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Server Pops Too Low - Remove Shards


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I am going to agree on this topic. I wish I found a lot more people out doing more stuff. But you have to remember that there are 8 different classes, but even after going to the fleet (Where the most should be) I don't see too much. I too enjoy social interaction. The more the merrier! I want to see lots of folks!
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bumping for truth..


i've played alot of mmos and for a company who supposedly had a gazillion subscribers early on and having to wait an avg of 20 mins in queues its rather funny that I'm lucky enough to bump into more than 5 people during my playtime..


i used to smirk when people say this is a single player game.. but now I understand it actually is.. A single player game with a multiplayer capability. this game is in no way an mmorpg.. way to go and rip us off with a subscription fee for a single player game.. :(


inb4 "then don't play" talk to the hand!

Edited by Renzetsu
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There were a LOT more people per server in beta and the servers handled it just fine. I remember one day on Coruscant there were over 400 and IIRC close to 500. The server pop caps seem to be way too low.




I'm on a constant ''Full'' server and the Imperial Fleet has 170-200 ppl on.

Republic fleet NEVER has more than 70 people on.



Ord Mantell: 25

Hutta: 80


Dromun Kaas: 150

Coruscant: 45




There aren't even enough people to put in ''shards'' it seems ;p Especially on republic side.


Too bad I like Republic more than Empire atm.




This is on the ''full'' EU server Scepter of Ragnos PvP

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Multiple shards are ********. Get rid of this crap.

The only unsharded MMO in the world is Eve. (And if you've ever been in a sov war you know Eve's servers don't work very well.) It's standard practice to have shards and for good reason.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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The only unsharded MMO in the world is Eve. (And if you've ever been in a sov war you know Eve's servers don't work very well.) It's standard practice to have shards and for good reason.


World of Warcraft doesn't have shards. I don't remember Warhammer online, Aion or DCUO having shards either, though I could be wrong.


Most mmos don't have shards or at least not to the extreme that TOR is doing it.

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World of Warcraft doesn't have shards. I don't remember Warhammer online, Aion or DCUO having shards either, though I could be wrong.


Most mmos don't have shards or at least not to the extreme that TOR is doing it.


WoW does have shards, especially in all the newer content ;)

If you think it doesn't: you're not playing WoW, or haven't played it in ages ;p


But it's way less extreme than ToR though ;o


In WoW they call in ''phasing'' and it essentially does the same thing.

Edited by FuryNL
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WoW does have shards, especially in all the newer content ;)

If you think it doesn't: you're not playing WoW, or haven't played it in ages ;p


But it's way less extreme than ToR though ;o


In WoW they call in ''phasing'' and it essentially does the same thing.


Not really.


Phasing is used to advance stories, not to reduce server loads. Also it's possible for every player on the server to be in the same phase at once. That's not possible with shards.

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Not really.


Phasing is used to advance stories, not to reduce server loads. Also it's possible for every player on the server to be in the same phase at once. That's not possible with shards.


True, I wasn't thinking straight :o

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I have to question the numbers when a server claims to be standard or heavy. Coming from EQ when they used to actually list the numbers I know what a heavy load is.


I wonder how low of a population these servers can handle. EQ and DAoC used to have 2500+ on their busiest servers, and it seemed way more populated than this. The most I've ever seen in the Republic Fleet on my servers was 36 - yea good luck finding 3 other people my level who want to do run FPs. On a heavy server I tried to restart on I saw in the low 100s. I just can't restart another toon.


One would think after over 11 years servers could handle more than 2500 people(my guess is the number doesn't even reach this anymore). Its just sad. They claim they don't want to add a LFG system, because it will ruin the community but the servers are so sparsely populated its very hard to even build one.

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I don't get the need some people have to see crowds of people around them. Honestly, I just don't get why it's important. Personally, if it keeps performance high and makes completing simple objectives a little less annoyingly competitive, I'm all for keeping the sharding in. Edited by imtrick
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Developers, please remove phased instancing from the game or at least only have them on in the starting areas.


No. Please don't neuter the story telling of the game so this person can be in an overloaded shard where everyone lags and noone can complete quests because there are 600 people competing for nodes.

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Having only 50 people per shard is silly, I agree. How are the gankers supposed to find me with such low numbers? I want some surprise PvP action!


However, I'm happy that this seems to have changed recently. I am on Balmorra right now, and there are 150 others here, as well....No sharding. It's pretty nice, actually. Performance is fantastic, and I haven't had any trouble completing objectives.

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No. Please don't neuter the story telling of the game so this person can be in an overloaded shard where everyone lags and noone can complete quests because there are 600 people competing for nodes.


They can always decrease the timers on nodes, I hope they get rid of it or they are going to kill this game. You can do story fine, it doesn't get in the way. Nice try though.

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They can always decrease the timers on nodes, I hope they get rid of it or they are going to kill this game. You can do story fine, it doesn't get in the way. Nice try though.


If you think reducing timers on nodes will work as well as sharding, you're fooling yourself. If the number of people competing for them multiplies, that means people are going to have to line up for them. That's boring. Especially if acquiring the node (or mob, or whatever) takes more than a few seconds.


I'm going to guess you ever played EQ. Trust me, not seeing a crowd around you is far preferable to having to line up to complete simple quest objectives.

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If you think reducing timers on nodes will work as well as sharding, you're fooling yourself. If the number of people competing for them multiplies, that means people are going to have to line up for them. That's boring. Especially if acquiring the node (or mob, or whatever) takes more than a few seconds.


I'm going to guess you ever played EQ. Trust me, not seeing a crowd around you is far preferable to having to line up to complete simple quest objectives.


I played everquest, I've played around twenty five mmorpg's, the biggest thing to kill MMORPG's is sharding. I still stand with my opinion, they need to get rid of it.

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One would think after over 11 years servers could handle more than 2500 people(my guess is the number doesn't even reach this anymore). Its just sad. They claim they don't want to add a LFG system, because it will ruin the community but the servers are so sparsely populated its very hard to even build one.


Your response is based on the assumption that these servers are doing the same amount of work that the EQ servers were doing. This is incorrect. If you look at the amount of network traffic alone, and the way the AI works, these servers are working a lot harder per player than the EQ servers ever did.


But that's beside the point of sharding really. The client computer is the one that has trouble when there are too many players in close proximity. That's a big reason why they shard, the other reasons are to make the players feel special.


If you see 100 other players all on your quest, it is hard to feel special. If there are only 30 other "heroes" on your world, then you feel more important. It is a critical psychological factor to a story based MMO.

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Personally I don't think instancing within planets is the problem, it's the very small server population caps.


On Ahto CIty (EU) at the moment 82 Republic players on the Republic Fleet, 185 on the Empire's. Think of each other's fleet's as the main hub of the game. These are rather low numbers.


On average with exception of start zones and courscant, there is never more than 40 - 60 players on a planet, of which maybe 10 you bump into. I'm level 46 on my gunslinger and have been in no more than 10 open world fight's with the Empire.


As of yet no one has verified the actual server caps, however from what I have seen in the last few weeks I would not think they are much higher than 2500. This I feel is the real problem, if populations where around 10000, then instancing would not be an issue.

Edited by Jacobites
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I don't get the need some people have to see crowds of people around them. Honestly, I just don't get why it's important. Personally, if it keeps performance high and makes completing simple objectives a little less annoyingly competitive, I'm all for keeping the sharding in.


Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's suppose to be a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.


If you're only ever seeing a handful of people around you at any given time, where does the massively come into play? Feeling like you're a part of a living, breathing virtual world is half the attraction. You know what is necessary to reproduce that sort of environment? User players. The shard system fragments the user base. Simple as that. Would Times Square be as interesting if didn't have all of the hustle and bustle? What if you only shared the space with a dozen people, would it still have the same impact? Of course not, where is the interaction? Would life in general be as exciting if weren't for other people?


If you don't understand the importance and appeal of that, then perhaps you're playing the wrong genre.

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perhaps you're playing the wrong genre.


In MMORPGs, we're required to complete objectives to further our characters; this is especially the case in SWTOR. Having too many compete for the same objectives would make the game experience suck.


Just remove the shards on pvp servers, like I said back there a post or two. Repeating ---


Just get rid of sharding on pvp servers. Those guys don't care about the pve game experience anyway and won't mind queuing for a node or mission objective...they can just kill each other for the right :rolleyes:

Edited by lollie
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