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If you could change the companion's characterization, what would you do?


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Exactly what it says on the tin. And the last thread similar that I remember to this has been long deceased.


Just some notes:

-appearances change be changed with customization kits, and I'm sure we would all love more.

-This includes the long dreamed of companion conversation expansions, that is still a dream, so feel free to go beyond the 1-50 comp convos.

-I know we all want to, but not replacing companions (Believe me, I would be replacing many, personally)


Me and what I would change:


Bah, I would have more conversations, and every companion would have at least one quest, every companion would have something to say on every planet, more battle lines and variations based on what planet we're on.

I would have Kaliyo get more of a personality than "Anarchist Cresits-Lover", Vik, Broonmark and Pierce seem to have more character growth than her, and players recruit them later than her.

Quinn should have an alternative way of flirting with him that wasn't almost harassment, even if he does approve.

Pierce was fun, but I wish there were more conversations with him that aren't all about the Bastion.

Corso should have alternative conversations where he isn't all old-fashioned chivalry, maybe after the player has shown that his ways tend to not work or something (Or just not as creepy on my Fem!Smugglers who wind up not romancing him).

Skadge... *shudders* *shudders again*. I would have him be like Broonmark, where he realizes that LS choices have their uses too, like growing a proper reputation without relying on just rumors.

Speaking of Broonie, I want more conversations with that guy. Never really got much of a feel of what kind of a guy we was other than the fact my LS SW tempered him from Ax Crazy to a proper Blood Knight under her control.

Blizz, Blizz, Blizz, I love the guy. Love him to bits, but I feel like he's just there to build me weapons from the conversations, and I don't mind that, but doesn't give me much of a sense of what kind of a guy he is. Other than adorable, curious Jawa.

Khem, Qyzen, Scourge, Scorpio, Talos (he is adorable when it comes to artifacts), I would have as romance options, maybe others that I can't think of right now.


Hey, this is a wish list style of thread. Go wild or something.

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That was refreshing to read. I hadn't thought of a customization like that for the companions.


Well, I've read a lot of whining about companions, and a lot of dislike, so I wondered what others would do to the companions as an improvement. That was just mine.

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I would put into the game what was planned in the early stages, but because of player feedback or lack of time was cut. Stuff like:


- The possibility of killing companions.

- Companions abandoning the player character altogether, provided their affection was low enough.

- Companion quests for every single companion, which are still noticeable one way or another.

- Allowing a group of four players to use one companion each, as envisioned at one point.

- The companion kits that allowed Xalek to wield two single-hilt lightsabers, as seen


The last of the bunch wouldn't be that much of a priority to me, but the first four would be great. I do know they'll never come to pass, but it doesn't hurt to dream a bit every so often.














Does it? :o

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Setting the obvious answer of "more companion stories", I'd love to see opportunities to use multiple companions at the same time. With 6-8 companions available, a lot of them have to spend too much time on the bench.


The solo Flashpoints would have been perfect for it.

Edited by Excise
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Khem, Qyzen, Scourge, Scorpio, Talos (he is adorable when it comes to artifacts), I would have as romance options, maybe others that I can't think of right now.






as romance partners? What are you, attracted to animals? Ok, Khem's not an animal, but he's not sexual in nature. And Qyzen is a lizard. Please tell me that you only wanted Talos for romance. Oh, and Scorpio? A droid. No, no, no, you don't romance a droid.

Scourgei s fine, even though he can't sense anything, so it'd make no sense to his character, and Talos is the only one you mentioned not lore-breaking or just purely disturbing.

I don't think I'll be able to get ANY sleep tonight. All I*m imagining now is you, hidden by your mandalorian armor, trying to seduce lizards ...


Edited by Leaveshill
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I actually just posted a topic in the CM Suggestion forum about Companion Customizations. (wont link to it 'coz I'm not trolling for clicks)


They could easily add more options to companions I think, it's really saddening to see so many Companions in TOR relegated to the role of "crafting bots" who never see daylight again after being acquired, simply because nobody (or very nearly nobody) likes them.


I cant even play as an SI, because I hate Khem so much!!! (honestly BW, having him offer to kill me and eat my liver is NOT conducive to a long lasting relationship) Every time I start an SI, I delete it just after acquiring him, I just cannot stand him!


I haven't been playing all that long, so I'm sure there are others, but even having to remember to be the " Formal and Proper, Honorable Soldier" around Jorgan all the time can be annoying! What if I want to be a vigilante? Play as a "Punisher" type character, not evil per se, just a believer in "justice"?


Give me a purchasable "Personality Package" and I would pay almost any price for it!!!

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as romance partners? What are you, attracted to animals? Ok, Khem's not an animal, but he's not sexual in nature. And Qyzen is a lizard. Please tell me that you only wanted Talos for romance. Oh, and Scorpio? A droid. No, no, no, you don't romance a droid.

Scourgei s fine, even though he can't sense anything, so it'd make no sense to his character, and Talos is the only one you mentioned not lore-breaking or just purely disturbing.

I don't think I'll be able to get ANY sleep tonight. All I*m imagining now is you, hidden by your mandalorian armor, trying to seduce lizards ...



Garrus Vakarian. Mass Effect's most beloved walking, talking, bird-lizard.

Honestly, I said romance options. Options. Not required.


I don't look down on you for your romantic inclinations, don't look down on me for my sci-fi/fantasy ones.

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I would put into the game what was planned in the early stages, but because of player feedback or lack of time was cut. Stuff like:


- The possibility of killing companions.

- Companions abandoning the player character altogether, provided their affection was low enough.


Those two were removed (as i understand it) because a) It would negate the "Companion Affection" mechanic such as Stat boosts, Unlocks, etc. and put players without those companions at a disadvantage, and b) because some story missions require certain companions, but if you have lost or killed that particular companion, the story couldn't continue. So they had to make companions stick with you no matter what.


It would also disadvantage crafters, because certain companions have certain Crits/Efficiencies with certain crew skills, which wouldn't really be fair.

Edited by ZoeyWash
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Those two were removed (as i understand it) because a) It would negate the "Companion Affection" mechanic such as Stat boosts, Unlocks, etc. and put players without those companions at a disadvantage, and b) because some story missions require certain companions, but if you have lost or killed that particular companion, the story couldn't continue. So they had to make companions stick with you no matter what.


It would also disadvantage crafters, because certain companions have certain Crits/Efficiencies with certain crew skills, which wouldn't really be fair.

The problem could have been circumvented if the player would get a replacement.


Apart from wanting more dilalogue lines, and more quests (I'd say each compainion should have at least one mission, if not a small mission line), the thing that bothers me most is indeed that you have to take/keep every companion you get along the line, no matter how much you like that companion, the way he ends up in your team or how he behaves in there.


For example, when playíng the bounty hunter for the first time, the way Gault becomes a team-member kinda spoiled the fun a bit. While everything else along the BH-storyline was good and entertaining, this one thing was just soo wrong. It still bothers me that you have no other choice but play that trick on your employer, become a trickster and have that criminal join your team. I nver got in touch with that character just due to the way he becomes part of your team, and I didn't use him longer than I had to to get that "kill X mobs with companion Y at your side"-achievement. An option to reject his idea/offer and hand instead him over, with an alternative storyline that let's you get an alternative companion (with the same role) would have been awesome.


Similar, Quinn and the Sith Warrior - here just not the way you get him, but rather what he does later in the class-storyline. I wish there would be an option to handle the case in a more sith-like fashion, and then get an alternative storyline where you get a replacement for Quinn (again, with the same role).

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I agree ... Wit the Character Creator they have, the "Affection" mechanic for the bonuses/unlocks based on class (Tank, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS and Healer I think?) plus the Advanced Class Selection System, they could easily rework all those things into a "Custom Companion Creator" or "Companion Customizer"


It probably wont ever happen, unless sales of Treek drop to a significantly low level, but even then, they will probably just push out another single CM companion, with even less dialogue and fewer options.

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Wish affection worked more like in kotor 2. Whereas they start on 50, or 5000 in this case I guess, and there are benefits with either 0 or 10000. Maybe a different storyline based on if they hate your or like you. I don't like kind of feeling "forced" to get it to 10k cuz it gives a noticeable boost in crafting. (yes ik you can just give a **** bout convos and drench them in gifts, but thats a bit immersion breaking imo)


Just my 2 cents, just liked in kotor 2 that there were benefits to both low influence and high influence.

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#1 The companions should have their own gear appearance even if you upgrade it. Corso should not look like he's in Trooper armor and why is Lt Pierce in BH gear? Also, I don't like that all of my cunning companions look the exact way when I call them up. At level 55 it is like an endless parade of Eddie Murphy Delirious wannabes.


#2 Tank companions that don't die every battle.

Edited by EllieAnne
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I would 1st give each companion a unique model.

Then i would change companion interaction to the likes of DAO style, where i could talk to any companion anywhere on world even after all scripted conversation are done and also get some unique perspective of each area(not to mention i could get kissy kissy with my romance choice and take screenshot :D).

Then i would give companion a skill upgrade system which would give companion 1 skill point every 5 level. Skill points would be used to upgrade/change abilities of companion. For example if i am playing with elara and i want her to dps then from her skill upgrade i could spent point on her dps skill tree which will replace her healing skills with some dps skills and would give some dps passive like 5% extra accuracy and power; mind that the stat is just an example. Now if i want to use her as healer i can spend point on healing skill tree which would upgrade the current healing abilities and would give some passive like 5% extra alacrity and power.

Well i have so many more ideas but i guess that is about it for now.

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Give comps a couple new powers from 50-60 for crying out loud. Also, some kind of mini-skill tree, maybe 1 point per 3/5 levels. Say you want to make Khem more DPS than Tank? You can put in some points toward a mini-tree for that, etc.
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Oh my where do I begin.....


1. I'm with others, let me kill off companions. There are a couple in particular that I want to force choke to death, and shove out into deep space. If we can't kill them give us the ability to dismiss them from our crew.

2. Complete customization of companions. Take them to one of the character re-customization booth things, and let us have at it.

3. More romance options!!!! I want nothing more than for my Warrior to finally romance Lt. Pierce. Not just a one night stand, with a hint of full romance for later, but a full blow romance. I would love to see this happen for other companions as well. Personally, I feel a bit cheated playing female characters. I'm not a fan of the "you can have this jerk, or nothing at all" deal.

4. More conversations, and dialog for all of the companions. One of the things I really did not like about SoR was silence from all but the romance companions. My Warrior, yes we're on the subject of Pierce again, runs with the same people. It would have been nice, as we saw with Rise of the Hutt Cartel, to have them all say something.

5. Allow us to decide where companions are on our ship. For example, my Warrior doesn't want Quinn anywhere near her let alone on the bridge of her ship. The same goes for a few other companions too. Let me put them somewhere, out of sight, so I don't have to see them.

6. Companion story continuation....by now these people have been together for years. They are a team, heck they may even be like a little family. It would be nice to see what is going on with them now.

Edited by Amadahy
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Besides the option to kill companions or just outright refuse their companionship (Skadge, UGH I hate that guy..Lol).....I'd love to be able to change who tanks, who heals, etc. Half the time I'm not crazy about either companion but I have to take them because of my role and what I need my companion to do. But I doubt that'll ever happen, even though I'm hopeful one day....lol.


More companion stories would be amazing. It's always saddened me how I marry my romance companion and then they never talk to me again...

Edited by blindxsecrets
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I would put into the game what was planned in the early stages, but because of player feedback or lack of time was cut. Stuff like:


- The possibility of killing companions.

- Companions abandoning the player character altogether, provided their affection was low enough.

- Companion quests for every single companion, which are still noticeable one way or another.

- Allowing a group of four players to use one companion each, as envisioned at one point.

- The companion kits that allowed Xalek to wield two single-hilt lightsabers, as seen


The last of the bunch wouldn't be that much of a priority to me, but the first four would be great. I do know they'll never come to pass, but it doesn't hurt to dream a bit every so often.


Does it? :o


I agree with nearly all of these, except killing the companion. It would cause too much butthurt for players that did it without "realizing" that it would be permanent.


With the legacy system fully implemented (now), I'd love to have the ability to lose a companion on one character and be able to recruit that companion via another character (must remain within companion cap).

Having a metric f-ton of maxed toons, I'd love to be able to for example:


Drop Skadge from one of my Powertechs (tanks) and pick Skadge up with my healer Operative (and dropping Dr. Lokin).


I have never used Broonmark on any of my Warriors, but I might use him on a merc healer.


Also, for many companions it shouldn't be strictly faction limited. Some companions are clearly more suited to one faction, but not all. There is no reason why Akaavi Spar should have to work for the republic. Not sure how I feel about Lord Scourge going back to the empire ... but Ashara could certainly return to the republic, as could Jaesa.


I too want the old companion kits. The tank/dps companions are always much better tanks than dps because they retain all the taunts but never gain any armor penetration or high-end dots. AC based kits make the most sense. All of the companion abilities are already in the game, they would just have to be "boxed" like the new companion armor sets.


I'm not sure how I feel about 4 players + 4 companions with regard to balance. Seems a bit over the top.

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Garrus Vakarian. Mass Effect's most beloved walking, talking, bird-lizard.

Honestly, I said romance options. Options. Not required.


I don't look down on you for your romantic inclinations, don't look down on me for my sci-fi/fantasy ones.


Well, doesn't matter if it's not required, it''d totally ruin Khem and Qyzen. And it's a bit lorebreaking.


And yes, I look down on everyone with invalid opinions. You're cool and all, but now I gotta look down on you for your weird sexuality. That's what happends when you tell everyone that you have a crush on lizards. Which others find creepy, and which might lead them to find you creepy. Which I did, since you're in love with Qyzen and I find you a bit scary now. But I still love you, don't get me wrong.

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My companion dream list in no particular order:


- Continue all of their stories at least a little at a time.

--- Real missions would be better than a cut-scene or two.

--- Quests tailored to use your full crew would be amazing!

--- Add in some additional romance options. Talos, Zenith & Scourge would be no-brainers and really, who doesn't think more than a few would work well with SGR?

- Either a lot more customizations or let us use the appearance kiosk. Out of all of the new customizations that have been added, I find very few to be any good. I'm shallow, I want my crews to look good, not "interesting."

- Companion appearance tabs. I'd like to be able to use the nifty armor from Yavin IV, but I also want to tailor my companions' armor and use some of the many, many sets I have unlocked in collections.

- Get rid of the stupid holo-companions in strongholds so I can have good groupings. Maybe a few posses too.

- Idol animations on the ship. Moving locations would be a bonus.

- Repeatable photo op. for the entire crew or tender moment with your significant other.

- New barks when you max affection that acknowledge your friendship or marriage.

- Companion emotes.

- Fix default Vector so he is no longer a cross-dresser. (36 outfits!)

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