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What if it was YOUR Revan?


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So one of the earliest complaints about Revan's appearance in TOR was that it wasn't "MY Revan." Being an MMO though, and even being a game with limited development time and resources, it was natural for things to fall wayside.


But let's forget about that and have some fun: Imagine if TOR's backstory and lore got based on YOUR KOTOR 1&2 playthroughs? Would your Revan have kept the Star Forged and now be ruling the Republic with a post scarcity economy? Would Satele not exist because your Revan was lacking downtown but a little better to do upstairs? (Or maybe you just found romancing Bastilla creepy) And what about your Exile? How would their actions change (i.e. make borken) the setting we play in now?

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My "canon" Revan play through was mostly in line with the now canon Revan--destroyed the star forge, light side ending, etc. Romanced Bastila's socks off, too. Except he had a different face lol. I need to scour the internet to see if anyone has done a SWTOR Revan texture for the KOTOR protagonist.
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My "canon" Revan play through was mostly in line with the now canon Revan--destroyed the star forge, light side ending, etc. Romanced Bastila's socks off, too. Except he had a different face lol. I need to scour the internet to see if anyone has done a SWTOR Revan texture for the KOTOR protagonist.


Interesting. My 'canon' Revan also happened to be just like the SWTOR Revan, right down to the 'mullet-man' head! Helped destroy the Star Forge, went light side through the entire game, romanced Bastila, kept the kolto shark alive. Only thing slightly different was the order of planets I went to. Did Tatooine first, Manaan second, Kashyyk third, and saved Korriban for last. I'd like to think that Bioware somehow saw my choices and thought, "Hey, that'd make pretty good canon, let's do that." :D


I also think someone made a mod that added a beard texture to the various heads, so that would bring 'mullet-man' closer to SWTOR Revan.

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Yeah I had a very canon revan during my first playthrough.


1: Mullet man

2: Grabbed all my companions.

3: mostly light side. All the MAJOR LS decisions

4: Tattooine, manaan, kashyyk....korriban last after I had the 'reveal'

5: kinda saw that reveal from a mile away, but whatever.

6: purple lightsaber the second I found one.

7: Played wizard class - it was hard.

8: romanced bastila

9: Basiaclly did everything with HK47

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It is hard for me to say what TOR would be like sense my Revan was a female who romanced Carth lol.


The most I could say is the Republic's miltiary would be a lot stronger sense after the mind wipe I always consider my character to be a Republic Trooper first and a Jedi second.

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I've played a female Revan, LS, looking nothing like the current one. I don't remember the character well, though it was a Consular, rather than the Guardian/Warrior class that appears in SWTOR. In fact, I think my Revan would have been the closest to the impostor we meet in the Imperial story.


What I remember MUCH better is the Exile, who certainly has nothing to do with the Jedi Entity in the appearance. I'd buy it that she could have been that benevolent presence I see in SWTOR. I guess, I can see her sustaining Revan.


Of the 10 protagonists I have played in the series, I still think the Exile will be my favorite.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Interesting. My 'canon' Revan also happened to be just like the SWTOR Revan, right down to the 'mullet-man' head! Helped destroy the Star Forge, went light side through the entire game, romanced Bastila, kept the kolto shark alive. Only thing slightly different was the order of planets I went to. Did Tatooine first, Manaan second, Kashyyk third, and saved Korriban for last. I'd like to think that Bioware somehow saw my choices and thought, "Hey, that'd make pretty good canon, let's do that." :D


I also think someone made a mod that added a beard texture to the various heads, so that would bring 'mullet-man' closer to SWTOR Revan.


I went with the bald guy, who I guess is supposed to be Asian? Seemed to be the least low poly face available. I played the caster (consular?) which was a huge huge huge pain to start out, but sooooo worth it after a while.

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Question...how can anyone say "my Revan would have done this" or that? The Revan in this game just spent 300 years in a Sith alchemy induced stasis being mind ****** by the Emperor. Sorry I don't care how kick butt you think Revan is but 300 years under the will of the guy who already proved he could mentally dominate you means "your Revan" is simply not going to exist anymore. That Revan died 300 years ago.
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Question...how can anyone say "my Revan would have done this" or that? The Revan in this game just spent 300 years in a Sith alchemy induced stasis being mind ****** by the Emperor. Sorry I don't care how kick butt you think Revan is but 300 years under the will of the guy who already proved he could mentally dominate you means "your Revan" is simply not going to exist anymore. That Revan died 300 years ago.


My Revan would have taken those 300 years and stated 'was that all?' :D


Seriously my Revan was a female dark side and would never had let herself be beaten by the emperor; she together with the Exile would have ruled the Sith empire. :) In fact I liked the original encounter with the Revanites on Dromund Kaas when it was suggested that Revan was the Emperor. That was something that my Revan would have done.

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My Revan would have taken those 300 years and stated 'was that all?' :D


Seriously my Revan was a female dark side and would never had let herself be beaten by the emperor; she together with the Exile would have ruled the Sith empire. :) In fact I liked the original encounter with the Revanites on Dromund Kaas when it was suggested that Revan was the Emperor. That was something that my Revan would have done.


Your Revan was already beat by the Emperor... twice. First, your Revan went to kill the emperor and then came back having been turned into a Darth. The only thing your Revan managed to do was say "My Empire"... After you got a few hundred light years away so the distance weakened the control.


Then if you include the Book the Emperor kicks your butt and throws you in Stasis. Sorry your enitre idea revolves around the fact that Revan is more powerful than the Emperor is complete crap. The creators of Revan again, and again, and again have shown that the Emperor is more powerful. Your "Revan" and their actions must be in the context of the world that the writers originally created. Even the OP says "on your play throughs" in the world these writer's created. They did not say "based on your self indulgent fantasy that is divorced from the incidents in the play throughs."


Oh and btw... you do know that the Revanites outside Dromund Kaas were written originally to satirize those obsessed with Revan right?

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Well, let's see. LS Female Revan, Scout/Consular, so she'd probably be a Serenity Sage? Just with more lightsaber action. Serentiy Shadow with a single-bladed saber? Something like that. She dates Carth, then mysteriously disappears into the Outer Rims as per KOTOR2. And I had a LS Male Exile, Sentinel/Weaponmaster, so…Vigilance Guardian, I suppose. He actually finishes training his Padawans BEFORE going out on a big fat journey to nowhere, so the Order actually has proper Jedi.


Events probably play out similarly to the way they do in "canon" actually, just with opposite genders. I think the biggest difference is, my Revan would have told my Exile that if he had to choose between saving her and killing the Emperor, to kill the Emperor. Which he does, because he doesn't blindly hero worship her like Meetra freakin' Surik.


So Revan dies, but so does the Emperor, the Exile goes back and becomes Grandmaster of the Order, and the Sith don't return for a looooooooong time. I don't know if they'd eventually return 300 years later like they do in SWTOR or if they'd have to wait even longer, but if the former happens then Scourge is totally the new Emperor.


Which would probably lead to the Empire winning, because being lead by an actual, competent figure means they aren't crippled by the infighting amongst the Council. Whoops.


Other stuff:


Satele and Theron would still be around, because male!Revan isn't the only guy in the galaxy and I could totally imagine my Revan setting Bastila up on blind dates until she clicked with someone.


The Jedi Order is a little looser, a little less controlling about emotions and families and whatnot, because my Exile and Visas Marr were a couple, rules be damned. So he'd put in place something allowing Jedi marriage and preach about how emotions do not automatically equal dark side. They're not as free as Luke's New Jedi Order, but a lot more free than the current Old Republic Order.


Scourge becomes the new Emperor, like I said. He leads the Sith into exile and spends the next 300+ years actively training them and plotting their return, unlike Vitiate who did nothing. So when the Sith eventually do return, they're more competent. Still fighting amongst each other, but tougher. They probably have better strategies, too.

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There wouldn't be a Satele. That romance ended on the Star Forge. Which means Malgus might never have gotten his scars. I wonder who would have made Grand Master by this point, instead of Satele? Gnost-Dural, maybe?


Other than that, though. I would imagine the story would pretty much go the same way. My Revan is pretty in line with Bioware's Revan (even looks very similar in the face). Unless, of course, Revan and Bastila not having babies has a massive butterfly effect and the galaxy turns out to be completely different, as a result.

Edited by DarthEccen
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i imagine the fight with vivite would have wne t like this


open cheat window






fem revan rules overs over the starwars universe as a beneovlent god king for all time.


This. ---^ lol. KSE.


I played both KoTOR and KoTOR 2 originally as a female, light side choices for both. Revan's gender aside, I could see both my chars ending up the way Revan and Meetra did canonically, though imo Meetra was the more interesting character between the two. That one stung a bit. :/


That said, I have to be the one person who liked how Revan was handled pre-SoR in TOR. >.< I still think to this day the biggest issue was that personal character investment is much stronger when you've played as a character through a game like KoTOR, in most cases numerous times. So much bitterness over Revan being a lowly mortal like the rest of us lol. >.< You'd think Revan could also fly, speak Huttese in Basic, walk on water, and win pazzak with a 1 card, a 3 card, a glass of blue milk and a bottle cap based off the fanboy levels you see on youtube and what not.

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My canon Revan?


...well, on my first playthrough, he kinda killed Bastilla because he did the Jedi thing and turned away from the romance. But, that aside...


...ugh. The problem is the Foundry just did so much damage to the character. It sends him so far over the moral event horizon that he's practically irredeemable, and it provides little to no justification for it. Sure, we can infer later on that he fell because of his time as the Emperor's prisoner, but there's little evidence of that fall in the game itself, just a tacked on line in SoR content.


Horrible though it was, I can see him falling to the dark side to commit such a horrific act...


...but he would never have turned on the Republic like he did in the FA and SoR content. Everything he did, from the start of his fall, was to make the Republic stronger and safer. It was a corrupted motivation at many points, but that devotion always shone through.


Inviting treason from Republic soldiers and attacking loyal Republic ships and personnel? That I can't see ever happening.

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...ugh. The problem is the Foundry just did so much damage to the character. .


Don't think of the damage, think the possibilities of ridiculousness or hilarity that could occur from having your Revan being encountered!


Someone I asked this too mentioned their Revan focused more on slicing than fighting and the force, so just imagine fighting that Revan! He runs around dropping champion droids on you, activating traps and turrets, spouting 300 year old memes over speakers, and every time he does physically hit you, he steal your cartel coins and pulls a Psycho Mantis on your system's Bioware/EA/Origin games folder. "I see you enjoyed playing your Elf Gray Warden in Dragon Age!"

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Don't think of the damage, think the possibilities of ridiculousness or hilarity that could occur from having your Revan being encountered!


Someone I asked this too mentioned their Revan focused more on slicing than fighting and the force, so just imagine fighting that Revan! He runs around dropping champion droids on you, activating traps and turrets, spouting 300 year old memes over speakers, and every time he does physically hit you, he steal your cartel coins and pulls a Psycho Mantis on your system's Bioware/EA/Origin games folder. "I see you enjoyed playing your Elf Gray Warden in Dragon Age!"



That actually sounds like a really fun boss fight. Well, except for the stealing my CC, that is.

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