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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lord Modo in KDY takes WAY too long

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So, you were in a group of windowlickers and mouthbreathers who had no idea how to play their class, and you're demanding BW/EA dumb it down so that morons who refuse to learn how to play can complete it more quickly?


Just wanted to make sure I'm hearing what you're saying.

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So, you were in a group of windowlickers and mouthbreathers who had no idea how to play their class, and you're demanding BW/EA dumb it down so that morons who refuse to learn how to play can complete it more quickly?


Just wanted to make sure I'm hearing what you're saying.


This is spot on.


Honestly though, it's this exact reason that makes me so happy the Scoundrel I'm currently leveling has the option to heal, because in situations such as this I can simply respec and carry the bads.

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You got me. When you are under level 25 and have about 3 abilities to click, it''s REALLY tough to play.


Name one OPERATION that has a 9 minute boss fight.


If you only have 3 abilities to click at level 15 and above (you can't enter KDY under level 15), then you REALLY need to read your tooltips and load up your quickbar. At level 4? Sure! At level 15? Umm... have you been training up as you level?


Seriously, KDY is the EASIEST content in the game. Asking for it to be nerfed is laughable.


EDIT: Of course, there is always the possibility that you're simply trolling. In which case, hey! YOU GOT ME!

Edited by Fidelicatessen
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Nah just feeding the trolls... I am asking for ONE... yes ONE boss to be fixed. Not all of them... not the whole thing. Just one stupid 9 minute boss fight boss. The droid... easy with coordination. The guy with the grenades... the same.


So I exaggerated a little bit when I said 3 abilities. But even at level 15, you have about 5 or 6 really crappy attacks. It's the only boss fight that takes more than 4-5 minutes in all the KDY end boss battles.

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Name one OPERATION that has a 9 minute boss fight.


I can name a few: SnV has Operation Chief (if you count in city infiltration event) and Olok the Shadow, TFB has Operator IX and Terror From Beyond, DP has Calphayus, ToS has Revan. I hope you're just comparing length and not difficulty. :rolleyes:


Personally I find it amusing that among the whining to nerf Rav and ToS there is a call to nerf KDY, of all things.

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Nah just feeding the trolls... I am asking for ONE... yes ONE boss to be fixed. Not all of them... not the whole thing. Just one stupid 9 minute boss fight boss. The droid... easy with coordination. The guy with the grenades... the same.


So I exaggerated a little bit when I said 3 abilities. But even at level 15, you have about 5 or 6 really crappy attacks. It's the only boss fight that takes more than 4-5 minutes in all the KDY end boss battles.


You think 9 minutes on Modo is long? Had a group needing more than 20 minutes for Sairisi in Manaan HM, was fun to heal, but I felt sorry for the tank :D


Modo takes long if people spend most of their time hanging around (no pun intended) and Sairisi takes that long if people insist on dps'ing one droid at a time. Both cases show that a group did not understand the fights mechanic and in both cases these fights can be way quicker if everything is done right.

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Nah just feeding the trolls... I am asking for ONE... yes ONE boss to be fixed. Not all of them... not the whole thing. Just one stupid 9 minute boss fight boss. The droid... easy with coordination. The guy with the grenades... the same.


So I exaggerated a little bit when I said 3 abilities. But even at level 15, you have about 5 or 6 really crappy attacks. It's the only boss fight that takes more than 4-5 minutes in all the KDY end boss battles.

Last time I checked, Modo had about 780k HP.


Over 9 minutes with 4 toons, that comes out to about 360 dps per player. A low-level toon bolstered in KDY can do more than that with their free basic attacks.


Are you straight up lying about the 9 minutes?

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Last time I checked, Modo had about 780k HP.


Over 9 minutes with 4 toons, that comes out to about 360 dps per player. A low-level toon bolstered in KDY can do more than that with their free basic attacks.


Are you straight up lying about the 9 minutes?


If 3/4 are getting themselves stunned over and over and over again (by standing in the stupid) then I suspect it probably took 9 minutes.

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Over 9 minutes with 4 toons, that comes out to about 360 dps per player. A low-level toon bolstered in KDY can do more than that with their free basic attacks.


Easily. Any class, any spec.


They most likely ignored mechanics and got stunned over and over again.

Edited by Halinalle
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Can't tell if sarcasm above but if you enjoy this game there always ways to improve, also remember we all sucked at one point (I wore tank armor on my mara cause I thought some shield would be nice before I got an explanation :p) for class guides and guides in general Dulfy.com is the best.


I've never done the pub side and never fought this guy and assume it's pub. Since I know nothing of this fight and don't want to make some presumptions and pub players please correct me if im wrong (Only got 1 pub toon) but is this a mirror fight of the Jedi on Imp side. If so either the group wasn't burning fast enough or Pub side might be imbalanced. I say that not knowing the fight and hearing complaints of certain fp bosses for pub side being much harder than the Imp ones.


I do have a LV 15 shadow so I will queue her for KDY and try to get this boss. Will report back once done to see if it does take 9 minutes as the OP states.

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In all seriousness, no TACTICAL FP with 3 DPS and 1 tank should EVER..... EVER take 9 minutes and one second to kill.


This needs fixed ... like YESTERDAY!


This fight took me 11min once. Modo has 700k HP. My log's saying I did 550k. On a level 25 Rage Jugg!!! And I had no support at all... So I had to use the healing station by myself....

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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You guys are right. I (and the other 3 guys) suck at this game ... I will unsub today. Thanks.

Genuine curiosity about something, here.


Why not come to the forums and ask for tips or advice?


People have done this, you know. "I'm having troubles with bladibla boss, etc what's a good strat?"


But you immediately assume that the problem is with the design of the fight and complain instead of asking for help. Why?

Edited by Khevar
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So, you were in a group of windowlickers and mouthbreathers who had no idea how to play their class, and you're demanding BW/EA dumb it down so that morons who refuse to learn how to play can complete it more quickly?


Just wanted to make sure I'm hearing what you're saying.


Whats even worse, now they are complaining about tacticals...you must really be a scrub to have a problem with a tactical KDY.

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You guys are right. I (and the other 3 guys) suck at this game ... I will unsub today. Thanks.


If the fight actually took 9 minutes then reason has to be one of these:

- Only one character did rotation correctly or most of the players only attacked boss rarely

- Most of the group members spent most of their time stunned (circles, avoid them)

- Characters kept dying during the fight and had to run all the way back from elevator (takes time, your dps is 0)


This fight isn't difficult:

- Avoid circles on ground

- Avoid cleave damage (clearly visible telegraph) if boss is targeting you with it turn it away from rest of the group

- Try not to spam speed abilities like Force Speed, Hydraulic Overrides, use them after knockback.

- Easiest way to do this is to let someone in the group "tank" the boss near the windows (either side) to minimize movement and have one ranged class running between kolto stations when needed

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- Try not to spam speed abilities like Force Speed, Hydraulic Overrides, use them after knockback.


Use HO as he's casting his knockback ability and avoid it entirely! :jawa_wink:


AND it comes off cooldown right before he does the knockback, every single time like they have the same cooldown. So you can avoid the knockback every time!

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Exaggerations aside, it is pointlessly long. It's not like it's hard at all to kill him or his Jedi counterpart (imp version of KDY), it's just a boring, time consuming fight.


That was my exact point... then people turned it into... "Learn to play, noob."


I've done the fight in 7 minutes which I believe is the shortest time. My point is this ONE tactical flashpoint should NOT have a fight that takes longer than most ops bosses. As stated the other two fights take about 5 minutes at most... why does this one have to be longer?

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That was my exact point... then people turned it into... "Learn to play, noob."


I've done the fight in 7 minutes which I believe is the shortest time. My point is this ONE tactical flashpoint should NOT have a fight that takes longer than most ops bosses. As stated the other two fights take about 5 minutes at most... why does this one have to be longer?


So basically, you are ranting, and crying for a nerf...on KDY of all places (still find that hilarious) for what amounts to 3 or 4 minutes of extra time it takes to down the boss. I mean it is so sad, it is funny. I can almost understand people asking for a nerf on ToS or Ravagers with screwy mechanics and bugs, but KDY....Really?

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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I've done the fight in 7 minutes which I believe is the shortest time.

You've ducked my questions twice, now.


I'll try again.


You assume the fight is slow because it was designed that way. But others can do it faster than that. Why not come to the forums and ask for tips and advice on how to speed the fight up?

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