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Galactic Starfighter Co-Pilot Quotes


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Recently I have taken to chatting about GSF Co-pilot quotes with my buddies, and have had a blast (coughs) talking about our favorite quotes and proposing some alternate ones as well. In that spirit I thought I should open the conversation up to the community.



- What are your favorite co-pilot quotes? ( e.g. Guss Tuno: [Kill] “Boom goes the detonite”)

- What alternative quotes would you like to propose? (e.g. Guss Tuno: [Death] "We need a new pilot .. this one is dead (laughter)”)

- What co-pilot quotes have you discovered?



- Please list quotes with Co-pilots name, Quote Event, and the Quote itself, so for example: Guss Tuno: [Kill] “Boom goes the detonite”.

- Well need to flesh out the events as we go. Ones that I’m aware of now are [Low Shields], [Low Hull], [Death], [Engine Ability], [Hit], [Kill], [Damage taken], [Ace medal], [Missile Inbound], [Overcharge] (not sure if these correspond to particular overcharge types yet)


Treek is in Imperial Section. Some co-pilots have different quote sets depending on companion story choices, so will add subsections for these accordingly. The numbers next to each co-pilot are the number of quotes we have documented for each.


Have fun :)


Republic Co-pilots


Aric Jorgan (0)











Corso Riggs(14)


Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Follow this, punk."

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Snap roll!"

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Belly flop"

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Time to switch things up"

Corso Riggs: [Missile Inbound] "missile.... MISSILE..."

Corso Riggs: [Kill] "BOOM! Light up another!"

Corso Riggs: [Damage taken] "Oh, they wanna tussle? FINE!"

Corso Riggs: [Damage taken] "We're under attack!"

Corso Riggs: [Low Hull] "Hold together you piece of junk!"

Corso Riggs: [Hit] "They felt that."

Corso Riggs: [Hit] "Great shot!"

Corso Riggs: [Hit] "BANG! That's how it's done!"

Corso Riggs: [Overcharge] "Never a bad time for an upgrade."

Corso Riggs: [Overcharge] "Things are lookin up."-










Kira Carsen(18)


Kira Carsen: [Engine Ability] "Time to improvise!"

Kira Carsen: [Hit] "I felt that from here!"

Kira Carsen: [Hit] "Woohoo! Direct hit!"

Kira Carsen: [Hit] "Good shot!"

Kira Carsen: [Kill] "Target's destroyed!"

Kira Carsen: [Kill] "They're all done!"

Kira Carsen: [Damage taken] "Incoming fire!"

Kira Carsen: [Damage taken] "We're taking damage!"

Kira Carsen: [Low Shields] "Shields overloaded... we're losing them!"

Kira Carsen: [Low Hull] "Ship's going to pieces!"

Kira Carsen: [Low Hull] "Hull failure imminent!"

Kira Carsen: [Ace medal] "That's how a Jedi does it!"

Kira Carsen: [Ace medal] "They don't know who they messed with!"

Kira Carsen: [Missile inbound] "Missile headed at us! Punch it!"

Kira Carsen: [Missile inbound] "Missile on its way!"

Kira Carsen: [Overcharge] "We needed that!"

Kira Carsen: [Overcharge] "The Force is with us!"

Kira Carsen: [Overcharge] "Well, well--look what we found!"





Qyzen Fess(0)






Sergeant Rusk(0)
























Guss Tuno(0)












Nadia Grell(1)


Nadia Grell:[Engine Ability] “This is how Jedi’s fly”




Oro Wogama(0)






Tanno Vik(0)






Akaavi Spar(1)


Akaavi Spar [tba] “Good, you’ve taught them to fear you”




Elara Dorne(24)


Elara Dorne: [Manoeuvre] "Beginning manoeuvres..."

Elara Dorne: [Engine Ability] "Rolling."

Elara Dorne: [Engine Ability] "Turning."

Elara Dorne: [Engine Ability] "Diving."

Elara Dorne: [Hit] "Excellent shot!"

Elara Dorne: [Hit] "Excellent hit!"

Elara Dorne: [Hit] "Perfect hit!"

Elara Dorne: [Hit] "Enemy systems disabled!"

Elara Dorne: [Kill] "Enemy down."

Elara Dorne: [Kill] "Target destroyed."

Elara Dorne: [Kill] "Hostile neutralized."

Elara Dorne: [Damage taken] "We're hit!"

Elara Dorne: [Damage taken] "We've been hit!"

Elara Dorne: [Damage taken] "Taking fire!"

Elara Dorne: [Low Shields] "Shields are near failure!"

Elara Dorne: [Low Hull] "We've sustained heavy damage."

Elara Dorne: [Low Hull] "Hull damage is extensive!"

Elara Dorne: [Ace medal] "Well done!"

Elara Dorne: [Missile inbound] "Incoming missile."

Elara Dorne: [Missile inbound] "Enemy missile detected."

Elara Dorne: [Missile inbound] "Enemy missile, incoming!"

Elara Dorne: [Overcharge] "Perfect!"

Elara Dorne: [Overcharge] "Excellent!"

Elara Dorne: [Overcharge] "That should be useful."




Kendra Novar(1)


Kendra Novar:[Hit] “I should have stayed a thief!”




Lord Scourge(14)


Scourge: [kill] "An unworthy foe..."

Scourge: [Kill] "Greet death!"

Scourge: [Kill] "Come and die"

Scourge: [Engine ability] "You fly deviously"

Scourge: [Engine ability] "Thrusters engaged."

Scourge: [Engine ability] "Impressive"

Scourge: [Engine ability] "Bold maneuvering..."

Scourge: [Missile Incoming] "Enemy missile approaching

Scourge: [Damage taken] "Minor damage"

Scourge: [Hit] "Superbly struck!"

Scourge: [Hit "A crippling blow"

Scourge: [Hit] "Now for the kill."

Scourge: [Overcharge] "Onward to victory"

Scourge: [Low-shield] "This is not our end"-



Lieutenant Iresso(0)






























Tharan Cedrax(0)













Imperial Co-pilots



Gault [Hit] “Wings clipped”

Gault [Kill] “Problem Solved”

Gault :[Ace Medal] "I'm just gonna sit back while you murder the entire fleet."

Gault :[Low Hull] "We're down to levers and pulleys!"

Gault: [Low Hull] "Gotta hull breach"

Gault: [Low Shields] "You're scaring me kid"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "My neck!"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "You are trouble you know that"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "That'll shake things up"

Gault: [Hit] "That ship is leaking"

Gault: [Hit] "Wings Clipped"

Gault: [Damaged] "We're hit"

Gault: [Damaged] "Awfully close"

Gault: [Kill] "Problem solved"

Gault: [Kill] "Swatted down"

Gault: [Overcharge] “Now where talking”










Jaesa Willsaam(0,0)


As Goth Babe



As Catholic Shoolgirl











Khem Val(0,0)


As Khem



As Darth Zash





Lieutenant Peirce(0)


















Ashara Zavros(0)












Torian Cadera(0)












Writch Hurley(0)












Doctor Lokin(0)












Malavai Quinn(0)






Selana Rok(18)


Selana Rok: [Low Hull] "Any last words"

Selana Rok: [Low Shields] "Shields are nearly fried"

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Woo hoo"

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Nice Roll”

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Time to get evasive”

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Bet they didn't see that coming”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “Thats a hit”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “You're going down”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “They won’t recover from that any time soon”

Selana Rok: [Damage Taken] “Were hit”

Selana Rok: [Damage Taken] “Not Good”

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Hahahaha .. i like this job"

Selana Rok: [Kill] “I think i see body parts”

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Bye now"

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Had that coming to you"

Selana Rok: [Ace medal] "Now were getting somewhere"

Selana Rok: [Overcharge} “Now were talking”










Talos Drellik(0)


















Andronikos Revel(0)






Aven Geth(0)












Ensign Temple(0)












Edited by lwiggles
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I love a lot of the Co-Pilot quotes, if I really had to narrow it down of the ones I use all the time I'd say Akaavi "Good, you've taught them to fear you" .


Also please make a list of all the quotes that would be awesome! I say lets make it a community effort, everyone pick a companion go out there and get their quotes come back here and post them for us. Lets get this list made!!

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Added some for Selana Rok to get us going as follows:


Selana Rok: [Low Shields] "Any last words"

Selana Rok: [Low Shields] "Shilelds are nearly fried"

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Woo hoo"

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Nice Roll”

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Time to get evasive”

Selana Rok: [Manouver] "Bet they didn’t see that coming”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “Thats a hit”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “Your going down”

Selana Rok: [Hit] “They won’t recover from that any time soon”

Selana Rok: [Damage Taken] “Were hit”

Selana Rok: [Damage Taken] “Not Good”

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Hahahaha .. i like this job"

Selana Rok: [Kill] “I think i see body parts”

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Bye now"

Selana Rok: [Kill] "Had that coming to you"

Selana Rok: [Ace medal] "Now were getting somewhere"

Selana Rok: [Overcharge} “Now were talking”

Edited by lwiggles
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Getting Hit: Should have stayed at C. Nadia Grell, may also be shared by Kendra Novar. Says this even when the hit in question involves colliding with the sat at C.


Engine maneuver: This is how Jedi fly! Nadia Grell.


Hit enemy: They won't be recovering from that one. Ashy (I think).

Edited by Ramalina
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You missed a [Missile Inbound] category.


Also, pretty sure all Treek quotes are [stuff Happens]: *koala yapping*, so one down :p


Come to think of it, I can probably fill a few more right off the bat:

Qyzen: [stuff Happens]: "*half an hour of lizard grunts*"

Blizz: [stuff Happens]: "*jawa jibber-jabber*"

Both astromech droids: [stuff Happens]: "*


Khem Val: [stuff Happens]: "*yadda yadda, Tulak Hord, mumble mumble, canibalism, yap yap*"


would be funny to have a Zash version, though...


Edited by WhiteKing
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Getting Hit: Should have stayed at C. Nadia Grell, may also be shared by Kendra Novar. Says this even when the hit in question involves colliding with the sat at C.


Engine maneuver: This is how Jedi fly! Nadia Grell.


Hit enemy: They won't be recovering from that one. Ashy (I think).


Pretty sure that's "Should've stayed a thief".

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You'll need an extra spot(s) for:




Khem Val. Depending on who you gave Khem's body to, Khem may sound like himself or Darth Zash. I was wonderfully surprised when I discovered this--I gave the body over to Zash, and when I used her (back before I realized only some co-pilots are viable), she would gleefully say things like, "I feel young!" when I did an engine maneuver. I'll try and get her full quotes down, since I'm probably one of the few people who has her.


The interesting thing is that choice cannot be made until after Act 3 is done. So it's possible there may actually be up to four possible voice sets for Khem Val: Pre-Act-One (when he is just Khem), Pre-Act-Three (when he is a mix), Post-Act-Three (Khem chosen), or Post-Act-Three (Zash chosen). My guess is there are only two--Khem and Zash. But who knows--I was surprised they bothered to have Zash at all. Even Crew Skill dialogs didn't keep that level of detail.


Edited by Nemarus
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You missed a [Missile Inbound] category.


Also, pretty sure all Treek quotes are [stuff Happens]: *koala yapping*, so one down :p


Come to think of it, I can probably fill a few more right off the bat:

Qyzen: [stuff Happens]: "*half an hour of lizard grunts*"

Blizz: [stuff Happens]: "*jawa jibber-jabber*"

Both astromech droids: [stuff Happens]: "*


Khem Val: [stuff Happens]: "*yadda yadda, Tulak Hord, mumble mumble, canibalism, yap yap*"


would be funny to have a Zash version, though...



Haha priceless!! Yes wonder if protocol droid could translate these for us!!

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Hah, this is a great thread. I think I've got all or most of Corso Riggs. He has some good ones:


Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Follow this, punk."

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Snap roll!"

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Belly flop"

Corso Riggs: [Engine ability] "Time to switch things up"

Corso Riggs: [inc Missile] "missile.... MISSILE..."

Corso Riggs: [Kill] "BOOM! Light up another!"

Corso Riggs: [Taking damage] "Oh, they wanna tussle? FINE!"

Corso Riggs: [Taking damage] "We're under attack!"

Corso Riggs: [Low Health] "Hold together you piece of junk!"

Corso Riggs: [Hit Enemy] "They felt that."

Corso Riggs: [Hit Enemy] "Great shot!"

Corso Riggs: [Hit Enemy] "BANG! That's how it's done!"

Corso Riggs: [Overcharge] "Never a bad time for an upgrade."

Corso Riggs: [Overcharge] "Things are lookin up."

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Ok, here's some of Lord Scourge. There's probly a bit more, but the Q dried up.


Scourge: [kill] "An unworthy foe..."

Scourge: [kill] "Greet death!"

Scourge: [kill] "Come and die"

Srourge: [engine] "You fly deviously"

Srourge: [engine] "Thrusters engaged."

Srourge: [engine] "Impressive"

Srourge: [engine] "Bold maneuvering..."

Srourge: [Missile] "Enemy missile approachign

Scourge: [taking dmg] "Minor Damge"

Scourge: [hit an enemy ship] "Superbly struck!"

Scourge: [hit an enemy ship] "A crippling blow"

Scourge: [hit an enemy ship] "Now for the kill."

Scourge: [overcharged] "Onward to victory"

Scourge: [low-shied] "This is not our end"

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Gault is one of my favorites.


I'm not exactly sure which category these fit in, but I'll venture a guess


Gault : [Ace Medal] "I'm just gonna sit back while you murder the entire fleet."

Gault : [Damage Taken] "We're down to levers and pulleys!"


that last one seems to trigger when near death more than simply after taking damage. Is there an event for low health/destruction?

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Updated. Added a category for [Low hull] and added a quote count for each co-pilot so we can keep track of where we are up to.


Quote of the day has to be Gault: [Low hull] "We're down to levers and pulleys". Magic!!


I'm working on Hk-51 and Kendra at moment.

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A few more for Gault


Gault: [Low Hull] "Gotta hull breach"

Gault: [Low Shields] "Your scaring me kid"

Gault: [Low Shields] "Down to levers and pullies"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "My neck!"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "You are trouble you know that"

Gault: [Engine Ability] "That'll shake things up"

Gault: [Hit] "That ship is leaking"

Gault: [Hit] "Wings Clipped"

Gault: [Damaged] "Were hit"

Gault: [Damaged] "Awfully close"

Gault: [Kill] "Problem solved"

Gault: [Kill] "Swatted down"

Gault: [Overcharge] “Now where talking”

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