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Be careful when using a gaming mouse


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He admitted he was... He said he had his abilities macro daisy chained to one button... Ie scripting... His argument is he didn't know it was against the TOS...


someone needs to learn to read properly


We have identified that your character was moving in a manner and/or speed that is outside of our normal in-game parameters , and upon further investigation we have detected a pattern of play that provides an unfair advantage over other players outside of the intended in-game mechanics.

Edited by eastevil
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I discovered yesterday that the G600 has the ability to execute commands - skills - while only holding down a button, but apparently this sends to many commands to the game, and they detect it as skill-spamming or something. Banning me for a week without warning seems some what extreme, but I guess they don't want my subscription anymore :cool:


(I suspect this has more to due with me using too much bandwidth on their poor servers, than any thing else.)


Good! sick of ppl u like to micro stuff on pvp. Anyways, I do own a micro keyboard and mouse but I prefer to click instead of key-bind, and is there any consolation to you I have defeated tons of players who had micro their abilities, but yeah, your suspension is a first step towards improving pvp.

Edited by VIZIOO
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Anyone who uses a "gaming" mouse to macro and key bind multiple abilities into one button press should be banned from MMOs. You deserve your ban, not because you violate their policy, but because you are lazy and bad.


All the good pvpers backpedal and keyboard turn. Period. The lazy bads have special mouses and keyboards that macro everything because they are too stupid to think out what they should do in pvp.


These inbred neckbeards also need a mouse to mash multiple keys at once for them because they lack the manual dexterity to press keys on an actual keyboard for the same effect.


Kudos to BW for taking a step in the right direction! Ban all gaming mice, and return PVP to the state where it's about real skill on an even playing field, where players backpedal and KB turn!

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someone needs to learn to read properly


Actually I did


They might not like.


I discovered yesterday that the G600 has the ability to execute commands - skills - while only holding down a button, but apparently this sends to many commands to the game, and they detect it as skill-spamming or something. Banning me for a week without warning seems some what extreme, but I guess they don't want my subscription anymore :cool:


(I suspect this has more to due with me using too much bandwidth on their poor servers, than any thing else.)


It clearly states that he used his mouse to execute commands by holding down one button...

That is called a "macro"... Putting a group together is called scripting... So using the words daisy chaining macros together = scripting macros

So yes, he admitted to using something that is against the TOS... He is complaining that he got banned

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Does anyone bother to read anymore or just knee jerk to hackneyed responses. The OP is not complaining so much about the ban but is simply warning people that some mice can cause a problem . With the prevalence of Razer mice now it is a problem for a many a game devs. The Razer MMO mice will indeed continuously spam what ever key you have bound to them at the poll rate you have set for the mouse. If you have that poll rate set high, just a quick press of a button can send 10 command requests to the server... Hold that button down for a few seconds and the server will rightly get miffy.


Thank you OP for pointing this out as there are probably a number of people that might catch.

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Does anyone bother to read anymore or just knee jerk to hackneyed responses. The OP is not complaining so much about the ban but is simply warning people that some mice can cause a problem . With the prevalence of Razer mice now it is a problem for a many a game devs. The Razer MMO mice will indeed continuously spam what ever key you have bound to them at the poll rate you have set for the mouse. If you have that poll rate set high, just a quick press of a button can send 10 command requests to the server... Hold that button down for a few seconds and the server will rightly get miffy.


Thank you OP for pointing this out as there are probably a number of people that might catch.


Razer Naga will only continuously send the key bound to it if you hold the key ONLY if you set a macro in the Naga software for it to do so. By default it's set to 1 key press = 1 key sent to the computer.


Don't macro, end of thread.

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Yes ?


Just tested the whole one click means one command.


If you hold the button down it sends the command repeatedly. Just like you would hold a keyboard key down to make 11111111111111111111111111.


If you macro 3 or four buttons to one key you can expect them all to be sent repeatedly. I can imagine that if your using a lot of keybinds that sending up to three or four strings of data to the engine could bog it down.

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Razer Naga will only continuously send the key bound to it if you hold the key ONLY if you set a macro in the Naga software for it to do so. By default it's set to 1 key press = 1 key sent to the computer.


Don't macro, end of thread.



Whether you are right or wrong, you just proved ReDux's point. The OP isn't using a Naga.


I discovered yesterday that the G600 has the ability to execute commands - skills - while only holding down a button,

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Yes it's the certain pattern of play that the email was referring too... Not the speed... All these emails are generic... So they just generalise


Yeah. Their description of your violation is worth than useless. Par for the course.


BW must be really understaffed in this area. It would be nice if OP got a more clear indication of what he is doing wrong. Clearly (if the G600 spamming a key is the issue) he is not speed hacking.


TANGENT: When BW's security enforcement guy responded to questions regarding macros in another thread (1.5 years ago?) his descriptions of what is allowed and what is not and why was extremely stupid. E.g. a macro that, with one key press sends "incoming snow", is prohibited because it confers an advantage while using voice chat to do the same is allowed. There is more stupidity along these lines.


If I was OP I would pester BW support to have an actual human explain in detail the nature of my violation just to force them to do what they should be doing already.

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Yeah. Their description of your violation is worth than useless. Par for the course.


BW must be really understaffed in this area. It would be nice if OP got a more clear indication of what he is doing wrong. Clearly (if the G600 spamming a key is the issue) he is not speed hacking.


TANGENT: When BW's security enforcement guy responded to questions regarding macros in another thread (1.5 years ago?) his descriptions of what is allowed and what is not and why was extremely stupid. E.g. a macro that, with one key press sends "incoming snow", is prohibited because it confers an advantage while using voice chat to do the same is allowed. There is more stupidity along these lines.


If I was OP I would pester BW support to have an actual human explain in detail the nature of my violation just to force them to do what they should be doing already.


Yeah but there is no way bioware to determine if people are using a third party voice program, and even if they could there is no precedent for punishing people over third party software. However they can both detect and have grounds for punishing people for using programs that interact with bioware's product.


Also I'm getting a sense that the OP is leaving out some key pieces of information in his OP in order to make bioware look bad. I don't have experience with Logitech mouses but I highly doubt any mouse would have a feature capable of triggering macro detection set as baseline, such features pretty much always have to be enabled by the user.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Yeah but there is no way bioware to determine if people are using a third party voice program, and even if they could there is no precedent for punishing people over third party software. However they can both detect and have grounds for punishing people for using programs that interact with bioware's product.

the point is the "incoming snow" macro ban is stupid if they allow voice chat (which they do). It would make far more sense for BW to say "all macros are banned because this makes our enforcement job easier". That is not what they say.


Also I'm getting a sense that the OP is leaving out some key pieces of information in his OP in order to make bioware look bad. I don't have experience with Logitech mouses but I highly doubt any mouse would have a feature capable of triggering macro detection set as baseline, such features pretty much always have to be enabled by the user.


Regardless, I've been on the receiving end of a BW permaban notice. I can testify first hand that it is a canned email that gives no hint as to what your true in fraction was. It would be analogous to being arrested (IRL) and told you are charged with a crime. When you ask what crime they say "well, it is one of the crimes listed in the criminal code -- figure it out buddy".

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They might not like.


I discovered yesterday that the G600 has the ability to execute commands - skills - while only holding down a button, but apparently this sends to many commands to the game, and they detect it as skill-spamming or something. Banning me for a week without warning seems some what extreme, but I guess they don't want my subscription anymore :cool:


(I suspect this has more to due with me using too much bandwidth on their poor servers, than any thing else.)


I can't stop laughing. I am laughing at the players who are getting these suspensions because they thought the company doesn't care or has anything to catch them cheating. This isn't WoW folks. It may take Bioware time, but they do catch you! LOL. I love this! This is awesome! Thank you Bioware for caring!


I figure if enough cheaters get suspended, it will deter people from doing so. It may not remove cheating, but will cut the % down to something low. Hey might even clear up all that lag in WZs caused by all these mouses, exploits, 3rd party software, and such.

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Yeah but there is no way bioware to determine if people are using a third party voice program, and even if they could there is no precedent for punishing people over third party software. However they can both detect and have grounds for punishing people for using programs that interact with bioware's product.


Also I'm getting a sense that the OP is leaving out some key pieces of information in his OP in order to make bioware look bad. I don't have experience with Logitech mouses but I highly doubt any mouse would have a feature capable of triggering macro detection set as baseline, such features pretty much always have to be enabled by the user.



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the point is the "incoming snow" macro ban is stupid if they allow voice chat (which they do). It would make far more sense for BW to say "all macros are banned because this makes our enforcement job easier". That is not what they say.


Regardless, I've been on the receiving end of a BW permaban notice. I can testify first hand that it is a canned email that gives no hint as to what your true in fraction was. It would be analogous to being arrested (IRL) and told you are charged with a crime. When you ask what crime they say "well, it is one of the crimes listed in the criminal code -- figure it out buddy".


If you got permaban, then you did something a lot worse than what the OP did... :rolleyes:

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I've known many players who got an unintended suspension when using gaming mouse / keypad, thus I always bind one key to one abilities. Tbh I was really tempted to make macros for marauders, because BT + insta 30 stacks + beserk+ gore = 4 different off GCD ability (the old gore), that and a force scream, but meh macros are strictly banned around here.
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If you got permaban, then you did something a lot worse than what the OP did... :rolleyes:


Uh, no. My permaban was recinded a few days after I emailed BW and told them they were retarded. They accused me of gold farming (!?) when I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on subscription fees and cartel coins. Who the eff spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars on CCs if they are trying to sell in game credits for profit?


it is true that I was busy at work and most of the time that week when I logged in it was to rotate between toons and farm chests but farming because you are poor is not selling credits. Even after my account was restored, they never told me "hey you, don't do that chest farming thing" and I still do it occassionally.


here is probably how it works: a weekly cronjob does some automated checks and generates a list of suspects. An intern (or someone making minimum wage) looks the list over, rubber stamps it and sends out the bans. 98% of the banned are actually gold farmers and they just switch to different accounts. the other 2% (e.g. me) get in a huff and send an angry email to BW and get their account restored. BW knows this and simply accepts pissing off a few subscribers with bogus permabans (later recinded) as the cost of running an enforcement team (1 guy) on a shoe string budget. Crappy enforcement has a better ROI than good, careful, detail oriented enforcement. It is probably not the enforcement guy's fault -- BW is getting what they paid for.

Edited by funkiestj
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Uh, no. My permaban was recinded a few days after I emailed BW and told them they were retarded. They accused me of gold farming (!?) when I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on subscription fees and cartel coins. Who the eff spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars on CCs if they are trying to sell in game credits for profit?


it is true that I was busy at work and most of the time that week when I logged in it was to rotate between toons and farm chests but farming because you are poor is not selling credits. Even after my account was restored, they never told me "hey you, don't do that chest farming thing" and I still do it occassionally.


here is probably how it works: a weekly cronjob does some automated checks and generates a list of suspects. An intern (or someone making minimum wage) looks the list over, rubber stamps it and sends out the bans. 98% of the banned are actually gold farmers and they just switch to different accounts. the other 2% (e.g. me) get in a huff and send an angry email to BW and get their account restored. BW knows this and simply accepts pissing off a few subscribers with bogus permabans (later recinded) as the cost of running an enforcement team (1 guy) on a shoe string budget. Crappy enforcement has a better ROI than good, careful, detail oriented enforcement. It is probably not the enforcement guy's fault -- BW is getting what they paid for.


Ok... Apologies

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I've known many players who got an unintended suspension when using gaming mouse / keypad, thus I always bind one key to one abilities. Tbh I was really tempted to make macros for marauders, because BT + insta 30 stacks + beserk+ gore = 4 different off GCD ability (the old gore), that and a force scream, but meh macros are strictly banned around here.
how hard is it to move your thumb 1 cm up and down to 4 different buttons, I cant do that within 1 second......macros are for VERY lazy people.
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