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I can see why complaints have been lodged.


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Just hit 30 and boy was it murder! Didn't even get to land a single blow, and I had to ask for about four other mates to help me kill a lone Sage. I will have to agree with those of you who call for a change to the, err, bracket, since going up against level 58s is an exercise in futility.
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I believe that the OP was referencing the issues with having a level 30 toon go against ones that are significantly higher up the mids bracket.


He's also probably referencing the pvp gear with expertise the level 55+s have too. But regardless, it's lowbies :cool:

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It's lowbies people. Level up, get to 60. We don't need to balance the game around lowbies. :rak_01:


it's not a balance issue. it's a bolster issue. and it should be addressed. it would have no effect on class balance whatsoever.


edit: I don't think the 162 pvp gear is the significant problem. it's massive difference in hp and skill available. bolster should compensate lowbies more.

Edited by foxmob
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it's not a balance issue. it's a bolster issue. and it should be addressed. it would have no effect on class balance whatsoever.


edit: I don't think the 162 pvp gear is the significant problem. it's massive difference in hp and skill available. bolster should compensate lowbies more.


Yeah, the only real benefit the PVP gear gives is a set bonus and the ability to min/max. Which is a decent help, but definitely not the problem with midbies right now.

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Yeah, the only real benefit the PVP gear gives is a set bonus and the ability to min/max. Which is a decent help, but definitely not the problem with midbies right now.


that is the problem you have min/maxed players with full brut relics that proc crazy damage over some one that levels a new toon. The set bonus is op as a sin you can have 4 stacks of recklessness over people with 3. Plus the fact many 30s don't have full abilities like voltaic slash for instance and have to use trash that is so effective against a 55 right. All players by 30 should have all abilities that way they can be bolster up to 59. and with leveling rather then having new abilities trained upgrade the abilities as you gain levels from that point. Give lowbies a relic that is = to brut proc and has the same expertise there i fixed mids. With 2 suggestions

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I doubt they'll give 30s full 59 abils. but here's the thing: have you noticed that 55s and even 50s have CONSIDERABLY more hp than everyone else? the expertise is the same (1800-2018). but the hp is CRAZY different (10k-15k). and when I hit 51 and got electronet, it was game over for anyone below me.


the set bonus is big. no doubt. but the issue is bolster. bolster needs to adjust. that's how the stupid system was designed: to compensate via bolster.

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Just hit 30 and boy was it murder! Didn't even get to land a single blow, and I had to ask for about four other mates to help me kill a lone Sage. I will have to agree with those of you who call for a change to the, err, bracket, since going up against level 58s is an exercise in futility.


The issue with making a new bracket for maybe 30-44 and 45-59 is the queue times will be significantly longer. You will get that bored of waiting for a game you will be soon wishing the bracket was back to 30-59 I can guarantee it.

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You think the altered brackets could be due to lack of volume in the servers?? More specifically, lack of volume queing PVP at any 1 time? I see 50/50, some games I have not a single lvl50, sometmies it's ONLY 50+. Don't know if it is just THAT random or if there is a reason. Edited by ZeroDiplomacy
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heal or tank until you hit lvl 51. you might learn a thing or two along the way as well.



So much this

One needs to play his lowbie midbie much more selectively

If the toon can't tank or heal then peel for one who can heal

Attach your focus target to the best dps and help kill targets

Stay in the pack

Learn to abuse the terrain and keep your signature low

It is worthwhile to practice these


If it is still to much then get leveling asap- hit the kuat academy (and deal with all the derp there) and you can stack comms at 55

Edited by Daxy
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It's lowbies people. Level up, get to 60. We don't need to balance the game around lowbies. :rak_01:


So you are saying there is a balance in lvl 60, unless everyone rolls to sin-shadow there wont be any balance.

Edited by omeru
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Just hit 30 and boy was it murder! Didn't even get to land a single blow, and I had to ask for about four other mates to help me kill a lone Sage. I will have to agree with those of you who call for a change to the, err, bracket, since going up against level 58s is an exercise in futility.


I am completely resigned to the fact that my lvl 30+ will have to suffer through pve content until level 41. My sage heal has had no new heals in ages and won't until 41. The lack of utility and shear lack of stats to do any meaningful healing is just horrible. And so. Balmora will be fully quested out with all bonus missions done to get me to 41 fast. I'll test the waters there again but PvP in the 30's is running a marathon uphill in the desert with full winter gear on.

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He's also probably referencing the pvp gear with expertise the level 55+s have too. But regardless, it's lowbies :cool:


Tbh, its not the pvp gear - you're just as "overpowered" with the prelude gear - imo its bolster that's wonky. I think it bolsters 55+ to 60, and 54- to 55. I mean, my scoundrel at level 52 has roughly 31k hp, while my 57 scoundrel has 37. Bonus damage etc is scaled just as bad, and I have (nearly) full expertise (about 1950 vs 2018).


I agree the game shouldnt be balanced around lowbies/midbies, but afaik the idea with bolster was that low level chars would get better bolster stats because lack of abilities, but atm the 57+ has far superior stats and all skills. So just alter bolster accordingly and midbies is golden!

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So you are saying there is a balance in lvl 60, unless everyone rolls to sin-shadow there wont be any balance.


That's not what I said at all. I said there shouldn't be much time spent by the devs balance lowbie warzones, and they should focus on balancing 60s (max level). I think lowbie warzones are balanced ENOUGH, but sure i'd agree with some bracketing changes.


So what I was saying is that the 100s of threads like this that are like "ZOMB GETTING REKT IN LOWBIES" shouldn't be taken TOO seriously. To me at least, lowbie warzones are supposed to be yolo fun and to get your feet wet in pvp. Not to be taken seriously and require dev time balancing.


That said, I think if they changed the bracket to 10-40 and 41-59 it would ease many complaints. (level 41 is where you get your 3rd unique class ability).

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That said, I think if they changed the bracket to 10-40 and 41-59 it would ease many complaints. (level 41 is where you get your 3rd unique class ability).


I think if you just sit in the bolsterizer with a 30-40-something toon and then do it with a 56, you'll see a massive difference in HP (and other stats) but a negligible difference in expertise. in other words, a full 178 or 162 (pve armors) will have 1800+ exp but a TON more hp AND more significant abilities in his tool box.


the abilities thing is what it is. however, they should not have more stats. bolster is balancing expertise to some extent without issue, but the other stats are way too low on 30s and 40s.

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I think if you just sit in the bolsterizer with a 30-40-something toon and then do it with a 56, you'll see a massive difference in HP (and other stats) but a negligible difference in expertise. in other words, a full 178 or 162 (pve armors) will have 1800+ exp but a TON more hp AND more significant abilities in his tool box.


the abilities thing is what it is. however, they should not have more stats. bolster is balancing expertise to some extent without issue, but the other stats are way too low on 30s and 40s.


right, which they could easily tweak. Changing the brackets, and then re-tweaking lower level bolster could be simple fixes.

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It's lowbies people. Level up, get to 60. We don't need to balance the game around lowbies. :rak_01:


You do believe that any RL schools are entirely useless and should be left as soon as possible, do you ?

At least you sound to me as if you believed that.


To me at least, lowbie warzones are supposed to be yolo fun and to get your feet wet in pvp. Not to be taken seriously and require dev time balancing.


Typical elitist statement. "We who are the top are ALL that matters ! Away with those peasants !"

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You do believe that any RL schools are entirely useless and should be left as soon as possible, do you ?

At least you sound to me as if you believed that.


You're comparing importance and structure of real life educational institutions to playing a video game in the low level bracket of an mmo...


Well, I will have to concede defeat. I'm not sure I have a response for that.

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I doubt they'll give 30s full 59 abils. but here's the thing: have you noticed that 55s and even 50s have CONSIDERABLY more hp than everyone else? the expertise is the same (1800-2018). but the hp is CRAZY different (10k-15k). and when I hit 51 and got electronet, it was game over for anyone below me.


the set bonus is big. no doubt. but the issue is bolster. bolster needs to adjust. that's how the stupid system was designed: to compensate via bolster.


Easiest solution is to create a 50-59 bracket.


I PVP'ed my way from 55 to 60, wearing full min-maxed ranked gear from last season.


It was an absolute slaughter. Nobody below 55 could touch me. Those who could, still lost most fights. It wasn't fair or funny.

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BioWare could adjust bolster to check player level, and adjust HP / mainstat on the 30-54 players to equate those of a level 59 player (in addition to the usual gear side of bolster).


It would make a difference, and wouldn't involve adjusting anything else or lowering bracket player pools etc. I can live with a set bonus discrimination, but that 10k extra HP makes a fair difference, as does the extra mainstat :D

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I believe that the OP was referencing the issues with having a level 30 toon go against ones that are significantly higher up the mids bracket.


Don't you love it when the first post is made by someone who can't comprehend what they read?

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heal or tank until you hit lvl 51. you might learn a thing or two along the way as well.


I am a healer and how will you learn a thing or two if you don't get a chance to get off a single skill, hmmm? Tell you what: queue as a level 30 healer (whatever class you wish) and become targeted by a level 59 Vanguard with no one around to assist you and tell me what you learn; I will wait.

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