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RK Starforged Blasters


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This isn't about which sound is better. This is about being able to buy a Cartel Market item and know that it won't be altered after purchase solely because some other people prefer a different version.

That's why I want to know from BioWare why the change was made.



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The patch notes said the sounds would be changed..


Yep, that would have been great back in December when I got the weapon and paid to unlock it on all my toons because I LIKED THE SOUND, doesn't help me now though.



There must be always, ALWAYS ppl complaining. So, I prefer the new sound, sounds much more like a blaster, and not like an empty can hitting the floor. For once, they changed something aesthetic for good. Me, like many others, think its better like this, so accept it and ENDURE IT, dammit


So why couldn't you guys accept and endure the original sound?


This isn't about which sound is better. This is about being able to buy a Cartel Market item and know that it won't be altered after purchase solely because some other people prefer a different version.

That's why I want to know from BioWare why the change was made.



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Glad it was changed personally. I loved the look, disliked the sound. But to be honest I had no problem using the gun with the old sound. The sound wasn't annoying to the point where I avoided it or wanted to blast myself in the face. Whatever, it changed guess we'll have to live with the new sound. Still don't even know what it sounds like, but from what I read I guess they decided to just reuse and old sound effect.
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Guess I wouldn't be upset if I didn't already spend RL $ on the original blasters. I bought and unlocked them for the original sound. A refund would be nice, but it won't ever happen.


Yeah I actually disliked the original sounds, I don't know what the new ones sound like yet. There again I can fully understand someone who unlocked account wide BECAUSE of the original sound having it changed on them. They should have made to sound change going forward.

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This isn't about which sound is better. This is about being able to buy a Cartel Market item and know that it won't be altered after purchase solely because some other people prefer a different version.

That's why I want to know from BioWare why the change was made.

It was probably an error to begin with.

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It was probably an error to begin with.


If that is the case then it shouldn't be too hard for BioWare to say so.

They could have easily clarified this issue by just making a statement in the patch notes, "item is now working(sounding) as intended".

I think they owe their customers a response.

To some players the sound of a weapon might be just as important as it's size, shape or color.

If a CM item you bought had it's size, shape or color changed after you purchased it, wouldn't you expect an explanation why?

Edited by JediRelentless
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This isn't about which sound is better. This is about being able to buy a Cartel Market item and know that it won't be altered after purchase solely because some other people prefer a different version.

That's why I want to know from BioWare why the change was made.


Lol. So is this going to be the next #SlotMachinegate. Honestly I like the new sounds thus for the weapons. BW did good this time. The old one sounded like the EE whatever rifle that my OP has. It sounds awful. But looks cool

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Lol. So is this going to be the next #SlotMachinegate


The slot machines had a direct impact on gameplay, I thought the nerf was overkill but understood that some changes had to happen.


BW did good this time


No, BW didn't do good this time. The RK Starforged blasters are cosmetic shells, they have no impact on gameplay whatsoever, so why change them? If you disliked the original weapons attributes you simply had to pick another, as you do with all game items, or, if you simply had to have that weapon design, ask that the next version released had a different sound. How many have they released now? Four? Why not one more? That way they wouldn't p*** off those who'd equipped and liked the original design.


I can see it now, "The new RK Pedant: for those whose blaster must go Pew Pew"

Edited by Kageonis
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I don't really like the sound change myself. I liked having blasters with different sounds.


Changing a cartel item because some people whine neglects the fact that of the people who didn't whine, MANY likely liked the sound. They just don't come and spam the forums saying they like the sounds.


Better solution would have been to release a similar looking blaster with a different sound.


Even better, maybe you should consider as part of your appearance special thingy you aren't telling us much about the ability to set various aesthetics like blaster sounds, sabre sounds, etc.


Even if they had a nominal price to purchase I might very well buy different sounds for my characters.

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Even better, maybe you should consider as part of your appearance special thingy you aren't telling us much about the ability to set various aesthetics like blaster sounds, sabre sounds, etc.


Even if they had a nominal price to purchase I might very well buy different sounds for my characters.


Id like this option. Lots of sabers that look cool, but sound like someone trying to hold in a fart when ignited...

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What is done is done so only thing we can do or whine


Id like this option. Lots of sabers that look cool, but sound like someone trying to hold in a fart when ignited...


That would be a nice option. Satele Shan's dual-saber comes to mind for me :p . In my personal opinion, my favorite lightsaber sound wise is the Ziost Guardian lightsabers. To me they sound the closest to the original trilogy ones which I enjoy.

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I have no idea if it was an error. I just can't think of any other reason to change it.


I didn't see an outcry about the old sound. I thought it was awful but really liked the look of the RK-6 so I put up with it. I have to agree that the sound it had was not the sound that was intended and I'm personally glad it got changed...or fixed as it were.


The "new" sound actually sounds like a blaster.

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I bought the RK-4 Starforged blaster because they looked awesome. After buying one I equiped my character, decided I thought they were the best looking guns I has seen in a long time and then unlocked them account wide. I did all of this while standing in my Nar Saddaa stronghold. Alas when I fired them for the first time I was absolutely gutted, they sounded like someone making pew-pew sounds in a pringles tube and I had these things account unlocked now?!

Although I must admit that the sound was quite unique, but then unique is not always good. If I had a picture of my own backside tattooed on my face I would be the owner of a very unique face, but I think most people would agree it was not good... I am happy that the sound changed as the old sound was nothing more than aural assault.


TLDR - The old sound sucked :( YAY new sound :)

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Meh, I liked the old sound better. But! The new sound isn't bad. The old sound made me think of a broken down, rustic AT-AT. Kind of liked it, haha. The new sound sounds like... a blaster pistol. No charm for me. But! Whatever, haha.


It would be cool (as in, never going to happen) if sound could be modified like color crystals. An audio mod slot!

Edited by SkyCakeLight
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I bought the RK-4 Starforged blaster because they looked awesome. After buying one I equiped my character, decided I thought they were the best looking guns I has seen in a long time and then unlocked them account wide. I did all of this while standing in my Nar Saddaa stronghold. Alas when I fired them for the first time I was absolutely gutted, they sounded like someone making pew-pew sounds in a pringles tube and I had these things account unlocked now?!


And how much more gutted would you have been if you'd actually checked all the attributes of the item, then paid to unlock them account wide because they were just what you wanted, only to have them look like a pineapple on a stick after the next update. Hey, they still fire, right? Just now they look like a pineapple on a stick. Dave likes pineapple on sticks. Oh, and all that armor you saved up for? Sorry, Trevor didn't like the way the shoulders looked so, sorry, now it all looks like the white junk gear you get on the starter planets. Trevor likes junk gear. It reminds Trevor of the orphanage and Trevor can't be arsed to look on the markets for another set of armor, or maybe wait for a new armor to come out, so, basically, **** everyone else, their armor has to change for him.

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And how much more gutted would you have been if you'd actually checked all the attributes of the item, then paid to unlock them account wide because they were just what you wanted, only to have them look like a pineapple on a stick after the next update. Hey, they still fire, right? Just now they look like a pineapple on a stick. Dave likes pineapple on sticks. Oh, and all that armor you saved up for? Sorry, Trevor didn't like the way the shoulders looked so, sorry, now it all looks like the white junk gear you get on the starter planets. Trevor likes junk gear. It reminds Trevor of the orphanage and Trevor can't be arsed to look on the markets for another set of armor, or maybe wait for a new armor to come out, so, basically, **** everyone else, their armor has to change for him.


To be honest I never anticipated the fact that the blasters would sound so terrible that I would have to buy them and fire them before buying them (not sure how to do that), that before buying any item I have to find someone else who bought them then follow them around until they fire them or every time I want a new blaster I need to check dulfy/youtube first to make sure they have sounds from a studio rather than something a deaf chap made at home using a $2 mic and a card tube.


The pain you feel right now is the same pain I felt when I heard that tinny echo from my RK-4s when I got them. But I took it on the nose, didn't forum whine like a baby because things didn't go my way (I don't recall telling anyone, i was just a sad panda for a few days). Because I know and I accept that BW can change ANYTHING, ANYTIME, as all we do is rent non-existent stuff from them that they keep in their non-existent world and allow us access to.

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To be honest I never anticipated the fact that the blasters would sound so terrible that I would have to buy them and fire them before buying them (not sure how to do that), that before buying any item I have to find someone else who bought them then follow them around until they fire them or every time I want a new blaster I need to check dulfy/youtube first to make sure they have sounds from a studio rather than something a deaf chap made at home using a $2 mic and a card tube.


Your opinion on the sound is simply that, your opinion. We all have different opinions on what sounds good and bad and varying degrees in between. If we didn't, there would just be one weapon sound ingame and everyone would be happy with it. But we do. And there isn't. And we're not. The fact that you failed to check which sound your pistol made before you paid to unlock them account wide was nobody's fault but your own. The sound you so disliked was there from the beginning. It did not change suddenly after you purchased the item. After checking all the attributes of the weapon and then purchasing it account wide, I don't think it was an unreasonable expectation by myself that, unless the weapon had a direct adverse affect on gameplay, there would be no reason for those attributes to change.


The pain you feel right now is the same pain I felt when I heard that tinny echo from my RK-4s when I got them. But I took it on the nose


Although, now that it has been changed, it does appear that you've come here to gloat.


Didn't forum whine like a baby because things didn't go my way


Not too sure if that's aimed at me or the guys that originally whined to get the pistol changed?


Because I know and I accept that BW can change ANYTHING, ANYTIME, as all we do is rent non-existent stuff from them that they keep in their non-existent world and allow us access to.


This is true, although if you truly accepted everything that BW did you wouldn't have had a problem with the original sound effect.

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I, for one, liked the original sound these blasters made. It sounded different, like a heavier weapon would. It seemed to fit. I went ahead and equipped one on every character that could carry a blaster. Now the new sound is just like every other blaster. I wish it would be changed back. Or at least offer some blaster like it again. It's a bit like buying a new car, only to discover it is a different color when you take it home. :eek:


Also I am amazed at the quick unilateral action on this issue. Why not put that effort into fixing Under Lurker in Temple of Sacrifice instead? :cool:

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It's a bit like buying a new car, only to discover it is a different color when you take it home. :eek:


Also I am amazed at the quick unilateral action on this issue. Why not put that effort into fixing Under Lurker in Temple of Sacrifice instead? :cool:

It's more like buying a new ugly car only to find the salesman has been over and repainted it during the night against your will. And there's no returning it. Nor are you compensated in any way.


While none of us possess deep knowledge of TOR's inner workings, I do feel it's safe to assume that swapping a sound file is less work than a bug fix for a broken npc.

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