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Funniest trolling attempts you've seen


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As others have brought up other games, I'll mention a few of my favourites from the first MMO I played, EverQuest, back in 1999.


Even then you got beggars in MMOs, low level characters who would just pester other people for money and gear (when they could have earned ten times what they might manage to beg by actually using the time to play!). They were annoying, but I mostly just ignored them (low levels I found playing in poor gear though I'd give spare stuff too).


One time I was storing some stuff in the bank, and there was a level one character stood in the corner pestering everyone for money, and an evil thought surfaced...


In EverQuest you actually had to have money on you to buy things, but money also had weight, and so you could only carry so much before it started to slow you down. Carry too much and you couldn't move at all, hence storing most of it in the bank. Money also came in four denominations, platinum, gold, silver and copper, with 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold and 100 gold = 1 platinum.


Doing a quick measure, I found that by standing exactly in the middle of the two, I could reach both the beggar and the banker, so I took out 1 platinum (the largest denomination) and converted it into one million copper (the smallest denomination), and handed it to the beggar, who couldn't believe his luck...


... right up to the moment he tried to get to the banker to store it!


Yup, one million copper weighed far too much, so he was now stuck in that corner completely unable to move, unless he destroyed the money :)


In a similar vein, a friend of mine hatched a far more evil plan to deal with a beggar that was following him around and being really obnoxious. The beggar was level 1, so only had about 20 HPs. My friend had on him a Fungi Tunic, which had -35 HPs in its stats. He handed it to the beggar, the beggar put it on, and promptly dropped dead. He then respawned, and promptly dropped dead again (after level 10 in EverQuest you respawned naked and had to go fetch your gear, but they'd recently excempted levels 1 to 9 from that rule). My friend stood there for 15 minutes watching this guy respawn and die until he finally gave up and stopped logging in :)


The same friend played a similar trick on other beggars. He was a Magician, so could summon Modulating Rods, which had 1 charge and when you clicked them converted HPs to Mana. He'd give those to beggars and tell them to click it for a buff, which again killed them (just once though this time!) :)


But my personal favourite was a little troll move I used to play on unsuspecting folks...


I'm not actually a gamer, in that I don't play computer games, with the single exception of MMOs, and I only got hooked on those due to a friend nagging me to play (again, EverQuest, about a month after launch). I really liked the mechanics, but I found that there wasn't really enough to do during fights to keep me fully occupied (I'm an insane multi-tasker... I'm playing while writing this!). So I picked up a second account, and started playing two characters at the same time on two PCs.


That was a lot better, but I still felt I had too much waiting for abilities, so I got a third account...


... and a fourth...


... and a fifth!


When the Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion came out (the one that introduced instanced group content) I was playing a Shadow Knight (tank), a Cleric (healer), a Bard (multi-role, bit of everything, and tough to play well on their own!), a Shaman (buffs, debuffs and backup healing) and an Enchanter (hastes, slows and CC), and soloing the dungeons.


But in EverQuest the group size was six, so I always had a spare slot....


Lots of people were always hanging around looking for pickup groups, so I'd pick one and ask them if they'd like to join 'my group'. They'd say yes, and off we'd go, with me chatting away merrily on the Shadow Knight as we went.


I'd then wait until we got to exactly half way through the Dungeon, and say 'Sorry everyone else is being so quiet, btw, but I'm playing all five so just chat on this one', at which point one of two things would happen...


1) The random person would laugh and we'd continue having fun


2) The random person would utterly freak out, disband, and run away!


About 75% of the time it was #2 :)



And finally, as this ramble is getting a bit long now, a classic EverQuest troll that wasn't even performed by a human...


The Guild were doing a Raid on the bottom of Chardok for bits for someone's Epic Weapon (best questlines in any MMO ever, btw, BioWare please add something similar!). It's quite a pain to get everyone down there, so what we'd usually do is send one group down early, before the Raid was due to start and folks were still getting in from work and eating etc, containing a Magician. Magicians could summon other players to them (within the same zone), so once folks started turning up they'd zone into the top of the zone, and get summoned to the bottom.


This one evening the initial group had spent half an hour or so working through Chardok to get to the very bottom, ready to start summoning people down for the Raid. They'd just got there, and so several people had taken the opportunity to nip to the loo. The Wizard in the group got back from the toilet just in time to see his parrot fly down from it's perch, land on his desk, study his keyboard for a few seconds, and then very deliberately peck the key bound to his 'Evacuate' spell...


... porting the entire group out of the dungeon to a safe point three zones away!


From then on, that parrot was confined to its cage during all Raids! :)

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Ok I have a few troll stories. I was bored in general chat and asked why would anyone put a Ziost Guardian lightsaber for 50,000 credits. It was a mad dash to the Marketplace that just moments before where very empty.


In Star War Galaxies during a SD run I played a medic and we had this idiot Jedi run out aggro a lot and die. He wouldn't listen at all as to what to do. So me and another medic took turns using a stasis ability on him (stasis doesn't allow you to move attack or be attacked. He spent the whole run being stasis'd and not being able to do anything. He was pissed and rage quit after that.


In Star Trek Online we used to be able to craft these ship sets called the Ageis System. Gave the ships a tron like look. Most players don't read the patch notes and just try and get all the information in chat. Some guy asks me in general chat where did I get my cool looking ship. I told him it was a three year vet reward. He said ohh raged about how vet rewards were pointless and unfair then logged. The game hadn't been out for two years at that point.


On Hoth in this game I had a rebel player sitting right outside one of our imp faction bases ask me in a /say did I know where this quest objective of his was. I told him yes just run into the middle of the base and it was right there. He said ok and went trudging off to be summarily executed by the npc's guarding the base.


On Taris while looking for droid parts while everyone was looking around I would yell out hey I got it right here they would come running and it freed me up to continue searching before someone found it and reset.


On Corellia I was looking into one of those canals you have to take a speeder across and another player asked me what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for a friend who was down there getting his Holocron. He asked me if one was down there and I told him yes just jump down there is a place like on tatooine that will catch you even though you don't see it. He waited a few and jumped. He texted me @ssh@ole right after.


Lastly in STO my guild was pvping and in vent. I got bored joined the other side as a klingon in a decked out Bird of Prey. While they were planning all these tactics I would stealth in take out their medic then kill there dps. Over and over again. The were screaming and swearing that some @ss was targeting them over and over. They changed tactics, placements, everything. I would un-stealth right on them and kill them over and over. I even received hate mail from my guild members. I did this whenever I got bored and ended up fighting them. I was even asked in a mail what I had against our medic :) To this day they still have no idea it was me.


But the best one wasn't even me. In Star Wars Galaxies you had the ability to take out a bounty on a parson who upset or offended you that any bounty hunter could collect on. A friend of mine was a really tough bounty hunter and though several tried to collect on a millions of cred bounty out on him no one beat him. During a raid this bounty hunter was claiming how hard he was getting hit and how much health he was loosing even us medics where complaining because it was like he wasn't wearing any armor. Turns out another bounty hunter in our group had his bounty and during the boss fight he turned on the guy and was helping to kill him. We downed the boss but not before that Bounty Hunter died and the other one collected the reward. We were laughing our tails off over that one because while we were trying to figure out what was going on if he was even wearing his armor. The hunter that collected his reward chimed in with ":Ohh guys I forgot I had this bounty and figured I better collect on it while he could.

Edited by morningstation
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Forgot an EQ troll... in Everquest, Necromancers had a spell called "Voice Graft" thay yhey could use on NPCs, anything they said,bit would look like the NPC said it.


As another poster mentioned, there were lots of beggsrs in EQ, and a necro friend of mine used Voice Graft as a supreme trolling mechanism. His favorite thing to do was stand in the bank and wait fir beggars, when he found one, he would use voice graft, and have the "Banker" tell them if they fought them, even if they lost, the banker would give them 100 gold.


(Just like RL banks, the banks had guards stationed in them)


So the hapless beggars would attack the banker, and get slaughtered by the guards.


Of course after learning about the voice graft spell, once my ShadowKnight was high enough level to cast it (Shadowknights were warrior/necromancer hybrids, they got to use some necro spells, just usually 5-15 levels later then necros) I would take my SK to the ogre starting area, and park her skeleton pet on the big bridge there and have it tell every noob ogre that stepped on it that it was a toll bridge and they had to give it 1 copper.

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One more EQ one before bedtime...


Not really a troll (except perhaps by the devs), but still one of the funniest moments in my MMO life...


One of the first 'special' weapons put into EverQuest was the Soulfire, which was a Paladin-only sword that as the name suggests was on fire. It looked very cool! It was also a fairly involved quest, so not many Paladins got one.


After a lot of hard work, one of the Paladins in our Guild had finally done the quest, and just had the final hand-in to go, which took place in the Paladin Guild in North Freeport. Our entire Guild turned up for the event, lining the walls of the room.


Three quick facts you might not know about EverQuest:-


1) You had to do every NPC interaction in chat. No right-clicking, no menu choices, you had to target the NPC and type /say <quest text>


2) You could attack any NPC. Most of them were linked to several factions, so killing an NPC would make you more popular in some places, less popular in others. It's actually how my Shadow Knight was able to stand there in what was technically her mortal enemy's headquarters, I'd killed so many of their other enemies they loved me!


3) The default key for 'Turn attack on' was 'a'.


So there we were, the entire Guild (some 100+ people), lining the walls of the Paladin Guild, while our Paladin slowly and solemnly walked in, through our ranks, and up to the Paladin Guild Master to do the hand in.


He then forgot to press the / key to open the chat window, got as far as 'sa' from 'say', punched the Paladin Guild Master in the face, and had to leg it back out of the building and out of the zone with every single Paladin in North Freeport chasing him, Keystone Kops style! :)

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Of course after learning about the voice graft spell, once my ShadowKnight was high enough level to cast it (Shadowknights were warrior/necromancer hybrids, they got to use some necro spells, just usually 5-15 levels later then necros) I would take my SK to the ogre starting area, and park her skeleton pet on the big bridge there and have it tell every noob ogre that stepped on it that it was a toll bridge and they had to give it 1 copper.


Oh, I *loved* Voice Graft on my Shadow Knight, had so much fun with that spell!


I used to use one of the Lich spells to turn my SK into a skeleton, the 'Tiny Companion' spell to make her skeleton pet child sized, and then 'Voice Graft' to call her 'Mummy' and constantly chatter away. I'd wander round the newbie zones, follow someone, and have the pet say 'Mummy, why is that Elf so ugly?' or 'Mummy, why can't that Barbarian fight properly?', and then have my SK give some insulting reply about them. Most people loved it, a few took offense though, spoilsports! :)

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


This post in one of the other threads.

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My old guildmaster, TheBBP, taught me a trick he'd picked up in SWG. You tell an unsuspecting person that if they type "/qui gon" it'll make a Force ghost appear, as an easter egg referencing Qui-Gon Jinn. Naturally, the game only parses "/qui", which is a quit command, and suddenly your victim has logged out. Unfortunately, SWTOR (unlike SWG, apparently?) has a dialogue box that asks you if you really want to quit, but there's always that one knucklehead who doesn't read the box before he clicks it.

He also said something about that particular troll dating back to EverQuest or something, when it was "if you type '/log', your character will chop some wood".


Also, I was roaming around Nar Shaddaa on my level 55 Commando one time for exploration cheeves and I stumbled into an Imp questing zone full of Republic-aligned mobs. And hey, there was a level ~24 Immortal Juggernaut and his Vette taking on a silver mob! So of course I went over there and started spamming my heals on the mob, and bit by bit the Juggernaut's health dropped, and ta-da, he was dead.

I used to do that on Ilum back in 1.0, back when Ilum was a place people went.

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This one was a trolling gone wrong on my part.


Dread Fortress 16 man, we just finished off Grob'Thok and the group was running as one cluster together. When we reached the self destruct droids they continued in said formation as I pulled away from the group to do a nasty deed with my mercenary. As one was about to die, I frantically used my jet boost to knock it back, ended up knocking it off a wall mid-way, and killed the whole group including myself.


Complete silence followed...

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I was in a flashpoint "I don't remember which one it was ages ago" but this freaking guy who was are healer kept charging in and getting us wiped so the rest of us was on teamspeak and we all agreed if this guy charges in to the next group of baddies we are going to just let him get wiped and then kick him, so what does he do in the next group he run into them,,,Charges RIGHT into them and wipes and then he types out "which we all started busting out laughing" Why you let me die, you bunch of *****es, I leave ,,, and then ,,, No **** he freaking left the group,,, We haven't laugh so hard in a long time,,,
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Well, I've flagged for PvP and stealthed around Yavin on my Assassin with a 192 geared HK looking for flagged 'Pubs in a position where I can hide behind a tree or other terrain and send just my companion in at them and when they beat up HK I Force Cloak out before they can find me.


I've also done this with up to 3 other players where we all send just our companions in and then cloak out after it's all over, but with more than one companion typically the companions win.

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Again, another game, this time LoTRO.


Captain class has a summoning ability to summon group members to bis location. Would regularly see in global chat people asking for a summon to location X, id map my captain to a random spot, usually a good 10 levels higher than the person being summoned, and summon then. Once the summon had completed you could leave group (while they are on loading screen ) and watch them die as they appear :-)


Evil but good fun :-)

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1. Queue for a ranked match and then 15 seconds before start of the match say something like "brb got to go poop" or similar, amazing reactions.


2. Long time ago me and some of my guild mates started this thing where what ever wz we entered we would say tactics for another wz, example: In voidstar, we would keep telling people to avoid the fire pits and move forward so we could pass the ball. I still do this sometimes for the sake of dem old good times :)


3. Would queue for wz with a premade with full PvE gear and would ask around if this was actually dread fortress (or whatever the group finder ops of the week was) and ask if bioware had changed the textures cause it didnt look like the video.


4. Queue ranked with a guardian tank with 23k hp, have entire enemy team focus me and then switch to a min maxed tank set right as the match started :3


5. In trade chat, WTS Varactyl for 500k (it was going for 8-10 mil at that time) got over 30 whispers :D


6. Classic, telling people that you get a title and achievemnt for jumping into the scarlac pit on scum and villany, works every time :D

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well let see...


on guild runs when EV was actually difficult and not alot of people had cleared it on a regular basis. We used to convince noobs into the guild that there was a +50 datacron at the bottom, had to hit the spinning arm just right and when they missed they would try again, a few times until we got tired.


That moved up to the mine field in EC where you had to jump up out of the trench and hit the tree for a lore object.


TFB the island near the lore object had a datacron if you made it passed the water.


Bridge onto last boss of SnV you ready check as people just enter it and fall through. Happened once by accident, rest of the time its become our thing.


I've pulled all mobs in SnV last boss at once


DF pushing/pulling exploding droids into people.


pulse detonating/pushing mobs off ledges as JK force leap to them.


The greatest troll of them all was the mighty _______fish who on harbinger back in the day (and probably still is) was a commando running around in every piece of armoring and ear piece you could think. If it dropped more than likely he put it on/in willpower earpieces, strength implants, cunning boots.


if wanting to know greatest troll on this forum....ALL HAIL BATTLEBUG!!!

can you make sword in box light sword so sword come out when opened? then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out.



although mr. lotion was a close second.

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30 seconds after clearing weekly boss for comm's and starting towards last boss....


"Oh **** my dog just **** on my baby.. I gotta go"...


Dude drops group, goes back to fleet and remains online. Shortly after that (5-10 min) he is already in another operation.


Yea... that was a fail.

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That's... just capitalism.


Also a load of BS...because no one has any clue who is buying what from whom in the GTN. But I'm sure this Fonzie is still super cool anyway. I bet he's got a GF that's a model...in Canada. You can never meet her, but she's real...he swears.

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