubbish), lack of bug fixes(Revan was SO broken at launch) and the slow pace of any changes.


However, they work on things that just increase (so they think) like an 'Outfit designer' - seriously?!!!! Yet ANOTHER Cartel coin item.


Server populations are dropping and players are leaving for a reason - lack of NEW content that doesnt involve paying for it through an expansion lite.


Thanks for proving the OP's point, Rita the Grim.


If you apply the aforementioned coping techniques, here is what you should do: You think that subscribers don't get anything in this game and it is all about cartel market only and this makes you angry?


SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unsubscribe and play for FREE!


Benefits: No financial investment from you anymore. No need to complain about not getting anything for your money.


If this doesn't solve the issue for you, I claim that you actually do want to bash this game! This is your free choice. But then stand by it.


Should you think that F2P is unbearable because of the restrictions, then there you go: You just found what you are paying your sub for and can appreciate the perks you get for subbing.


Life can be so easy!

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


Lack of communication, lack of in game events (and I dont mean the lazy,dull Bounty Hunter rubbish), lack of bug fixes(Revan was SO broken at launch) and the slow pace of any changes.


However, they work on things that just increase (so they think) like an 'Outfit designer' - seriously?!!!! Yet ANOTHER Cartel coin item.


Server populations are dropping and players are leaving for a reason - lack of NEW content that doesnt involve paying for it through an expansion lite.

well said


what people forget is we are customers and we are always right. if we don't like something it is the goal of those working to fix what is wrong and say sorry for what is wrong. bioware has yet to do this. and until they do we should treat them the way they treat us.

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well said


what people forget is we are customers and we are always right. if we don't like something it is the goal of those working to fix what is wrong and say sorry for what is wrong. bioware has yet to do this. and until they do we should treat them the way they treat us.


Unfortunately, within these modern businesses which produce games, it appears to me that the customer is meant to be actually grateful for allowing the developer to take our money.


The customer is always right, died the moment this brand of customer service was born.


Walk into any shop complaining of a faulty product and the customer is usually treated with the utmost respect and consideration.


Within the modern gaming culture, the customer feels ashamed complaining about something that is sub-standard, indeed, the CS reps don't need to respond half the time or they would be in the way of the masses of product defenders who leap all over the mildest criticism of the game. Oddly enough, I am yet to notice any other customers in shops leaping to the stores defence the moment someone complains about their broken camera.


Of course, there are bad employees everywhere so it is not always the case that shops provide good customer service, but are we to believe that BW has only recruited people who cannot get a job anywhere else?

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


1. The whole industry is going this way. There is an across-the-board trend toward greedy, money-grubbing shamelessness. It sucks, but there it is. You think SWTOR is bad, go play STO for a while, and you'll see shameless.


2. Two letters - EA. What do you expect from the single most "Dark-Side" entity in the industry? The BW we knew and loved died when they sold out to EA. Just like Westwood Studios, Origin Systems, and too many others to name. Pax vobiscum. So now we make the best we can of what's left.

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2. Two letters - EA. What do you expect from the single most "Dark-Side" entity in the industry? The BW we knew and loved died when they sold out to EA. Just like Westwood Studios, Origin Systems, and too many others to name. Pax vobiscum. So now we make the best we can of what's left.


And yet Dragon Age: Inquisiton, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 -- sans the ending -- were all great games; so was this one, at release.


Regardless, carry on with the bashing. People somehow feel uttering that kind of crap makes you look pretty hip and what not. I guess EA competitors in the industry are the TOTAL opposite. :rolleyes:

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And yet Dragon Age: Inquisiton, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 -- sans the ending -- were all great games; so was this one, at release.


Regardless, carry on with the bashing. People somehow feel uttering that kind of crap makes you look pretty hip and what not. I guess EA competitors in the industry are the TOTAL opposite. :rolleyes:

But you do realize EA had a former CEO that said something that if you're playing Battlefield and run out of ammo, and they charge a $1 for it, they're not gouging, but they're charging. So most of the complaints here are justified for many reasons...

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But you do realize EA had a former CEO that said something that if you're playing Battlefield and run out of ammo, and they charge a $1 for it, they're not gouging, but they're charging. So most of the complaints here are justified for many reasons...


You do realize that EA is a company that seeks, just like its competitors, first and foremost, to generate higher profits year after year, correct?


They're not running a charity service at your behest or anyone else's. :rolleyes:


For someone who claims to be a "Professional Gaming Analyst", you seem to be completely oblivious to some of its most elementary realities.

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Players don't want to bash the game, but when you have a development team who are actually offering nothing new for subscribers and their main goal is just to cartel coin everything - is it any wonder players get upset?


Lack of communication, lack of in game events (and I dont mean the lazy,dull Bounty Hunter rubbish), lack of bug fixes(Revan was SO broken at launch) and the slow pace of any changes.


However, they work on things that just increase (so they think) like an 'Outfit designer' - seriously?!!!! Yet ANOTHER Cartel coin item.


Server populations are dropping and players are leaving for a reason - lack of NEW content that doesnt involve paying for it through an expansion lite.


Have you even put some thought into what Outfit designer is? I don't even think it has something to do with the cartel market at all. If that were the case, players that are free to play or preferred status won't be able to embrace it. I actually have a good idea on how it would be. I'm just not sure if I will be able to see it happen since my computer isn't working as it use to after patch 3.1.

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I enjoy the game by having fun playing the game. Ain't no big secret. "Fun" is the only reason to play a game and the only reason anyone does play a game.


But you do realize EA had a former CEO that said something that if you're playing Battlefield and run out of ammo, and they charge a $1 for it, they're not gouging, but they're charging. So most of the complaints here are justified for many reasons...

Price gouging is not possible regarding leisure products or services.

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You do realize that EA is a company that seeks, just like its competitors, first and foremost, to generate higher profits year after year, correct?


They're not running a charity service at your behest or anyone else's. :rolleyes:


For someone who claims to be a "Professional Gaming Analyst", you seem to be completely oblivious to some of its most elementary realities.

When companies start gouging and nickel and diming it's when they cross the line, so I'm not surprised that there are still many disgruntled players. At least for now, they are still supporting SWTOR, but that may change if EAware doesn't do anything enticing to keep them in longer.


Who said or implied they were running a charity? Certainly not me. We know they seek profits, but there's a fine line with that that they've been crossing and have been exploiting for a long time now.

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