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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So that it ? Thats the big tease?


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Every gameplay video they make looks horribly framed and awkward as hell and this is no exception. The game can look really cool but whoever is in charge of these vids has no sense. Like showing that static lightsaber deflection? There are dynamic deflection animations in the game but you show one that looks like a manikin? It kinda blows my mind.
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NEWSFLASH: Not many people follow the twitter account of a game they aren't playing.


What's this "twitter"?:rak_02:


:csw_jabbapet: I know not of this thing. :csw_jabbapet:


Is :mon_trap:?


If I follow this "twitter" will it lead me to the Dark Side?:csw_vader:

Edited by Mavolio
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It's confirmation that the Sith Warrior is canonically female pure blood juggernaut; seems like a big reveal to me!!


Lol? Let's not consider that the Warrior Choose Your Class trailer's character was a human male and the Warrior Character Progression trailer's character was a pureblood male, I'm certain BW has kept the 'truth' a close secret ALL THIS TIME...



Psst.... I hate to burst your bubble, but this game isn't canon in the first place, and the class stories' characters certainly don't have a "confirmed" canon gender or alignment.

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As I watched the advertising clip, I had to laugh at the line 'choose your path'. "Star Wars: The Old Republic" doesn't have "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic's" influence system. "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" allowed you to start as a neutral Jedi. While you move throughout the game, your character alignment depended upon game choices. "Star Wars: The Old Republic" does not allow you to turn a Jedi into a Sith Lord. "Star Wars: The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords" allowed you to kill Jedi Masters.


"Star Wars: The Old Republic" provides an interesting an entertaining experience; however, the game lacks: (1) the ability to turn a Jedi into a Sith Lord, (2) the ability to turn a Sith into a Jedi Master, (3) companions interacting with each other in the background, (4) some sort of interesting twist in storytelling, etc...


BioWare '04 is not the same company as EA/BioWare '15.

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As I watched the advertising clip, I had to laugh at the line 'choose your path'. "Star Wars: The Old Republic" doesn't have "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic's" influence system. "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" allowed you to start as a neutral Jedi. While you move throughout the game, your character alignment depended upon game choices. "Star Wars: The Old Republic" does not allow you to turn a Jedi into a Sith Lord. "Star Wars: The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords" allowed you to kill Jedi Masters.


"Star Wars: The Old Republic" provides an interesting an entertaining experience; however, the game lacks: (1) the ability to turn a Jedi into a Sith Lord, (2) the ability to turn a Sith into a Jedi Master, (3) companions interacting with each other in the background, (4) some sort of interesting twist in storytelling, etc...


BioWare '04 is not the same company as EA/BioWare '15.




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Cmon TUX you,ve been around the block, you've been to the puppet show and seen the strings, you cant tell me anybody with a rational bone in their body with a knowledge of this game and how its being developed was justified in thinking like this.


People overhyped launch, they overhyped GSF and they overhyped GSH and then turned round and blamed BW like they were the ones putting stupid ideas in their heads.


People need to check their hype and start thinking with a sliver of rationality.

Oh I agree...I certainly wasn't expecting anything (hoping for, not expecting). I'm not at all disappointed in it because I quite seriously expect nothing these days...but I can see how other people are. The title was quite misleading and I can understand how some players expected something more.

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Lol? Let's not consider that the Warrior Choose Your Class trailer's character was a human male and the Warrior Character Progression trailer's character was a pureblood male, I'm certain BW has kept the 'truth' a close secret ALL THIS TIME...



Psst.... I hate to burst your bubble, but this game isn't canon in the first place, and the class stories' characters certainly don't have a "confirmed" canon gender or alignment.


I was being facetious. I wish there was a sarcasm font 😔

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Voicing a couple of characters in Awakening here.


Revised Deceived trailer, used as intro for Imperial classes,



Huge fan of Jamie Glover, unless there's official confirmation, I don't believe that's him. Unless you aren't referring to the narrator? Hmm..


That Awakening video was great, I've seen the Origin and DA 2 counterpart but not that one 😀

Edited by wiredgutter
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Yeah, because I follow the twitter of all the games I've played in the past myself, hoping they'll do something that makes me wanna play again...:rolleyes:


Just because you don't, doesn't mean others don't. I actually do this, not so much intentionally but I usually follow a game and then never bother stopping e-mail/social media messages from them. Honestly if I hadn't done that I wouldn't have come back for SoR because I had been not playing for almost a year at that point.


To the OP.

There was no big tease, it was one line in a tweet the day before it came out. You teased yourself if you expected anything substantial. One glance at this and I knew it was just a new ad for general gameplay.

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