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Just blew $$18 million creds...


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So tell us, how is it dishonest when the price is clearly visible and cannot be changed?

Because the whole idea is to trick/deceive/dupe someone into making a mistake based on what the UI shows. The scammers 100% count on human error. That doesn't make it any less a scam bran.

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theres no preventative measure that can keep people that cant read numbers from being able to read them. they already are given an "are you sure" prompt and the price is clearly labelled.

this happens in every mmo.


the price is right there, i can understand mistakes but then own that mistake. because that's what it is. no one's fault but the buyer.


Remove the decimals. That would fix it. So there is a preventative, the devs just have to be willing to do it.

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Because the whole idea is to trick/deceive/dupe someone into making a mistake based on what the UI shows. The scammers 100% count on human error. That doesn't make it any less a scam bran.


Yeah, yeah it does.


If you went to the supermarket and they had it marked that a box of chocolates costs $200 and you bought it without checking, would the supermarket have scammed you?

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Yeah, yeah it does.


If you went to the supermarket and they had it marked that a box of chocolates costs $200 and you bought it without checking, would the supermarket have scammed you?


You'd see it when they ask you to pay the total. And you'd be like....***? I did't buy that much stuff, let me see the bill. Oh, those are $200...deduct them. You can't really compare this crapfest of a gtn set up with real life stuff.

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You'd see it when they ask you to pay the total. And you'd be like....***? I did't buy that much stuff, let me see the bill. Oh, those are $200...deduct them. You can't really compare this crapfest of a gtn set up with real life stuff.


Right, and you can see the total being asked for on the GTN before you hit buy. So yeah, I really can.

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Yeah, yeah it does.


If you went to the supermarket and they had it marked that a box of chocolates costs $200 and you bought it without checking, would the supermarket have scammed you?


If it was placed next to all the rest of the cereal that's all $2.00 then yes it would likely be considered a scam. You'd also be able to return it.


There is no true real life analog to this scenario with the GTN, and if there was it would be illegal.

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If it was placed next to all the rest of the cereal that's all $2.00 then yes it would likely be considered a scam. You'd also be able to return it.


There is no true real life analog to this scenario with the GTN, and if there was it would be illegal.



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I learned some important things in this thread.


I don't like Darth Wicked anymore....I know you don't care....


I need to start doing this "perfectly ok" thing on the GTN. Cuz I don't have 18 million across my account.


The most important thing I learned is that the SWTOR community majority is ok with me doing this.


Thanks guys!

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I learned some important things in this thread.


I don't like Darth Wicked anymore....I know you don't care....


I need to start doing this "perfectly ok" thing on the GTN. Cuz I don't have 18 million across my account.


The most important thing I learned is that the SWTOR community majority is ok with me doing this.


Thanks guys!


Not true. The majority seems opposed to people doing it; but there is nothing explicitly against the rules that says that they can't post an item for whatever price they want. Likewise, the player buying has the ultimate responsibility to check the listing before they purchase; because outside not reading the price of the item listed, there is no way that you can purchase something at an unintended price.

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So tell us, how is it dishonest when the price is clearly visible and cannot be changed?


Sigh. So smart and cute that the obvious gets ignored. The people doing this are trying to "trick" someone into buying something for 100x market value, relying on people to be careless, inattentive, feeble-minded, etc. And they are using peculariarites of the GTN (e.g. decimals. sorting) to do the trick. They only need one sucker (e.g. me) and they are set. So but for hoping that someone makes this mistake, there is NO WAY anyone INTENTIONALLY pays $9 million for 99 green mats. We can blame the sucker all we want to for getting dooped. All fine. But scams don't work when everyone is alert, suspicious and on the ball. Scams rely on finding suckers. I've already admitted I was a sucker. That doesn't mean it's not a scam. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand. I can't do anything further for you if you cannot see the blatantly obvious nature of the scam here.

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Sigh. So smart and cute that the obvious gets ignored. The people doing this are trying to "trick" someone into buying something for 100x market value, relying on people to be careless, inattentive, feeble-minded, etc. And they are using peculariarites of the GTN (e.g. decimals. sorting) to do the trick. They only need one sucker (e.g. me) and they are set. So but for hoping that someone makes this mistake, there is NO WAY anyone INTENTIONALLY pays $9 million for 99 green mats. We can blame the sucker all we want to for getting dooped. All fine. But scams don't work when everyone is alert, suspicious and on the ball. Scams rely on finding suckers. I've already admitted I was a sucker. That doesn't mean it's not a scam. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand. I can't do anything further for you if you cannot see the blatantly obvious nature of the scam here.


Nobody is claiming that the sellers aren't trying to trick people.

But you can't really consider 'not reading closely' a scam, either.

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Nobody is claiming that the sellers aren't trying to trick people.

But you can't really consider 'not reading closely' a scam, either.


LOL. OMG, that's exactly how scams work. Put things in fine print, hope people don't read, etc. Why is this so complicated? Scams don't work with two willing, attentive, "on-the-ball" parties. One party is the sucker, who's caught slipping for whatever reason. That is the whole concept behind scams.

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Is all the info in plain sight, for the would-be buyer to peruse at will? Check.

Does that same info include the price per unit, total price, plus whatever item the would-be buyer wants? Check.

Is there a confirmation pop-up, asking the would-be buyer if he wants to make the purchase for sure? Check.

Are there options in the GTN window that allow the would-be buyer to NEVER spend above any given amount? Check.


END RESULT: Scam all the same.


Mind boggling logic some of you people present. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Not true. The majority seems opposed to people doing it; but there is nothing explicitly against the rules that says that they can't post an item for whatever price they want. Likewise, the player buying has the ultimate responsibility to check the listing before they purchase; because outside not reading the price of the item listed, there is no way that you can purchase something at an unintended price.


Agreed, im in the boat of being annoyed because A people are unwilling/REFUSE to use the tools already available to them in game, common sense, and employ reading/comprehension skills.


Yes we get it you were too lazy, in a rush, drunk, stoned, tired, saw what you thought was a too good to be true deal (that gasp wasnt, karma!) and clicked buy, ignored the pop up asking if you were sure you wanted to buy it (or stupidly turned it off to prevent it from saving you from yourself)


Should the people try to bilk the gullible? Well, the phrase "A sucker born every minute" had to come from, somewhere, and be proven right for it to continue to be plausible. Is it right? Not really, but it is our own respinsibility to prevent ourselves from making mistake no one elses.


Putting hard hats on everyone because some refuse to tie their shoes, trip, and bump their heads just encourages people to keep leaving their shoes untied.


And B, own your mistakes. No one made you click buy, no one made you cluck away the pop up, no one made you not sort by, no one made you not enter in a max price.


If you refuse to use the tools available to you, its all on you, again, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to buy anything.

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Is all the info in plain sight, for the would-be buyer to peruse at will? Check.

Does that same info include the price per unit, total price, plus whatever item the would-be buyer wants? Check.

Is there a confirmation pop-up, asking the would-be user if he wants to make the purchase for sure? Check.

Are there options in the GTN window that allow the would-be user to NEVER spend above any given amount? Check.


END RESULT: Scam all the same.


Mind bobbling logic some of you people present. :rolleyes:


Scam - (tr) to swindle (someone) by means of a trick.


That's all thats needed. No other strawmen needed. None of the rest of your post matters. It's the classic "I didn't read the fine print". The classic "I didn't pay attention when the email from the bank said 'Bank of Amerca' (instead of 'America') and it asked for my account info." Yep, all the safeguards are there. Print is there. And it's all avoidable. But these irrelevant, red herrings have nothing to do with whether or not it's a scam.


Scams rely on a sucker to be swindled by their trick. But I suppose you'll argue that this isn't a "trick". That these people aren't trying to trick people. You could only argue that from down below the sand your head would need to be buried under.

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Scam - (tr) to swindle (someone) by means of a trick.


How were you scammed exactly?


Did you somehow fail to receive what you payed for? Was the listing somehow misleading or inaccurate? Was there any info missing from it? Was the listing changed midway, by the time you were perusing it?


Again, how did he try to swindle you, not to mention succeeded at it? :rolleyes:


The failure was yours, not the listing. Get over it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Scam - (tr) to swindle (someone) by means of a trick

Oh I know, I'm with you 100% on this one. I'd rather have a player like you in this game than the twits who are trying to cheat players like you. It boggles my mind that so many here are more interested in protecting the scammer...says a lot about this community.

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And B, own your mistakes. No one made you click buy, no one made you cluck away the pop up, no one made you not sort by, no one made you not enter in a max price.



The sad part is that, from the beginning I owned my mistake. Didn't blame BW, didn't blame GTN. Said it was 100% on me. I came on to vent and share my cautionary tale of getting scammed. Never asked for a change of anything. Of course, that's not enough for people. They feel the need to pile on, re-state the obvious, attack with "learn to read", "learn math" points. I guess this makes people feel better about themselves, so if my misfortune helps with that, cool. But I've maintained all along that if I was paying attention, I wouldn't have gotten scammed. You can't even come on and admit a mistake here and not get trolled for it.

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Oh I know, I'm with you 100% on this one. I'd rather have a player like you in this game than the twits who are trying to cheat players like you. It boggles my mind that so many here are more interested in protecting the scammer...says a lot about this community.


I agree with your overall attitude toward the scam thing, I just don't think people are trying to protect the scammer more than keep the victim from falling into traps. Like you wouldn't blame a someone for being assaulted, that's not their fault, but I'd also tell them they probably shouldn't walk in dark allies either...

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They really should just round to the next tenth imo and not include decimals to screw people over personally I have 100m on the toon I buy stuff on, but I never miss clicked ever since beta. But yeah i do agree that it is a scam since people are technically tricking you into buying whatever they have listed, they know someone will buy it eventually and mess up.
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The sad part is that, from the beginning I owned my mistake. Didn't blame BW, didn't blame GTN. Said it was 100% on me. I came on to vent and share my cautionary tale of getting scammed. Never asked for a change of anything. Of course, that's not enough for people. They feel the need to pile on, re-state the obvious, attack with "learn to read", "learn math" points. I guess this makes people feel better about themselves, so if my misfortune helps with that, cool. But I've maintained all along that if I was paying attention, I wouldn't have gotten scammed. You can't even come on and admit a mistake here and not get trolled for it.


That would be why my first post in this thread was:


I love how the OP /admits/ he made a mistake and didn't try to pin it on the GTN but people are still acting like he got scammed.
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