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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the lack of attention to important issues pushing you away?


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And when years pass and you're still 'saying something' with no effect whatsoever, you still stick around for it? Or do you wise up, realize you're not cared about, and find something else?


People asked for space, it was put in.

People asked for housing, it was put in.

People asked for something for guilds to do together, conquest was put in.

Just because it didn't work as some hoped for doesn't mean the suggestions weren't taken into account.


Today, it seems the biggest short term issues are difficulty of story mode ops and rewards for endgame content in general. Medium term needs include building community trust through consistent communication and following up when plans change. Long term, we need a $50 sized expansion in December to capitalize on the new movie excitement.

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And when years pass and you're still 'saying something' with no effect whatsoever, you still stick around for it? Or do you wise up, realize you're not cared about, and find something else?



Has this same person been saying this same thing for years? Maybe you've been on the forums long enough to confirm that or not, but as far as I can tell this is their only post about it.


Don't get me wrong, if it's ME we're talking about and I feel like a business is screwing me over...they lose my business immediately. Others have a much higher threshold for BS then I do. I don't begrudge them for feeling a need to vent about it from time to time.

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Geralt shall call to me as well. Can't wait! :D


and me, Already pre ordered months ago on GOG.com


From all reports The Witcher 3 will have my attention for at least 3 months (possibly more)


That's going to be the REAL TEST for EA

What they do to make game better while I'm away


Personally I'm looking for some specific things and would require at least 2-3 of those things be at least addressed (even just a future date for when they will be added) while I'm away.


After TW3, if things remain the same here, Ill probably move on then for good from SW:TOR

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Has this same person been saying this same thing for years? Maybe you've been on the forums long enough to confirm that or not, but as far as I can tell this is their only post about it.
I'm not following.


What I meant by that is there are many bugs, some since the beta, that were pointed out and ignored. With every new 'addition', there are more bugs than they eventually fix. And with every chunk of content, there are many bugs that never, ever get fixed. So if every single patch since launch introduces bugs, they are repeatedly reported, and they end up becoming permanent, then yes, 'years' is applicable. The severity of the bug isn't at discussion - it's the fact that they matter enough to be reported by multiple people inside the game and out and they aren't fixed.

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When I stop having fun levelling characters then I'll go :)


1) PvP completely and utterly ignored.

Really? They might not have focused on PvP as you want them to but many of the restrictions in the game I dislike are there because of PvP considerations.

Forced weapon choice is there for PvP tactical transparency (so you have a good idea of what you are fighting against), we also used to have a much restricted armour choice, thankfully that was lifted.

The introduction of the discipline system was to prevent hybrid spec builds that were proving to be unbalancing in PvP. Not to mention the constant class balancing that seems to be directed at PvP output rather than PvE considderations.

Maybe PvP doesn't get as many new maps as it should but then it has had a steady drizzle of content since launch including the bolster system in unranked, the arenas and finally introducing seasons.


I don't put any real time into PvP because of the gear gap (even with bolster) and because of pre-mades with team speak in the same queues.



2) Persistent bugs.

Bugs are bugs. Just because you have an issue doesn't mean it is so easy to track down in the code. Especially when it hits the live servers.

Of course I would like to see a perfect game where no glitches or bugs ever affect my play time but I accept that given the complexity and diversity of hardware there may be issues, not all of which will be actionable by BW devs.

That said I was always surprised at how trouble free my levelling experience has been, aside from the companions armour not colour matching in cutscenes I've not experienced any game halting bugs in 16 full playthroughs.


3) GSF dead in the water.

GSF was a good concept, and there were many voices int he forums asking for an off the rails PvP space game. But, whatever BW introduced was never going to live up to the expectations of the players.

The most fun I had with GSF was in the prelaunch phase where there was only one game mode (I suck at the deathmatch, at least the satellite maps give some pseudo-PvE gameplay) and people where still gearing up.

Once the gear gap was established then the new players had an uphill struggle. Especially if they end up against a pre-made group of 4 with voice coms.

The single biggest issue for me with GSF was the inability to share a hanger across the legacy. I have one character that I play GSF on and if I'm on an alt (highly probable) I just don't bother.


4) The CM slot machines.

This is probably the biggest of the reasons listed. Mainly because the item made it to the live servers and not one dev in the chain of production from concept to roll out didn't think the drop rates were out of whack.

The severity of the nerf was inevitable given the abuse the machine received (most likely by those players calling for it to be nerfed).


5) Taking away end game rewards for the majority of end game players.

The only people that really need (deserve) BiS gear are those running progression content. You can run the Yavin Dailies in the blue Rishi mods that are available at level 55 (full set for 154 basic coms).


6) The devs/staff lack consistency.

I would say they have consistency. It may be of promising large and delivering small, but that's still consistency ;)

I'm probably far too harsh on the devs and staff at BW, in this day and age it is impossible to manage fan expectations, and with a product that has as large and diverse audience as an MMO you will always have a vocal minority on the forums baying for their preferred content.

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It's Star Wars after all.


But in SW, I see people engaging with one another and what not. :D


In the latest expansion, most of my companions had their tongues cut off. NOT only that, but the one that should have had her tongue cut off, namely Treek, actually didn't.


Can't you get ANYTHING bloody right, Bioware? :mad:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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But in SW, I see people engaging with one another and what not. :D


In the latest expansion, most of my companions had their tongues cut off. NOT only that, but the one that should have had her tongue cut off, namely Treek, actually didn't.


Can't you get ANYTHING blood right, Bioware? :mad:


Treek is the best of all companions tbh.

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Geralt shall call to me as well. Can't wait! :D


Same here! I can't wait to throw my money at the CE.:D CDPR is the only company I still preorder from btw. They're doing such an excellent job at pleasing their customers and making them feel valued. Something BW sadly have no clue about.

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Yeah, pretty much. I somehow managed to get my hopes up for the 'expansion', made a fresh toon on the republic side and was rearing to go. Fresh start, few level cap, new skill system, it'll be awesome.


Two daily areas an expansion does not make, fast forward to today and I'm half out of the game. After five years of not touching the game, I went back to WoW because.. well.. they put out content compete expansions and big sized patches with **** to do. SWTOR... eh.. swtor finds new ways to double/triple dip (Reselling existing mounts, now with flourishes).


Oh dear, that was not a well-timed post about WoW was it? Content-complete expansions? Ha ha ha ha! Big-sized patches? Ha ha ha ha ! Was Warlords of Draenor anywhere near what was originally intended in terms of features when it was released? NO! Does patch 6.1 have anything substantial in it? NO!


That's not to say that Warlords of Draenor is a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. However the parallels between it and Shadows of Revan are quite startling in some areas. For example there was no new battleground in WoD and the complaints from the PvP community there are similar to those in SWTOR moaning (legitimately) about the lack of a new warzone. The lack of max-level content other than raids is also mirrored. There are also substantial issues with loot, although it's more over secondary stat balance and randomness of drops rather than things like the elimination of mk-2 drops from HM FPs and SM ops.


Something that is definitely very different is the state of raiding in WoW. Like SWTOR two new raids have been launched with the expansion. The difference is that there are 17 bosses now available across the two raids rather 10 across two operations as in SWTOR. The release of the raids was staggered, with Highmaul coming in December and Blackrock Foundry opening 2 weeks ago. Highmaul has 7 bosses and Blackrock Foundry has 10 bosses. The staggering seemed about the right pacing as it gave people time to level and gear before Highmaul and then progress through Highmaul before Blackrock Foundry. Mythic, which is the equivalent of nigthmare mode was also released a week after each raid opened. So whereas operations are not in a good place in SWTOR due to difficulty inconsistency and hard mode having been made too hard to give the nightmare raiders a challenge before nightmare modes are released, raiding seems to be in a pretty good place in WoW atm.

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Same here! I can't wait to throw my money at the CE.:D CDPR is the only company I still preorder from btw. They're doing such an excellent job at pleasing their customers and making them feel valued. Something BW sadly have no clue about.


Well true but there is just a difference in mentality between CD Project and a corporation like EA. I mean Bioware is EA now so yea. CD Project is from what I think still independent which still gives them the freedom and creativity to do as they think is right while the EA devs are under the guidance of power hungry EA managers....Sure I don`t know much of the industry but that`s my feeling on this matter.

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Priorities are a personal choice


Lets look at what you call important


1) PvP completely and utterly ignored. Is it really as important as you claim? They have the metrics and the metrics show its a steady population playing pvp. But its the same population. Which (like Ops) is not a majority of players. Personally Id love open world PVP planet (not small zone) with objectives like capturing and defending a base and other concepts tied to RVR style of PVP.


But more warzones? Yeah I don't see the importance at all


2) Persistent bugs. Bugs are important and I agree. Not most notably but all of them. Memory leak still happens (though greatly reduced I must admit). Lag is still a issue. there is a ton of bugs that should have been fixed long ago


3) GSF dead in the water. Not shocking. But they could help it by adding joystick control. I know for myself Ill not do GSF with out it.


4) The CM slot machines. Not remotely important, move on already. It was a test on how population would accept a full blown P2W item and the population balked at it. Move on already.


5) Taking away end game rewards for the majority of end game players. Taking what away? Your whole post could be summed up as "Fix the reward pay outs for ops". And I agree the pay outs make no sense and need to be adjusted. But thats not taking anything away from you.


6) The devs/staff lack consistency. LOL, this one been in place since closed beta. You either need to learn to live with this one or move on cause after 5 years (2 years of closed beta and 3 years release) I think its safe to say the devs / staff are not going to suddenly wake up and say "Hey I'm going to be consistent now"


See thats your list, mine would be


1) No Pazaak/swoop racing. should have been in game at release and is no excuse for it not being in game now


2) Where is the Wookie world as a FULL SIZED playable planet?


3) RVR style PVP. I have no interest in kiddyland pvp (warzones) and the whole expertise garbage. Give me a planet with bases to capture and defend, objectives (NOT huttaball) and a even playing field where I don't need to go through the nonsense of getting a 2nd set of gear just for the stupid expertise stat and I will be there will bells on.


Don't and I think Valor 81 about as high as I'm interested in getting (and I been that for over 2 years now)


4) Subscriber server where subs are free of the F2P and Preferred spam and nonsense


5) Removal of crefdit farmers and sellers. Im just sick and tired of being spammed to death by credit sellers on fleet and in mail and Im fed up of obvious credit farmers (to supply the sellers) clearing out areas of content for their illegal goals. Other games wipe these #!$!$!@! from the face of the game and frankly its about time EA did so as well.


I can log in any time, 24/7 and see the same character in Black Hole clearing out mobs by the energy cages on rep side. Obviously being played in shifts by multiple people to farm credits. Doesn't really effect me but Id be super pissed off if I was some newb trying to level and all my content was dead because of some farmer.


Goto Yavin any time, day or night and the farmers there are insane. Honestly I'd prefer if they just removed all material/resource nodes from the Yavin/Rishi maps. LEast then those running the quests would have the mobs to kill and everything rather then finding complete areas wiped out because of farmers .


When I do quit, #5 and EAs refusal to act on it will be one of the main reasons I will never play a EA MMORPG again going forward. Its just bad business and a complete lack of respect towards its paying player base.


Closing: so no, lack of attention to your small issues not pushing me away at all. LAck of attention to issues I care about has me wavering somewhat


Ooooooo.......... I like this guy. Keep it coming.


(tl;dr... I agree)

Edited by Kyrmius
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This game feels like an abusive spouse at times.


Figuratively speaking.


People grow attached to it, hoping the "relationship" will somehow improve along the way, but deep down inside, they know better.


This is as good as it gets. It's all downhill from here. :cool:


Mon dieu, you're right.

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1) PvP completely and utterly ignored.


I do not agree with the words completely and utterly. PvP however is not a big focus in this game. Not a problem for me and I am sure many other players don't see this as a big issue. However, I do PvP while leveling and I would be for some improvements in the PvP area.


2) Persistent bugs. Most notably as of now there is the major issue with the Underlurker and to a lesser extent Sword Squadron, Torque, Cortanni, etc. .


I am not sure what this major issue is. There were issues that made it almost undoable at first but I even run ToS in pugs succesfully.


3) GSF dead in the water.
Yeh, not sure if it's a major issue but it is a shame. It was fun for a bit, but it didn't quite deliver.


4) The CM slot machines.
As far as I'm concerned this is just an obsession in the minds of a handful of greedy people with entitlement issues but let's just say that we have different opinions on the matter and leave it at that.


5) Taking away end game rewards for the majority of end game players. I love the difficulty of Ravagers & ToS. There is definitely value in having Ops that are challenging mechanic-wise even in story mode. That said, with the abysmal snail's pace that is content roll-out in this game, to make it so that only the clearing of these two ops, or HM/NiM of 55 content, which is still beyond the scope of about 75% of the end game population, rewards the highest level of comms has killed pug ops, something that even progression players find fun to jump into at times.


I agreed with the decision to take the comms from level 55 ops but it would've been nice if there had been another ops at 60 in return. The switch over from one way of treating endgame to another was a bit short and crude.


Adding further to the is the fact that 16M ToS/Ravagers STILL do not drop proper rewards. There is no incentive to help a pug group through with established players can stick to running with the guild and clear for reward payouts that are scaled to the number of group members in 8M content.


Actually 16 man loot has been fixed. I do find it annoying that 16 man is actually harder than 8 man because 16 man is in the GF. I wouldn't have a problem with it if the GF was for 8 man groups (and level 55 ops 16 man groups) because I think the GF should contain the pug friendly version.


Lastly, 60HMs are brutally difficult for most players, and those who do clear get little in the way of rewards for doing so. To top that off, there have been issues with Weekly HM quest logs being reset, not giving credit, etc, and nothing done to make good for the losses.


Interestingly the level 60 HMs are indeed relatively tough and seem to be more of a challenge item than a reward item in the game. Would've been nice if they'd shared their ideas about it more. As I want to be rewarded for beating challenging content I do not do the new FPs.


6) The devs/staff lack consistency.
This is true, but it's probably more due to a lack of overall vision by management and a lack of consistency in communication. That's just my view on that.


Everyday I find myself having to come up with reasons to justify staying subbed, and I think I'm running out of ways to convince myself. How about the rest of you?


This is your real problem. Don't do this....don't try to like something you're fed up with. We all need a break from time to time or pace ourselves. Honestly, I've done it in the past and it's just not worth getting angry over. Play if you like it, stop if you don't. Only ever pay for what the game is today, not what it could be next month or whenever.

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I object to the question in the OP on the grounds that it is a compound question that assumes facts not in evidence. Without waiving said objection, I respond by stating that I am not being "pushed away" from SWTOR. Were I being "pushed away" from SWTOR, whether such "pushing away" was the result of "lack of attention to important issues" is vague and calls for the witness's opinion concerning the definition of "important." Unless the witness has been accepted to provide expert testimony in the realm of "important issues in SWTOR," such opinions are inadmissible. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's a hearsay objection to make here. Maybe not. Well, probably not. Unless the answer to the question begins with something like "I was told ...," then I doubt it.


TL,DR: Ignore first paragraph. It's Friday, the snow is coming, and I'm bored.


Bored lawyer mode aside, identifying the "important issues" in SWTOR is, as has been shown in this thread, completely subjective. The question assumes issues that are "important" to the players. I could argue that the most important issues are those deemed so by the developers, and I doubt there is any lack of attention to what the developers want. As for me, the complete, exhaustive list of my entirely subjective, non-expert "important" issues is as follows:


1. Is SWTOR fun to play for me?


I don't feel that my issues suffer from a lack attention at all.

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Does patch 6.1 have anything substantial in it? NO!



-Reworked Blood Elf models

-Twitter Integration

-Reworked Heirloom system

-New pets + New mounts + toys

-Profession Updates with new recipies

-New garrision quests + continuation of the legendary quest chain

-Additional things to do during the DMF event


On the technical side of things you've got..

-Improved colour blind support

-New SSAO options with the addition of HBAO+ support

-Improved MSAA + new SSAO options

-New per pixel based lighting

-A metric ton of bug fixes and class balance


Also, the first wing of the new raid dropped about a week ago. But hey, aside from all that.. yeah.. 6.1 has nothing in it at all.

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Priorities are a personal choice


Lets look at what you call important


1) PvP completely and utterly ignored. Is it really as important as you claim? They have the metrics and the metrics show its a steady population playing pvp. But its the same population. Which (like Ops) is not a majority of players. Personally Id love open world PVP planet (not small zone) with objectives like capturing and defending a base and other concepts tied to RVR style of PVP.


But more warzones? Yeah I don't see the importance at all


2) Persistent bugs. Bugs are important and I agree. Not most notably but all of them. Memory leak still happens (though greatly reduced I must admit). Lag is still a issue. there is a ton of bugs that should have been fixed long ago


3) GSF dead in the water. Not shocking. But they could help it by adding joystick control. I know for myself Ill not do GSF with out it.


4) The CM slot machines. Not remotely important, move on already. It was a test on how population would accept a full blown P2W item and the population balked at it. Move on already.


5) Taking away end game rewards for the majority of end game players. Taking what away? Your whole post could be summed up as "Fix the reward pay outs for ops". And I agree the pay outs make no sense and need to be adjusted. But thats not taking anything away from you.


6) The devs/staff lack consistency. LOL, this one been in place since closed beta. You either need to learn to live with this one or move on cause after 5 years (2 years of closed beta and 3 years release) I think its safe to say the devs / staff are not going to suddenly wake up and say "Hey I'm going to be consistent now"


See thats your list, mine would be


1) No Pazaak/swoop racing. should have been in game at release and is no excuse for it not being in game now


2) Where is the Wookie world as a FULL SIZED playable planet?


3) RVR style PVP. I have no interest in kiddyland pvp (warzones) and the whole expertise garbage. Give me a planet with bases to capture and defend, objectives (NOT huttaball) and a even playing field where I don't need to go through the nonsense of getting a 2nd set of gear just for the stupid expertise stat and I will be there will bells on.


Don't and I think Valor 81 about as high as I'm interested in getting (and I been that for over 2 years now)


4) Subscriber server where subs are free of the F2P and Preferred spam and nonsense


5) Removal of crefdit farmers and sellers. Im just sick and tired of being spammed to death by credit sellers on fleet and in mail and Im fed up of obvious credit farmers (to supply the sellers) clearing out areas of content for their illegal goals. Other games wipe these #!$!$!@! from the face of the game and frankly its about time EA did so as well.


I can log in any time, 24/7 and see the same character in Black Hole clearing out mobs by the energy cages on rep side. Obviously being played in shifts by multiple people to farm credits. Doesn't really effect me but Id be super pissed off if I was some newb trying to level and all my content was dead because of some farmer.


Goto Yavin any time, day or night and the farmers there are insane. Honestly I'd prefer if they just removed all material/resource nodes from the Yavin/Rishi maps. LEast then those running the quests would have the mobs to kill and everything rather then finding complete areas wiped out because of farmers .


When I do quit, #5 and EAs refusal to act on it will be one of the main reasons I will never play a EA MMORPG again going forward. Its just bad business and a complete lack of respect towards its paying player base.


Closing: so no, lack of attention to your small issues not pushing me away at all. LAck of attention to issues I care about has me wavering somewhat



I really thought about diving into this thread and bashing on the select few Slot Machine whiners, but this was a much better post and I'll just quote it. Well done. Well done.

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Everyday I find myself having to come up with reasons to justify staying subbed, and I think I'm running out of ways to convince myself. How about the rest of you?

It's just a game. I used to like to play Monopoly., Now I don't enjoy it. So I don't play Monopoly. When I stop enjoying TOR,I will stop playing it. It's just that simple.

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Oh dear, that was not a well-timed post about WoW was it? Content-complete expansions? Ha ha ha ha! Big-sized patches? Ha ha ha ha ! Was Warlords of Draenor anywhere near what was originally intended in terms of features when it was released? NO! Does patch 6.1 have anything substantial in it? NO!


That's not to say that Warlords of Draenor is a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. However the parallels between it and Shadows of Revan are quite startling in some areas. For example there was no new battleground in WoD and the complaints from the PvP community there are similar to those in SWTOR moaning (legitimately) about the lack of a new warzone. The lack of max-level content other than raids is also mirrored. There are also substantial issues with loot, although it's more over secondary stat balance and randomness of drops rather than things like the elimination of mk-2 drops from HM FPs and SM ops.


Something that is definitely very different is the state of raiding in WoW. Like SWTOR two new raids have been launched with the expansion. The difference is that there are 17 bosses now available across the two raids rather 10 across two operations as in SWTOR. The release of the raids was staggered, with Highmaul coming in December and Blackrock Foundry opening 2 weeks ago. Highmaul has 7 bosses and Blackrock Foundry has 10 bosses. The staggering seemed about the right pacing as it gave people time to level and gear before Highmaul and then progress through Highmaul before Blackrock Foundry. Mythic, which is the equivalent of nigthmare mode was also released a week after each raid opened. So whereas operations are not in a good place in SWTOR due to difficulty inconsistency and hard mode having been made too hard to give the nightmare raiders a challenge before nightmare modes are released, raiding seems to be in a pretty good place in WoW atm.


agree with this.


to OP honestly at this point main reason I'm playing TOR is my guilds. other then leveling up a few more alts to 60 during double xp weekend, I only log in for scheduled ops and occasional dailies when I start running lower on funds than clearing ops can compensate for. considering going preferred after stocking up on some ops passes. not the first time I'm thinking of going in this direction either. maybe bioware will surprise me again and maybe not. I don't know. all I know is... I enjoy healing mechanics of SWTOR, even after changes (in case of sorcs - ESPECIALLY after changes), and I got a raiding bug a long LONG time ago (back in WoW actualy) and my guildies are awesome, so that's what's keeping me here.


otherwise, I would move on... maybe even see if I could find a raid team in WoW again. (which given why I stopped playing WoW originally shows just how strongly my disappointment with SWTOR developer team has been growing lately. they are starting to make going back to WoW in a more long term manner than my occasional month of subscription here and there - appealing)




-Reworked Blood Elf models

-Twitter Integration

-Reworked Heirloom system

-New pets + New mounts + toys

-Profession Updates with new recipies

-New garrision quests + continuation of the legendary quest chain

-Additional things to do during the DMF event


On the technical side of things you've got..

-Improved colour blind support

-New SSAO options with the addition of HBAO+ support

-Improved MSAA + new SSAO options

-New per pixel based lighting

-A metric ton of bug fixes and class balance


Also, the first wing of the new raid dropped about a week ago. But hey, aside from all that.. yeah.. 6.1 has nothing in it at all.

most of that stuff was announced for actual expansion release and then delayed. especially belf models. and actual content patch is not until 6.2. expansion, mind you that was substantially more expensive than SoR. for all the issues with Bioware, Blizzard is not paragon of perfection, not even remotely. they have PLENTY of issues of their own. and even after 10 years of running biggest subscriber numbers MMO on a market they STILL cannot patch the game without issues and delays (if you play wow, you know that patch day and 2-3 days after wards are pointless to attempt to do any significant playing on). despite all that, the fact that they are starting to sound more appealing to me lately is a scary thought for me at least.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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It's just a game. I used to like to play Monopoly., Now I don't enjoy it. So I don't play Monopoly. When I stop enjoying TOR,I will stop playing it. It's just that simple.
While I concur with your basic point, I accept that SWTOR differs from many other recreational activities for the simple reason of the monthly subscription. You don't pay to play Monopoly.


I, however, pay to play golf, which--like SWTOR--is a seasonal pastime for me. The fact that snow is coming and I can't play golf this weekend doesn't cause me to cancel my club membership. And that's a tad more than $15 per month. I don't get much use out of my Country Club aside from golf. During winter, I may never "log in" to club at all. But I keep paying the monthly fees. Just like, when I take my 4-6 month break from SWTOR this year, I will keep subbing. Only when golf is no longer fun ... or my body breaks down enough that golf becomes a chore ... will I stop paying to chase the little white ball.


But we must distinguish general ennui from constructive criticism. When the Greenskeeper fails to keep the golf course in playable shape over the summer, you betcha I'm lodging a complaint. No one tells me, "If you don't like how they set up the course, play tennis!" Of course, I refer only to constructive criticism ... not bellyaching over irrelevant nuance.

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I left WoW because that game is now IMHO unplayable. Their focus on garrisons and "let me take a selfie" and how they broke the game made me leave Azeroth which I previously loved.


For now I am still enjoying this game because I don't do OPs or WZ. I already know those are broken. So I stick to my alts. I just level alts as I enjoy the story and for now I am content with playing this game like a First Person Shooter.


I just don't know how long that will last. What sucks is there is nothing out there that is in the least bit attractive to me. All the other MMO's suck so bad.


If they didn't have the stories in this game I would have dumped this game ages ago. Just don't know how much longer that one aspect of the game can keep me entertained.

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The Dev team seems very out of touch with the player base. Their priorities seem to be entirely focused on making new stuff for us to pay for instead of fixing current problems.


I'm with OP on this thread, although, I would not go as far as to say I'm being pushed away. BUT, I will say that my level of fun has been going downhill ever since finishing 3.0 story content. The end game is WAAAY too over-tuned for casual game-play as a whole -- nurfs are required.


I'm also really disappointed about the lack of GSF & PvP support as a whole....while I see they are balancing all the time...that doesn't provide new content. Any GOOD expansion would at least give a little bit of love to every aspect of the game (Hell, WoW gets a new class almost every year)....as opposed to just the L33T raiding crowd. I love raiding, but it's not the only reason I play the game.

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And SWTOR is magically better? Both dev studios, scratch that, all dev studios have issues with meeting deadlines, its the nature of the beast that is MMO's..


My point is, and remains, that their patch notes have a lot more meat on the bones, even if its delayed content that 'should have been in at launch', which by the way is a sin that Bioware itself has commited. Or have we already managed to forget the length of time we spent in DP/DF?


What do we get from Bioware in regards to technical changes and/or fixes? We're told they can't touch it for fear of breaking stuff more things, the UI lag and piss poor frame rates remain untouched, the game does not look good enough to run as poorly as it does to be absolutely blunt.


So what do we get? Mostly more things to buy from the cartel market, which is then used to fund even more things for the cartel market.. but the quality is starting to drop off there too.

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