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Master's Shadow Pack Preview (new jetpack appearence)


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Not a big fan of most of the armors, and that jetpack is still pretty huge. What is up with those lightsabers?! That just looks ridiculous.


The revanite set though is pretty decent. It might fit well with my Sorc, which I haven't found anything I like for him yet, after checking all the armor in the game multiple times. I really wish there was a hood down version of the Black Talon armor.

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Maybe I've just been playing the other MMO I play too much lately, but I am quite unimpressed with this pack's armor. The shoulder decor, ugh! >.<


The Tranquil Mystic chest piece looks similar to something I've been wanting an adaptive version of for ages (the lvl 50 Consular one-shoulder PvE top), but why, oh why, did they add that metal neck thing that looks like it is made out of old scrap parts? And the forest green and brown may look okay together, but with glowing aqua bits? Um, no.


. . . okay, shutting up with the fashion critique now. :p


Nice to see a jetpack mount finally. And I really like the purple mounts and SOA regen. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is Bioware in a contest to make the ugliest MMO gear in history? Because 5 of the 6 gear sets look like something a 4 yr old designed with crayons. How in heck can gear THAT ugly end up in a game? I just don't get it...:confused:


whats even funnier is that they remove the rare good looking armors from time to time :)

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I never stated otherwise, nor did I asked if you agreed with it -- nor I care. ;)


I'd enjoy it if the animation wasn't so static. Like, the electricity slowly enveloped and lifted you, and at the end you exploded from the cell and broke free. Like Soa.

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I'd enjoy it if the animation wasn't so static. Like, the electricity slowly enveloped and lifted you, and at the end you exploded from the cell and broke free. Like Soa.


Hence my disappointment. I was expecting that to happen at the end of it. :o


They just couldn't be bothered I guess.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Thanks for the update, dulfy! ^^


The black/deep purple dye is really pretty, and I love the Soa regen. Finally, a regen item I can see myself using regularly other than the Life Day Orb! Though, I can see why it might not be to everyone's preferences. I tend to like my regen items simpler than most people do.


The yellowy colored ginx isn't doing it for me though, so I'll cross my fingers for more recolors. It is such a cute pet. :)

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