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Overpowered Operatives


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It's our problem that people who have stealth reveal abilities don't use them, apparently.


Warrior and Knights lost their stealth detect skill when Slam/Smash/-whatever the name is when the JK/SW jumps up and slams down, attacking all NPCs in a certain radius- required a target.


I know BH has a stealth detect, so I assume my not-yet-at-55 Trooper will too. And I think JC and SI have one as well. But not every class has a stealth detect.

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The OP is complaining about OP OPs in OPS? No, he just wants to PvP against OP OPs without having to L2P!




I've only ever had one main character, a guardian tank. I don't think it's ever been the FOTM. Well tbh, I didn't even know what FOTM was until i came to these forums. I love PVP, win some, I lose some. People need to man up. I couldn't imagine grinding a new toon just to have a FOTM class. I mean do people really do this?


Operative is fine as is. Annoying, but pretty useless without their teammates. My guardian's got just as many tricks.

Edited by Papazmurf
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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.





It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.


The words of a lvl 11 newb i see....


when you learn to pvp then you may post.. till then, you may keep silent... child.

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Warrior and Knights lost their stealth detect skill when Slam/Smash/-whatever the name is when the JK/SW jumps up and slams down, attacking all NPCs in a certain radius- required a target.

This change has been reverted with 3.0. That's 3 months and you didn't noticed? And still back then when it required a target, warriors/knights still had sweeping/cyclone slash. So that doesn't really count either.


And then go ask operatives what they do if they're fighting a stealth class that vanishes. Nothing, since carbine burst is useless.

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This change has been reverted with 3.0. That's 3 months and you didn't noticed? And still back then when it required a target, warriors/knights still had sweeping/cyclone slash. So that doesn't really count either.


And then go ask operatives what they do if they're fighting a stealth class that vanishes. Nothing, since carbine burst is useless.


I don't PvP, and my rotation is throw lightsaber->leap->slam->spam melee attacks. Didn't notice that was changed back.

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judging from this post, you have no idea what their abilities are or how they work so maybe you should inform yourself before coming off as a bitter player that doesnt know basic game mechanics.


They're the only ones with a skill to prevent you from even turning. Am I imagining that?


They have an ability to roll forward about 10 meters instantly, and Operatives can activate that ability immediately afterwards; another 10 meters instantly. Moving about 20 meters in about a second. What game mechanic am I misunderstanding? That ability overtakes any escape attempt (Other than phasewalk.)


I would actually like to know what class the OP plays tbh. It could prove enlightening as to the more ignorant points of his post.


Mostly a Sage, and if you can provide some actual insight instead of being another troll on this thread, I'd appreciate it.


If posters spent half the time learning to play tactically and with the strengths of their class as they do moaning on the forums we'd have a much more fun environment, and give the devs more time to address issues that really matter.


Healer sage only wants to escape. Healer sage has Force Speed with Egress. Healer sage has Force Armor which heals a little bit and implodes in a ball of light. Healer sage can activate a few healing abilities while moving. Healer sage has the force bubble which makes healer sage immune yet immobile. Healer sage still gets tied down and ***** because Concealment Operative is the overpowered I-Win button of this game.


As squishy as Ops are when really focused they definitely are not OP.


If things get too hot, Dodge+Emergency Cloak (whatever it's called)+Exfiltrate=Yet another I-Win factor.


Warrior and Knights lost their stealth detect skill when Slam/Smash/-whatever the name is when the JK/SW jumps up and slams down, attacking all NPCs in a certain radius- required a target.


Actually, they fixed that; put it back to the way it was.


No, he just wants to PvP against OP OPs without having to L2P!


It's so much easier to insult me than it is to consider the problem. You're probably happy with your I-Win button Operative and don't want to see it nerfed, thus you attack anyone who does.


The words of a lvl 11 newb i see....


when you learn to pvp then you may post.. till then, you may keep silent... child.


If you think Exfiltrate and Force Barrier and the Force Mobility passive are 10-29 moves, then you even more to learn than I do, fool.

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Well, sure you got aggressive replies, but it can't prevent you from basically thinking about what you wrote and what you got back.


First, don't talk about OPERATIVES when you faced one of the THREE specs, thank you.


Then, you can snare/root the roll, it doesn't free movement and surely doesn't give immunity.


Then again, name the powers as they are, don't try to sum up them with shiny bright pictures, seriously, "Healer sage has Force Armor which heals a little bit and implodes in a ball of light" ? Before you can complain about anything, try to gather FACTS.


Healer sage (but not the 2 other specs...) being tied down by an operative ? Really ? HOW ? HEALER sage really ? Are they unbreakable hard stuns I don't know of ? Or do you mean we can flash you, heal, then rip you again ? Then why did you have to face an foe alone ? And why the hell do you talk about Sages when you're obviously a Knight ? Then you might have said you were talking about pure DUELS, or node guarding where your class obviously sux at ? Don't pull your faults or your team's on anybody else, thank you, and don't take here and there arguments that may help you but just drown the fish.


Then, so you consider fleeing from you is a win... How ? Why ? You're just frustrated, feeling how Jedis are teh l33t toons that shall rule and the others shall bow, RPing in pvp is, well... How can a guy running from a fight with you be the WINNER ? Can you imagine how it feels just to be able to scratch you, even with our omgzungaoverpowered skillz ?


At last, greeb wrote you were talking like a lvl 11, not that you are, if your understanding of pvp is on par with your reading skills, then you're really out of reach.

Edited by galaadswtor
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  • 1 month later...

Scrapper and Concealment. The no-skill-required overpowered I-Win button.


Fix it.


As well as the Shien Form Guardian/Juggernaut spec. (I don't care what they're called, you know what I'm talking about.) Root, Master Strike (Immune to any defense attempts), push, root, Master Strike (Immune to any defense attempts). We're down to 30% health before we can even try to start fighting back.


Just fix it. And de-nerf sentinels and assassins, while you're at it. Sentinels used to be glass canons, now they're just glass. And the Hatred spec of Assassins is like running around naked with a wooden stick.

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They're the only ones with a skill to prevent you from even turning. Am I imagining that?


They have an ability to roll forward about 10 meters instantly, and Operatives can activate that ability immediately afterwards; another 10 meters instantly. Moving about 20 meters in about a second. What game mechanic am I misunderstanding? That ability overtakes any escape attempt (Other than phasewalk.)



Are you serious? Your freaking Force Speed takes you farther away than 20m. And you can actually do things like hitting your selfheal or bubbling yourself while sprinting, in 2.5secs.

Operatives need to use 2 globals, that's THREE seconds, for their 20m gain and can't even sh*t themselves while rolling, cause it TAKES A GCD. And can't even roll when rooted, while you just sprint out of a root with egress.


Warriors leap is up to 30m in one gcd. Snipers roll is 18m. Don't get me started on borderline OP hydraulics with storm the line.

Really, Op's roll is nothing in comparison to other gap closers. It's part of our defenses. Where we actually have to give up dps for surviving.


Scrapper and Concealment. The no-skill-required overpowered I-Win button.


Fix it.

I have a suggestion for you: If you thing they are so OP, go play one for half an hour worth of warzones and then come back here.

And record and upload it to youtube, so everyone can have a good laugh.

As well as the Shien Form Guardian/Juggernaut spec. (I don't care what they're called, you know what I'm talking about.) Root, Master Strike (Immune to any defense attempts), push, root, Master Strike (Immune to any defense attempts). We're down to 30% health before we can even try to start fighting back.

You're playing litereally one of the two classes that can COMPLETELY avoid this and still you let yourself kill by Vig/Veng Guards/Juggs?


And the Hatred spec of Assassins is like running around naked with a wooden stick.

Then this pile of junk about hatred? Seriously, de-nerf(what would mean buffing them)? The really most OP class in PvP since 3.0, and you want it buffed even more? Yeah, you really know about PvP, balance, your and other classes.

Please teach me, master:rolleyes:

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Juggs love operative tickles.


"Tickles" ha.. funny, Concealment for regular dps, Lethality and insta self heals for DPS'n down Healers, Tanks and annoying dps like Juggs :-P


As for the OP.. well.. .if you think my Operative now is 'OP'...you should have seen him in the first year of gaming ;)

Edited by dacentabaal
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Mostly a Sage, and if you can provide some actual insight instead of being another troll on this thread, I'd appreciate it.





Wasn't a troll at all. When I use the term ignorant I mean the dictionary definition...namely lacking knowledge. The fact that of ALL classes in PvP you are calling the Scoundrel/Operative OP is crazy. I won't bother to repeat the informed posts that proolve you wrong BUT let's be honest. When classes are even possibly OP more than a couple people post about it. Now either you are THE SWTOR PvP guru, the only one who sees the truth OR you do not see the truth. It seems to be the later, not the former.

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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.





It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.


The Force tells me that you play sorc/sage, are awful, and are unwilling to bother learning the things that would make a big difference for you.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Good thing you weren't around at release, the knockdown for 3 seconds and then a two second standup animation, equaled dead enemy player.


5 seconds if your latency was good were an op/scrapper could burst you and nothing you could do.

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Good thing you weren't around at release, the knockdown for 3 seconds and then a two second standup animation, equaled dead enemy player.


5 seconds if your latency was good were an op/scrapper could burst you and nothing you could do.


This is wrong. Yeah we had a 3sec knockdown. But that was it. Anything after that was just an animation and you COULD move by that point.

It was the same after they nerfed the kd to 1.5 sec. They didn't change the animation to cope with the changed duration,, that's why people still complained about it.

Otherwise, those 1.5 seconds weren't an advantage anymore. By the time the gcd was over, you were already free. But the ANIMATION told you still laid on the ground and people didn't do anything because of an animation. Not because they were actually stunned.


So they basically took our knockdown the moment they nerfed it to 1.5 secs.

Edited by Torvai
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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Oh, for God's Sakes.


First it was the Powertechs: "They are overpowered" Nerf them!"

Then it was the Sorcerers: "They are overpowered! Nerf them!"

Now it's the Operatives: "They are overpowered! Nerf them!"


What's next?


"Treek is overpowered! Nerf her!"

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