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Good God, use Voicechat already!


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My computer uses the 60" tv in my living room as the monitor. At any given moment, I've got 2 lil 3yr old girls who repeat everything they hear sitting in my lap while I play. I have a hard enough time keeping my language "pg-13" as it is. I don't need some random cat in-game teaching them words I'm trying to avoid them learning. Damn preschool teachers already lookin at me crazy because Leia told some lil boy who was messing with her to "leave me alone b4 you get some act right" :D
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My computer uses the 60" tv in my living room as the monitor. At any given moment, I've got 2 lil 3yr old girls who repeat everything they hear sitting in my lap while I play. I have a hard enough time keeping my language "pg-13" as it is. I don't need some random cat in-game teaching them words I'm trying to avoid them learning. Damn preschool teachers already lookin at me crazy because Leia told some lil boy who was messing with her to "leave me alone b4 you get some act right" :D
The only thing I took from your post is that you named your daughter Leia. But I'm not sure if that is the lamest or coolest thing I've heard today.
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My computer uses the 60" tv in my living room as the monitor. At any given moment, I've got 2 lil 3yr old girls who repeat everything they hear sitting in my lap while I play. I have a hard enough time keeping my language "pg-13" as it is. I don't need some random cat in-game teaching them words I'm trying to avoid them learning. Damn preschool teachers already lookin at me crazy because Leia told some lil boy who was messing with her to "leave me alone b4 you get some act right" :D


thats what a headset is made for, you're the only one who hears

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While I do agree that voice chat is useful for ops and PVP I don't feel that it should be mandatory for people to be in. Now for strictly guild stuff where they want everyone in it I can see that but if its a pug it should be there for anyone who wants to use it but it shouldn't be required.

I use team-speak with the raiding guild I'm in and being a tank I find voicechat useful for me and the other tank to communicate for swaps and stuff. But then again I just need to use target of target and that works fine for me too. but if I'm dpsing I don't find it necessary to use voice.


Putting that aside I personally have a love hate feeling for voice. From the point of running with my guild I hate it because I have one guildie who is constantly screaming at everyone. Like telling me to taunt when I'm already in the process of taunting, or if I'm playing dps (I've discovered I'm not the best at dps ever since I started tanking post 3.0) and I'm in parsec he starts yelling that my numbers are too low. And I find it very insulting the way he talks to people that I'm just at the point I don't listen to a word he says.


Now I've been in voice chat where people are more quiet and respectful and I perform better because I don't have to listen to someone shouting and insulting people for. The same goes for if I don't use voice at all. I perform better because there aren't people yelling. And in both cases of not using voice or using voice where everyone is respectful and quiet the group performs much better then in the cases where people are yelling and screaming and insulting each other. I'm talking about 1 shotting everything with maybe 1 or 2 wipes vs constant wiping because everyone is so distracted by somebody yelling at them.

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The only thing I took from your post is that you named your daughter Leia. But I'm not sure if that is the lamest or coolest thing I've heard today.


I'll say this once...be very careful what you say about my kids... :mad:


thats what a headset is made for, you're the only one who hears


Ever sat near a 3yr while wearing a headset? They won't let you wear them without saying "I wanna hear, lemme hear" 400-500 times lo

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While I use Mumble with my guild for ease of communication

I was playing when there was no voice chat in the MMORPG genre and we all did just fine communicating via typing


In fact a very real case can be made that voice chat ruined a large chunk of immersion from MMORPGs because no one, not you, not me, not anyone, sounds in real life like they would have their character sound if given a choice. When peoples imaginations created a suitable voice (in their own mind) to match the character on screen and what they were saying, there was much greater immersion found with in MMORPG's.


But having said all that, I use Mumble to play with guildies

I will NOT even load mumble for a Pug group however

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I got a mic that clips to the collar of my shirt. Works great and I don't have to be bothered with something on my head. Only problem is if I have to get up for something. Got to remember to take it off, just like a headset.


And broadcast all that chat to everyone else in my living room? Hehe, no thanks :)


I usually play with the game sounds down so's not to get in the way of the TV anyway. I have no desire to have another set of sounds fighting for my attention.


but for what gamers do at end game.
(emphasis mine)


Guess I'm not a "gamer", then. I'm okay with that. Nice narrow definition, by the way.


But then I haven't been since raiding Vox in '01 and I don't intend to start again now. The day tactical FPs require the kind of coordination that makes voice communication mandatory is the day I quit TOR.


Like I said before, it's a freaking video game. It's not a military exercise.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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For the most part i have zero issues talking in voice for guild stuff, but pugs? Nope. Bad experience in wow where our guild had to pug in a 25th who turned into a creepy stalker after hearing me talking in ventrillo. If a weirdo bothers me after being a pug from a guild run, i dont even want to think about needing to "say" something in a full pug run :eek:


And as for randoms for pvp, hang out with someone playing call of duty or the like on a console and see just what foul disgusting things are shouted by the rest of the team of random strangers through it. Imagine swtor gen fleet chat with a bunch of screetchy 12 year old boy voices.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Used teamspeak with fleetmates in "the other space MMO". I can see the advantages for time sensitive information like "No, shoot THAT!" or "Run away NOW!"... and, well, other slightly more sophisticated tactical information. To paraphrase the Doctor "By the time I've *typed* out "Look out Romanadvoratrelundar... you'd be dead."


However, with less than perfect hearing that finds, for instance, understanding and distinguishing voices I don't *know* down a telephone line rather difficult, to be honest, teamspeak would be worse than useless for me with PUGS, or even a large group. Video game cutscenes are professionally recorded, by actors, trained to enunciate and project. (Same with television, though I do find the dialogue on decent sound quality DVD releases often differs somewhat from what I *thought* I heard on TV broadcasts :rolleyes: )


An assortment of microphones, at an assortment of recording volumes, with various people speaking various accents at various volumes ranging from "I have no indoor voice!" to "My kids are sleeping in the next room and if I wake them up my partner will go Dark V on my sorry butt...." ... is a recipe for me understanding very little and getting a gamebreaking headache in about half an hour. Even in that small group, it was something I could only handle in small doses and found I'd quite often need to mute teamspeak and apologise for being 'earless' from then on, by some way into the evening.


So, generally I guess what I and others are trying to say is that there are quite a few legitimate reasons for *not* using voice chat tools. Obviously, I can see there are a number of advantages to voice where it *is* practical, but I think it's probably a bit misleading to suggest that it's always a good idea or a necessary prerequisite for playing.

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Voicechat really isn't necessary for SM or even HM Ops. Everyone just needs a firm understanding of the gimmicks and to play their roles/classes correctly.

NiM, maybe?


Either way, never had any problems running SM/HM without it, and I have Mumble, anyway.

Edited by Djiini
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Less hassle to just type what you want to say.

I'm aware that multitasking isn't for everyone but I find it easy.



So in the middle of a fight or complicated encounter yo can still heal, tank or dps and type instructions or questions at the same time? Nice attempt to dodge.

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So in the middle of a fight or complicated encounter yo can still heal, tank or dps and type instructions or questions at the same time? Nice attempt to dodge.


If people understand the gimmicks, are playing correctly and are being aware of their surroundings, there's no need to instruct people. Questions are for, you know, BEFORE the fight.

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If people understand the gimmicks, are playing correctly and are being aware of their surroundings, there's no need to instruct people. Questions are for, you know, BEFORE the fight.


But during the fight you may need to coordinate b-rezes, reassign people to different targets, coordinate tank swaps, etc. Yeah if you are in a straight up organized group that has done the thing over and over again you are right... but hell how many times have any of us done and OP and found out the host uses a slightly different strat... in the middle of the fight.


With the low latency of the VOIPs available today the only reason not to use one is recalcitrance, not practicality or efficiency.


As for the person saying "getting used to voices..." if you are using voice chat and not asking a reasonable question the only people that should be talking to "you" (if you are not a tank) is the raid leader. after that the tanks talk to coordinate tank swaps (if necessary) and depending on how the rl has heals set up the healers may have to talk and then they are only talking to themselves and the raid leader. If you are dps...and it is mid fight.. lips are zipped and you only need to worry about that one voice you should have identified as the raid lead a minute or two after taking your invite.

Edited by Ghisallo
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If people understand the gimmicks, are playing correctly and are being aware of their surroundings, there's no need to instruct people. Questions are for, you know, BEFORE the fight.

Unless you are running SM, you can always hit an unexpected situation. Since you cannot plan everything beforehand, there are only two ways to deal with it: 1) Have the raid leader make a call on what to do, or 2) Wipe and repeat until you don't get unexpected situations. I'd rather go with 1.


Also, I like to be in Teamspeak for the social aspect. If I am running an operation with the same players for 2 to 3 hours, I want to interact with them and not just mindlessly kill bosses. I guess it's different for players who have kids but for me, it's much more enjoyable to talk with the group, at least when you have a talkative group.

I've seen enough examples of both types: Groups that just say "Hi" when joining TS and then stay quiet throughout the whole raid, a raidleader who makes no calls, sometimes doesn't even want to explain the fight because he is too lazy, and whenever I tank, I hate it when the cotank doesn't respond when I tell him to taunt etc.

On the other hand, you have raids where the group is doing small talk, where the raidleader calls out phases of the fight, where he explains some more complicated strategies so that you are already prepared for the HM mechanics and in general it is a very enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

From my experience, the atmosphere has nothing to do with the players in the raid, but only with the raidleader. If the raidleader doesn't start talking and it is a full PuG group where no one knows each other, no one else dares to talk as well.

In any case, we are living in completely different worlds here. In the U.S., the voice chat landscape is completely different than in Germany and I would never want to change how it is here. :)

Edited by Jerba
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i agree with the OP 100%


downloading each one takes maybe 30 seconds out of your day, and typing in a server address and a password takes even less.


with the obvious exception of our mute and deaf community, anyone else who has an issue with hopping in a voip application is just lazy. plain and simple. if you have a phobia with talking to strangers, fine but you can at least give your pugs the common courtesy of being able to listen.

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I'll say this once...be very careful what you say about my kids... :mad:




Ever sat near a 3yr while wearing a headset? They won't let you wear them without saying "I wanna hear, lemme hear" 400-500 times lo


It's lame. Really lame. But that's not your kids fault now is it? Naming a child something like that "Leia, Anakin, or Kal-El like Nic Cage) is really stupid. You're setting up your child to be made fun of because you are a fan of something/someone and have no originality or common sense. So you name your kid something that could very likely get them made fun of..a lot. Fail parenting 101.

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