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Take a look at the pvp solo leaderboards


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I agree but it isnt as much of an issue as PT globals in alot of people eyes. Tbh I dont struggle with sins on most of my toons. Yes the control is strong but alot of people are at moderate skill levels expecting to beat a decent if not good sin 1v1 which hasnt happened for like 3 seasons. I think BW is on the right track and yes it is miserable right now for alot of people. I am however very happy to see BW actually testing PVP changes on the PTS before implementation.
Time will tell; been leveing a toon on GW2 and seems balanced..will determine as I go...seems in GW2 favor as I go tho.
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The leaderboards you checked were meaningless because too few hours of play were updated. At the time I am writing this, the anomalies you report have been eliminated and the top 20 consists of:


8 Shadow/Sin

3 Sorc/Sage


See? All working as intended, zero anomalies.

The anomalies have left the building, this is what S4 will look like.
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***ing shame !!


90% of top 100 maybe top 200 top 300 are imp side ...

(so we should all reroll imp side to soloq correctly ? nice perspective, just for the general balance of the game u should be worry about that .....)


and 90% of all player are pt sin sorcer or jugga.


worst ladder in all history pvp game


so unfair


hey bio dev, just an idea mix queue between imp and rep side, could be a point, doesnt cost too much, no need harvard or nsa to do or think about it. free advice.


nerf dot, pt sin and jugga immu, or up others classes ...

All those problem were predictable, why did you spent money and time in big school if you are not able to react ?

sorry for my bad english

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The issue isn't the factions, but the classes - Imp side had more players than rep from launch, which led to a greater number of better pvp players on imp side... which led to the bleeding of good pvpers from pub to imp side... etc etc... But there are no news there. Edited by Yojiro
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90% are imp side and its not a prblm ?

i will reroll 2 classes to soloq on impside cause repside on my serv (in soloq) so hard :

- most fotm imp side

- 90 % of good player go play impside soloq


---> vicious circle


you don't really care, i understand, but in my mind, if u work as a dev, it should be a priority ... but that's ok i will reroll


same logic, for balance between classes, its their job.


remember in school when u have to analyse statistic or any document ... tha's the same, just read and analyse...


thats so obvious


edit : first rep player on tofn #53 .......


re-edit : i missed the #50 my bad lololol

Edited by yASstA
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MIX SOLOQ .... 3 times i say it. but i don't give a ****, i will reroll, thats not prefernece of player, just vicous circle cause noob see good player go on imp side, so like ship or cow they follow, same for fotm.


"The issue lies with the faction population! So I am rerolling!" :confused:


Edit: Do this experiment - roll a 60 Sentinel and solo rank with it. THEN roll a 60 Mara and do the same. Then come back and try to whine about faction balance being the real influence behind those numbers after you've been facerolled in both factions.

Edited by Yojiro
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u must be stupid, im not saying, mara is better then sents, i just saying 2 obvious problm :

unbalance beetween number of player in sloq ranked, and those fotm. I know imp/rep side are the same stupid nb


Then stop whining about the faction balance and focus on the classes, nitwit. :eek:

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I agree juggs need love as do mercs, the only class in need of a nerf right now is Operative! Nerf operatives to where they cant dps, or heal mmkk!

I am glad the pt's are crying right now and the maras are gettin a buff, although it might be a lil too much of one. Take down hatred sins a bit and sorcs and we might have a lil balance going on. not perfect but closer.

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