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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Overpowered Operatives


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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.





It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.

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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.





It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.

judging from this post, you have no idea what their abilities are or how they work so maybe you should inform yourself before coming off as a bitter player that doesnt know basic game mechanics.
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I would actually like to know what class the OP plays tbh. It could prove enlightening as to the more ignorant points of his post.


As for the post before mine. No...stealth is a fun addition and key pretty much to the MMO genre. There are ways to deal with it. Simply because some people are lazy is not an excuse to say "well people cry about stealth classes so just get rid of em.

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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.





It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.



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I would actually like to know what class the OP plays tbh. It could prove enlightening as to the more ignorant points of his post.


As for the post before mine. No...stealth is a fun addition and key pretty much to the MMO genre. There are ways to deal with it. Simply because some people are lazy is not an excuse to say "well people cry about stealth classes so just get rid of em.


Why would it be 'key' to any MMO game to have a class that can make themselves invisible? The mere concept is just horrible.

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Actually the STUN Chain needs to be removed in some fashion.


Being locked down by several classes and whacked to nothing is just silly.


Should have a "FULL Resolve" for like 1-3 sec following being stunned to allow at least a response to be chain stunned and destroyed.

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The thing is that chaining stuns aka stun locking is a common and very useful PVP tactic in EVERY MMO and I highly doubt you will ever see an end to stun locking so long as PVP exists.


I agree, but it does eliminate the fun factor. Especially when you go against premades vs. PUG's in solo w/o vent/mumble.


Maybe one day BW will learn how to properly MATCH groups of people. (Unlikely, but still have to dream)

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I agree, but it does eliminate the fun factor. Especially when you go against premades vs. PUG's in solo w/o vent/mumble.


Maybe one day BW will learn how to properly MATCH groups of people. (Unlikely, but still have to dream)


Very true, I hate getting stun locked in PVP as much as the next person but the only way to get rid of it would be to remove the skills that allow for it which helps PVP players (minus the stun lockers :p ) but hurts the PVE players by removing their ability to stun enemies.

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I agree, but it does eliminate the fun factor. Especially when you go against premades vs. PUG's in solo w/o vent/mumble.


Maybe one day BW will learn how to properly MATCH groups of people. (Unlikely, but still have to dream)


Maybe one day, people won't play an MMO that's only good for its story for things other than its story.

Why was this an MMO and not a single player game, again?

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Clearly the overpowered class, this patch around.


Want to flee? No problem, electroblade (I don't care what the move is called)

On the lookout for them? No problem, they stealth up from behind or in front, either way, you're done for.

Want to keep your front facing them so they can't use the overpowered backstab? No problem, they can now root you from even rotating.

CC break? No worries, They've got a flashbang to keep you around.

Fled? Pushed away? No worries, insta-catchup also makes them immune to any ranged attacks you're throwing while they immediately return to your six.

Still want to flee? No problem, electroblade has cooled down by now ... here we go again.


It's even more insult-to-injury when a Scoundrel beats you up with his bare fists. Who cares about armor, who cares about lightsabers, apparently fist trumps all. Either nerf these fools, allow us to chop their hands off, or amp up survivability of everyone else.


Sigh, yet another `I think X class should be nerfed because I cant compete' thread.


Hopefully this gets ignored by the Devs, true class balancing in PVP will never happen because........


99% of the issues are with an element the Devs cant fix (ie the body siting behind the keyboard),


If posters spent half the time learning to play tactically and with the strengths of their class as they do moaning on the forums we'd have a much more fun environment, and give the devs more time to address issues that really matter.

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