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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's the status on 12xXP?


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Now that BW has dealt with the important issue of the year i.e. The Slot Machine Drops, it seems to have taken some time to deal with relatively minor issues like the Ravengers bug and hey Harbinger has been up almost 2 weeks now. So what are they going to do about the demand for permanent 12xXP? As a community we've gome up with some good plans. First of all, it would be available via CC or IG credits so people could "opt out". Second, it would be tied to legacy level OR having a toon hit level 50 - 3% for each mirrored class so having a smuggler and agent at level 50 gets you 3% not 6%.


Is it even possible for BW to respond with "Due out in 3 months." or "Not gonna happen." or "It's about ninth on our list." or "Great idea but not in the queue (yet)."?

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Screw 12xp. They need to focus on the real issue that is server/game stability


Harbinger stability issues are caused by players who want to create superserver, one server to rule them all.

Not even EVE can handle all players on one server, that's why Tranquility is server cluster.

Edited by Halinalle
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12 x XP should be a permanent benefit for subs.


why? so you can power grind through the story line instead of earning your levels? players these days dont care about the game you just want to be max level as fast as possible. just enjoy the game

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Does nobody read the dev tracker? They posted about this last wednesday, hell, it's still on the first page of the tracker.


We should just copy and paste since people don't know what dev tracker is. It's far too complicated to find.



"Putting 12x as a Legacy perk is definitely one of the options we discussed, among many. I believe that is what we had talked about in the past, (on a stream or at a cantina) that it was one of the possible options. As far as I know, it is not currently planned to implement that as a Legacy perk at this time.




Side note, I do find it rather comical that Bioware does communicate with us, yet we ignore it, and then say hey they aren't communicating! Slot machine? Addressed at a cantina event, transcript passed along to us, but to some they haven't said anything about that yet. 12xp? Dev tracker, but nope haven't said a word. PvP ranked abusers? Never a peep.

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12 x XP should be a permanent benefit for subs.






As far as these sorts of demands and the community, there is no consensus. People have posted dozens of ideas and none of them have seen broad approval. Everyone wants to cater the system to their desires, and very few people put any thought into the issues that 12xXP causes. Most don't eve know what those issues are.

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why? so you can power grind through the story line instead of earning your levels? players these days dont care about the game you just want to be max level as fast as possible. just enjoy the game



To many players, the game starts at level cap IE PvP.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Not coming back for a while.


why? so you can power grind through the story line instead of earning your levels? players these days dont care about the game you just want to be max level as fast as possible. just enjoy the game


I have. I leveled plenty of characters to max level, and the story was fun.. the first few times. However, I don't feel like redoing Taris' storyline for the 10th time, for example.

Edited by lpsmash
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To many players, the game starts at level cap IE PvP.



To many players the game is hard stop at max level.


The point here is it needs to be an option.


I like the idea of XP boosts but 12x seems excessive to me, I didn't get a chance to try it when the did it pre SoR but it sounds extreme.

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I like the idea of XP boosts but 12x seems excessive to me, I didn't get a chance to try it when the did it pre SoR but it sounds extreme.


It was restricted to class stories only. It was about 1 level every class mission, at least early on.

If it was everything, I'd agree with you. But given it's only class stories, its like express lane without the lack of work. They still need to do the class stories to take advantage of it.

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LOL..Still the crys of "it will ruin the game" make me LOL.


Ok so...if I wanted too.... I get Guild XP boosts, I get Cartel XP boosts, I get legacy purchased XP boosts, and double XP boosts several times a year... (am I missing any) , Then go into either "Space on Rails (after I get my ship" or PVP and grind to 50 doing this. THEN go do my class missions..... whats the damn difference. I would just prefer to NOT do space on rails missions or PVP ad-nauseum...



My point is the devs already provide a pleathora of XP boosts (not as great as 12x XP...but I bet its close) so they in effect are admitting it isn't cheating or its OK. And then you just grind your way through space on rails or PvP.... it is the same effect.

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As far as these sorts of demands and the community, there is no consensus. People have posted dozens of ideas and none of them have seen broad approval. Everyone wants to cater the system to their desires, and very few people put any thought into the issues that 12xXP causes. Most don't eve know what those issues are.


Did you REALLY just type that? :rolleyes: Because I've seen several threads that have multiple pages of ppl talking about various ways the system can be implemented for the benefit of as many ppl as possible. Some of which were quoted repeatedly by ppl who agree with them or who offered slight adjustments.... From being a sub only perk to HOW and when the XP boost would be earned. And "most don't even know what those issues are" ARE YOU SERIOUS? Y'all won't let us get two comments in without reminding us of those "issues". EVERY ONE of those SAME threads is ALWAYS full of people who seem to have the same tired excuses as to why it would "kill the game". It's just that the majority of those reasons get shot down and filed under the "grumpy old fogey" category


Sounding like...


"Back in my day when we played Mmo's on a DOS based computer with dial-up connections, I had to grind 18hrs a day for 6 months just to level up ONE level! You young whipper snappers are spoiled with all your XP boost, broadband connections, and fancy computers...blah blah blah....prune juice" (in my old man voice) :D

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why? so you can power grind through the story line instead of earning your levels? players these days dont care about the game you just want to be max level as fast as possible. just enjoy the game


Having played the game since beta, I find that things like the 12xXP have their place. I've been through every story line on every class. If I had an easy way to, for example, level up a Operative Healer for the Imp side to mirror my Scoundrel Healer on the Pub Side, I might do that. I've already done the Agent story line, I already know how to heal with the mirror class, so the grind of getting a new toon up to Max level doesn't have a lot of appeal to me.


I'd be cool with making it a Legacy perk requiring Legacy level 50 and costing a boatload of credits though. That would have the advantages of:

1. Not being available to new players so they actually have to learn their class. If you've gotten to Legacy 50 you either have a pretty good handle on the mechanics of the game and the different roles or you never will.

2. It could be a reasonable money sink. Make it cost 10M credits or something.

3. It would give people a reason to care about legacy levels besides when you can buy Treek for cash.

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don't hold your breath


Putting 12x as a Legacy perk is definitely one of the options we discussed, among many. I believe that is what we had talked about in the past, (on a stream or at a cantina) that it was one of the possible options. As far as I know, it is not currently planned to implement that as a Legacy perk at this time.



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why? so you can power grind through the story line instead of earning your levels? players these days dont care about the game you just want to be max level as fast as possible. just enjoy the game


Or if you use more than one braincell and think for longer than a half-second there's many of us who have leveled over a dozen toons or so...like making new characters but cant' stand that 95% of the leveling process are the same linear side-quests.


But realizing that would take common sense I guess.


I'd like to see it too...unlockable...I don't think it "should be" a standard "benefit" for those that sub...no reason to do that. But make it optional to purchase/unlock.


You go enjoy leveling the same linear path since that's what YOU enjoy..let US enjoy what WE want too...

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Its never a good idea to take a diminished player base and remove a significant number of the players from that player base as available leveling partners etc. for people who are new to a game. You've got no more certain way of killing your growth of new subs/new players than to make the game even more barren and bereft of people in the low level content.


12x XP is a request for 'easy mode' that removes players from having to do any of the content at low levels, and thus diminishes the game experience for anyone who does not have the perk.


This is an MMO, not a single player game, and it is already woefully easy to level up in any number of ways. The perk is unnecessary and has demonstrated drawbacks. The reason it is desired is purely out of entitlement wishes from a significant portion of the player base who believe that just because they have done something before, they should never have to do it again. They do not admit to or recognize any of the drawbacks. They do not understand that, as the person who is making the proposal they have a burden of proof to demonstrate why their idea has merit and would be beneficial and not detrimental and the argument always comes down to a simple exhibition of selfishness, " I want it, I don't want to have to do side quests, PVP, Space Missions, or any other content, I want to do just class missions and I want 12x XP for doing them and I want it now!"


The game requires players playing at all levels in order for it to be accessible to new players. If you create a mechanic that allows players to completely skip all the low level content but their solo class missions, you greatly diminish the game experience for every player who still has to level the 'intended' way.


This has nothing to do about 'old folks' saying , 'Back in my day....' but everything to do with that this is a Multiplayer Game with a system for leveling that is predicated on having other players available. This isn't about people who disagree with you wanting to force you to play the game 'Their way' as they aren't they are telling you that you have to play the game the way the game was created/intended and disagreeing with you that your addition is universally beneficial.


I could care less how you play the game. You can do pvp only from level 10 onwards, you can run space missions, you can do side quests, or you can stand in one spot and grind the same mobs until they cease to give experience and then move to another fast spawn area and repeat.. I don't care how you play. But I do disagree that a 'fast lane' for leveling that removes players from the pool of available players to play with during the leveling process for anyone who does not have the perk is a good idea. Its an MMO, the entire system is based on having other players of your level range available to play with.


Single Player games are on that aisle over there.. go buy one.

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