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What Are Your Expectations for Ziost?


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Yeah, but the game-breaking bugs were fixed after early access


A bug that prevents people from finishing an operation or progressing through the expansion's story is, by definition, game-breaking. :rolleyes:


See the stuff below?

Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive proper credit for the Mission “The Enemy Within” upon defeating the Revan encounter in Temple of Sacrifice.



"Fixed after Early Access"? What a joke.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I expect there will be a small side-thing that will be totally unbalanced, prompting 60 threads about it on the forums.


This is just my sampling bias from the slot machine and GTN 'scam' thing, though.


I'm gonna go with this again, after eight pages.

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I'm sorry... I just don't understand this attitude, I've played since launch, well shortly thereafter, and I still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game. I loved SoR and thought it was a big step in the right direction after makeb, which admittedly was a big disappointment for me. Aside from their treatment of the Revan character I thought it was an awesome expansion. Were there bugs? Yeah, but the game-breaking bugs were fixed after early access, and I'm still really excited for Ziost. Could I be disappointed? Yes. But I imagine I'll still enjoy the content regardless of how much or little of it there is, and at the end of the day that's really what matters.


Just out of curiosity, but have you actually read the various bug report posts that have been repeatedly put forth for over three months concerning just this expansion?


Have you noticed the number of long time voices on these forums that are now silent and gone?


Have you experienced bugs while leveling that have been in existence since launch and have been repeatedly reported and apparently ignored?


Have you not had the pleasure of re-experiencing a bug that was fixed and then broken again?


But most importantly, have you failed to note the "dark" turn these forums have taken in the last 12 months?


The toxicity, the sarcasm, the blase' attitudes that are creeping in (or have been here) while players who were once dedicated defenders of this game grow more and more silent.


I'm glad you are having fun. I'm sure there are a lot of people playing this game that are having fun. I even have fun or I wouldn't be here. But there is a noticeable downhill slide in this game. The next patch is fixing some long term issues and it's nice to see but there is a lot left to do if this game is going to remain enjoyable for a great many players. And sadly, a number of those fixes should have happened months ago instead of being ignored until now.


Everyone has their own opinions obviously. I personally thought Makeb was better than SoR. There was more to do in my opinion and the replay between the two factions was better. I think tactical FP's are the worst thing to happen to this game and would like to see the return of the old style SM and HM FP's while putting in solo versions for people who enjoy solo play. I believe that emphasis should be placed on ensuring end game bugs from expansions such as the various operations bugs this one has been plagued with should be a priority in order to prevent the loss of players once the leveling process is over.


So many things were done wrong, and those things have colored the view of a number of players in a negative manner. So much so that you see the endless posting of sarcasm pointed straight at the behavior of the developers since this expansion dropped.


So congrats. I'm glad you are excited about Ziost and that you still enjoy playing, but posts like yours are a minority on these forums.

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Just out of curiosity, but have you actually read the various bug report posts that have been repeatedly put forth for over three months concerning just this expansion?


Have you noticed the number of long time voices on these forums that are now silent and gone?


Have you experienced bugs while leveling that have been in existence since launch and have been repeatedly reported and apparently ignored?


Have you not had the pleasure of re-experiencing a bug that was fixed and then broken again?


But most importantly, have you failed to note the "dark" turn these forums have taken in the last 12 months?


The toxicity, the sarcasm, the blase' attitudes that are creeping in (or have been here) while players who were once dedicated defenders of this game grow more and more silent.


I'm glad you are having fun. I'm sure there are a lot of people playing this game that are having fun. I even have fun or I wouldn't be here. But there is a noticeable downhill slide in this game. The next patch is fixing some long term issues and it's nice to see but there is a lot left to do if this game is going to remain enjoyable for a great many players. And sadly, a number of those fixes should have happened months ago instead of being ignored until now.


Everyone has their own opinions obviously. I personally thought Makeb was better than SoR. There was more to do in my opinion and the replay between the two factions was better. I think tactical FP's are the worst thing to happen to this game and would like to see the return of the old style SM and HM FP's while putting in solo versions for people who enjoy solo play. I believe that emphasis should be placed on ensuring end game bugs from expansions such as the various operations bugs this one has been plagued with should be a priority in order to prevent the loss of players once the leveling process is over.


So many things were done wrong, and those things have colored the view of a number of players in a negative manner. So much so that you see the endless posting of sarcasm pointed straight at the behavior of the developers since this expansion dropped.


So congrats. I'm glad you are excited about Ziost and that you still enjoy playing, but posts like yours are a minority on these forums.


Returning player here, used my 7 day sub, couldn't be bothered to log for days, even though I haven't set foot in new ops. And I play tank, 186/192, fully auged. Reason - Horrible FPS when in combat, no matter what I try. My PC is bit outdated, granted, but should run 2011 MMO fairly easy. Yeah, I've spent money on SoR, was fun mostly. So I decided to renew my WoW sub, for my raid and group fix. Not to mention, game was running fine before 3.0, yeah, ****** fps in 16 man, but in 8 man it was more than fine.


Bottom line - only reason my money goes to Blizzard, and not to EA is because of FPS issues. It still boggles my mind, how they managed to screw UI so much it literally puts my FPS into single digits when in combat, whereas I was getting solid 35-40 pre 3.0

GL to everyone who stick around, I'll prolly check Ziost, might return if I see big yellow dev post saying "we've fixed fps issues"

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I'm sorry... I just don't understand this attitude, I've played since launch, well shortly thereafter, and I still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game. I loved SoR and thought it was a big step in the right direction after makeb, which admittedly was a big disappointment for me. .


And there is the problem in a nut shell


You just said you think being spoon fed easy mode content, with zero chance at dieing or being challenged, as a step in the right direction.


As has been said 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 times over in these forums.


SoR was 8-16 hours of content

It wasnt a expansion, it was a single player DLC that you paid MMORPG expansion price for.


Im sorry but what I dont understand is intentionally ignoring all the screw ups and bad choices and poor design to stay positive. Because its not even a matter of enjoying the content, you have to INTENTIONALLY AND WILLINGLY ignore the massive amount of negatives from SOR.


Sorry but I can not commit that much fraud on myself.


What did you like about SOR?


Did you like the advertised new class story arc? (that turned out to be a 1 off 5 minute meaningless quest)


Did you enjoy the new levels from 55-60 (that took less then 5 hours to achieve)


Did you like how we know get world arcs with the exact same story line for rep and imps? (whine all you want about Makeb, Makeb had content for both sides and the Imp Makeb story line was actually very well done and took longer by itself then SOR took completely)


Did you like how you can clear all content using your baseline attacks with out fear of ever dieing to anything?


Maybe you liked how you can do the Revan weekly fight by starting fight and going afk until time to run globes. The NPCs will win the fight for you, no need for you to be there at all during combat.


Maybe you like how Crafters once again got screwed over because now 192 companion gear (better then what average crafter can make) just handed out for nothing


Do you like how Yavin is now just a breeding ground for credit sellers farming everything and completely ruining your time there as you try to do the actual content (yeah so glad we got charged money by EA to support #$!$! credit sellers activities. Normally REAL MMORPGs take steps to remove credit sellers (and their farming mules) not make content specifically designed for them to abuse)


Do you like how SoR map size is literally a QUARTER of the size it should have been?


YES, Rishii and Yavin are pretty to look at

But there is suppose to be more to MMORPGs then just visual appearance


Im sorry but if SOR met your expectations and desires.

Well you are why we cant have well designed and properly tested and properly challenged content anymore in MMORPGs


YES, you can still play this game but be honest (cause sorry I just don't believe you liked SoR to extent you claim here) about its shortcomings and demand better!



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I'm sorry... I just don't understand this attitude, I've played since launch, well shortly thereafter, and I still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game. I loved SoR and thought it was a big step in the right direction after makeb, which admittedly was a big disappointment for me. Aside from their treatment of the Revan character I thought it was an awesome expansion. Were there bugs? Yeah, but the game-breaking bugs were fixed after early access, and I'm still really excited for Ziost. Could I be disappointed? Yes. But I imagine I'll still enjoy the content regardless of how much or little of it there is, and at the end of the day that's really what matters.


Dude you need to understand that each players is different and each of us have different necessities.

Edited by psikofunkster
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Just out of curiosity, but have you actually read the various bug report posts that have been repeatedly put forth for over three months concerning just this expansion?


Have you noticed the number of long time voices on these forums that are now silent and gone?


Have you experienced bugs while leveling that have been in existence since launch and have been repeatedly reported and apparently ignored?


Have you not had the pleasure of re-experiencing a bug that was fixed and then broken again?


But most importantly, have you failed to note the "dark" turn these forums have taken in the last 12 months?


The toxicity, the sarcasm, the blase' attitudes that are creeping in (or have been here) while players who were once dedicated defenders of this game grow more and more silent.


I'm glad you are having fun. I'm sure there are a lot of people playing this game that are having fun. I even have fun or I wouldn't be here. But there is a noticeable downhill slide in this game. The next patch is fixing some long term issues and it's nice to see but there is a lot left to do if this game is going to remain enjoyable for a great many players. And sadly, a number of those fixes should have happened months ago instead of being ignored until now.


Everyone has their own opinions obviously. I personally thought Makeb was better than SoR. There was more to do in my opinion and the replay between the two factions was better. I think tactical FP's are the worst thing to happen to this game and would like to see the return of the old style SM and HM FP's while putting in solo versions for people who enjoy solo play. I believe that emphasis should be placed on ensuring end game bugs from expansions such as the various operations bugs this one has been plagued with should be a priority in order to prevent the loss of players once the leveling process is over.


So many things were done wrong, and those things have colored the view of a number of players in a negative manner. So much so that you see the endless posting of sarcasm pointed straight at the behavior of the developers since this expansion dropped.


So congrats. I'm glad you are excited about Ziost and that you still enjoy playing, but posts like yours are a minority on these forums.


I'll admit there are some serious issues, and I've been content to just browse the forums like I have since launch, but again some of the toxicity I've seen here, I feel I kind of have to say something in favor of this game as I still love it and I know there are a lot of people who do.


I haven't noticed any long term bugs that have effected my playstyle, but then, I am an almost strictly solo-player, So I would not notice group content bugs. So if those are the bugs being mentioned, I am sorry, I simply have never encountered them, and if I encountered a bug in solo-content I must have found an easy work around cause nothing stands out in my mind, and I will agree with you that they should have fixed a lot of the bugs they are fixing in the upcoming patch well before now. IMHO there should be maintenance every week to fix bugs, but I doubt a lot of players would appreciate that.


As for story, I liked that makeb had different story's per faction and wish they had taken at least a slightly altered route for SoR like they had with planetary stroylines in the past. However, I never cared for the Makeb storyline in the slightest, I especially found the pub side story straightforward and predictable and was never all that engaged in 'the fate of makeb.' Whereas with SoR while it was straightforward enough, there were still a few elements that caught me off guard and the little snippet of class story they gave us was a nice touch that, I think everyone playing this games wishes there were more of.


I can agree even from a non-group perspective that tactical flashpoints aren't ideal and I'd like to see the go back to standard fp's and HM's, but I also understand why there are tactical flashpoints even though the cost may not be cost benefitive to everyone.


Story wise I think they are taking steps in the right direction, which is what has me excited for Ziost, granted if its terrible... then I probably won't be defending anyone at Bioware for the considerable future, but... I don't think that's going to happen for me. It might, It might not, until we know I'm going stay optimistic. That's what SoR left me with, optimism, I'm sad it wasn't the same for everyone, and sad that the bugs that do exist have made it that way.

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Dude you need to understand that each players is different and each of us have different necessities.


If his PoV is any indication, a bug that prevents people from progressing through the expansion's story is NOT game-breaking.


I honestly dunno why Bioware would even fix it then. :p

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If his PoV is any indication, a bug that prevents people from progressing through the expansion's story is NOT game-breaking.


I honestly dunno why Bioware would even fix it then. :p


Why? easy, cause both new operations should last them at least for 1 year until next expansion comes in December. :cool:

Edited by psikofunkster
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And there is the problem in a nut shell


You just said you think being spoon fed easy mode content, with zero chance at dieing or being challenged, as a step in the right direction.


As has been said 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 times over in these forums.


SoR was 8-16 hours of content

It wasnt a expansion, it was a single player DLC that you paid MMORPG expansion price for.


Im sorry but what I dont understand is intentionally ignoring all the screw ups and bad choices and poor design to stay positive. Because its not even a matter of enjoying the content, you have to INTENTIONALLY AND WILLINGLY ignore the massive amount of negatives from SOR.


Sorry but I can not commit that much fraud on myself.


What did you like about SOR?


Did you like the advertised new class story arc? (that turned out to be a 1 off 5 minute meaningless quest)


Did you enjoy the new levels from 55-60 (that took less then 5 hours to achieve)


Did you like how we know get world arcs with the exact same story line for rep and imps? (whine all you want about Makeb, Makeb had content for both sides and the Imp Makeb story line was actually very well done and took longer by itself then SOR took completely)


Did you like how you can clear all content using your baseline attacks with out fear of ever dieing to anything?


Maybe you liked how you can do the Revan weekly fight by starting fight and going afk until time to run globes. The NPCs will win the fight for you, no need for you to be there at all during combat.


Maybe you like how Crafters once again got screwed over because now 192 companion gear (better then what average crafter can make) just handed out for nothing


Do you like how Yavin is now just a breeding ground for credit sellers farming everything and completely ruining your time there as you try to do the actual content (yeah so glad we got charged money by EA to support #$!$! credit sellers activities. Normally REAL MMORPGs take steps to remove credit sellers (and their farming mules) not make content specifically designed for them to abuse)


Do you like how SoR map size is literally a QUARTER of the size it should have been?


YES, Rishii and Yavin are pretty to look at

But there is suppose to be more to MMORPGs then just visual appearance


Im sorry but if SOR met your expectations and desires.

Well you are why we cant have well designed and properly tested and properly challenged content anymore in MMORPGs


YES, you can still play this game but be honest (cause sorry I just don't believe you liked SoR to extent you claim here) about its shortcomings and demand better!




I enjoyed SoR leaps and bounds over RotHC for the official record, you can ask anyone in my guild and I'd bet they'd tell you the exact same thing I just did. I have never played this game for 'content difficulty.' I play to enjoy a story by myself that I don't need 2 or 3 other people to do. Now, before you say something like 'then go play a single player rpg' remember this game was designed with solo-players in mind and that was made clear with this last expansion if nothing else was.


Do I think SoR was perfect? No. I never said that. I would have liked bigger more expansive planets and I think planet size was one of the corners they cut to get it released on time. But, I play for story, period, and SoR more than delived 20 dollars worth of story content for me thank you. Now, I'd appreciate you not assume I'm on here talking up the expansion for... whatever reason you think I'd have to do that. Thank you.

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Why? easy, cause both new operations should last them at least for 1 year until next expansion comes in December. :cool:


You jest, but I'll remind everyone of this: ;)

Question: What's the road map for Operations? We had a full year of DF/DP and even with NM mode added during the summer months the content got stale pretty quick. Can we expect new Raids (not-NM versions of existing content) in 6 months? 1 year?


Answer: Having just launched an expansion with 10 new Ops bosses, it’s not one of our immediate concerns, but we have plans to shake things up a bit before the end of the year.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Dude you need to understand that each players is different and each of us have different necessities.


You're right, perhaps I should have thought more before I posted, but the general negativity or rather the way it gets presented got under my skin a bit on this particular issue, and I reacted hastily.

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You're right, perhaps I should have thought more before I posted, but the general negativity or rather the way it gets presented got under my skin a bit on this particular issue, and I reacted hastily.


Yeah, the excessive negativity in the rest of us thinking SoR was good. xd

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it'll be a small planet..MAYBE the size of Yavin if we're lucky.


the storyline will be really short and exactly the same for Imp/Pubs


it'll be full of bugs and other broken goodies.


something will need to be nerfed.


y'know..par for the swtor course.

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I'm guessing that Ziost will have some story content and act as a daily hub afterward. It could be a mix of things with to role the planet plays in the war. Some parts may have a PvP focus since the planet may act as the front line for the Republics new and more aggressive stance in the war. It could also contain a bit more information on what the Emperor is up to with the wealth of dark side knowledge the planet is likely to contain. I would expect that it will have a raid but I don't think it will be launched with the initial content release. I expect we will see it open around September or October.

The focus has shifted more to the story aspect of the game and that was something that needed to be done. Chances are that we will see that continue forward from here. It's not a bad idea and can still lead to some interesting mechanics in the multiplayer aspects of the game. We may see things moving forward where the heroes that we have met through the adventure may play a part in flashpoints or operations beyond just popping in for the boss fights.

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But, I play for story, period, and SoR more than delived 20 dollars worth of story content for me thank you. Now, I'd appreciate you not assume I'm on here talking up the expansion for... whatever reason you think I'd have to do that. Thank you.


And Ill say it again


You are why we cant have good content anymore (not you alone, just your general attitude)


SoR was a $10.00 single player DLC passed off as a $20.00 MMORPG expansion


Story wise it was a new LOW POINT in this franchise by reducing the story by over 50% from its previous attempt.


You say you love story and play for story but cheer when you are delivered less story with less options in story?

Sorry not buying it

Not buying it at all.


I love the story as well in this game but its been on a steady and massive decline (in amount AND different options) since release.


SoR was a new low removing the separate story lines for the 2 factions

And frankly I do not see how anyone claiming to be playing for story is cheering the reduction and over simplification of story as a positive.


Your post reads more as a attempted justification at arguing the less appealing side of the topic then a true believer supporting the story aspect of the game.


I love the stories and frankly I want MORE, not less, with each expansion


again I say



PS: If you dont want me or anyone else assuming why you make the statements you do then be more specific and direct and on point


Here is your quote

But, I play for story, period, and SoR more than delived 20 dollars worth of story content for me


So lets take you at your word

You would have been ok if the original game launched with 1 storyline that encompassed all classes and both factions that was at the most 30 hours long?


Somehow I doubt that

And before you argue to much SoR had at most (and this is generous) 10 hours of storyline for $20.00. So for a $60.00 game thats 30 hours story (at most, again I am being hugely generous here with SOR time table regarding story).


That's what you said, or am I now not to take what you say specifically as exact?

After all I would hate to assume what you meant (just because you flat out say it)



Game launched with 100s (possibly as high as 1000) of hours of story lines

SoR launched with under 10 all told (story line, upwards 18 hours of content) for a 3rd of the cost of original launch

Edited by Kalfear
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And Ill say it again


You are why we cant have good content anymore (not you alone, just your general attitude)


SoR was a $10.00 single player DLC passed off as a $20.00 MMORPG expansion


Story wise it was a new LOW POINT in this franchise by reducing the story by over 50% from its previous attempt.


You say you love story and play for story but cheer when you are delivered less story with less options in story?

Sorry not buying it

Not buying it at all.


I love the story as well in this game but its been on a steady and massive decline (in amount AND different options) since release.


SoR was a new low removing the separate story lines for the 2 factions

And frankly I do not see how anyone claiming to be playing for story is cheering the reduction and over simplification of story as a positive.


Your post reads more as a attempted justification at arguing the less appealing side of the topic then a true believer supporting the story aspect of the game.


I love the stories and frankly I want MORE, not less, with each expansion


again I say



PS: If you dont want me or anyone else assuming why you make the statements you do then be more specific and direct and on point


Here is your quote


So lets take you at your word

You would have been ok if the original game launched with 1 storyline that encompassed all classes and both factions that was at the most 30 hours long?


Somehow I doubt that

And before you argue to much SoR had at most (and this is generous) 10 hours of storyline for $20.00. So for a $60.00 game thats 30 hours story (at most, again I am being hugely generous here with SOR time table regarding story).


That's what you said, or am I now not to take what you say specifically as exact?

After all I would hate to assume what you meant (just because you flat out say it)



Game launched with 100s (possibly as high as 1000) of hours of story lines

SoR launched with under 10 all told (story line, upwards 18 hours of content) for a 3rd of the cost of original launch


I'd have paid 20 dollars just for the flirt options with Theron Shan alone. But in all seriousness, I didn't consider Makeb to have quality storytelling for either side. Though admittedly I found IMP side slightly more enjoyable than the republic version. I'd rather see one really good storyline, than two mediocre ones. I paid twenty bucks for SoR, and I'd do it again. No amount of your attempts to discredit what I am saying is going to change how I feel, just because you cannot believe what I am saying, doesn't mean I don't believe everything I am saying.


Sorry we won't agree on this, and I'm sorry if my opinion upsets you, but that's how I feel. /end

Edited by Billupsat
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I remember thinking Manaan was just a teaser to a more expanded Manaan that included underwater mounts and swimming with two new playable races from water worlds. Those were my expectations for Manaan.


I figured, Manaan and underwater gear were implemented to give us a taste of what was to come, like some kind of really cool marketing from Bioware.


It turned out to not even be a planet, just a building with a flashpoint or two.


My expectations for Xiost is barely a thought in my mind. I appreciate it as new content, but its just another flashpoint to me. Unless it's another Rishi and Makeb, which is more acceptable.


I would appreciate it even more if we got more honesty from Jeff Hickman. If its a planet then cool, advertise and market a new planet. If its just a building or a tiny moon, then be honest. Players won't get upset, they'll be like oh cool a new flashpoint or a new moon instead of feeling lied to. Manaan isn't a planet, its a building. Jeff Hickman lost allot of trust here.


If they wanted to make another Ilum that would be interesting. We could use a new PVP planet and definitely more PVP content. The community knows something was in the work for pvp, and are rightfully getting impatient because of the lack of communication. The 2015 roadmap isn't a 2015 roadmap. Last I checked it only talked about February, and a costume designer. That's not a roadmap for a year. I'm not sure what Jeff Hickman is doing here.


I'm wondering if everything is ok with the folks over at Austin. If projects are hitting obstacles, I think the community should be told. Its a very loyal community, and I am confident if a vision was shared with us, we would support it and be more understanding. But we don't know what the Vision is, we don't know what road we are on, we don't know what is to come. All we know, is what we see, as we are not being told much. And that is not good business in this industry. Look at how Star Citizens does marketing. Their fans know the vision. We used to be the same, we had vision. Today, we don't have that.


The open world PVP in my server is getting a little awkward. Thorazan, Tatooine is always full of action between the factions. Today on my server its a place where players challenge each other for friendly duels. Which isn't bad, but its not the same as an all out battle between strangers, where back up is needed from the fleet. I wouldnt say it lost its appeal, but its getting there. Factions don't really feel as opposed to each other as much as we used to be. It's still there of course, but I'm seeing way too many alliances and friendships between the factions. You approach a confrontation between factions, and what you see is a bunch of players standing around looking at a dual. Which is cool, but not when it becomes the norm.


We need a new faction, to help catch up with all the lost time not put into new PVP dynamics, including GSF/WZ maps. We need chairs that work. We need the Cantinas to function with Pazaak and Dejarik mini games that also work on mobile devices along with GTN and crafting mobile apps.


We need Jeff Hickman to put up a fight. All of the SWTOR players who are watching the marketing done by Chris Roberts from Cloud Imperium are being won over. Jeff Hickman needs to fight! Shareholder Board members see this too. They see Chris Roberts communicating, they see him putting on sci fi suits when communicating what projects they are working on with their community. They see Jeff Hickman introducing the idea of a crossserver, telling devs to ask us for new ideas for pvp maps, trying to enter in esports, etc and then going BLACK, complete silence because a mere obstacle. What is going on? Is this Disney forcing Bioware to stay silent??? We see it even worse with Dice's Battlefront. Or am I seeing into it too much and its really just Jeff Hickman not doing a good job at sharing the vision with the community? Am I being unfair comparing him to Chris Roberts? Maybe, but this is the competition. And their marketing beats Bioware's.


So in short my expectations for Xiost or Ziost or whatever is somewhat appreciative, but I'm with the camp that is looking for more pvp maps and new stuff like pazaak, working chairs, stuff players are beginning to feel somewhat embarrassed to ask for.


Making npc'ees mention Sabaac over and over again in 3.0 even though its from a different timeline, didn't make me forget about Pazaak. I don't even want to think that was the purpose of mentioning Sabaac. But it feels that way. It was mean. It felt mean.


Anyways. Jeff Hickman put on a starfighter suit, make a video of you walking through the film studios of the coming Star Wars movies, and talk to us. We want you to talk to us. Musco is great and all, but at the end of the day we all know he only says what he is told and paid to say by his supervisors. We want to see more Jeff Hickman talking about how excited he is to introduce a new open world PVP planet with numerous PVP arenas of 2v2, 4v4, 8v8, 16v16 all over the planet WITH VOICE ACTED STORY.


It's time to remember who we are.



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