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12K EXP Unlocks for Level 50 Legacy


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Burden of Proof.


Not once have you or anyone else supporting this idea met any requirements for a burden of proof.




..Nonsense. This is all opinion. Nobody has to PROVE anything. You're entitled to yours, others are entitled to theirs, and you simply agree to disagree.


You're wasting effort demanding something you are unlikely to get.

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It's most likely in here SOMEWHERE, but if not - someone came up with the LEGACY UNLOCK idea I loved... Once you get each of the 8 classes to 50 (or 55, or 60), you can then unlock the 12x Legacy unlock (1.5x XP Gain per class unlock; CLASS QUEST XP ONLY).


But, will they do it?? Nope.

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I don't really understand collections personally anyway--I use them for easy +41 crystals, but as for outfits, generally the only cartel outfits I own are the ones my characters are already using. And I obviously don't want the same outfit for different chars.


That's one way of looking at it. For me, however, I enjoy switching up my appearance regularly. Why would my consular wear the same outfit on Tatooine and Hoth? I frequently pick lighter outfits for Tat, heavier snow gear for Hoth, and maybe a face/mouth covering helmet for Quest. I'd switch around for other planets with whatever whim hits me.


More to the point: In doing this, I rarely wear an outfit from just a single set. My consular enjoyed Visas's chestpiece and the Thul supporter pants with some generic boots (Speedsuit?). I have the Scout set just so that I can give various characters and companions the nice headset. Once you've got ten or so characters using a few companions each, the ability to mix-and-match to build looks is worthwhile.


... offtopic, I know. Sorry. How about this:


As others have pointed out here, the majority of the arguments in support of this boil down to: "I want it". When pressed for reasons why this will improve the game, the leading argument is "But I want it". Very few people even attempt to discuss how it will improve the game. They are interested in improving their experience to the exclusion of everyone else.


Sound familiar? This was SWTORs very first problem: People wanted to burn content as fast as possible, and then complained when they ran out of content to burn. I don't see how this issue is different. People aren't seeking to improve social interaction (this erodes social interaction). This doesn't encourage new players (this actually discourages and slightly undermines new players). This doesn't improve the game economy (it skews it even more toward the already-rich). This doesn't add new play opportunities. The single goal here is to burn content faster to reach endgame. Considering history, I don't see how that is something Bioware should run to embrace.


There might be some middle ground that could be made. However, its going to take more than a toggle to produce it.

Edited by Malastare
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I also have to break this to you....the majority rules.


Er... no. Bioware rules. They are free to ignore your "majority", and they've already stated that 12x won't return in the same way because (while they liked the attention and amount of excitement) they disliked some of the effects it had on the game, particularly the gearing and the resulting unprepared players reaching level cap.


Also, your majority might not be what you think it is. Remember: Forum posters are a tiny slice of the user base, and tend to be greatly skewed toward the high-end of players. The majority of players don't have millions of credits. The majority don't run Operations regularly. The majority don't finish their Level 60 PvP WEEKLY.

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Burden of Proof.


You keep using that phrase. I don't think it means what you think it means.


Someone makes a suggestion for a wanted change. People support the change and say why they want it. You say that it's bad for the game and will do disastrous things, and then claim the burden of proof is on everyone else to prove that it's good for the game. That's not how it works. You have to prove that it's bad because it's your claim that it's bad.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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As others have pointed out here, the majority of the arguments in support of this boil down to: "I want it". When pressed for reasons why this will improve the game, the leading argument is "But I want it". Very few people even attempt to discuss how it will improve the game. They are interested in improving their experience to the exclusion of everyone else.


Sound familiar? This was SWTORs very first problem: People wanted to burn content as fast as possible, and then complained when they ran out of content to burn. I don't see how this issue is different. People aren't seeking to improve social interaction (this erodes social interaction). This doesn't encourage new players (this actually discourages and slightly undermines new players). This doesn't improve the game economy (it skews it even more toward the already-rich). This doesn't add new play opportunities. The single goal here is to burn content faster to reach endgame. Considering history, I don't see how that is something Bioware should run to embrace.


There might be some middle ground that could be made. However, its going to take more than a toggle to produce it.


Assuming restrictions, I think a lot of those problems' effects are greatly minimized. Once a player has leveled a few characters, the side quests and all that gets really repetitive. To the point where I don't think it would be uncommon for people to stop creating alts altogether. I know I'm not particularly interested in leveling a whole other character from scratch and having to do all of the side stuff for the umpteenth time. But I still really enjoy the story lines, which makes sense seeing as they're really the only unique portions of the leveling experience. I would be more likely to start a new character to do the storylines again than I would be to start one without a bonus like 12x xp. So in this case who does it hurt? No one, because the things I'm missing out on I wasn't going to do anyway.


This is different from launch because I've already done the content, and I've got a character to max level. I'm already doing end game content. If that wasn't enough for me I'd already be gone. As for hurting new players, because other people get the quick leveling but they don't, it's all about perception. If it's marketed and clearly shown to be a long-term player perk, designed to cater to those who've already done all the content, then that problem is mitigated. It's not a matter of "why do you hate new players" it's a "they get this so that they can skip all the things they've already done, on the second go around".


This is no different than a New Game+ mode, where you get all your skills and powers and bonuses from the first time through so that you can shred your way through again.

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Once a player has leveled a few characters, the side quests and all that gets really repetitive. To the point where I don't think it would be uncommon for people to stop creating alts altogether. ... I would be more likely to start a new character to do the storylines again than I would be to start one without a bonus like 12x xp. So in this case who does it hurt? No one, because the things I'm missing out on I wasn't going to do anyway.


And that is a very valid way of arguing for this. Essentially, its arguing that the social disconnect (the fact that you're blazing through the game and avoiding interactions) does no harm because the alternative is that you wouldn't be there at all. Thus, if anything its a net increase. And that might be true for a lot of players. However, the lower you set the bar for entry, the larger the group of players who would have happily played through normally but are now playing through on EZ mode. You have to admit that a decent number of players would be compelled to use it simply because they have the mentality that bigger/more/faster is always better and they could not endure playing at normal speed when they had a chance to use turbo speed. So, at the very least, there still needs to be balance here.


As for hurting new players, because other people get the quick leveling but they don't, it's all about perception. If it's marketed and clearly shown to be a long-term player perk, designed to cater to those who've already done all the content, then that problem is mitigated.


Somewhat. It might feel that way from our point of view, but, imagine a game where, from the second you step foot into the game, a large visible group of players are progressing far faster than you are, and for no visible reason.


When the 12x event was happening, I talked to a handful of new players who were either confused or frustrated that there were a bunch of players blazing through the area while they (appeared to) struggle. Again, there could be some balance here, by setting the barrier for entry high enough that the number of people doing this would still be a minority on the planet.


In case its not obvious: I'm not wholly against this feature. Well, I'm against the idea of the 12,000 Exp unlock in the title, but I'm on the fence about a 12x Exp unlock. One of my biggest issues with it is that its being demanded by players who have put virtually zero thought into the wide-scale effects of giving them what they want, simply because they want it. It would be a significant change to the game's ecosystem and I'd like to see more justification and thought put into it than simply. "But mommy, I want it."

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Love all the NAY sayers on this one. WHY should we get it? Because it was a SUCCESS! Period!


More people leveled characters and experienced content they would have NEVER done without 12XP last year. I would have NEVER rolled different classes if I had to grind each one of them.


A majority of the players are asking for it and willing to pay money to make it happen. CREDIT SINK anyone? It's pretty expensive to level a character and on top of it open up unlocks and gear. So from a BW point of view I'm sure it was also a success for this and income from XP Boosters as well characters slots from CC market.


So get over it and move on folks. It's going to happen in some fashion and we just need to provide some constructive feedback on the "Best Solution" to move forward with.


OH.. BTW - I have 22 level 60's and loved seeing every single class story on both sides due to 12XP. I would have NEVER had that many characters nor seen the remaining content without having 12XP.

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No, no, no, no. If you really want to see the storylines all over again, feel free to look it up on youtube. Don't punish those of us who actually WANT to play the game by cramming this down our throat.


Agree.... it should be at legacy level 40 or so, and should be able to be turned off for those that like to see ALL missions again.


I do know when I leveled my 8th or 9th toon it was my first smuggler and I actually did enjoy all the stories just to hear the quips and snide remarks he made :)

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I want it. Think it should at least be Legacy 30(I'm 40 but know people that have played a lot that would want it and are sub 40),. but would be fine if it was Legacy 2. How someone else plays that doesn't affect me doesn't bother me one way or the other.


Edit: How many would have been able to take advantage if 40 was required the first time? And now want it gated for others?

Edited by Sorwen
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This has no negative effect on the people who don't want it other than the illusion it causes more baddies, when it actually causes people to have to learn their rotations even more to survive while undergeared.


Now, if they group undergeared, that's a sign of an idiot and said idiot would be a problem regardless of 12x EXP or not.



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I want to point out that the people most likely to use this are the ones who already have leveled multiple alts the old fashioned way and who, in all likelihood, might not level any more without this perk. These are the people who love the stories, and who would be tempted into creating yet more alts ($$ for BW) if only they could see the each story in its entirely without distractions.


^^^ This is me^^^ During 12X XP this last time I leveled 1 Alt from lvl 20, and another that was level 20 got to level 43. My level 43 will sit until 12X XP is brought back.... I just cannot/will not do the same world missions over and over.


As far as the argument of harm this does.... how laughable. How many have "power leveled" toons by doing Space missions over and over or other types of gameplay, just to avoid doing the planet missions. I know half my guild has done that (myself included).


Another argument....the Devs have already admitted accelerated XP is OK by giving XP boost (free), and cartel pack XP boosts currently allowing us to skip most if not all repetitive planet missions (i.e. using Space mission boosts to get to the next planet level as quickly as possible).


You guys that argue no against 12X XP at legacy level 50 (either paid for or toggle'able) remind me of old men that tell the youngsters how hard we had it when we had to walk to school, in 20" of snow, uphill.....both ways...

Edited by FAAmecanic
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And that is a very valid way of arguing for this. Essentially, its arguing that the social disconnect (the fact that you're blazing through the game and avoiding interactions) does no harm because the alternative is that you wouldn't be there at all. Thus, if anything its a net increase. And that might be true for a lot of players. However, the lower you set the bar for entry, the larger the group of players who would have happily played through normally but are now playing through on EZ mode. You have to admit that a decent number of players would be compelled to use it simply because they have the mentality that bigger/more/faster is always better and they could not endure playing at normal speed when they had a chance to use turbo speed. So, at the very least, there still needs to be balance here.


Good points, which I think is why it would be good to have a high barrier to entry. Something like legacy 40-50, or unlocking access to the perk in stages, like 3x for each class. Or even something like, you can give a 12x perk to any class you've already leveled. That way it's not really a means of skipping the game, but instead a perk at a point where many will have already gone through it all and likely gotten bored. I'm sure that BioWare would have good statistics where they could look and say that after X amount of time or Y amount of alts players are less likely to create new alts. That kind of information would be a good starting point in choosing how such a feature would be unlocked.


Somewhat. It might feel that way from our point of view, but, imagine a game where, from the second you step foot into the game, a large visible group of players are progressing far faster than you are, and for no visible reason.


When the 12x event was happening, I talked to a handful of new players who were either confused or frustrated that there were a bunch of players blazing through the area while they (appeared to) struggle. Again, there could be some balance here, by setting the barrier for entry high enough that the number of people doing this would still be a minority on the planet.


I think in part that plays into what I mentioned about perception. It sounds like at least some of them weren't aware what it was about. I'm not sure how much more they could have communicated on their site and other places about how to get 12x xp or what it was, but seeing as it's likely that those players don't read the website, they probably could have put more in game that mentioned it. I don't think it was really explained in any in-game way about the 12x event.


Perhaps if it would be added to the character perk page it would be more obvious? I think it's a good point, but I'm not sure it could be completely fixed. Some people are actively averse to actually gathering information for themselves.


Another thing to consider is that because of its temporary nature, and also very low barrier to entry, the event would have likely seen stronger participation than something that was permanently available. I know I felt extra pressure to get a character or two leveled during that time because it would only be available for so long than I would have just naturally. I know many people in my guild were in a leveling frenzy to get it done before 3.0.


In case its not obvious: I'm not wholly against this feature. Well, I'm against the idea of the 12,000 Exp unlock in the title, but I'm on the fence about a 12x Exp unlock. One of my biggest issues with it is that its being demanded by players who have put virtually zero thought into the wide-scale effects of giving them what they want, simply because they want it. It would be a significant change to the game's ecosystem and I'd like to see more justification and thought put into it than simply. "But mommy, I want it."


I certainly understand the concern, and debating the topic is helpful, but I'm not sure that it really falls on us to need to justify it any more than "I want it". I've looked at the suggestion forum and ideas there have varied from good to inane to laughably awful. I think it's good for players to be able to suggest and support the ideas they like so that the guys at BioWare can get a good idea of what players want. Even if an idea that a lot of players support is ultimately deemed terrible by the devs, having that information may allow them to turn that idea into something more realistic and implement that instead. (Note: I don't mean to imply that you think people shouldn't voice their opinion)

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Love all the NAY sayers on this one. WHY should we get it? Because it was a SUCCESS! Period!


More people leveled characters and experienced content they would have NEVER done without 12XP last year. I would have NEVER rolled different classes if I had to grind each one of them.


A majority of the players are asking for it and willing to pay money to make it happen. CREDIT SINK anyone? It's pretty expensive to level a character and on top of it open up unlocks and gear. So from a BW point of view I'm sure it was also a success for this and income from XP Boosters as well characters slots from CC market.


So get over it and move on folks. It's going to happen in some fashion and we just need to provide some constructive feedback on the "Best Solution" to move forward with.


OH.. BTW - I have 22 level 60's and loved seeing every single class story on both sides due to 12XP. I would have NEVER had that many characters nor seen the remaining content without having 12XP.


I really don't hear that many adamant naysayers aside from Enkid.


I do question the logic of some people that want the entry level to be so low however. Like legacy lvl 20 for example. I got very close to that on my first full character play-through with no end game operations. Hell I got a lvl 50 legacy 8 months after I subbed with my 5th character and I didn't even touch a operation until 6 months later.


This shouldn't be a perk that so easily in grasp of so many new players. It will hurt Bioware alot in the long run. We don't need new players who barely know what their doing because 12 XP babied them or people who leveled all 8 classes to 60 once within a month and are done with the game forever. Bioware wants to retain subs in the long run, not have a temporary boon and collapse.


Additionally, what does this do to lower level content? What about low and midlevel warzones, flashpoints, etc? New players may not even give this content a try or a second thought when they could very well could enjoy it.


This is why their needs to be some fairly high threshold for 12XP perk.

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What is it with gamers wanting to dictate other people's playstyle and game these days? Really fed up with it. :mad:


It is very simple. If you don't like or want to use an unlock, DON'T. But for the love of god, don't deny OTHER PEOPLE who WANT IT the option to have it just because YOU don't want it. I am so utterly sick of people and their selfish attitudes in gaming now days. "I don't like it so no one else should have it". Beyond childish. The unlock WOULD NO AFFECT YOU if you don't want it. So why in the h*ll do you care? This is exactly what I am talking about.


Worry about YOUR OWN game and stay the h*ll out of mine.


I love this idea and had a blast with 12xp. Legacy 50 is perfect for this.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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...but I'm not sure that it really falls on us to need to justify it any more than "I want it".


Yes and No.


Yes, we have no obligation to justify our desires. From the moment the game came out, I wished for a device that would give me a set of armor that matched a game NPC. That's just a personal wish of mine. I don't need to come up with any more justification to express it. However, I am self-critical enough that I can see a bunch of drawbacks. I've posted this idea in the past, along with restrictions that could make it less of a problem, but that was done as an exercise in designing a game feature, not in expressing my desire. And that's where the disconnect lies. So, while I can express my desire without justifaction...


No, our desires alone do not justify a game feature. We aren't designing this game via democratic process (thank ${DEITY}). While we can say that we want something, if you want a developer to do something they aren't currently working on, you need to provide a bit more convincing arguments than simply "But I want it". If we truly want the desire to go somewhere, then the communication must have an audience and we must provide some reasoning for why it should have more weight than it currently does.


While E98 might have been a little aggressive with the formal logic, the core of his message was true, just misinterpreted (or maybe mis-aimed). The people asking for 12x XP do have a burden of proof, but not against other players. They need to provide extra justification to convince Bioware (devs, PR, corporate overlords in their yachts made of poached ivory) to move forward (or move faster) on a plan to implement it. As a developer myself, I can tell you that you build up a pretty thick skin against the "But I want it" argument. I still listen, but it rarely convinces me to change any priorities. However, if a customer can come up with a way of mitigating the problem I'm working on, or if they can convince me I've over-estimated some problem, then I'm likely to adjust my plans.


I'm not saying that we should concern ourselves with coding details or even that we need to come up with a full design specification. We need to tell them what made it good, what sorts of compromises we're willing to accept, and what we'd be willing to give to make it happen. There are some decent ideas in there, but for the most part it is: "I want 12x XP just like before, all the time, on all my characters, and I want it for everyone who has {accomplished goal that I've already accomplished}". Want developers to listen? Give them ideas to mitigate risk. If you can't see any risks or negative consequences, then you aren't thinking about it hard enough.

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In my guild, which is more pvp centric (there is a weekly raid schedule, but the day to day aspect is majorly pvp centered) there are -multiple- people who have multiple alts with only 1 or 2 companions because they leveled via pvp. (They got their ships and never did anything else quest related, be it world quests or class quests)


(And yes I know, I dont pvp, but I have friends in the guild so there I am!)


Now i dont see End or anyone esle rambling on and on and on on how detrimental everyone who leveled via pvp/space/kuat are killing the gaming experience... yet the others here wanting to skip planet quests on their 20th alt is the end of the world, and were terrible terrible people for wanting to skip stuff weve already done so much we can recite the lines with the npcs....



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Yes and No.


Yes, we have no obligation to justify our desires. From the moment the game came out, I wished for a device that would give me a set of armor that matched a game NPC. That's just a personal wish of mine. I don't need to come up with any more justification to express it. However, I am self-critical enough that I can see a bunch of drawbacks. I've posted this idea in the past, along with restrictions that could make it less of a problem, but that was done as an exercise in designing a game feature, not in expressing my desire. And that's where the disconnect lies. So, while I can express my desire without justifaction...


No, our desires alone do not justify a game feature. We aren't designing this game via democratic process (thank ${DEITY}). While we can say that we want something, if you want a developer to do something they aren't currently working on, you need to provide a bit more convincing arguments than simply "But I want it". If we truly want the desire to go somewhere, then the communication must have an audience and we must provide some reasoning for why it should have more weight than it currently does.


While E98 might have been a little aggressive with the formal logic, the core of his message was true, just misinterpreted (or maybe mis-aimed). The people asking for 12x XP do have a burden of proof, but not against other players. They need to provide extra justification to convince Bioware (devs, PR, corporate overlords in their yachts made of poached ivory) to move forward (or move faster) on a plan to implement it. As a developer myself, I can tell you that you build up a pretty thick skin against the "But I want it" argument. I still listen, but it rarely convinces me to change any priorities. However, if a customer can come up with a way of mitigating the problem I'm working on, or if they can convince me I've over-estimated some problem, then I'm likely to adjust my plans.


I'm not saying that we should concern ourselves with coding details or even that we need to come up with a full design specification. We need to tell them what made it good, what sorts of compromises we're willing to accept, and what we'd be willing to give to make it happen. There are some decent ideas in there, but for the most part it is: "I want 12x XP just like before, all the time, on all my characters, and I want it for everyone who has {accomplished goal that I've already accomplished}". Want developers to listen? Give them ideas to mitigate risk. If you can't see any risks or negative consequences, then you aren't thinking about it hard enough.


Very well said. One thing I would add though, and what I was getting at with my previous post, is that even if a suggestion that hasn't been fleshed out by those proposing it gathers enough popular momentum, or if it happens to just strike the right cord with the developers who happen to see it, that carries a weight all its own. So I still see the merit in unjustified suggestions, especially for something that has already been teased to the community in the past and if it's openly requested by large portions of the community. But as always, an informed opinion is going to be more useful than an uninformed one, for the reasons you mention.

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What is it with gamers wanting to dictate other people's playstyle and game these days? Really fed up with it.


I know, its really gotten bad over the last every single year since the invention of multiplayer gaming. [/sarcasm]


Seriously, I remember hearing that whine when I started playing Diablo and Quake over IPX networks. Most people here don't even know what IPX is. It is the nature of multiplayer gaming --and MMOs in particular-- to impose some level of playstyle restriction on players in order to prevent some level of negative impact on other players.


It is very simple. If you don't like or want to use an unlock, DON'T. But for the love of god, don't deny OTHER PEOPLE who WANT IT the option to have it just because YOU don't want it.


You are not playing SWTOR in a vacuum. There are other players, and a significant amount of the player experience is based upon the existence of other players in the same area as you.


You are basically demanding that you be allowed to play however you like, even in direct defiance of the game design and the goals of the developers, even to the detriment of other players. Taken to its extreme (everyone gets 12x!) it would turn the leveling planets into mostly dead zones with everyone zipping through them to get to max level.


I am so utterly sick of people and their selfish attitudes in gaming now days. "I don't like it so no one else should have it". Beyond childish.


Hyperbolic corollary: I'm so sick of people and their selfish attitudes toward vaccination these days. "I got vaccinated and you should, too!" Beyond childish.


More relevant corollary: I'm so sick of people and their selfish attitudes toward movies these days "I don't like talking on my phone in the theater so no one else should, either". Beyond childish.


To many of the people in this thread, the childish behavior is actually coming from the players who feel they should be able to play the way they want to play no matter how it might affect others, and no matter whether the designers of the game agree or not. Quite simply: It's childish because it explicitly states that there was no consideration or thought put into how it affects others.


You claim you took part in the 12x "event", but you noticed no negative consequences? Did you talk to players who didn't have it? Did you spend any time explaining the system to new players, or showing them how the changes affected the game? Did you run though mid-level warzones or try to run flashpoints at the time?


I'm not completely against the idea, but I am completely against the idea that this is a personal-preference-only issue and that it has no impact on the rest of the game. Bioware said that it does, but even without them, we still know it does. We saw it. There were widespread gearing problems. There were numerous reports of people dragging down WZ and FP groups with bad gear or sloppy play. While you might argue that only the player themselves dealt with the problems caused by that, you'd be wrong. Many players stopped joining WZs and FPs due to the influx of "12x" players.


The unlock WOULD NO AFFECT YOU if you don't want it. So why in the h*ll do you care? This is exactly what I am talking about.


But it would affect me. It would affect everyone. It would be a major change to the games economy and ecosystem. To propose that level of change and just flippantly declare that it will have no effects outside the individual player shows that you simply haven't considered the actual ramifications.


Worry about YOUR OWN game and stay the h*ll out of mine.


So, you're fine if I run hacks? I mean, you just said that other people should let me play how I want to play. Who are you to force your play style on me? Or do you only care about other people's play styles when it negatively impacts you?


And what would you do if this was put in place... and it started negatively impacting players who weren't you. Would it be okay that they were hurt, but you weren't?

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Legacy 50 seems a bit ridiculous.


I've got one 60, a 50 (I played at release, quit, and then only returned a couple months ago), and then a half dozen alts ranging from 20-40 -- I'm still only Legacy 21. Probably because the Legacy system didn't exist for the first few months of release which is when I did most of my playing.


Also, I'd like to play my alts more, but good grief, it's boring as CRAP doing those same side quests over again. I literally spacebar through every single one of them now. Now I basically just log onto the alts, do a few dailies (warzone, flashpoint, etc.), and advance my class chain another mission or two before I tap out from the boredom of needing to go kill the same 10 Droids or collect the same 10 Data Cards that I've already done a half dozen times before, with absolutely no threat, challenge or originality involved.


There's also the fact that I'm very involved in my Imperial guild. I'd love to see the Republic stories, since I've actually only leveled a Smuggler Pub-side. But that means I have to be disconnect from my Imp guild. That kinda sucks. Sure, I can be on voice coms, but it's a bummer being detached from gchat, etc. 12xp would be nice, since I could power through the Republic class stories and minimize the time away from my guild.


I would gladly pay cash money to be able to have 12x class story XP. And if people are worried about low level flashpoints being deserted, then just figure out some way to tie the boost into that. Perhaps periodically you need some item from the end-boss in a flashpoint in order to keep your buff active. Voila. I dunno. Something. Point is, I want 12x XP. I just hope there's not some ridiculously huge entry barrier like Legacy 50. Good grief.

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Staged XP Boost just like all the Class/Space/Exploration/PVP ones.. Five Tiers built on each other.


+2XP - Legacy level 10 + CC/Creds

+2XP - Legacy level 20 + CC/Creds (4XP Total)

+2XP - Legacy level 30 + CC/Creds (6XP Total)

+2XP - Legacy level 40 + CC/Creds (8XP Total)

+2XP - Legacy level 50 + CC/Creds (10XP Total)


Makes the most sense based on levels achieved to date and is the most economical approach for new players.

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