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Organizing an 8 Scout vs 8 Gunship game


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So trying to average at least 5k req per faction per day on Bastion T2s, not counting quest rewards.


DO spawn awareness has increased about 500%, and trying to make every BLC shot perfectly centered and at a range of 499 m is pleasantly similar to dogfighting under a sat with HLCs or Rocket Pods.


As a matter of ethics I am not officially having fun with this yet. FOTMs are after all cheesy, and I have standards for what kinds of cheese I enjoy. ;)


I figure "ready enough" comes with getting DF mastered, which should happen today or tomorrow, and by next weekend offensive components should be in good shape as well.

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FOTMs are after all cheesy, and I have standards for what kinds of cheese I enjoy. ;)


Calling the OP ships in this mode FOTM is baffling to me. T2 scouts have been FOTM for running on two years now and there is little to no chance there will ever be a balance patch. It's like criticizing a chess player for a standard opening that was first proven effective in the 1800s as a "fotm player" or a football team for using "FOTM" forward passes.


The mode is what it is. Some ships are better suited for it. This will probably never be changed. Why does it have to be shameful to fly the ones that are good?


I get that when you fly a strike, you always have the excuse "well, sure I lost, of course I'm still a better pilot but they were using FOTM." Personally, I'd rather win more than have excuses ready for when I lose.

Edited by Buggleslor
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I'm not volunteering I only have 4 Mastered Nova Dive's, waiting for Jeff Hickman to start releasing more scout ships. Plus my guild is all about warzones at the moment.


But I definately want to watch the match on twitch!!! Please advertise when it will go down. I'll have my guild watch the video live, so we can restart training our guildess for GSF. I love the idea Draco!

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Wait, did Bolo, on seeing that this is getting support, come up with a thing asking for another server?




As much as I think he's full of it, maybe PTS isn't such a bad idea. That way no one has home field advantage and you can actually have some measure of control over what premade gets put up against what premade. Character copy also means that he can't whine about not having upgrades.

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Wait, did Bolo, on seeing that this is getting support, come up with a thing asking for another server?




In your eagerness to attack, you again proved that you're willing to overlook some details inconvenient for your "only one and only true" statements...


As stated above, *if* it would work on PTS:


1. Everyone can get his masteded ship

2. Much less random queuing people, no conquest farmers. That dramatically increase our chance that we will get clean 8v8

3. No one will have to sacrifice his precious KDR/stats/etc.


Now please tell me one reason for NOT playing on PTS.

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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The download and disk space of the client is a huge reason why everyone doesn't have PTR access normally. Given how fiddly the game is technically (if I set the in game option to "full screen", I will never get back to desktop, and on reboot I will find a new setting in the registry that prevents graphical boot entirely: I actually have my box set up to prompt for boot mode instead of launching windows proper, for just this game's bad behavies), it's a massive risk to anyone to play with that stuff. So, it's a great reason for many people- as cool as this is, is it worth spending an hour in text mode fixing crap? I'm far too busy to dance with the dev build of a product whose release build changes the windows default resolution like some kind of digital barbarian, especially to one not supported on all monitors!


That being said- yes, the PTR would be a solid place, because you'd be assured to get all 16 in the game, as no one queues GSF on the PTR. It would also get all of the ships and increase the number of potential participants (probably by more than you'd lose by going to the PTR in the first place). My point is more Bolo-moves-the-goalposts, which we've seen a few times already.

Edited by Verain
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Stability would largely be my biggest issue with something like using the PTS. I still remember how many things they broke'd with 3.0, so who knows what kind of goodies you might find there. Granted, I don't expect they are doing too many massive changes to fundamental aspects of the game like they were for 3-dot, so it probably is largely a non-issue.


Although I reject the notion that moving to the PTS might somehow normalize lag for everyone. You'll still have the physical distance from the server, in this case, I believe Austin rather than silicon valley. Lag alone is not a good reason to move something like this to the PTS. The only way you'll ever get any semblance of normalized lag would be to host the event somewhere physically close to one of their server farms, and fi-op in or something. We can pretty much all play the "my lag on that server is horrible, so we need to do it on my server. For science" card if that's what it's about.


But hey, if you all want to choose a date, and meet up in Vegas for such an event, I'm game for that. But just to go hang out in Vegas with people I've never really met. By the time we sat down for the event, I'd probably be too drunk to fly! :eek:

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Yea, lag is definitely not a good reason for it. Being able to get both premades against each other with no food queues would be the reason.


I will say this: if we go onto the PTS and org a match and fly it, and find gamebreaking bugs...


That's great! Bugs breaking GSF are much more important that any meta-testing we could do.

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I will say this: if we go onto the PTS and org a match and fly it, and find gamebreaking bugs...


That's great! Bugs breaking GSF are much more important that any meta-testing we could do.

Fair point. Guess I hadn't really thought about it from the bug reporting perspective.

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Out of curiosity... assuming this gets off the ground, what happens when the complaint/argument that the overall skill of team A was greater than team B? Or that the map gave team A a distinct advantage over B? Or that the latency of team A was less than team B? Or ... You all get the idea.


Regardless of the ultimate outcome of this adventure... there will still be plenty of debate to follow by folks with a vested interest if they come out on the wrong side of the perceived result.




I figured the simple solution was to recognize that a scout and most certainly a T2 scout will beat a gunship most of the time when all things are equal. I think Drakolich's videos showed as much, though not clearly as all things were obviously not equal since neither prompted to relocate their duel away from interfering elements in those matches. Despite this, I think those of us being honest about our gunship experiences... both fighting against and using can attest to the dominance of a well flown scout in a 1 v 1 scenario... especially after the gap has been closed.


When you apply this forward, it's very easy to see how T2 scouts will best an all gunship team. The only disadvantage a scout has is range, which isn't a big deal either considering that in the video that started all this... a scout flying head on was still able to close the range and force a melee that was ultimately decided by luck. Ultimately, that video amounts to being a statistical outlier when the relative skill and motivation of the pilots are discounted.


So what's the real hope here? That the scout team botches their focused targets and lets a gunship or two sit back and snipe at the group? Or that the gunships find their inner dogfighter to out duel in close quarters far more maneuverable ships? Doubtful.


At any rate, I don't have a cat in this saucer licking competition. I've neither the interest in putting the PTS on my computer, nor spending the time to grind out the required requisition on Bastion. So, hopefully you all will be able to run numerous matches... We wouldn't want another statistical outlier to become argued as the norm... would we?

Edited by RatPoison
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I've decided to just cancel this idea, we still don't have 8 on each side yet and even at that of the ones that did say they wanted to play I know many aren't mastered.


I myself don't really want to install the PTS on my computer but if someone else wants to try to make the event on there go for it.


A big Thanks to everyone who did volunteer. I wanted to let everyone know if this was going to happen quickly as I didn't want to prolonge this for anyone who is gearing out ships for only this.

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I hope we can return to this later.

And yes, even with 10 pure wins it would not decide anything. However, that match would give everyone involved a few insights on how that GS stacking works against pure scout attack.


I read this and just have to shake my head in dismay.


If I'm reading your statement(s) correctly and based on this vested interest in the subject there are two glaring problems that together render the struggle of putting this match together mute. First, you already have declared if gunships didn't win, it would be because they threw the match, and second, that despite the outcome of a match of this type... even up to 10, you'd not be satisfied and accept the result if gunships didn't beat the "pure scout attack".


I know you'll come back to explain your deeper logic and the nuances of GSF, but as I stated earlier, I don't have an interest in this... I simply couldn't resist to point out how useless this event would have been in putting it all to rest. Anyway, carry on.

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I read this and just have to shake my head in dismay.


If I'm reading your statement(s) correctly and based on this vested interest in the subject there are two glaring problems that together render the struggle of putting this match together mute. First, you already have declared if gunships didn't win, it would be because they threw the match, and second, that despite the outcome of a match of this type... even up to 10, you'd not be satisfied and accept the result if gunships didn't beat the "pure scout attack".

Whede did I declared that " if gunships didn't win, it would be because they threw the match" (aside from the joke)?... also where I said that "I would not be satisfied is gunships won't beat scouts'?..

True, possibility of sabotaging the match exists.Good GS pilot won't be very happy about proving that his ship is OP... as it can be seen ;). However this does not mean that the 'sabotage' is inevitable.

Also, that even 10 matches won't give definie answer (if I recall I wasn't the first to state that). However, those test matches would give participators pretty good insights on this GS/scout debate.


I know you'll come back to explain your deeper logic and the nuances of GSF, but as I stated earlier, I don't have an interest in this... I simply couldn't resist to point out how useless this event would have been in putting it all to rest.


"I don't have interest in this thus I will write" :p (

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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Well if nothing else, this answers the question of, "How do you get Ramalina into the cockpit of a Battlescout."


Answer: propose an experiment that requires that ship to be mastered.


This thread is directly responsible for 70% of my T2 games across all factions and servers counting from when GSF went live.


There's going to be lingering effect, too, because I've decided that my BLC gunnery really, really, really, sucks and needs improvement.

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