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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Message to Bioware and Community


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Hello everyone.


I Moralist, I'm playing as Sage/Sorcerer for 3 years. I took a short break from the game from May 2012 to August 2012. In the beginning, I used to play on “Legions of Lettow” as part of one of the largest Russian Guilds “The Red Alliance”. After returning to the game, I decide to play on the Republic side in the guild “Pycb” on “Tomb of Freedon Nadd”. I was and still am a raid leader for more than 2 years.


With the advent of the Conquest system, I managed to bring many of the Russian guilds on TOFN under one big guild Red Alert, which I started and have been leading ever since.


I play in all aspects of the game, I like PvE (Operations, Flashpoints), PvP (PvP Warzones and WORLD PvP), space (the old mission scripting and GSF, for which I wrote numerous guides in the RU community). Due to my ability, I have achieved considerable success in each area (in PvE my raid copes well with new content, more than one time I was number one in the damage leader boards for the “Sage/Sorcerer” class on “http://www.torparse.com”; in PvP participated in several tournaments, was twice the best in solo duels, class based. My skill can be seen Warzones as well. I do not like the arena system and would like to participate in 8/8 ranked games. From the moment you introduced GSF until now, I became amongst the best pilots on the server.


Why am I here?


I want to share my feedback on the game with the community and developers.


The beginning.


I played KOTOR 1 and 2 many times while waiting for SWTOR. I really liked the series and was fascinated by the universe created. I first played SWTOR during the BETA, just before release. I played Jedi Consular and stayed on Tython all day. I was listening to all the dialogues, watching cut scenes, never missed a quest, enjoyed the graphics, the animations, the voice acting.


When the game was released, I continued to play and levelled my first character for two months going through all the story quests, all the planetary quests (main chain), almost all Flashpoints ( my memory is hazy, I do not remember the exact detail, I am sorry).


The game impressed me. Already at level 40 I went with my guild mates in Collicoid War Games. After that experience, I created my first static group which later became my team to clear content. At level 50 I was so impressed with all the operations, warzones, and I thought it was very hard to PVP against geared opponents. We grouped up in the guild many times for open world pvp. Our poison of choice, as you know, was ILUM but our activities were happening everywhere.


After a few months, most of my guild left the game because of poor open world pvp support. I joined them as I had nobody to play with. I was extremely grateful for the content you released, in terms of storylines for each class, Flashpoints, everything had a purpose, Directive 7 for example had scope, I loved to play PVE and the story arc was implement across Operations, Black Talon/ The Esselles. A huge number of dialogues which served to convey the story.

A personal preference of mine, "Taral V & Maelstrom Prison / Boarding Party & Foundry" - a wonderful story, shedding light on the fate of our heroes from "KoTOR 1,2. Released later, "Kaon under siege & Lost Island", were worthy successors of the original Flashpoints that came with the game.



Way to the top.



Shortly after I came back, I started playing with a friend from scratch on the republic side. During our leveling experience, moving from planet to planet, we got new friends and formed a guild <<Syberia>>, in which I was the guild master. After 40 levels, we began to posit the idea of a larger guild and we ended up speaking with other Russian guilds. This is how we joined <<PYCB>>. Not too long after I joined, I became a raid leader and began to experience PVE content. I also became GM deputy without having a clue. We became good friends quickly with the GM, he was and still remains, one of my raid members. His name is Anakynkill and now he is one of my best friends, not only in the game but also in real life.


As time passed, content quality decreased significantly. I like operations but flashpoints like CZ-198 where clearly not as good as the previous series of Flashpoints. The only reason we did them was for the quest. The same can be said about the tactical flashpoints you introduced. There is no depth in the story line and we truly appreciated Lost Island with its ending.


From the current flashpoints, the only one I gladly run, like I did Lost Island, is Blood Hunt. I do not know why I like it but the most interesting part begins after we meet the married Mandalorian couple. You also released Battle of Rishi, which I do not even remember, eventhough I cleared them several times. I cannot name any boss from there on the top of my head.


The current content design does not compare with the old one. There is no mechanic like in the 50 HM flash points. The bonus bosses appear as soon as you kill a number of NPCs. What happened with the ‘Staged Bonus’ which was implemented in all 50HM flash points? Where are the items with Set bonus? Do you recall that some level 50 HM flash points dropped Columi items with bonus sets? Where did it all go?


Speaking of the set bonus, in the beginning, each set bonus was helping the corresponding advanced class, with a few exceptions. They were thought out for different aspects for PVE and PVP they were all different. What do we see now? Set bonus are the same for both PVP and PVE, many of them do not work, often we use the old 4 set bonus because it is better than the old one. Force Master set bonus, for example.


Many, including myself, would like to play with the old set bonus. Sadly the 4 piece Force Master bonus does not work on the Sage while it works on the Sorcerer class? Why?


Was it that hard to come out with thought out set bonus like in the past or even ask the community? All the set bonuses are copy paste, for damage dealers, tanks, etc.



In conclusion, I want to say



We have all waited for 3.0. I bought it almost immediately and pre-ordered to get early access. New storyline is interesting, especially on Yavin. We cleared the content and had fun. Revan was released with some problems (bugs) but it was not a game breaker. We liked everything. I would like to point out some issues. For example, where in the SW Universe we find pirates like on Rishi? In this universe we had smugglers, Hutta, Exchange but where is the mention of any pirates? What is this? From where? Who can answer with certainty that this is part of the lore? My friends, who are big SW Universe fans, cannot attest to this concept.


Operations are not playable in 16M SM. I cleared with my raid group almost without problems both operations in SM in the first week of launch. We did not encounter any game breaking problems but many friends and guilds expressed their discontent at the lack of loot, incorrect mechanics that were still broken after 3 and a half months. This is just the PVE aspect.


Let us now look at PVP. Shadows and Assassins are kings, including ranked. 1 v 1 nothing can kill them even if the Assassin / Shadow player is not very good. Vanguards / Powertechs, kill my character in less than 10 seconds, while I can take them down to maximum 30 %. These are the two classes that people dislike and let us not forget sentinels and marauders which are now useless.


On the next note, GSF, prior to patch 3.0.1, we played it without many perks due to them not working. In GSF, nothing is fixed, except for getting the number of requisitions. So 3.0 is released and as historians say, dark times. Bugs plague the game in all aspect and some are still in the same state as a year ago.


Many in my guild feel cheated because they are beta testing content on live servers. Prior to 3.0.2, some things were generally absent. For example, we had no grade 11 resources from the Jawa vendors. The conquest system did not include new planets and it was impossible to move the ship in orbit of the new planets.


Tuesday, just after patch 3.0.2, our guild lost control of the guild ship. We were unable to move it or even invade another planet. After the servers were rebooted, a few hours after the patch, the bug disappeared. How do you explain this? How is it possible not to be able to start conquesting? How can we be compensated for this given that it has happened many times to us?


Even further, how can we explain the delay in using abilities, especially on Yavin where the global cooldown was very delayed. I have to ask, do we play on the PTS? We are testing content for you while paying for a working product. We are not beta testers and we are not paying to test the game.



Exploits and the latest developments.



The Ravagers exploit was known since the beta test. The developers chose not to release a fix (information may not be accurate) but I am sure you were aware of this as soon as the exploit appeared. I am not saying that people who used it did not deserve punishment, I am talking about the fact that many of these people, would not have known about the exploit if the devs would have fixed it shortly after it was discovered rather than waiting for weeks. Why did you fix the Cartel Slot Machine exploit immediately and leave this one available for so long?


Speaking of the Cartel Slot Machine, we have started to see a pattern where things from the Cartel Market, which should not affect the game, have started to affect the economy. Grade 11 resources dropped in price immediately, the economy suffered, and this was not considered an exploit? The developers have recognized that this is not an exploit but corrected it immediately. The truth is, you did not recognize it as an exploit not to lose face in front of your player base. You knew clearly well it was an exploit.


We see two exploits from my point of view. As distinguished from the normal mechanics of an exploit, what should I write a report for and for what should I not? Where is the concept of bug and exploit in the official agreement? Where is the boundary between normal game mechanics and bug/exploit?



Bans and cancellation of recipes.



I admit I used the exploit too and did not receive a ban letter. You have given me no notification I would lose my schematics. Obtained recipes from this exploit were taken away from us and I have nothing against that. Some of my friends were banned, some were not, but I do not know any of the GMs on the server to have received a ban. Why? I understand the removal of schematics obtained from the Chest but I know of case where you removed a schematic obtained from a barrel we purchased with commendations.


We agree with the measures you have taken when it comes to any action related to the exploit but we do not agree to be punished for what was obtained via honest means. When a friend asked why the ‘game masters’ took away his recipe, the forum admins gave him a permanent ban. Is this fair?


Dear developers, we are willing to tolerate a lot, but please treat us fairly. We are ready to pay the penalty for the use of exploits. But do not punish us for what we obtained fair and square. This will only further undermine your credibility.


You can ban me on the forum, in game; you can encourage this, I have no issues with that. I am ready to leave this game and many of my friends will follow. They are extremely disappointed with how you manage the game and the lackluster content.



Why do you have “human-resources” to analyze the game logs and ban players, but there is no effort to correct their mistakes, to make SWTOR playable?


Now I turn to the community, if you think the same way, agree with some things, please sign below and add my story and questions.


Sincerely, GM Red Alert, Moralist (rep side).

Edited by Moralist
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I fully agree and support


You took the recipes for the majority of the people who were raskrutchiki for comanducci, You were punished with ban players for using this exploit, but why You did not consider that the operation of these players also took place themselves and honest, and the exploit used on twincam? Would ban who never passed. You write a permanent ban on the forum, then say that it was a mistake and this 7 days. That is, from the date of publication in the forum announcements about the exploit You didn't fix the game, and hunted by those who used the exploit and produced new bugs? Not a better game to do?

Then issue a ban for this exploit is a bug, you posted just the topic on off-forum, but to go there and read it, no one must, it is not provided in the license agreement, You abili are obliged to send the newsletter in the mail account, or in-game message that the exploit and its use will be such that punishment Then issues and would not be.

I, like many of my agility feel cheated, feel beta testers. Buying early pre-order the Return of Revan and getting early access constantly since its release and to date all the time feel on the beta test, which tends to crash a lot, has a lot of mistakes and. so on, We pay money for that? For a beta test or the finished product?

Here are some examples:

You completely ignore the tickets from the GM of the Guild, You don't even ignore, You just post on the forum, when You write the ticket, and there You don't even answer. Example, after the introduction of conquest You from our Guild Imperial and Republican were sent 2 ticket one to increase the number of members of the guilds, the second on the possibility of introducing a tax on the Guild to raise money in the Guild Bank. Both ticket were offered with different options. You even they did not answer, did not respond.

Sincerely, GM Red-Alert, Swatru (imp side).

Edited by swatru
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where in the SW Universe we find pirates like on Rishi? In this universe we had smugglers, Hutta, Exchange but where is the mention of any pirates? What is this? From where? Who can answer with certainty that this is part of the lore?


Star Wars lore has many pirates.


The most well known is probably Black Sun... infamous for its involvement in piracy and smuggling.

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I need to tread real careful here not to turn to stereotypes and the colour red, but ... come on .... you did something you *knew* was wrong ... not only did you do it in beta but you did live.. and then you come here complain ?


Oh and the couple other guys posting their "I agree with OP" ... would they by any chance belong to the same massive RED guild ? :rolleyes:

Edited by Zipacnaa
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Lando seems to think pirates are a thing.


"How you doin', you old pirate?"



But anyway, so what if they're not. Nothing new can be added to Star Wars now? You have to just recycle things that were already in it? Exactly when did they draw the line and say "Hey! No new things now, from this point on!" What about the Voss? They weren't a thing until SWTOR.

Edited by PLynkes
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you cheated, you got caught.


had you NOT cheated, you would't have lost (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt) a LEGIT recipe.


so no sympathy. next time, don't cheat?


So you're OK with someone who speeds by 5mph having their house seized, even though it's unrelated to the infraction that actually occurred?





So your mad you got punished for cheating?


I think he's mad that Bioware is inept, and not only took over a month to fix a bug that was being exploited, they then took away schematics that weren't even obtained via the exploiting of that bug.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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agreed on the part about this community being beta testers for live content.


as for being banned for the exploits. i know of a few people who took part in this, received loot in HM on 5+ toons on their legacy throughout 4 weeks. They received nothing more than a 24 hour suspension. So to be banned for more than a week, you would have had to prosper in ways that are highly questionable.


In Summary


Are all Russians better than me, or just you?

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So you're OK with someone who speeds by 5mph having their house seized, even though it's unrelated to the infraction that actually occurred?







I think he's mad that Bioware is inept, and not only took over a month to fix a bug that was being exploited, they then took away schematics that weren't even obtained via the exploiting of that bug.


that's a stupid analogy and has no relevance. of course I'm not ok with that.


however if someone stole a bunch of candy, got caught, and had all that candy taken away including a snickers they actually paid for...yah tough.


See how it's completely different when your analogy actually makes sense and fits what's being discussed? Yah I have no issues with that "paid for" snickers being siezed too. Sure it sucks. But had they NOT stole the rest of the candy it never would have been.


but nice try 3/10. Overall trollol; fail due to massively illogical comparison.

Edited by Suromir
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Are all Russians better than me, or just you?

As usual, some suggest that the author of the post to National wrong. Therefore it is necessary to point this out to him and demand repentance for what he was not born in the right country.

Can read the message at the beginning? Or someone else's nationality is more important?

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By topic:

Online our guild fell two.

Leader and officers play Eve.


Position developers: we will never listen to users. Player much more need new packs then new content. In game none bugs, so we no need to fix. Who does not like - fear our knitted hammer.

It not scary, just irritating.


Bioware have good concept ... but allthat they do in game - is pink items in cartel market.


P.S. My main is not red alert

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We agree with the measures you have taken when it comes to any action related to the exploit but we do not agree to be punished for what was obtained via honest means. We are ready to pay the penalty for the use of exploits. But do not punish us for what we obtained fair and square.


Those who are saying he is nerd raging for being banned read those 2 lines slowly and carefully,

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that's a stupid analogy and has no relevance. of course I'm not ok with that.


however if someone stole a bunch of candy, got caught, and had all that candy taken away including a snickers they actually paid for...yah tough.


See how it's completely different when your analogy actually makes sense and fits what's being discussed? Yah I have no issues with that "paid for" snickers being siezed too. Sure it sucks. But had they NOT stole the rest of the candy it never would have been.


but nice try 3/10. Overall trollol; fail due to massively illogical comparison.


So you are OK with "punishment" that includes seizure/forfeiture of property unrelated to the crime, you just don't want to admit it. The analogy chosen is irrelevant.


Lash out and call me names all you want, it won't change anything.

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