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Guild bank thieving is a 2 person job


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I saw a thread on this the other day but figured I'd post since it just happened to our guild.


Here is how it seems to work.


Player #1 joins the guild (he replied to a recruiting message).


Chats for a few minutes and then asks who the GM is.


Within a couple minutes of that, I get a whisper from an officer in the guild on a new character. It is spelled the same as one of his other characters but with funny letters (even used his real name in the whisper).


I invite him and he chats it up in guild chat for a few minutes using his real name (that Player #1 got off the guild roster for him).


Then, he whispers me to promote him so he can get an XP boost from the guild bank.


I promoted him and, within 30 seconds, Player #1 had to log for dinner.


I went over to the guild bank and noticed it being emptied and promptly kicked both players.


Let me say this, I was aware of this scam but we were really the wrong guild to target. The thieves *maybe* got about 4 million worth of stuff because we really don't keep much in the guild bank.


Lesson learned but for everyone else out there, make sure you have officers promote their own alts up to officer status.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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This is why you verify through voice chat. Problem solved.

On a random note: in my experience people only put the stuff that won't sell from packs in GB. Like 30 sets of cybernetic armor :eek:

Yeah, either voice chat or have them log to their main and promote themselves.


But I do know what you're saying about the cartel stuff. They got a bunch of crappy cartel stuff and a bunch of schematics. The funny thing is that I put a bunch of crafted 186 earpieces in the first cargo hold for guildmates but since they went from back to front, they didn't get a chance to grab them.

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Then, he whispers me to promote him so he can get an XP boost from the guild bank.


I promoted him and, within 30 seconds,


Are you kidding right now? How can someone be that dumb? If you are the guild leader, you deserve to be robbed, if you are an officer, you should have your privileges removed for being so dumb. Why would you promote someone who has joined a few minutes ago? Even if it is an alt of an officer, let the new accounts be as is. If that guy wanted the XP boost, you could have gotten it out for him or told him to log in to his main toon and remove it.

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Are you kidding right now? How can someone be that dumb? If you are the guild leader, you deserve to be robbed, if you are an officer, you should have your privileges removed for being so dumb. Why would you promote someone who has joined a few minutes ago? Even if it is an alt of an officer, let the new accounts be as is. If that guy wanted the XP boost, you could have gotten it out for him or told him to log in to his main toon and remove it.


You must be guildless or have no friends.

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Are you kidding right now? How can someone be that dumb? If you are the guild leader, you deserve to be robbed, if you are an officer, you should have your privileges removed for being so dumb. Why would you promote someone who has joined a few minutes ago? Even if it is an alt of an officer, let the new accounts be as is. If that guy wanted the XP boost, you could have gotten it out for him or told him to log in to his main toon and remove it.


because he thought it was a guildy's alt because it was a 2 man operation

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good catch but you will get 0 sympathy from me


it's the same story everytime when a guild bank gets robbed and people say in every thread how to stop it before it happens yet it still happens


it's not that people are clever it's more so people are naive and gullible

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its a major problem atm in this game


most guild leaders promote to much players and with this they can steal from your bank in no time


those players are mostly guild hoppers

and they steal from every guild if the guild leader promote the players to easy and to fast


for a guild leader i recommend don't promote any players ore lets say they don't get anything from the guild bank

only you can give them the items they need by mail


also if a new player that join your guild and ask already for a promotion just kick them

a guild leader must have strict rules to keep his guild save :)



sorry for my english

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I'm glad you caught him in time, but it really seems like this should be standard procedure in MMO's by now.


Confirm with voice chat, ask them about some funny thing that happened in a raid 6 months ago, ask them their girlfriend/dogs/cars name, etc. Something.


If you promote people to full bank access based on a character name and a whisper, you're pretty much just asking to get robbed.

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good catch but you will get 0 sympathy from me


it's the same story everytime when a guild bank gets robbed and people say in every thread how to stop it before it happens yet it still happens


it's not that people are clever it's more so people are naive and gullible


That's fair, but I don't think OP was seeking sympathy. I think he/she was trying to inform other potential victims. These folks may be "naive and gullible."but not everyone can be as wise as you.

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Have people ask for alt invite from one of their already verified characters (ideally main). Do not assume they are who they say just based on their character name looking similar.


Scammers are nasty critters, but only you can implement this simple step to block them.

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Our guild had an attempt once, but it was not nearly so cleverly thought out. A guy joined in response to an ad and immediately asked for a high rank so that he could donate creds to the guild bank (we were saving for our ship at the time). When I said that he doesn't need a high rank to donate, he then changed his story to say that his friends were laughing at him about having a low rank and that he would donate 20m if I promoted him. We saw through it immediately and had some fun with him in guild chat and he left. He then started asking in fleet chat for an invite to one of the larger guilds. I whispered their GM and he tried the same thing there. Again with no success.


He was a bit of a dumb dumb and it was a while ago, but thought I'd post it here in the unlikely event that anybody would fall for it. Our guild is a medium sized guild and I'm online pretty much every day so we don't need officers yet, but when we do, access to the bank will still be very restricted.

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Seriously again?

If someone claims to be officer or gm, invite him, then ask him to set his rank from his main. How hard can it be?


Yeah this.


I thought this was the norm. In all the MMOs I have played, this has always been the norm. It is a horrid feeling being scammed, but this is just common sense.

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Are you kidding right now? How can someone be that dumb? If you are the guild leader, you deserve to be robbed, if you are an officer, you should have your privileges removed for being so dumb. Why would you promote someone who has joined a few minutes ago? Even if it is an alt of an officer, let the new accounts be as is. If that guy wanted the XP boost, you could have gotten it out for him or told him to log in to his main toon and remove it.


I can only say - "Absolutely correct..!" ..! :cool:


But also I must admit that the OP is in some way correct too... He is right that robbing a Guild-Bank is a 2 person Job..! The first person is the one who wants to empty the bank and the second one is the person who is dumb enough to fall for the first persons trick :D ..!



Best regard Kage

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Yeah this.


I thought this was the norm. In all the MMOs I have played, this has always been the norm. It is a horrid feeling being scammed, but this is just common sense.


I don't know about your guilds but in mine, the alts get the same rank as the main, so they can't promote themselves. At best they can promote themselves to just below their rank. But we still verify from a main or through mumble.

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We have a slightly different problem in <Silent Force>, in that people think the gear tab is just junk to do whatever you want with. Some people started taking stuff out and selling it. GM went ballistic. Never happened again.
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Seriously again?

Apparently it's just too much rocket science. That's why I suspect many of the "complainers" are in fact part of the "scam" and are posting here to bolster their claims of lack of involvement in the matter.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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We use private chat channels for Officer and above ranks. So if someone asked in basic guild chat to be promoted it would immediately set off alarms. Sorry the OP let themselves be scammed but hey lesson learned I guess.
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An officer can't set his alt's rank to the same rank that he or she is... one can only promote someone to a rank one level lower than their own. So telling them to promote their own alts is not a solution.


Easiest way to have that officer, while online with a toon you recognize, tell the GM in Officer Chat that "toon x" is his alt.


Any new person who asks to be promoted right away gets the evil eye. ;)

Edited by Gidrea
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i'm naming guiild naames or people names. but i had been a victim of reprisal of a guild bank therft and im laughing at the guild. i join a guild l2 weeks ago not to big of a guild bout 30-40 members i promote to have access to guild bank. bout four days ago i was sick for a 36 hour period. during that time the guild bank empty the gm and lt thought it was me. so they asked me to get on and meet them which i did. instead of asking if i did it they demanded i return everything i took. i told i took nothing accept a boost the gm gave me himself. so booted me without further chatting or anything so i said oh well to gm in a whisper. went on my merry way. yesterday i saw a guild member who me they promoted the guy who told the gm it was me who empty the gb to lt. turn out they caught him redhanded empty the gb again.
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i'm naming guiild naames or people names. but i had been a victim of reprisal of a guild bank therft and im laughing at the guild. i join a guild l2 weeks ago not to big of a guild bout 30-40 members i promote to have access to guild bank. bout four days ago i was sick for a 36 hour period. during that time the guild bank empty the gm and lt thought it was me. so they asked me to get on and meet them which i did. instead of asking if i did it they demanded i return everything i took. i told i took nothing accept a boost the gm gave me himself. so booted me without further chatting or anything so i said oh well to gm in a whisper. went on my merry way. yesterday i saw a guild member who me they promoted the guy who told the gm it was me who empty the gb to lt. turn out they caught him redhanded empty the gb again.


Unless your account was compromised, the leadership could easily see who withdrew from the bank. Thankfully there are logs in place for that exact purpose. Sounds like the guild wasn't for you if there is no trust without them doing their own research.

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