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Force barrier ruins pvp completely.


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I get annoyed as much at the next person by the force barrier, but any skilled player can counter this. As most people have said, that player is ineffective for 8 seconds. I wonder if you even do ranked pvp when there are tanks. Having so switch targets based on who isn't guarded to get people down. Rule of thumb, once the barrier pops or someone is newly guarded, you switch targets. It isn't hard.
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Yeah, why should the squishiest DPS class IN THE ENTIRE GAME get some kind of defensive utility! I call hax!


Seriously, every other DPS in the game has medium or heavy armor (with the exception of Assassin/Shadow, which get...stealth, I guess? I don't play one). Get /over/ it.


Also, you're full of it, I was like the fourth or fifth post and I saw you say to remove it. Seconds =/= Minutes.


UM... you may want to look at the leaderboards. Just saying. Many classes with 'better' armour are significantly more squishy than Sorcs/Sages and none of them have a defensive utility remotely as nice as this one.


That said, I'm not advocating taking the barrier out, just commenting on your faulty premise.


If I were designing an MMO today and I wanted to include elements of PVE and PVP I would design my system so that each Item/Ability had two sets of attributes. Their PVE and their PVP attributes. In this way merely tweaking the values for one side of the item could be used to balance the game while leaving it untouched for the other.


This also allows for interesting armour/equipment choices as you could intentionally make some things good at one side of the game but not so good at the other, or more balanced equipment, etc.


For Example, leave Force Barriers attributes the same for PVE but Make it a 90% damage reduction shield in PvP or something.

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Clearly you forgot Sages have Light Armor? I suggest you roll a Sage to PVP at lvl 60 and never use Force Barrier. I dare you. Enjoy dying because Sages get focused more than any other class. We need that barrier.


Also you ( and most PVPers) clearly forgot that PVP is an OBJECTIVE game, not kill farming.


1: "...Sages get focused more than any other class" PLEASE, cite some real factual information about this, rather than just spewing a bunch of BS through the computer. I always have to give a good laugh to you people who spew fake information and claim it has some evidential backing. How could you possibly know which class gets focused more than any other? Have you done statistics or analysis on every single occurrence of pvp and every fight? :rod_confused_g:


2. Clearly you didn't follow any of the thread, nor did you even read my example, because I never indicated I was kill farming. I was clearly talking about arena, and even mentioned that, and arena is all about OBJECTIVE. You can't farm kills in Arena because it only lasts several minutes and once they're dead, that's it. Please learn to read :tran_frown:

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UM... you may want to look at the leaderboards. Just saying. Many classes with 'better' armour are significantly more squishy than Sorcs/Sages and none of them have a defensive utility remotely as nice as this one.


For Example, leave Force Barriers attributes the same for PVE but Make it a 90% damage reduction shield in PvP or something.


I agree with you on this one. So many people just make up their own BS facts and cry "QQ sorcs are the squishiest we need catering and godmode plz halp bioware" >_> but your example is perfect, and it's exactly what I'm saying. Why the heck do they need 100% damage reduction? Why not 90%? NO ONE has a 100% damage reduction but them.

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it's annoying only if you switch on another sage/sorc..and you'll have the merc healed to full aswell, during adrenaline rush, if you don't cc the healer..also adrenaline rush, keeps you at 35% not only once..but for its duration..
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As annoying as the barrier is, it fills a needed spot in the abilities of Sorc/Sage classes in PvE and PvP.


For 8 seconds, players using Force Barrier are completely out of the fight unless they break it early. If your target is getting healed to full when under the barrier it means you and your team mates are not switching targets and putting pressure on someone...like, say, the healer?...while the sorc/sage is immune.


This post is a prime example of what happens when players either don't understand tactics against other classes or who don't want to learn them.


The moment that bubble goes up, you should be switching targets. If a healer is still up (who focuses DPS when there is a healer around?) then you have your target. It's hard to heal someone else to full if you are fighting for your own life.


Sorc/Sage will get to use that bubble once in an arena fight. If your tactics are better than their teams, you can easily negate the bubble.

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Your solution is really to never attack a sage/sorc in pvp before they barrier....? Really, is that it? My hat is off to you now, good sir, I never thought of that. :cool:


I think your main problem is being bad. force armor protecting someone from all damage??? if you cant blow through that you are at the extremes of bad. should they get rid of saber reflect too? and get rid of medium and heavy armor too?

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Force Barrier is a skill I like to call desperate utility. A Sage/Sorcerer is an easy target. I can stomp a Sage into the ground with the burst DPS of my mercenary/Juggernaut without any problems. That second life bar is also empty within moments. Additionally, for the scenario you described, a second healer must be close to the Sage. Why don't you CC/int his or her cast?


Force Barrier isn't OP, it's a desperate attempt to stay alive a little longer. I only encountered a negative usage of the ability a few hours ago. I was doing Alderaan on my Guardian. We were fighting at middle turret. The Sorcerer used his bubble and I started to capture the point. End of story: I got the turret because the Sorcerer didn't want to leave his comfy bubble.


I fail to see the issue.

Edited by Alssaran
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You can remove force barrier after you remove electro net from Mercs, Jugg charge and DCDs, Op and Sin stealth, Snipers range, and Maras UR. Then it will be fair..... /s




Edited by FerkWork
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Sorc bubble is no op, every class has some sort of oh sh*t button they can press to essentially get full health back or to escape tight situations. You just need to plan how you fight a sorc. For example, save your burst set for under 35% hp, if you can global them fast enough they won't hit it in time. Or focus fire, if you dont global them they will end up popping it too early or wasting it some other way.

It's about as op as a scoundrel or shadows vanish. Just somthing you need a plan for.

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1: "...Sages get focused more than any other class" PLEASE, cite some real factual information about this, rather than just spewing a bunch of BS through the computer. I always have to give a good laugh to you people who spew fake information and claim it has some evidential backing. How could you possibly know which class gets focused more than any other? Have you done statistics or analysis on every single occurrence of pvp and every fight? :rod_confused_g:


2. Clearly you didn't follow any of the thread, nor did you even read my example, because I never indicated I was kill farming. I was clearly talking about arena, and even mentioned that, and arena is all about OBJECTIVE. You can't farm kills in Arena because it only lasts several minutes and once they're dead, that's it. Please learn to read :tran_frown:


How do I know sages get focused?


1.) Almost every arena group (admittedly pre 3.0 it's less often.) starts with "sorc first "

2.) I play a sorc, I get nuked all the time unless there is a healer. Even them sometimes I'm target ##1

3.) I target sorcs and sages my self both in regs and in arenas, for various reasons they are a class you need gone fast.


Sorcs have always been first on people's kill list, and it Wasn't Until 3.0 that they became second to marauders. Sounds like you have a learn to play issue, because if this was an issue bioware would have fixed it back when it released at rothc launch. But it's been what over a year? I'd say working as intended

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Sorc bubble is no op, every class has some sort of oh sh*t button they can press to essentially get full health back or to escape tight situations. You just need to plan how you fight a sorc. For example, save your burst set for under 35% hp, if you can global them fast enough they won't hit it in time. Or focus fire, if you dont global them they will end up popping it too early or wasting it some other way.

It's about as op as a scoundrel or shadows vanish. Just somthing you need a plan for.


Mercenary(granted they're trying to address that).



While Force Bubble is certainly something that can be dealt with by more careful use of CC, and sorcs were in need of a defensive cooldown, its rather hit-or-miss and overly important in fights. Most other classes you can easily pop defensive cds, even if you're off by a little bit its not critical. Sorc bubble gotten off at the right time is devastating, failing to go off is devastating in the opposite direction.


I personally think the game would've been better off giving them a shorter duration invincibility defensive cd that allowed them to still fight while it was active.

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Mercenary(granted they're trying to address that).



While Force Bubble is certainly something that can be dealt with by more careful use of CC, and sorcs were in need of a defensive cooldown, its rather hit-or-miss and overly important in fights. Most other classes you can easily pop defensive cds, even if you're off by a little bit its not critical. Sorc bubble gotten off at the right time is devastating, failing to go off is devastating in the opposite direction.


I personally think the game would've been better off giving them a shorter duration invincibility defensive cd that allowed them to still fight while it was active.


That would be too op unless it worked similar to assassin's where it only lasted 1 or 2 secs.

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That would be too op unless it worked similar to assassin's where it only lasted 1 or 2 secs.


Of course it'd be on a timer, but it would at least be better than 8 second god mode. :mad:

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I used to think the bubble was OP too... until I actually learned how to PvP properly.


This- you want to make the sorc barrier- your team might even get lucky and burst a slow barrierer- by getting the sorc to blow his life preserver on your terms means you are doing it right

Edited by Daxy
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And the stealth, the stealth too! I mean, the Sage in its bubble will keep, it's right there, not doing any harm! But that stealth? I just know it's going places where it should not be, and stars only know what damage is upcoming the moment it opens up from it! Down with that stealth thing! It ruins PvP! It ruins PvE! It even ruins the player since they can't even stop themselves from stealthing past the mobs, so they get to the end of game on level 34 never fighting a single battle! Edited by DomiSotto
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It's completely unfair.... Sages can trade off use of force barrier where one heals the one in the barrier, and then the other one gets attacked and nearly killed, and then they heal each other like that. It was intended to serve as a spell to protect a sage in pve, not to make them invincible in pvp.....
Bud its called ~TACTICS~ Love it ~ Learn it ~ Live it ;) Edited by Legolose
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To the OP and his ilk... welcome to a game where they have PvP and PvE with a shared ruleset. Every class gets cool abilities somewhere in the 51-60 range. Some are offensive, some defensive. Some are for PvE and others are for PvP. Players in any PvP game have to deal with the first bit. If you don't want to deal with the second bit you shouldn't play a joint PvE-PvP game and instead play a straight up PvP game.


That out of the way. What can you do? Well admittedly I am not really a PvPer her but i PvP a lot elsewhere and do run a a 60 sage so understand the ability. What can be done? If they are one of the healers and getting healed up to full then you kill everyone else because they aren't getting healed. You have one healer channeling and another helping them get up to full (because the ability on its own will not do so) You can also stop raging and gasp...wait. Let you CDs refresh and as soon as that shield drops nuke em... the Barrier is on CD and chances are while he stood their channeling the rest of the team has moved and he doesn't have the same support he had.


PvP in an MMO is NOT an FPS game.

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You can remove force barrier after you remove electro net from Mercs, Jugg charge and DCDs, Op and Sin stealth, Snipers range, and Maras UR. Then it will be fair..... /s





OR, you can L2P without easy mode DPS and Defense.


Again, I am not saying remove the bubble, I just get tired of seeing people say crap like what you just said.


Go look at the leaderboards. Snipers?slingers for example. better Armour, supposedly good DPS, and yet.... they are the first targeted and killed in most every clued in ranked engagement because they go down quick and easy and the ratings reflect this. Sents/Mara's supposedly have better armour and supposedly good damage, but again... Sorcs top them with supposedly 'weak' defense. Sorcs perform out of scale with their role. PTs/Vanguards are super crazy overperforming, but all of this crap about L2P is just that, its crap.


Its the standard line made by any player of a class that is currently outperforming because the confirmation bias is strong with them.


When the statistics clearly indicate that a class is performing well in excess of other classes its not a case of every single player of every other class just needing to L2P.

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when faced with something you MUST Change and adapt your tactics otherwise you will suck.


even in PVE doing anything i have trouble with i migt get pisssed but then i sit back think about check the forums to see if im doing something wrong and try again.


i dont come to the forums and wah wah wah wah god mode wah wah wah


PVP and PVE is always and will forever be. you MUST learn, change and adapt


in another MMO where my daughter and i played they always changed classes around she was playing a druid that was the worst in survivabiltiy BUT she figured it out and OUT HEALED other better classes and survived longer than most druids.



Again. its simple LEARN ! CHANGE! ADAPT! if you can not you will not

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