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What do you guys do when you're in a rut and bored?


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Oh I do enjoy completely emptying my Tat stronghold just to re-decorate.


It only takes 5 days. :p


I also wish i had more room to place all the new decos they keep giving us... thats their new time sink, putting out new stuff so the decorators spend hours/days using them lol :p

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I've been like that. Login for hell of it. Can't think of what I feel like doing and just log back out. Which seems to happen a lot lately. Bounce around a few games until I find something I feel like playing. If that doesn't work. I turn the computer off and watch a movie.
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This is just starting to happen to me. Of course, I go through this every once in a while with games. Typically I have a very precise plan of what I want to do. I plan which toons (I always have one pub and one imp alt going) to play. How long in the story to play them and so forth.


When I do get in a rut and bored I will completely ignore my plan. I will play whatever toon I'm feeling at the moment. And just go with the flow. I'll try new things in the game like pvp or ops as well.


I play other games, read, and just take a break. Sometimes you have to take a break.

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Follow random strangers/players around the Fleet and use multiple emotes while targeting them.



This is my own mini-game, lol. I will find someone to just mess with on fleet by following them RELENTLESSLY around...maybe throwing a goofy dance emote or gesture their way from time to time, but mostly just being up their arse every time they turn around, lol. (ProTip: The "Hip Dip" dance remote is great for this...it kinda looks like some skeevy club dance move, lol)


Even better if they have a mount that I have...I'll follow them, and every time they stop, I'll basically place my toon/mount directly over there's so we look like one moving thing.


Ahhh...there's no end to the silly crap you can do in your free time when bored and possessing a rather twisted imagination.

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Maybe a couple dailies.

Decorate NS stronghold and forget "who" uses which room, so my Trooper now shares a room with my Inquisitor. No wait, I fixed that and moved the Inquisitor to what used to be the BH's room, but since the BH and my JK are married, I just moved her stuff to his room, even though the stronghold is in her name.

Agent and smuggler share a room on my Begeren server because they've been married as well (funny story) and on another server my trooper and warrior share a room...


I decorate for a while, maybe join the chat. Craft. Log out and (currently) play Mass Effect trilogy.


Or go on the forums. And play ME during the side quest cutscenes of fetching random things for people because stuff.

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You log in one day and really don't have any specific goal in mind for the day. You're logging in simply to log in and see what you might want to do. When this happens, what do you typically end up doing? Send your companions out to do some crew skills and craft? Run dailies/weeklies? Queue for FPs or PvP? Go achievement hunting? Stand around in your Stronghold wondering why you logged in? What?


I think a possible answer response might be "log out and play something else" but I like to get value for my sub and at least do something when I have the time available. I'm just getting back to that stage where I'm questioning what to do with my time. I know I'm not alone here.


Unsub, stop buying CCs, vote with you wallet. It is the only way they will ever realise their content has become utter garbage.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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What do you guys do when you're in a rut and bored?

You are joking, right? You cant get bored in SWTOR. Im playing 16 hours a day and still cant finish my goals.


Try to do the planetary achievements.


For example:


"I mean it! No More Bormu!" (Defeated 500 bormu grazing the fields of Balmorra)


"Devastating House Organa" (Defeated 500 combatants aligned with House Organa of Strong difficulty or above.)


Its a lot of fun.

Edited by iankalo
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I am at this boat right now. So I am not logging in. And I think I will unsub because I am really really bored with this "endgame" (completely crappy "new" tactical/HM FPs that does not have proper mechanics for holy trinity and only 2 ops full of bugs).


I have one question though. If I go prefered, do I lose my money that are over cap? At the moment I have about 30 mil credits. Do I lose it or will it be available again when/it I sub again?

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- Send crew to gathering missions

- Queue for Tacticals / 55 HMs for daily reward if available

- Go do quick dailies like CZ / BH.

- RP walk around fleet / Korriban / Tython (with Rancor/Walker mount or without)

- Still no GF pop? ... I don't know what to do.


Maybe I quit playing at some point. No real point to even queue for tacticals if you're already at Basic comm cap.

Edited by Halinalle
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Log out and play one of my consoles (I've got everything except the Xbone)

Go in the studio and work on new music

Work out

Tinker with my car/motorcycle

Play with my kids

Read a book

Play with my rc plane or car

Build a new model (car or plane usually)

Chop firewood

Watch tv


There's ALWAYS SOMETHING for me to do lol :D

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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I have one question though. If I go prefered, do I lose my money that are over cap? At the moment I have about 30 mil credits. Do I lose it or will it be available again when/it I sub again?


Don't chance it!!!! Send it to me and I will merrily hold your credits for you. No need to thank me, I'd do it for anyone cuz I'm just that nice of a guy ;)

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