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Why the Jedi Sent hate.


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Why is there a constant hate towards Sents? I just hit lvl 10 on my jedi knight on harbinger ( Since that server is balanced ) and I couldnt decide to go guardian or sent. I expressed interest in sents and got turned down by like 10000 people saying how sents are bad or "Smash monkey" whatever the hell that means.
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Sents and Marauders are pretty poop. I run a Marauder and it's not really a good time. If you are really good though you could run it but I doubt it'd matter.


Smash Monkey is a reference to Marauders spamming Smash, not sure what the Sent equivalent is. Force Wave I think it's called. Force Wave Monkey doesn't quite sound as good.

Edited by SgtJeremy
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Why is there a constant hate towards Sents? I just hit lvl 10 on my jedi knight on harbinger ( Since that server is balanced ) and I couldnt decide to go guardian or sent. I expressed interest in sents and got turned down by like 10000 people saying how sents are bad or "Smash monkey" whatever the hell that means.


Did you play Sent before 3,0?


If yes -> AVOID POST 3,0 SENT LIKE T3H PALGUE! Everything is weaker, valour is practically removed from Sents during leveling, Sent survivability is really meh, coupled with PvP issues and the fact that Watchman is powerful but boring as fk...*** Bioware?


If no -> Feel free to play it, but be warned that it'll be challenging. People that didn't play Sent prior to 3,0 should play a Sent if they want to.


It's just a bunch of people who played Sent prior to 3,0 crying. And I can't fault them. They squished Sent pretty badly-it went from fun class to balanced/boring class overnight...

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It's a bunch of BS really..


Are sents kinda ****** in current endgame ? yeea.. but all melee really aren't great, they just have the weakest armor making them worse..

Can they do the same DPS as other mDPS or rDPS classes? Absolutely... IF! you are good..

Do people hate on melee currently? hellz yea because nobody likes them in the new raids, especially if you have more than 1.. some of the fights get extremely difficult especially on healers..


Are sents still fun as hell to play? Oh yea.. now, be warned some of the 3.0 changes deff did seem to "nerf" them but they really didn't... if you didn't play them pre-3.0 go for it.. if you did, deal with it..

In PVP they blow... not enough survivability with all the stuns/roots etc but, they've always kinda been like that.. I still enjoy taking my sent into pvp sometimes, until theres a sniper looking at me, then I just run the other way...

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The thing to remember is that most of those answers were coming from players who are talking about either Endgame content or PvP.


I play a Sent, and for leveling I find the "Combat" tree with a healer comp (Treek in this case) is the easiest and quickest to kill stuff during leveling.

I tried "Watchman" and it was slower to kill stuff, and as mentioned "boring" and slightly more complicated to play whilst leveling.

"Focus" didn't seem to know what it wanted, it was slightly quicker to kill than Watchmen, and slightly less complicated, but ultimately just "meh"


This is just MY experience from playing the class post 3.0. You may well have a different experience, and of course how the class plays at end game is going to be totally different

How the class fits into groups at or near endgame for Raids, FP's and OP's is important to understand. What (if any) is their role? and do they do it well? Or does another class do it better? And most importantly what re YOU wanting to do with this character? Play solo and just level casually? Or be a Raider and FP junkie? a PvP'er?


SWTOR, like most (all?) other MMO's, follows the "Trinity Rule Book" = Tank, DPS and Heal. A decent 4 man group might consist of say a Guardian as Tank, A Sage or Scoundrel as Healer, and two Gunslingers as DPS. so where does the Sentinel fit into that group?


There will be dozens of posts about how Senti's can be X or Y, or if you do A and have B you will be better than C. But in the end who does the job better for "most" players and groups, will be the class people want to see and play with.

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Last I checked people couldnt 'turn down' your choice of AC.


Play what you want, if you play it well nothing else matters.




I play Sents fine with no problems, and cankeep up with any Most other Classes, but i haven't played my Sentinel in weeks, so...............


Thing is if you know how to play ur Class, u should be alright. Sents and Marads aren't that bad. In all fairness i should test them again though. But in Post 3.0 Sents are okay, but not OP like some used to be.

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They're fine...you just got a lot of answers from the vocal butt-hurt that are crying because sents/mara's were nerfed to be more in line with other classes instead of way OP..


I play a mara and have a sent leveling..they're FINE...mara was leveled pre-3.0 btw...before the butt-hurt nerf you got wind of when you asked on fleet.

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Smash Monkey is a reference to Marauders spamming Smash, not sure what the Sent equivalent is. Force Wave I think it's called. Force Wave Monkey doesn't quite sound as good.


That would be Force Sweep. Force Wave is the Consular knockback (equivalent to Overload).


I prefer the term "Sweeper" myself for Republic Smashmonkeys, but that's just me.

Edited by HandOfKane
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Why is there a constant hate towards Sents? I just hit lvl 10 on my jedi knight on harbinger ( Since that server is balanced ) and I couldnt decide to go guardian or sent. I expressed interest in sents and got turned down by like 10000 people saying how sents are bad or "Smash monkey" whatever the hell that means.


here you go

its a joke

but its also funny because its so true


and that will explain much


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For pve, sents are fine cause NPCs don't think.


For pvp, sents are bad because of the massive number of sorcs and sins running around and the massive amount of roots being spammed everywhere. Sents can do OK as a part of a group, but queuing by yourself, prepare to have a bad time. You will have to be twice as good as a sin player in order to be half as effective.

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most complaints are about PvP and endgame raiding where sents aren't doing too good atm. if you dont care about any of that and you're just looking for some fun then by all means go ahead and roll one they're still a fun class to play. Edited by hallucigenocide
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I find my Marauder way easier to play than my Guardian. Ataru Form is my waifu.


I'm just talking about PVE, though, I don't play unbalanced modes like PVP. :cool:


Their only issue is survivability, which in PVE is easily solved by taking Quinn/Doc. Not sure why people expect the maximum (single-target) DPS class to be able to survive well on their own, to be honest.

Edited by Djiini
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I've levelled a sentinel since this time last year - and got to 55 just as BW announced 12x XP - And TBH the watchman rotation is pretty straightforward, and with a second DPS companion like Kira, we rip up everything in PvE really quick at endgame - most mobs die before I'm halfway through the rotation.


That said, some FP bosses are a pain for Melee DPS - bosses that put a circle of pain around themselves with no interrupt is when you have to back off and use harsh language / kitchen utensils.


If you're serious about PvP then they have a number of problems, though not insurmountable - but for casual PvP they're as good as anything else so long as you know their limits, how to burst and when to use your cooldowns. In casual unranked, everything is just a rugby scrum of fighting so just get in there and cut everything to ribbons. -or indeed play for the objectives and get a stack of medals without worrying too much about topping the damage table.

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It's what Melee suffer in this game.


The endless roots snares and slows makes hitting stuff near impossible.


God help anyone who fills my resolve bar and I'm still alive........ :D


If you can hit your target you will probably kill it. Problem is there is just so many tools to simply shut you down and hold you in place and kill you.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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Unfortunately this is the crux of the problem. Ranged Dps are mere turrets, while melee DPS Sentinels have to jump from one target to the next. Once snared and then broken, the main stun break goes on a TWO MINUTE cool-down while others kill you from ~30M away. Of course your MEDIUM armour and NO Shield can mitigate VERY LITTLE of this damage.....


A PvP sentinel has to be better than very good or hang at the back waiting to pick off the opposing stragglers.

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