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REQUEST: Bring WAR back to Star Wars, actual Conquesting, and open world PVP


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SWG was all about creating your own story. Sandbox open world allowed us to do that: all you needed was a little social interaction and a few good people


I do my roleplaying on text engines.


Like a normal person. :)

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For those that say the engine can't handle it, I call BS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHOjbb4McY


and you'd be wrong. We saw it first hand. Why do you think BioWare scrapped Ilum OWPvP in the first place?


delude yourself all you want. You're just showing that you don't know what you're talking about in the slightest bit.


but call BS, it's always funny hearing the armchair-programers spew garbage like they know.

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For those that say the engine can't handle it, I call BS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHOjbb4McY


The issue here is that the performance is ludicrously varied.

Also, in that video, there are "not that many" people, it looks like maybe 30 together on both sides at one time. And of course, no idea about graphics settings (looks pretty high).


I think that if they gave the option of changing particle effects quality, or even force them disabled if X people are around, it would help tremendously.

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Why do you think BioWare scrapped Ilum OWPvP in the first place?


Because people were abusing the system like crazy, and nobody had a better idea than to shut it down.

Anyhow, the video is a pretty good argument for one side, and in my experience, until I get flooded with particle effects, I can play on max settings quite well in 30 people around without much of a lag (and then there are people who lag even on lowest setting in 8m ops)

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I can't comment on the "open world PVP" part. I'm not a PVP person. But about conquests I agree and I've been saying since conquests were added that the concept seemed to have missed the mark.


I mean, in theory each conquest event is supposed to be focused around conflicts on specific target planets and they can also have a specific event theme on top of that. But what we really get is a few on-planet objectives for 1 out of 5 target planets and nothing for the other planets covered in that week's event. And while some week's do feature a theme of flashpoints or operations or warzones or crafting more heavily than other weeks, conquest crafting always has a really heavy handed influence in every single one of them regardless of theme.


I suspect / imagine that part of it might be a limitation that they've enforced on themselves for the number of objectives that can be included in each conquest event. So if they were to include all relevant "defeat this many NPCs on that planet" and "complete heroics on that planet" and "kill an enemy commander on that planet" and whatever else, the list would expand very quickly and leave much less room for the theme objectives.


My suggestion for a solution would be to add a Conquest Mission Terminal to every planet that can ever be a conquest event target. This terminal would feature a bunch of relevant daily and weekly missions for the planet. They could include both PVE and PVP options, with missions to kill NPCs in specific regions, complete specific heroics, help kill an enemy commander, get a certain number of PVP kills, and whatever else they can think of. (If they were to add some sort of contested base on every planet that could be captured by either faction, perhaps one daily could call for some sort of activity at that location.) And then the conquest event only needs to make room for one objective per target planet. Repeatable objective: Complete any mission at this planet's Conquest Mission Terminal. Then if you're helping your guild out with conquests you could start each day at the planet that your guild has chosen for that week (for the guild bonus on the objective) and pick up your dailies/weeklies there. Then you start your daily conquest rampage on planet while queueing up whatever extra activities you also want to do.


(Ideally, all of the "once per legacy" conquest objectives should be eliminated and replaced with something that relies upon some sort of daily or weekly instead. That way the limit is only per character.)

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I always love when people say " Oh SWG had this and SWG had that OH they should add this to TOR because it was in SWG" ad infinitum ad nauseam.


But let me ask you this......WHERE is SWG Now? Answer. Shutdown, gone, dead, 6 feet under, gone the way of the dinosaurs.

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Ilum isn't even the issue. I don't care what game it is, every game that tries to encourage world PvP with objectives I have seen is met by cries of "why is there PvE in my PvP!!!!!!". I would point out DAoC and Keep sieges to lock down areas, Relic raids into enemy territory or defending your own... EVERYONE came running, even PvErs I know would come running, they were that massive and that damn fun. BUT mention them today, its " PvE in my PvP". I point out real wars and real battles aren't just death matches, they have objectives and its "carebears...go back to questing."


Evn if you could get this to change though there is one thing you need for decent world PvP that NO MMO would do today...meaningful death and corpse looting. Without the element of risks such mechanics bring, world PvP becomes a scrum with no coordination...a simple zerg so the people with the most numbers and/or closet respanw point win. No thank you.

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I always love when people say " Oh SWG had this and SWG had that OH they should add this to TOR because it was in SWG" ad infinitum ad nauseam.


But let me ask you this......WHERE is SWG Now? Answer. Shutdown, gone, dead, 6 feet under, gone the way of the dinosaurs.


This is very close minded a view. There were plenty of things that SWG had that kept people playing for so long.


SWG needed to be replaced, I agree that the game was dying and this game was huge breath of fresh air.


Sugesting something that was enjoyable for some is perfectly acceptible when discussing options or ideas.


your hate of SWG does not negate the truth about PvP in SWTOR. Its all warzones here all the time and the PvP community could really benifit from anythig new at this point. Whether you want to just spew venom about SWG or any other game offers no solution to the issue for PvP.


By all means bring something constructive to the table that you think would breath a little life into the current state of open world PvP because thats what this thread is about

Edited by kirorx
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I always love when people say " Oh SWG had this and SWG had that OH they should add this to TOR because it was in SWG" ad infinitum ad nauseam.


But let me ask you this......WHERE is SWG Now? Answer. Shutdown, gone, dead, 6 feet under, gone the way of the dinosaurs.


It was dead long before it was shutdown. Nostalgia seems to forget all problems and bad things and remembers all good things. That's the point of nostalgia.


I wouldn't touch SWG with a 10 ft pole again

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your hate of SWG does not negate the truth about PvP in SWTOR. Its all warzones here all the time and the PvP community could really benifit from anythig new at this point. Whether you want to just spew venom about SWG or any other game offers no solution to the issue for PvP.

THe issue here is with that PvP community and PvE community don't really mix. As was stated above, it is very much "why is there PvE in my PvP" (or "why I have to go to PvP area for my quest") people. Sieges in DAoC (and system in similar games) were great (heck, even WAR system of capturing zones was awesome, and it is how I imagined Conquests would work), and they combined PvE and PvP gameplay. BUt that cannot work in this game, because people are whiny when the two sides meet...

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70+ players play the Imperial characters in PvP and that ratio is even less favorable when it comes to the professional PvPers. As a result, anyone with a degree of talent eventually re-rolls an Imperial toon even if the player started with the Republic and sticks with it. It's only pragmatic.


Every time I see this sort of things suggested what I hear is: "Give us the awesome bored Imperials a chance to go and faceroll the Republic noobs."


There is absolutely no point whatsoever to start anything at all that involves a competition between the factions at the current state of Faction imbalance.




It's not the engine that can handle it, it's the gamers' mindset and population.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well Domi raises another issue. For it to work you need other controls (I forgot). First you need to have built it ratios so you can never have more than X% difference of accounts per faction per server. If you didn't you would up with one faction, likely Pub being outnumbered. Another option is a third faction but too late. Implementing this would be unpopular even at launch ("I can't play with my friends because their faction is full!!!!). Implementing it now would result in an exodus of players because you would have to basically randomly pick people to get kicked. Second I could already see Imp guilds making free Pub side accounts to gimmick the system and make it appear the imbalance isn't there.


Second you would need to limit players to one faction per server. Problem is again how do you do this in a f2p game?

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