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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Leaderboards Today


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Someone asked me about a discrepancy in rating when I have posted. I look at the LB about the same time every day, but on the weekdays, I post much later than I look/write. And the Leaderboards always change, just as they should, because you, guys, keep playing! Three cheers for you all for doing it!


Home Team:


Gladias has moved to the number 1 slot. I have a strange feeling that the player was working for it. Beautifully done! Fig's of course, is another one of the Home team in the Top 5. :)


The Seven Mighty Harbinger Warriors made it in the top 100 - yay! (Heh, that reminds me the Russian version of the Snow White, where the heroine is more in luck with her hosts). And three others are fighting their way through page 3!


In total, there are now 935 toons (up from 888) that entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 (Oh, gotta love that!) to 9998.


Republic’s Gunslingers:


This is the class that dear to my heart, my very first alt :) There is just one Gunslinger in the Top 5, but the toon is #1 with those smoking blasters. Tellic the Gunslinger, grats!


Sixth in Class:


This is about to turn into an addendum to Gunslingers's snipers, heh. Dopsn went to #2! and speaking of the devil.... the familiar, most MVP'd name is now the Number 6 in class.


Kenshu the Guardian; Luiza the Sentinel; Stalker the Shadow; Zvxc the Sorc (we've seen the name...); Briljantje the Powertech (oh, another familiar name!); Sparks the Commando; Devil the Sniper and Maulum the Scoundrel.




That Devil! The first one with over 200 wins. And the only.


I am afraid Tantael gave up... zut. Sorry, I am really, really sorry it turned out like that. :( Regroup?


Out of the top 10 in the number of games won, 4 players now are in the top 100 overall.


The top wins Republic player on Harbinger today is Ordering-pizza the Shadows with 67 wins. Ah, good, for a moment I thought I needed to earmark 2 mils :)


The most likable players are still Devil overall (at 250!), and Gladias for Harbinger (only underloved by 3 votes!)


There are 6 players now with over 200 MVP votes! And Qwuu the Operative managed to be liked like that with only 126 winning matches, erm, which is not to say 2 votes per Arena. 'Cause we don't know the total number of Arenas. Pfft.


The lowest rating guy now has 223 points. There are 2689 toons with 0 wins, and 1430 with just 1 win.


Good luck to all!

Edited by DomiSotto
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And Qwuu the Operative managed to be liked like that with only 126 winning matches, erm, which is not to say 2 votes per Arena. 'Cause we don't know the total number of Arenas. Pfft.


Way too much :D #yoloqueaddictive

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Home Team:


I had a moment yesterday, when I thought I would be writing something starting with the word 'unfrtunately'... but nope. Gladias is holding the number 1 slot as the morning dawned here. Fig's of course, is another one of the Home team in the Top 5.


And, still, the same 7 + 3 set up in the Top 100, and coming up on the page 3.

In total, there are now 973 toons (up from 935) that entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 (Oh, gotta love that!) to 10525.


Republic’s Scoundrels:

Two Scoundrels to three Operatives, which is as good as I have seen in any other class. I had to look up the Mantle of the Force Server for Agrippine - it is a French PvE server. Tres bon!

And, I guess, the addiction is not such a bad thing, eh? Works for Qwuu.


Sixth in Class:


Wow, an upward mobility day!!!

Kenshu the Guardian and Devil the Sniper both moved up to #4! And Stalker the Shadow, Briljante the Powertech, Sparks the Commando - all of them moved to #5! Zvxc the Sorcerer propelled all the way to #1 in class!


Talionis the Guardian; Rooftops the Sentinel; Kreia the Shadow (yes, we have seen you before!); X'ire the Sorcerer, O'dyssios the Powertech (oh, another familiar name!); Barskillz the Mercenary; Dopsn the Gunslinger (as opposite to Dopsn the Sniper who is the #1... alts, alts, alts....) and Maulum the Scoundrel stuck to his guns.




Four people managed to win over 200 times. Devil the Sniper still leads the pack there.

Out of the top 10 in the number of games won, 3 players now are in the top 100 overall.


The top wins Republic player on Harbinger today is Ordering-pizza the Shadows with 67 wins. Who, I am very proud to say, slaughtered my toon this moning in regs. I almost took a screen-shot of that killing blow :)

Devil and Qwuu are tied for the most MVPs, with 279 each, and here I thought only the RP'ers loved the Imperial Agents because of the stoooory! And Harbinger just falling 4 votes short for the homegrown Hero of the Empire!


There are 10 players now with over 200 MVP votes! Aimyaim is one of them... familiar name.


The lowest rating guy now has 200 points. Out of a morbid curiosity, does rating go below zero? Not gonna tell you how I know, but it takes 3 wins for the Daily, so the number of toons who entered the ranked and have that Daily as incomplete still is 5217.


Good luck to all!

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I did not even know Leaderboards existed till ronniehenlau posted those cool charts in the end of Season 3. So, I browsed a little, and it was amazing. So, I decided to pull my blue jersey on, and watch the Season 4! I'm aware you guys have concerns and reservations, but kudos for giving it a go anyway. You're the best1


Good luck to all!


Leaderboards are good to indicate which class dominates from the rest, and right now is the assassin and Shadow. Ppl manage to have a high rating in Rwz are those who know how to hack(resolve bar), premate against newbies, guilts fixing matches amount themselves etc. When I see the game as merge servers, then I start paying attention to leader-boards, in the meantime, is all misleading and false information.

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Vizioo, I have faith. In the players more so than in the numbers. There is a story for each line of those LBs. I care. Tbh, if tomorrow we woke to the x-server I don't believe a dramatic change would occur. Some change, yes...

But since Q brought Morpheus in this thread, well, my beliefs do not require [you] to [believe what I believe.].


I am going to start to server hop to see how things are in the other corners of the Galaxy :) Bastion is the logical place for me to start, seeing the whole Bastion to Harbinger to Bastion to Harbinger transfers. So let’s see how goes it….


The Galaxy Quest


The total number of players who entered ranked on the Bastion is 1412, ranging from 10 (Sithjake the Assassin) to 10990 rating-wise.


The Bastion also has the #1 Guardian, #1 Sage, the player with most MVPs, and #3 Scoundrel!


In the Top 100 on Bastion, 42 players are the Republic ACs, while 58 are the Imperial ACs. (Sorry, I’ve only got the Top 100, but copy-pasting 20+ pages of data… OUCH!)


Home Team:


Hey, since I set those formulas up, I went right ahead and pasted Harbinger too, finding out that on Harbinger, from the top 100 players 67 were the Imperial players, and 33 – the Republic ones. Must be the cookies the Empire allegedly has are real sweet on the Binger.


Gladias is as Gladias does, and Fig is back to #3.


Suspense? Nah. Not with those two.


We lost a place in the Top 100, with 3 toons are right now on Page 3: Aracab the Sorcerer, Powerteque the Sentinel (lol, no, no, it is a Powerteque the Powertech), Aerian the Powertech.


Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is still 67, still the Ordering-pizza. I see an entry from the ‘no’ series though, No-force, the Shadow getting close with 66 wins.


In total, there are 1013 toons entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 (Still love typing that!) to 10283.


Republic’s Guardians:


Guardians are still faring surprisingly poorly against the other ACs in the top 100. Glorfindel the Guardian is still the only Top 100 alt. But! Out of the Top 5, 4 are Guardians to one Juggernaut. I guess, that’s one class that is still dominated by the Republic.


Sixth in Class:


Dural the Guardian; Zherio the Marauder; Kre’a the Shadow (still); Housemd the Sorc (a healer I am guessing?); Briljantje the Powertech; Luhren the Commando; Talenzra the Sniper and Brannera the Operative.




Devil the Sniper is still holding the laurels for the most games won, and Tantael is back bringing the wins to 218. I am glad to see the toon back, fingers crossed that rating goes up from 1241. Actually, Tantael is tied with Z PT from Harbinger, with Sat’ida the Powertech coming up as the second in the number of wins. Azheo rounds up the 5 players that achieved over 200 wins in the ranked arenas!


Three hundred plus ‘You ROCK!” were given to two toons so far: Devil and Gladias.


The lowest rating guy now has 126 points.


Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 5421


Good luck to all!

Edited by DomiSotto
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The Galaxy Quest: the Progenitor


The total number of players who entered ranked on the Progenitor is 435, ranging from 17 (Silara the Sorcerer) to 11216 rating-wise.


Silara is also the #4 Sorcerer! Three toons from the Progenitor feature in the Top 100: Silara, Cozy the Powertech, and Happy the Assassin.


In the Top 100 on the Progenitor, only 16 players are the Republic ACs. And here I thought Harbinger was bad.




Home Team:


We’ve lost Gladias to the Bastion overnight. Fond farewell, and good luck!


Fig is slightly lower this morning, at #5 overall.


Four folks from the Harbinger remain in the Top 100: Fig the Assassin, Sish’en the Assassin, No-Sahdes the Operative and Penetration the Powertech. Four more folks are fighting for staying on Page 3. :) Best of luck, guys!

Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is B-lacker the Shadow (what’s the story with that moniker, I wonder?) with 71 wins..


In total, there are 1037 solo toons entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 5 to 11293.


I’ve tried make sense out of groups. The board sucks for a fan, since one can’t see an actual team name or any kind of professional PvP association.


There are 106 entries on Harbinger. This is not divisible by 8 so I assume changing team compositions.

The highest number of wins is 16, on Lilspliffy, the Assassin. 0 wins on 38 toons out of 106 entries. The ratings range between 1405 and 987.


There are a few more Pub toons, 59 to 47.


Class-wise (big surprise!) Consular and Inquisitor classes dominate. In case of the Imperial entries, they constitute basically 50% of the participants (36% for the Republic).


Then, a strange thing happens when you look at pub vs imp. The hugest difference in class representations occurs at Knight vs Warrior, 3:1 ratio, and about 2:1 on the Trooper vs BH. (And, oh! Look what the formatting did to my pretty Table!)



































59 to



Republic’s Sentinels:


Sentinels, as was expected are not faring well this season, with all top five players in the AC having an overall rating insufficient to get into the Top 100. I was curious if the Sentinels still keep playing, so I have looked up the player with the most wins in that AC. It is Sephorus from the Bastion, and the toon has 175 wins to its name. Two Sentinels, Griffith and O’dyssivs are in the top 5 compared to the 3 Marauders.


Good luck, folks, and we all know it is quite hard.


Sixth in Class:


Overall not a great day for the #6’s but a couple of familiar names are back at the launching pad :)


Kenshu the Guardian; Madcatter the Marauder; Underpowered the Shadow; Whale’c’um the Sorc; Briljantje the Powertech (still); Barskillz the Mercenary (Oh! I remember that name!); Kanz the Gunslinger and Ragnaar the Operative (back!).




Devil is still holding the laurels for the most games won – 263!


Tantael’s rating has slightly improved as the games won went up to 225 (rating up to 1282) – not to jinx it!


The other 4 toons with over 200 wins are Sat’ida, Gladias, Azheo and Galothor.


Three toons so far: Devil, Gladias and Qwuu – have over “Glad you’ve queued!” MVPs.


The lowest rating guy now has 181 points, going up from the 126 points. Looks like a rating of 1 is the lowest? Or is it a database problem?


Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 5562. That’s out of 11298. Which means that any player that enters ranked has a 50% chance of never getting the Daily done. More kudos to those who tough it out.


I seriously need the “jump to page” button, BioWARE. :)


Good luck to all!

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Gladias is now responsible for an estimated 23 to 26% of drama in my life.


That’s Gladias of the Prophecy of the Five as of this morning, formerly of the Bastion, formerly of the Harbinger.

Is the toon on an unofficial tour: “A Day on Each Server”? Did the team go with the PT#1? Is that some manly-man thing? A secret dueling club?


Inquiring minds want to know!


The Galaxy Quest: the Prophecy of the Five


Sorry, I could not resist. Pot5 is the US East PvP server (you all know it, I know...).


The total number of players who entered ranked on the Pot5 is 1142, ranging from 1 (Gee, who could that possibly be…) to 11416 rating-wise.


Unsurprisingly, Pot5 has plenty of awesome toons. There are 11 toons in the top 100 overall, and most of the Top 5 entries have one that call the Pot5 home (at least today): Strenx the Juggernaut, Keudaddysausage the Assassin, Zvxc the Sorcerer, (eyeroll) the Powertech, and Caprica the Sniper.


I think that the emphasis on PvP impacted the toons’ naming convention on the Pot5. Somewhat.


In the Top 100 on the Pot5, only 17 players are the Republic ACs. It’s the third in the most faction-imbalanced server category.


Home Team:


Fig is slightly lower this morning, at #5 overall.


Overnight, Affliction the Sorcerer moved into the Top 100. It’s a familiar name, going back to S3. Affliction joins Fig the Assassin, Sish’en the Assassin, No-Sahdes the Operative and Penetration the Powertech. 3 more folks are fighting for it on Page 3, and Hottie the Operative is very, very close to getting on Page 3! :) Best of luck, guys!


Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is back to Ordering-pizza the Shadow with 67 wins. I’ve searched for B-lacker, but so far I can tell, the toon is not on the boards any longer.


In total, there are 1044 solo toons (basically the same as yesterday) entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 6 to 11424.


Republic’s Shadows:


There is only one Shadow in the Top 5, that’s Underpowered from the Red Eclipse.


Sixth in Class:


Underpowered the Shadow moved up from the 6’th position to #4, and Briljantje the Powertech went to #5!

Talionis the Guardian; Madcatter the Marauder (still); La’entina the Assassin; Man’on’man the Sorc; O’dyssios the Powertech (Okay, I remember the moniker, but it’s a popular one, so not sure which wily Greek it was in what profession); Rhu the Mercenary, Kanz the Gunslinger (still) and Ragnaar the Operative (still).




Devil the Top Gun is at 279 wins.


Tantael’s wins went up to 234 with a tiny change in rating, unfortunately downwards to 1274.


The other 5 toons with over 200 wins are Sat’ida, Gladias, Azheo, Galothor, Firebaby and Zvxc.


Devil, Gladias and Qwuu are still the only ones with 300 MVPs


The lowest rating guy now has 150 points, going down from the 181 yesterday.


Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 5655. That’s out of 11428. I was told this number (50% roughly) is overinflated as a lot of people would try 10 games on a lot of alts hoping for a lucky streak of wins.


I hope so, though it is still painful.


Good luck to all!

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If Gladius is ZuzuPetals and I think he is, he was originally from the Harb I am pretty sure he started off as a pub on Harb, then shifted over to bastion. If it is him, and I do have the right guy, his move over to the Bastion makes sense. In fact given his penchant to focus on pvp, I dont understand why he stuck on harb for so long. Edited by Haystak
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Ah, you are not keeping up. Bastion's move was so... yesterday. He went to the pot5 today. I think that he is looking for Group competition. His group rank was flatlining, and now it is not :) Well, that's my hypothesis. But I am waiting with a baited breath what happens tomorrow. Will he, or won't he?
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The nomadic Powertech #1 is back on the Harbinger. Previously on the "X-Server of His Very Own": 1 day on the Bastion, 2 days on the Pot5.


I had to double check that the page updated itself (luckily, Qwuu’s rating is a good secondary indicator that yep, it is todays’ data :) ) But I was wrong about my group rating guess. It seems that the curve simply presents differently on different machines for me, by some reason; the toon’s GR stats are unchanged.


The Galaxy Quest: How’s the Republic Doing?


The highest ranked republic character on the LB is Stalker the Shadow (#8), with 37 Republic’s best making it into the top 100, with every AC represented save for Sentinels and Gunslingers. Republic shows more character diversity than the Empire that has a heavier lean to the TopThree ACs. For comparison, I’ve looked at the Top 100 in Season 3 (second set of numbers):

Shadow: 9 vs 6

Sage: 6 vs 13

Guardian 2 vs 6

Sentinel 0 vs 4

Commando 2 vs 2

Vanguard 14 vs 5

Gunslinger 0 vs 1

Scoundrel 4 vs 1

Total: 37 vs 38


Now, on the per server basis, the Republic-Empire Performance Indicator. This is from 2 days ago, but I figured, I’d post it today and update in a couple of weeks.


Out of all the servers that have ranked players in the Top 100 on the Leaderboards, please find below the number of the Republic players in the top 100 per each server, color-coded to show the server predominant faction (red for the Imperial, blue for the Republic; green indicates a server with the top 100 players within 5% of the 50:50 split):


TofN: 10

The Progenitor: 16

The Pot5: 17

Jar’Kai Sword: 30

The Harbinger: 33

The Shadowlands: 34

The Bastion: 42

Darth Nihilus: 47

Jedi Covenant: 48

T3-M4: 57

Ebon Hawk: 59

Red Eclipse: 65

Jung Ma: 65

Mantle of the Force: 79


Home Team:


The #1 floater rating is with the Harbinger today. Fig is holding the #6.


Same guys in the top 100: Sish’en the Assassin, No-Sahdes the Operative and Penetration the Powertech, Affliction the Sorcerer. 4 more folks are fighting for it on Page 3, one extra position! :)


Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is still with the Shadow, Ordering-pizza (67 wins). I don’t know if I am delusional with hope, but I think I see more Republic characters with 50+ wins. Ice’box the Shadow has 58, Vesna the Shadow is 54, Wizardthingy the Sage is 53, Gilamaro the Scoundrel is 52, and Bafunder the Commando is 50.


In total, 1072 solo toons (30+ in a couple of days) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 to 11744.


Republic’s Sages:


There is only one Sage in the Top 5, that’s Siv from the Bastion.


Sixth in Class:


Talonis the Guardian moved up from the 6’th position to #4! And, yay, Ragnaar the Scoundrel went to #5 from the long-standing #6.


The crafty O’dyssios messes with my head… I am guessing the player has two toons of the same name the same class on two servers and one of them was #6 (and will be again, Athena’s willing)


Strenx the Juggernaut (again); Madcatter the Marauder (still); Underpowered the Shadow (again); Drezmaster the Sorc); Nia the Powertech; Sparks the Commando (as opposite to Sparks the Mercenary from TofN), Greengunslinger the Juggern- (the Gunslinger, all right!) and Primos the Scoundrel.




Devil the Top Gun is almost there to claim the first to the 300 wins – at 296.

Tantael’s wins went up to 283 with a huge jump in rating (thank the stars!) to 1382 from 1274.

There are now 12 toons with over 200 wins! Rock on!

5 players with 300+ MVPs: Qwuu, Devil, Gladias, Aimyaim and Galothor.

The lowest rating guy now has 154 points, as compared to 150.

Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 5898 out of 11749.


Good luck to all!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Sorry, I’ve only got the Top 100, but copy-pasting 20+ pages of data… OUCH!)


Easy way to sort data; click on the server in the section you're looking at and it will give you the data for just that server. That way you can get the top 100 in just 2 pages

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Yes, I am doing that when I am looking at each server.


But even on a server-per-server basis, it is over 1000 players normally, so if I wanted to include everyone I would have to copy-paste it page by page into the Excel. So far as I know there is no option to increase the number of results per page. It also copy-pastes each person's line into the excel as a column of 8 values by default. 100 players are 800 entries. I could strip the formatting off in text file, or try loading it in Access, link it to a GIS file with the servers on each continent, but that would totally be obsessing, right? :)


The formulas are easy enough to set up for 100 players, so... It's mostly the copy-pasting that gets me anyway.


Thank you for the tip on the O'dissyos, that makes sense! :)

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Now, without all those tools at my disposal... short and sweet.


We are 45 toons short of 12,000 entries.

Gladias: on the Harbinger. Check.

Qwuu’s: unstoppable upward trend. Check. Top of the board now making the headlines :) Grats!!!


Home Team:


Gladias and Fig is holding the #2 and #6 respectively.

We've lost No-Shades the Operative to the Bastion, but still have five people remaining in the top 100, Shi'shen the Assassin, Affliction the Sorcerer and Penetration the Powertech; with five more toons on Page 3.


Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is still with the Shadow, Sidra-stargzer, the Sage (70) who now overtook Ordering-pizza (68 wins). The Republic characters with 50+ wins. Ice’box the Shadow has 58 (still), Vesna the Shadow is 54 (still), Wizardthingy the Sage is 53 (still), Gilamaro the Scoundrel is 52 (still), and Bafunder the Commando is 50 (still)


In total, 1097 solo toons (25+ ) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 2 to 11932.


Republic’s Vanguards:

There is only one Vanguard in the Top 5, that’s Jaen'a from the Red Eclipse.


Sixth in Class:

It must have been quite a day... Underpowered the Shadow, Nia the Powertech, Drezmaster the Sorcerer, Sparks the Commando, and Primos the Scoundrel all moved from #6 to #5.


Strenx the Juggernaut (still); Exclusive the Marauder; Kre'a the Shadow (aww, familiar name); X'ire the Sorc; Briljantje the Powertech (another familiar name!); Barskillz the Mercenary (and, yep, another familiar name!), Greengunslinger the Gunslinger (still) and Ragnaar the Scoundrel (the staying power is amazing).




Devil and Tantael both have 300+ wins! Rock on!

5 players with 300+ MVPs: Qwuu, Devil, Gladias, Aimyaim and Galothor, with Qwuu and Devil only a few thumbs up short of the 400.


The lowest rating guy now has 121 points.

Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 6054 out of 11955. That's now over 50%. :(


Good luck to all!

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Woah! We went well over 12 thousand entries, gaining some 200 overnight! 12,158 entries.


Qwuu the Operative is leading the pack, with 29 points difference over Gladias. Apparently, Operative as #1 occurred in the Season 1 (both #1 and #2; and in Season 2, a Scoundrel held #4). Nice!


When I saw Gladias' name missing of the LBs yesterday, after a moment of calming meditation I saw that the rank 2 line is also MIA, so I assumed that the journey continues and the leaderbaords just hide the name while the transfer takes place. Bastion? NOPE! Today Gladias is at the Bregen Colony. Let's recap: 1 day on the Bastion, 2 days on the Pot5, now of the Bregen Colony.


Home Team:


Fig is at #7. Four people remaining in the top 100, Shi'shen the Assassin, Affliction the Sorcerer and Penetration the Powertech; with four more toons on Page 4.


Luidgi the Scoundrel is the top ranking Republic player, and most wins Republic side is still with the Shadow, Sidra-stargzer, the Sage (70) who now overtook Ordering-pizza (68 wins). The Republic characters with 50+ wins. Ice’box the Shadow has 58 (still), Vesna the Shadow is 54 (still), Wizardthingy the Sage is 53 (still), Gilamaro the Scoundrel is 53 (+1), and Bafunder the Commando is 50 (still)


In total, 1118 solo toons (23+ ) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 7 to 12151.


Republic’s Commandos:


This is another class where the Republic still holds ground. Three commandos - Rhumando, Evonaut and Sparks (of T3-M4 rather than the Mercenary of the TofN) vs two Mercenaries in the top 5. And the top three in this challenging class hold the spots in the top 100 as well. Let's hear it for the Commandos!


Sixth in Class:


Ragnaar the Scoundrel - moved up to number 5! Fingers crossed, toes crossed for that dodged determination! :)

Strenx the Juggernaut (still); Zherio the Marauder; Sithjake the Assassin (aww, familiar name); X'ire the Sorc (still); Briljantje the Powertech (still); Barskillz the Mercenary (still), Kanz the Gunslinger (aww, I miss the Greengunslinger the Gunslinger already) and Maulum the Operative (another familiar name).




Firebaby the Powertech had a field day, and tallied 327 wins, with Devil, Tantael and Azheo also over 300+ wins! WOOT!


As expected, Qwuu the Operative, is the first one to get past the 400 mark on the MPV front. Expected is a crappy word when it comes to xcellence, and I am happy that the teammates are not grown used to it, and still MVP generously :)


The lowest rating guy now has 144 points.


Now, the most dread category. Number of toons who are yet to get their ranked Daily reward: 6192 out of 12158. Still over 50%.


Good luck to all!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Thank you :)


The Total number of entries today: 12397. Toons with less than 3 wins: 6340 (51%). Total number of Servers: 17. Even if every successful toon equated a player (overly optimistically), on average, that will yield some 350 players per server.


Gladias the Powertech has completed the Guest Appearance on the Beregen Colony. So far it was the Pot5 that kept the toon the longest away from the Harbinger. Gladias is still #2, but gaining on Qwuu the Operative, the difference now is 12 points, ELO only knows what it translates into in the terms the average humans can comprehend.


Jaen’a the Vanguard is the highest ranking Republic toon at the moment, Moshclaw the Scoundrel, Stalker the Shadow and Kre’a the Shadow all high on the charts :)


The Galaxy Quest: Jar’Kai Sword


Jar’Kai Sword is a German-speaking EU PvP server. The Faction Dominance Factor is 71% in favor of the Empire.

The server is the home to Qwuu the Operative, the current #1 overall and most valuable player as well :) Jar’Kai Sword also brings in Nia the Powertech as the #5 in Class. Six players from the Server are in the Top 100 overall.

As of today, the AC distribution in the Top 100 of the Jar’Kai Sword is shown below, and is fairly diverse, with Marauder/Sentinel the only AC not represented in the Top 100 on the sever.


Shadow: 8

Assassin: 14

Sage: 6

Sorcerer: 25

Guardian: 3

Juggernaut: 12

Sentinel: 0

Marauder: 0

Commando: 3

Mercenary: 3

Vanguard: 6

Powertech: 13

Gunslinger: 2

Sniper: 1

Scoundrel: 1

Operative: 3

Total: 29 vs 71


Home Team:


The things have gotten bleaker, both overall and on the Republic side in particular. Well, when you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot. :o


Same five toons in the top 100: Gladias the Powertech, Fig the Assassin, Sish’en the Assassin, Penetration the Powertech, Affliction the Sorcerer. Aerian the Powertech is the only toon still holding the position on Page 3.


Our Faction Dominance Factor has increased to 73 (from 67). We’ve dropped both Commandos, a Scoundrel and bunch of Vanguards that were holding up in the rating race up till now.


Shadow: 9 vs Assassin: 21

Sage: 6 vs Sorcerer: 16

Guardian: 1 vs Juggernaut: 3

Sentinel: 0 vs Marauder: 0

Commando: 0 vs Mercenary: 2

Vanguard: 7 vs Powertech: 22

Gunslinger: 1 vs Sniper: 4

Scoundrel: 3 vs Operative: 5

Total: 27 vs 73


There are no changes in the Republic standings, save Gilamaro the Scoundrel adding an extra win to go to 53.

In total, 1147 solo toons (+29) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 2 to 12389.


Republic’s Gunslingers:


The good news we still have our Gunslingers and compared to the Sentinels things are looking…well, better.

Dopsn the Sniper is actually almost there to get into the Top 100 (not to jinx or anything). There is only one Gunslinger in the Top 5 in class, and that’s being Telic the Gunslinger.


And, I do miss Cryyc.


Sixth in Class:


Zherio the Marauder moved to #4!


Danitykane, the Guardian; Val the Marauder (that’s a name of the Season 3 fame); Underpowered the Shadow (still); X’ire the Sorcerer (still), Kwa the Powertech; Rhu the Commando, Kanz the Gunslinger (still) and Brannera the Operative (again).




Firebaby is gaining the momentum, with 343 wins. The other 4 toons that has seen that green Victory! Tab over 300 times are Devil the Sniper, Tantael the Sorcerer, Azheo the Juggernaut and Galothor the Sorcerer.


Qwuu and Devil has the mazing 400+ MVPs. Azheo and Devil, actually were very high on the MVP charts in the past Seasons (Season 3 and Season 1 respectively). I think it was the same Devil. :)


The lowest rating guy now has 144 points.


Good luck to all!

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The Total number of entries today: 12588. Toons with less than 3 wins: 6483 (51.5%).


Gladias the Powertech is back to the Harbinger, back in the lead, etc. (And I now understand why the curve looked different – after each transfer it takes time for the data to link back to the start of the season, for a while it only goes back to the latest server hop).


Firebaby, another Powertech is about 70 points behind, with Qwuu hitting a slight low and further 5 points down.

Jaen’a the Vanguard is the highest ranking Republic toon at the moment, Moshclaw the Scoundrel, Stalker the Shadow and Kre’a the Shadow all high on the charts :)


The Galaxy Quest: Tomb of Freedon Nadd


TofN is a no-nonsense EU PvP server. The Faction Dominance Factor is 88% in favor of the Empire. Stars, these 12 Republic toons could probably cut you down to size in 43 creative ways while an atomic bomb is going off in the background. As of today, 10 players from this server are in the Top 100 overall.


Where ToFN is unrivaled, it’s in the number of wins per toon. Four out of five top winners come from the liveliest tomb there is. I guess the ersatz-cross-server approach works.


Notable toons include Firebaby, the Powertech (holding the #2 overall rank and #2 PT by obvious reasons, and making an impressive bid for #1 in both categories); La’entina the Assassin #3; Sparks and Talve the Mercenaries, #1 and #5 respectively in this challenging class; and one of those Dopsn-es, the Sniper #1.


Shadow vs Assassin: 6, 31

Sage vs Sorcerer: 3, 20

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 1, 6

Sentinel vs Marauder: 0, 1

Commando vs Mercenary: 0, 3

Vanguard vs Powertech: 0, 21

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 0, 3

Scoundrel vs Operative: 2, 3

Total: 12, 88


Home Team:


Six toons in the top 100 today (4 actives in the past week), because No-shades is back from the Bastion. Were the server transfers on sale or something?! Aerian the Powertech is joined by Hottie the Operative on page 3 – yay!

There are no changes in the Republic standings, save Bafunder, the Commando adding an extra win to go to 52, unfortunately at the expense of the toon’s rating.


In total, 1174 solo toons (+27) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 to 12583.


Republic’s Scoundrels:


Wow, nice. Three Scoundrels in the Top 5! Moshclaw of the Bastion, Ragnaar of the Jung Ma and Agrippine of the Mantle of the Force. Hugs for the Smugs :D


Sixth in Class:


Arrow’s the Juggernaut; Val the Marauder (still); Underpowered the Shadow (still); Drezmaster the Sorcerer (again), Kwa the Powertech (still); Sparks the Commando (again), Kanz the Gunslinger (still) and Brannera the Operative (still).




Firebaby is on the winning spree, with 377 wins. That’s 30+ wins in a day; double the unranked weekly for the rest of us on a bad day. The high ranking/high win toons are not a trivial thing.


The other 4 toons with the 300+ wins are Devil the Sniper, Tantael the Sorcerer, Azheo the Juggernaut and Galothor the Sorcerer. Gladias is likely to crest 300, before Firebaby hits 400. Or not… we’ll see.


Qwuu the Operative and Devil the Sniper are still getting the standing ovations with 400+ MVPs each.


The lowest rating guy now has 140 points.


Good luck to all!

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The Total number of entries today: 12777. Toons with less than 3 wins: 6608 (51.7%).


Gladias, the predictably unpredictable is still on the Harbinger, but the toon’s lead was not so pronounced first thing in the morning, 20 points. By now, both Qwuu and Firebaby erased that margin, with FBY in the lead. Yes, yes, I should not have looked!


An amazing 35 toons now have the ratings over 2000.


Jaen’a the Vanguard moved into the top 5 overall – yay! And a couple of Shadows rose through the ranks – Oberei and Underpowered :)


The Galaxy Quest: The Red Eclipse


Red Eclipse is the EU PvE server. The Faction Dominance Factor is 67% in favor of the Republic. Interestingly, the EU-PvE basically almost exactly inverse of the NAM-W-PvE Harbinger.


Eleven of the Red Eclipse players are in the Top 100.


Notable toons include Dessel is the #2 Marauder, the RE’s Shadow community has the #4 and #5 Shadows, Oberei and Underpowered; Jaena the Vanguard is #3, Rhumando the Commando is #3, Heymonkey the Sniper is #3 in their respective classes


Shadow vs Assassin: 20, 13

Sage vs Sorcerer: 12, 3

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 2, 2

Sentinel vs Marauder: 3, 3

Commando vs Mercenary: 5, 1

Vanguard vs Powertech: 15, 3

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 3, 2

Scoundrel vs Operative: 7, 6

Total: 67, 33


Home Team:


Very few changes, but I have to say that the toon that just made it to Page 3, at rank 150 has one of those names that make reading Leaderboards a quiet merriment at times. Plsbuffpowertec gotta be a player with little to no insecurities :)


Republic went undercover and now participates in creating our very own the ersatz-cross-faction queue.


In total, 1196 solo toons (+22) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 1 to 12773.


Republic’s Guardians:


The Order is out in force. Five out of top five in class are Guardians :)


Sixth in Class:


Underpowered moved up to #5;


Arrow’s the Juggernaut (still); Feken the Sentinel; Stalker the Shadow; Drezmaster the Sorcerer (still), Briljantje the Powertech (again); Sparks the Commando (still), Kanz the Gunslinger (still) and Brannera the Operative (still).




Yes, Gladias went over 300 wins before Firebaby’s tally hit 400, but only just, because Firebaby is sitting at 399 as I look at it now. (EDIT: in the morning; mere few hours later, and FBY is well over 400)


Qwuu the Operative and Devil the Sniper are still getting the standing ovations with 400+ MVPs each, and guess who is the third in that esteemed company?


The lowest rating guy now has 78 points.


Good luck to all!

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