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top shadowlads guilds?


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Current top 5 for each:



1. Death Smile

2. Triumph

3. Bong Weights and Protein Shakes

4. The Grey




1. Covenant of the Phoenix

2. hoB-Bit

3. The Drunk Tanks

4. Pandamonium




1. Exit Area

2. The Chandrian

3. The Grey

4. The Drunk Tanks

5. Pandamonium



If anyone has an suggestions for other pvp and conquest guild I'll throw them up there, I'm not big on conquest and I'm having a mental block for pvp guild right now.


Thanks for the edits


This thread is funnier than the Best Players of Each Class thread. . .


Thanks CotP for always being the first to recognize our progress and status! You guys certainly deserve honorable mention for all of your achievements.


Cheers to all of you other amazing guilds who were overlooked for whatever silly reason! :rak_03:

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Are these list based on the conquest board or are you guys looking at their websites? The only reason panda is1 is because they have 50+ members online all running ops and Beer bongs or whatever I never see more than 1-2 of them pvping at any given time the same with Triumph I see even less in regs wzs OR are we going by ranked leaderboards?
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Are these list based on the conquest board or are you guys looking at their websites? The only reason panda is1 is because they have 50+ members online all running ops and Beer bongs or whatever I never see more than 1-2 of them pvping at any given time the same with Triumph I see even less in regs wzs OR are we going by ranked leaderboards?


I can confidently give you the statistics for Conquest guilds on our server as I've been actively tracking them since before it launched, I can't give any solid information for PvP. The [New] ** The Shadowlands Progression ** should give accurate information on PvE Progression guilds, other than the select few guilds that choose not to update their progress, and shoot themselves in the foot by not being able to use it as a recruiting/promotional tool.

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We're on both sides.


Also, The Drunk Tanks have only recently become a contender for Conquest, afaik. I would not list them at #3. As far as I'm aware, it's CotP that's #3 on our server, followed by Panda and ORD.

Week 27 - Oricon


The Drunk Tanks - 8.84 million

Covenant of the Phoenix - 7.52 million


Thanks for playing.



PS - I'm pretty sure the OP was asking about the top guilds now, not who were at the top in August-October of last year. The Conquest hierarchy has fluctuated greatly, particularly once ORD and WOOK and then Triumph got their Galaxy Conqueror titles. Back at the beginning, CotP was 4th, behind those three.


Now, the big dog is HoB-Bit, with their army of 20-alt crafters - TDT learned that the hard way back in late October during a Total Galactic War week. It was HoB-Bit's first of many victories. Triumph felt it last week - a 5 million plus point beatdown.


WOOK can still win when it wants to do so, overwhelming other guilds with their sheer numbers, but now that they've taken both Rishii and Yavin 4, their motivation to win may or may not persist.


As a progression guild with only moderate interest in Conquest, TDT wins when it can. Pandamonium is still motivated and winning planets.


PPS - I personally wouldn't put much stock into Taero's rankings anyway. He's a known troll. It worked, didn't it?

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With 3.0, it has become extremely hard for ORD to be motivated in conquests anymore. We'll still accumulate points every week. We may even win a planet during the weeks with a lot of choices, but as far as going all out to put up 15M+ in a tight race for a planet? Yeah, that's not happening. The heavy hitting conquest members of ORD are burned out. There was barely any motivation to try to take Y4 the other week.... and it showed. We have 14 ops groups who are more concerned with progression than conquests.


I'm not sad about it; conquests were fun when they were released and they served their purpose: give the population something to do until 3.0.


All that being said, I still watch the conquests leaderboards every week. My hat is off to those guilds out there still cranking out the points: WOOK, Triumph, HoB-bit, TDT, Pandamonium, CotP to name a few.


Much respect to you all.

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Week 27 - Oricon


The Drunk Tanks - 8.84 million

Covenant of the Phoenix - 7.52 million


Thanks for playing.



PS - I'm pretty sure the OP was asking about the top guilds now, not who were at the top in August-October of last year. The Conquest hierarchy has fluctuated greatly, particularly once ORD and WOOK and then Triumph got their Galaxy Conqueror titles. Back at the beginning, CotP was 4th, behind those three.


Now, the big dog is HoB-Bit, with their army of 20-alt crafters - TDT learned that the hard way back in late October during a Total Galactic War week. It was HoB-Bit's first of many victories. Triumph felt it last week - a 5 million plus point beatdown.


WOOK can still win when it wants to do so, overwhelming other guilds with their sheer numbers, but now that they've taken both Rishii and Yavin 4, their motivation to win may or may not persist.


As a progression guild with only moderate interest in Conquest, TDT wins when it can. Pandamonium is still motivated and winning planets.


PPS - I personally wouldn't put much stock into Taero's rankings anyway. He's a known troll. It worked, didn't it?


WOOK motivation depends on what planets our members need/missed. We're dedicated for that. We're also dedicated to PvE and PvP... not so much GSF :p We haven't relied on crafting since the big 20+mil weeks. Otherwise, we plan to share the galaxy. If a guild wants a planet bad enough, they'll win it.

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COTP has a republic guild and a imperial guild, we recently made an alt guild for alt characters, as for why I am not sure on it but all I know is that the leaders of COTP has determined that its members can have one main and one alt in COTP and the rest goes into the alt gild, as for the republic side I don't know cause I've been focused on the imperial side and getting my class quests done.
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COTP has a republic guild and a imperial guild, we recently made an alt guild for alt characters, as for why I am not sure on it but all I know is that the leaders of COTP has determined that its members can have one main and one alt in COTP and the rest goes into the alt gild, as for the republic side I don't know cause I've been focused on the imperial side and getting my class quests done.


That decision was based on the maximum number of characters that can be in any one guild at a time. Since the maximum number is 500, we thought it best to limit our members to two characters in our Main guilds -- a single Main character and one alt -- in order to prevent us from hitting the 500 character limit. Our alt guilds are designed to support our members who're leveling alts, galore.


We currently have a little over 210 active subscribed accounts attached to COTP, anyway. Limiting our members to two characters gives us some brief latitude, so we can continue recruiting (and we're ALWAYS recruiting, btw) and also make some pushes during particular Conquest weeks by bringing in additional alt characters, if necessary.


What we'd like, is if the game supported more than 500 characters in a single guild. THAT would be sweet! ;)

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