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A little worried...


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Nope.. you can send your comps every 30 minutes while running the game in the background to slice for you and you don't have to do anything else than tab back in the game and redo it after the 30 mins are over.


You can make even more than 100k/day. Esp if you bother selling the epic missions you get for other professions.


This. I can't even tell you how much the other epic missions and stuff I get sell for a piece. But I did factor that into my calculation.

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


You'll be much happier if you just avoid the forums and form your own opinion. I have experienced very few bugs, so i can't really speak to that.


Just play the game and keep in your mind that it is a completely different game from others you have played, and I think you'll enjoy it.


The only reason I've been cruising these forums is because I'm visiting family and can't play :p

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My slicing is at just under 350. If I continually send my comps out to do that I spend half the return on the quest. I would have to be doing nothing but sending them out on just lockbox quests, which you can't because you have to do augments too.


Believing your own hyperbole is as bad as making crap up. That's not to say slicing isn't lucrative, because it is, but it isn't "free money". You have to work at it like all crafting.

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Lol, don`t you just love post like these, full of bugs, rofl


I think that since I got in in early access I encountered maybe 2 bugs...


You people coming here just to diss the game are so funny :)


2 bugs? how long have you even played?


1. I see green pixle walls extend out of the ground from the random objects around me (others have seen it too and i have a top notch computer so its not me)


2. My Reverse Engineering button only shows up half the time and the other half I'm just out of luck


3. When i mount while im getting healed my character turns green and stays that way


4. I can't dtrop some random missions that have nothing to do with my story line


5. My characters don't like elevators so they teleport everywhere (use to be worse in beta)


6. 1/4 of my spells don't see the global cooldown timer so when i click on them they don't work unless I spam them and then they eventual work


7. PvP is laggy as hell, I will be using my abilities and my character shows the abilitie I used 3 abilities ago


Its not just 2 bugs there dude

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My slicing is at just under 350. If I continually send my comps out to do that I spend half the return on the quest. I would have to be doing nothing but sending them out on just lockbox quests, which you can't because you have to do augments too.


Believing your own hyperbole is as bad as making crap up. That's not to say slicing isn't lucrative, because it is, but it isn't "free money". You have to work at it like all crafting.


Here's a tip. You don't have to do augments.


You can always send them for lockboxes only. You send 2 comps on say..level 6 missions, and the other 2 on lvl 5 missions.


Noone's making crap up here. And yes it's free money.

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Sure, keep thinking you're right. Just wait for more people to come and tell you the same thing. There's plenty in this thread already confirming what i just said.


I know I am right. You spend 600 creds, you get 900 back. Net profit of 300 cred, IF you don't fail. And you are not able to do more unless you also do augments which don't sell all that well. You sometimes get nice craft quests from slicing and can make extra there too.


Making a 100K in one day would only be possible if you sat there and did nothing but slice for 24 hours.

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I know I am right. You spend 600 creds, you get 900 back. Net profit of 300 cred, IF you don't fail. And you are not able to do more unless you also do augments which don't sell all that well. You sometimes get nice craft quests from slicing and can make extra there too.


Making a 100K in one day would only be possible if you sat there and did nothing but slice for 24 hours.


Plenty of lockboxes with 5k / 7k inside + a epic mission.


Most of them have a 200% return so you're still making money.


And no you don't know you're right, hence you thought you had to even send them on augment missions, which you don't.

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Here's a tip. You don't have to do augments.



If you want to lvl fast you do.


You can always send them for lockboxes only. You send 2 comps on say..level 6 missions, and the other 2 on lvl 5 missions.


I know how it works, I am around 350 atm.


Noone's making crap up here. And yes it's free money.


Let's say this shall we, they are exaggeration by a factor of 5.

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3. This question belongs to the category 1. crying. (you do know skills cost about 10k a pop in the 30's and around 40k in the late 40's, also mount skills combined from 40 to 50 are around 100k + mount(s), so making a 100k in a day is nothing amazing tbh.


It's not about the cost of skill and mounts and the like, it's about the point that, at the moment you are better off taking slicing and buying the crafting materials instead of taking a gathering profession.


Also, there are some bugs, fps issues and the like, but i haven't encountered anything game breaking.

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wrong about slicing i'm afraid


at 300+ skill it takes 25-40 min for a quest that gives 2k. minus the quest cost, and you dont have that many quests.

oh, and sometimes it fails too :)

you cant make 100k in a day even if you try to. maybe if you are lvl 50.


bugs yes

flop? maybe

Edited by elvinu
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You might be able to gross 100k from slicing in one day (if that's all you did all day), but there's no way to net that much. Why make up falsehoods? Do you think you can fool the developers of the game?


Why would i make things up? Many people already stated the same thing as i. Just because you don't and you don't know how doesn't mean it's impossible.


Some managed to make even more. There's some people with couple million credits right now. They must have used magic !

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wrong about slicing i'm afraid


at 300+ skill it takes 25-40 min for a quest that gives 2k. minus the quest cost, and you dont have that many quests.

oh, and sometimes it fails too :)

you cant make 100k in a day even if you try to. maybe if you are lvl 50.


bugs yes

flop? maybe


Yep, makes you wonder if they ever sliced a day in their lives.


To make 100K slicing you'd have to spend 60K to do it and hope no fails. In essence turning 160K of creds to clear 100K. They like to make stuff up and sound like they know what they're talking about. But those who slice know better.

Edited by Daeborn
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Yep, makes you wonder if they ever sliced a day in their lives.


To make 100K slicing you'd have to spend 60K to do it and hope no fails. In essence turning 160K of creds to clear 100K. They like to make stuff up and sound like they know what they're talking about. But those who slice know better.


Sorry man but you cracked me up.


"ever sliced a day in their lives"

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think it is possible to make everyone happy. Then again, it only just launched, and it's BioWare's first MMO. I think that just as many people wanted KotOR 3 as those that wanted a MMO.


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


BioWare seems to have buggy releases, but I remember playing NWN1 for years. I think they released their final patch 6 years later for that game. From my experience, they constantly introduce new content and fix bugs -- assuming they haven't changed that since EA snatched them up (good god, DA2 was awful).


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


Boo, I guess I need to max out some of companion skills. I don't have slicing though.

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Yep, makes you wonder if they ever sliced a day in their lives.


To make 100K slicing you'd have to spend 60K to do it and hope no fails. In essence turning 160K of creds to clear 100K. They like to make stuff up and sound like they know what they're talking about. But those who slice know better.


Sorry man but you cracked me up.


"ever sliced a day in their lives"


Both of you could be right, both of you could be wrong. Rather than bickering like a couple of preteens on the playground, why don't you both go Slicing for say 2hrs. Spreadsheet everything, and put up actual statistical analysis. Until either of you does that, you're just argueing on the internet. We all know what that makes you look like.

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Both of you could be right, both of you could be wrong. Rather than bickering like a couple of preteens on the playground, why don't you both go Slicing for say 2hrs. Spreadsheet everything, and put up actual statistical analysis. Until either of you does that, you're just argueing on the internet. We all know what that makes you look like.


I don't need to. I am slicing all the time. I know he's exaggerating. I spend 1100 creds on a return of 2000. I netted 900 creds on a 30 min slice just now. I times that by 3 if all I do is slice chest and have all my comps out. And hope for no fails which occur too.


If I did nothing but slice boxes, which is impossible because you will run out of the quests and are force to either do augments or wait it still makes it hard to come up with 100k clear. Again, unless all you do is slice and not play the game.


He's exaggerating his gains. I said it's lucrative, but not to the point he pointed to. That's ludicrous.

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I don't need to. I am slicing all the time. I know he's exaggerating. I spend 1100 creds on a return of 2000. I netted 900 creds on a 30 min slice just now. I times that by 3 if all I do is slice chest and have all my comps out. And hope for no fails which occur too.


If I did nothing but slice boxes, which is impossible because you will run out of the quests and are force to either do augments or wait it still makes it hard to come up with 100k clear. Again, unless all you do is slice and not play the game.


He's exaggerating his gains. I said it's lucrative, but not to the point he pointed to. That's ludicrous.


You never run out of boxes missions. Once again you prove "you never sliced a day in your life". :rolleyes:


Again' date=' unless all you do is slice and not play the game.[/quote']


What? How does that make sense. Do you need to hold their hands while they're slicing? You can play the game and slice at the same time. :confused:

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