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Coratanni Still Attacking Escape Pod after 3.1


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The bug may be related to the door just prior to Coratanni. In 8m sm tonight we got to the room and there was no door. We all exited, and the door was there allowing the cutscene. No bugs in the fight after that were observed.
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repost myself from CS forum (put it in the wrong spot, my bad)



Ok, so we followed Dulfy and whatnot. Was our first time in the Op. When we very first got to the Coratanni/Pearl encounter there was no door for 7 of us. We simply went into the room and walked down the ramp. We only knew there was a door because the one person actually had a door to click on and to see the cut scene.


When we started the fight we used the tactic to burn Pearl down to 10% health and then burn Coratanni down to make her leave. According to Dulfy, Coratanni is supposed to leave at 18-19%. She stayed there until 5-6%. Then she jumped to the escape pod and turned immune. But there she just stood shooting up the escape pod. Burning down Pearl made an immune Coratanni enrage and she would stop shooting the escape pod and then turn and basically wipe us out, all the while being immune. The cannons never even spawned.


The second time we went in the door finally spawned for the rest of the raid, but we still had the same issues over and over. The turrets wouldnt spawn until Coratanni was at 6% and she wouldnt head to the escape pod until 6% every time. But every single time she would just stand there and shoot the pod. We tried it several different ways. We tried not killing Pearl and giving Coratanni more time at the pod, but Pearl just enrages and then starts to wipe us. Tried burning them at the same time but what happened then was they both enraged at 6% health.


Basically once Coratanni goes immune, the encounter is over. We cant get her to go into the pod and leave. She just shoots it until she enrages and then turns on us.

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During the Coratanni fight, my raid team pushed her down to the point where she was supposed to use the escape pod to run away and trigger the next phase. However, instead of using the escape pod, she started to attack it, then enraged and killed all of us.


After that, she did not reset, instead she went back to full health, and while we were all dead, started attacking the escape pod again, making it impossible to rez inside the instance.


Also of note: During the encounter, she did not use Deck Guns at all.

Edited by Andrellma
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We experienced this last night as well. Didn't push to 2nd phase, killed us..couldn't rez to start area had to rez to med center. Then we came back in and got to the door and before we could click on the door, we went into combat and both coratanni and pearl came through the door and started attacking us. After a few seconds they deaggo'd and we went inside and eventually it reset to where we could start the fight again. Happened 3 times till she finally pushed to 2nd phase.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Same issue here. 8man SM. At the end of the 1st phase, we click on the escape pod, and it resets the instance. We tried with 2 different people, and reset the instance between the two tries.


This was the same bug as was present on the PTS before it was patched.

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Tried various ways of killing this.


Killed bird first, then Cortanni so she transitioned.


Let Cortanni transition, then killed the bird.


Tried various people clicking on the Escape pod.


Every time Cortanni and the Bird reset, we never go to the area with the other dude.

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Same here. What I read in another thread was that, if you approach the room where Birdy and Coratanni is and the door into the room is OPEN..... then it is bugged. Apparently the door needs to be CLOSED. Your whole group needs to exit the instance, reset, and go back in.... possibly multiple times.


I haven't tested this, but multiple people backed it up so I'm ASSuming it's legit.

Edited by Randor
Needed to clarify information
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I've refrained from writing about the Coratanni bug...but after ops today and the NEWEST bug I figured I would.


We didn't get a door...Coratanni attacks the pod, enraged and then killed us! Than we left and did get the door...and Coratanni dies, yes Coratanni died!!! That one was amusing...I'm just wondering why you fix an exploit but not the actual boss fight? We don't have pets out and we exited just to make sure we got the door after the first bug....just a tad bit upset ppl complain about exploiters but not about them fixing the bugs on these ops! I looked for posts on this matter in forums but only saw 3, 1 was on the forums not under bugs....I just want to get this **** fixed spending 1 hr to kill a boss HOPING it'll not bug....resetting instances....still in other instances having the bug...is RIDICULOUS! I just want an ETA on how fast this will be fixed...or if it won't be fixed anytime soon.

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Also what about the bug on the Underlurker? WOW please need an ETA on when it'll be fixed...as well. Having 40k+ dmg hits are insane! We wasted SO Much time on Ravagers that we didn't have time to work on the Lurker and that bug. PLEASE give us any ETA about this ASAP. If you can at least tell us you are fixing it then we don't mind but ignoring them and not saying anything gets us upset.
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We ran into these issues tonight (Tues Jan 20) and 2 nights ago (Sun Jan 18). Issues:


1.) Deck cannons don't spawn when Cora is at 66%.

2.) Cora does not reliably leave around 19% (sometimes it's a lot lower, say 5%, other times she doesn't leave and dies).

3.) Ruugar has something where he insta-kills a raid member. I think it's the "hostage" mechanic, but it's not popping the red text up on the screen (I went from 100% to 0 *instantly*, I don't think it was the mouse droid). This happened to a few raid members. Other times it seems like the hostage "warning" text goes up *after* the raid member has already been killed.


Please investigate!

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i thought i have seen everything in this game, but this was.... we wiped on coratanni sm, but thats besides the point, but as we were laying there dead, we couldnt res to area start because coratanni and the bird was attacking the escape pod, so uhmm, wth??? they were doing 0 dmg to it, but yea...
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Last night, we were raiding Cora 8m sm, and it was terrible. She just refused to go to the escape pod and her and pearl just kept fighting. We even killed her for lols, but enraged pearl got us. Not once in maybe 10 tries did she do her part. Yes, we were leaving the instance, and resetting, coming back in and if there was no door to her room then resetting again, trying it with no door, doing all manner of tricks. Now I don't mind doing stuff to get a boss to work, but am I crazy or unrealistic to think that content should work right and not require odd workarounds? I am not a developer, nor a programmer. I can't write code and won't pretend to be able to, so really, am I being to harsh in expecting raid bosses to work right, especially after the fix they are given?
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After coratanni leaves and you burn the bird down, you click on the escape pod and it resets the fight.


problem is that it is not bugged "again" I've seen so many different bugs on coratanni by now... yet thet say a **** about it

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After coratanni leaves and you burn the bird down, you click on the escape pod and it resets the fight.

Or when you finish burning Coratanni and she goes to the pod, starts channeling her escape move, then stops and attacks the pod. You wipe, revive (outside of instance cause there's no other option), come back, she will still be attacking the pod so you let her kill you again, wait, wait, finaly she resets.


This was on SM 16 which I though was relatively less buggy than 8man but nope, it's pure luck whether you will get her to transition to Phase 2 properly or not. Heck, some guilds/pugs ned up fighting with her for hours because of bugs, not because of lack of skills

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Or when you finish burning Coratanni and she goes to the pod, starts channeling her escape move, then stops and attacks the pod. You wipe, revive (outside of instance cause there's no other option), come back, she will still be attacking the pod so you let her kill you again, wait, wait, finaly she resets.


This was on SM 16 which I though was relatively less buggy than 8man but nope, it's pure luck whether you will get her to transition to Phase 2 properly or not. Heck, some guilds/pugs ned up fighting with her for hours because of bugs, not because of lack of skills


I've only had to fight her twice max. The trick my guildies and I've noticed is if she's bugged during a fight which a door being there doesnt indicate one way or another. All release out, reset the phase and then she's been perfectly killable

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I've only had to fight her twice max. The trick my guildies and I've noticed is if she's bugged during a fight which a door being there doesnt indicate one way or another. All release out, reset the phase and then she's been perfectly killable

As far as I've seen if you fail or get bugged on ruugar and then wipe, coratanni will bug for sure when you restart it

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