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12K EXP Unlocks for Level 50 Legacy


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I have a level 42 Gunslinger cruising through Hoth. I think I have played one or two side quests (not on Hoth though) because they where in the same area as my class missions, or because I enjoyed the missions.


All I did was unlock all the class mission experience boosts in the legacy system. It was something like ~200k. Less than unlocking Treek. I use the class mission EXP reward items, guild bonus and rest XP. I used my legacy storage to drop off occasionial gear mods from my crafters.


I think this 'only do class missions' unlock is already in the game.

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I would love this unlock.


See, I know everyone is clamoring for the new content, and people totally should have what they want... but I am struggling to keep up.


I hope it is not a major update in April, because I am simply not ready for another character marathon.


I took 5 characters so far through Rishi-Yavin, and there is one more, and then there are two more classes I still didn’t level to (now) level 60.


I like to see the stories, I really, really do, but I also want to play with the L60 characters without forgetting in between how to play them!


I don’t like chasing a moving target. I don’t like the Gear&Forget model!


So, I would love to get all the classes through their class stories with the 12xXP, so then I could keep up with the updates. And play what everyone else is playing, not being forever stuck in the 'everyone did it 3 years ago...'!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Perhaps it is time to actually list some of the possible negative effects and debate each item.


I am sure there could be others, but these are the ones I am aware of...


Note: I support the addition of this mechanic, and I have already posted a list of positives and this list. I am reposting the negatives as it is pertinent to the conversation.


Here are the potential negatives as I see them.


1) Gear and comm issues. The system was designed to include the side quests, and the 12XP system can cause a player to have trouble gearing, which could misrepresent the game.


2) Higher level players will be even less invested, time and content wise, in lower level planets, leaving lower level players even more on their own.


3) If there is no mirroring requirement, brand new players could reach end cap without a proper feel for their class. This has the potential to sour their experience and perhaps impact end game activities in a negative way.


4) New players would miss out on quite a bit of the gear and rewards provided by the side quests, and may end up underfunded when they reach cap.


5) This could make heroics even less relevant, making it very difficult for lower level characters to find folks to group with.


Those are the detriments that I see....some of them mentioned by others, some by me. I tend to agree that all of these are potential issues that should be addressed.


If there is a negative impact it would likely impact brand new players the most.


And once again, here is my proposal.



This is my suggestion for a proposed 12XP system.


I actually hope that Bioware is forward thinking enough to recognize the market, the appeal of 12XP and ignore folks that cling to traditional MMO values. It would benefit the game, not harm it IMO. Arguments to the contrary are simply not realistic in my eyes. It is this kind of myopic traditional "tunnel vision" that caused the game to stumble in the first place from my perspective.


As I have said more than once, If they were to do Legacy Xp as a 12XP vehicle, this is how I suggest it should be done. I have modified it a bit to make the XP boost universal across ALL content, including GSF, Flashpoints and Ops to promote that kind of play for those that wish to only level that way.



1) Account wide legacy perk

2) For subscribers only. Perk would be disabled if you go preferred, not available to F2P.

3) For every core class (mirrors) you complete the chapter 3 questline, you get the ability to unlock a 3X XP bonus through legacy. 4 chapter 3 completions, 12X XP unlocked.

4) Each unlock would require a minimum of legacy level 20 and would cost 50k/100k/150k/200k or 60/60/60/60 coins.

5) Toggle would exist to disable when desired.

6) XP boost would apply to ALL content that provides XP, including end game content.


That way folks have to complete the storyline for each core class first (one of the mirrors in each core) before you get the buff. They can also choose to level their characters in alternate ways if they wish, avoiding the storyline and planet leveling entirely for alts....naturally they have to do the planetary leveling at least once for the unlock.


This is a great way to increase the appeal of a sub.


You would only have to level up 4 core mirrors to get the complete 12XP, and it would come to you incrementally as you leveled each class naturally...so you would first get 3, then 6, then 9, then finally 12.


So this is how it would work if it was set up as I suggested.


You are a subscriber.


You level Knight or Warrior to chapter 3 completion.

A legacy option for 3X XP boost can now be unlocked in Legacy (Legacy Experience I) for 50k/60 coins.


You next level an Sage or Inq to chapter 3 completion, using the 3X XP boost to skip some side quests.

A legacy option for another 3X XP boost can now be unlocked in Legacy (Legacy Experience II) for 100k/60 coins.

You next level a Trooper or BH to chapter 3, using the 6X XP boost (cumulative) to skip a good portion of side quests.

Next legacy option opens up for another 3X XP boost (Legacy Experience III) for 150k/60 coins.


Next you level a Smuggler or Agent to chapter 3, using the 9X XP boost (cumulative) to skip most of the side quests.

The final legacy option opens for another 3X XP boost (Legacy Experience IV) for 200k/60 coins.


From now on you will have 12XP available for all toons you level in your legacy. This will be ACCOUNT WIDE and will be for subscribers only. You will also have an option to turn off the boost if you wish using a toggle. It will apply to all forms of content, so you can level new alts anywhere you wish.


Added to this, I would unlock as a perk, once you reach legacy Experience IV two packs of comms you would be get when creating a new character. The packs would be for a level 10, would contain 198 Basic comms (two packs of 99 comms each) to assist in gearing for the character. This would be account wide, once for every character you create.


Edited by LordArtemis
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If the perk unlocks for Legacy 50, really, by then you get the levelling and gearing mechanics... plus, to be honest, if I want a character I work in depth on, not a Level&Forget one, I won't buy the unlock or I will gear at the max level, when it's easier to get the comms.


I don't think it's happening, but it would be nice to be able to catch up to the old guard.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Ok, think of it this way. You read a book, you enjoy the book, now you want to go read -another- book.


You pick up the book, start to read it, and realize someone copy pasted half of the last book you read into that one.

then you go to read another book, and the same thing happens, half of the first book you read is copy pasted into that one.


Now, for the rest of your life, every single book you ever read, has half of the first book you read pasted into it. and you have people telling you "HOW DARE YOU NOT WANT TO READ THOSE PARTS YOU ALREADY READ 97 TIMES! You have to read them or you cant read any more books ever!" :confused:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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No, 12x unlocks need to come much earlier than Legacy 50.

Probably somewhere around Legacy 20ish.

If you've gone that far into the game, you've seen enough of the game that being able to skip repetitive content won't really detract from the overall game experience.


This is much too low. I don't think that I am in the minority when I tell you that I was LL50 before I reached L50 on my 5th toon, back in June 2012. As it stands, there is zero incentive at LL50. 12XP could be that incentive.


I've done all the stories at least twice and I still keep making more toons so this would be extremely useful for me!



Yes indeed.


It should be how they wanted it to be : For every main class(Jedi Knight/Sith warrior, Sith inquisitor/Jedi consular, Agent/Smuggler,Bounty Hunter/Trooper) completing chapter 3 would add 3X XP bonus to all legacy character's class quest XP.


I would be fine with this system as well. Would it cap or stack? Is 12 the max, or could you dial it up to 66xp (22x3)?


No, no, no, no. If you really want to see the storylines all over again, feel free to look it up on youtube. Don't punish those of us who actually WANT to play the game by cramming this down our throat.


Nothing would be crammed down your throat. Did they cram the legacy buffing down your throat with 1.2? More than likely, if offered as an LL50 unlock, it would be a paid unlock.


One concern with a legacy gated system for 12xp...


//A lot of stuff about legacies on other servers//


Transfer 1 toon from the Legacy with the 12xp unlock to your "off-main" servers. Then when the cool-down is off, transfer back. It is well worth the money in terms of QoL; I do it a lot.


Unless you transfer 1 character to that other server bringing the legacy along for 21 new characters. As soon as you have created a new character there they will hold that legacy even if you move that character back. So for the price of a transfer or two that issue is solved.


And bingo!


Can we please let this die? It's really a dumb idea.


The point of 12x EXP is to skip the SIDEQUESTS. If we did it this way, 6x for one complete Pub-side char and 6x for one complete Imp-side char makes way more sense.


Leveling 2 characters is not enough. We have a Legacy System .... and currently LL50 is meaningless. Your solution doesn't address the problem with LL50.

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Ok, think of it this way. You read a book, you enjoy the book, now you want to go read -another- book.


You pick up the book, start to read it, and realize someone copy pasted half of the last book you read into that one.

then you go to read another book, and the same thing happens, half of the first book you read is copy pasted into that one.


Now, for the rest of your life, every single book you ever read, has half of the first book you read pasted into it. and you have people telling you "HOW DARE YOU NOT WANT TO READ THOSE PARTS YOU ALREADY READ 97 TIMES! You have to read them or you cant read any more books ever!" :confused:



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I'd rather it not be tied to legacy. One of the cool things I did with 12x is level a character to 55 on another server with no legacy unlocks. I would like to expand that legacy, or do it on another server.


Transfer a toon from your "main-server" to the "off-server. After 3 days transfer it back to the main.

Problem solved.

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Legacy 50 seems a bit ridiculous.


LL50 is the top. As such it merits the highest form of unlock reward.


I've got one 60, a 50 (I played at release, quit, and then only returned a couple months ago), and then a half dozen alts ranging from 20-40 -- I'm still only Legacy 21. Probably because the Legacy system didn't exist for the first few months of release which is when I did most of my playing.


That is actually not true. Legacy XP was in place at launch. I unlocked my legacy on like day 2 of early access. You get higher LXP at higher levels. End-game content is your friend here. Tinkering around on low level alts isn't going to help very much. I hit LL50 6.5 months after launch. This was on my 5th toon and he dinged LL50 long before he was L50.


Also, I'd like to play my alts more, but good grief, it's boring as CRAP doing those same side quests over again. I literally spacebar through every single one of them now. Now I basically just log onto the alts, do a few dailies (warzone, flashpoint, etc.), and advance my class chain another mission or two before I tap out from the boredom of needing to go kill the same 10 Droids or collect the same 10 Data Cards that I've already done a half dozen times before, with absolutely no threat, challenge or originality involved.


You aren't alone there.


There's also the fact that I'm very involved in my Imperial guild. I'd love to see the Republic stories, since I've actually only leveled a Smuggler Pub-side. But that means I have to be disconnect from my Imp guild. That kinda sucks. Sure, I can be on voice coms, but it's a bummer being detached from gchat, etc. 12xp would be nice, since I could power through the Republic class stories and minimize the time away from my guild.


You aren't alone here either. But, many people before you have done just that. Another option is to get your Imp guild to make a mirror on the Rep side.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I would love something like this, but 50 is way too high. I mean, honestly I feel if you have a max level character on both sides, thats enough. I LOVE the class stories, but get so bored seeing the non-class stuff. I wish all MMOs would do something like this.
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hey, good to see you are still playing!


Actually, if what LA is suggesting is implemented, for the unlock to be incremental like it is right now, only on steroids, you can come up with the XP boost that will allow your character to have enough experience gain to do both planetary and class.


To be honest, I came back to Belsavis on L57 after doing the 12xXP to see the Imperial side of the planetary story on one character. On most planets, once is enough, really. And on planets like Tatooine, Makeb, and Rishi-Yavin.... yeah....


EDIT: What would be a nice QoL, if the Planetary story was moved in its own category, like the class story. Because tbh sometimes it is hard to ID it from the side-quests.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I'm having trouble seeing what downsides there are to this, honestly. People talk like 12x is going to hit the game like an asteroid, crashing the economy and everyone else's playstyle, but I don't see all that doom and gloom on the horizon at all. The number of people using this perk is not going to be the huge portion of the player base that detractors seem to think. When 12x hit in Nov, I know myself and others pushed like crazy to level as many alts as we could because it was a limited time event. If it were permanent, the urgency would be turned off and people would only do it if they happened to have an alt whose class story they wanted to see again, or if they suddenly decided they wanted to change AC's or class and level a new char for end game.


It takes a long time to see all 8 classes playing the game normally! The average player would have to have committed to this game for a year or more at least before even considering (or being eligible for) this perk. (It took me over TWO YEARS to do all 8 classes and I've played nearly every day since launch.) Every Tom, Dick and Harry isn't going to fit that criteria. Choosing 12x is also challenging. It requires considerable preparation in advance from another wealthier character to pull off, due to the gearing issues present. This is an advanced perk that only a portion of players will qualify for, and THEN, only a portion of those players will want to actually use.


And no, I don't want to hear about the extreme power players who have dedicated their entire awake time to playing the game, and how "easy" it is for them to level to 50 in barely a few weeks, etc. Games should not be designed with the extreme minorities in mind. Lets' talk about actual, every day players here folks, ok?


Legacy 50 is too high, in my opinion. I think playing all 8 classes through once should be requirement enough, and doing that doesn't even get you to legacy 40.


I think the idea of a graduated unlock is fine (certain percentage exp boost for each class players get to 50 "normally.") I swear I read a dev post somewhere where it was said that that was the exact implementation that they were considering.

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It takes a long time to see all 8 classes playing the game normally! The average player would have to have committed to this game for a year or more at least before even considering (or being eligible for) this perk. (It took me over TWO YEARS to do all 8 classes and I've played nearly every day since launch.) Every Tom, Dick and Harry isn't going to fit that criteria. Choosing 12x is also challenging. It requires considerable preparation in advance from another wealthier character to pull off, due to the gearing issues present. This is an advanced perk that only a portion of players will qualify for, and THEN, only a portion of those players will want to actually use.


Been a player since open beta....and I have ONE storyline left to see (Counselor). Got him to 40 before 12x XP was over (missed most of it due to UN-SUBBING for about 6 months before 12x XP was announced, which the 112x XP and SOR brought me back as a paid sub and have been back since).


I will NOT be leveling him outside of double XP (and a load of XP boosts) or 12x XP comes back. Period...just cant take the planet quests, or grinding space missions in leu of planet quests (I would rather stick needles in my eyes first).

Edited by FAAmecanic
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I know, its really gotten bad over the last every single year since the invention of multiplayer gaming. [/sarcasm]


Seriously, I remember hearing that whine when I started playing Diablo and Quake over IPX networks. Most people here don't even know what IPX is. It is the nature of multiplayer gaming --and MMOs in particular-- to impose some level of playstyle restriction on players in order to prevent some level of negative impact on other players.




You are not playing SWTOR in a vacuum. There are other players, and a significant amount of the player experience is based upon the existence of other players in the same area as you.


You are basically demanding that you be allowed to play however you like, even in direct defiance of the game design and the goals of the developers, even to the detriment of other players. Taken to its extreme (everyone gets 12x!) it would turn the leveling planets into mostly dead zones with everyone zipping through them to get to max level.




Hyperbolic corollary: I'm so sick of people and their selfish attitudes toward vaccination these days. "I got vaccinated and you should, too!" Beyond childish.


More relevant corollary: I'm so sick of people and their selfish attitudes toward movies these days "I don't like talking on my phone in the theater so no one else should, either". Beyond childish.


To many of the people in this thread, the childish behavior is actually coming from the players who feel they should be able to play the way they want to play no matter how it might affect others, and no matter whether the designers of the game agree or not. Quite simply: It's childish because it explicitly states that there was no consideration or thought put into how it affects others.


You claim you took part in the 12x "event", but you noticed no negative consequences? Did you talk to players who didn't have it? Did you spend any time explaining the system to new players, or showing them how the changes affected the game? Did you run though mid-level warzones or try to run flashpoints at the time?


I'm not completely against the idea, but I am completely against the idea that this is a personal-preference-only issue and that it has no impact on the rest of the game. Bioware said that it does, but even without them, we still know it does. We saw it. There were widespread gearing problems. There were numerous reports of people dragging down WZ and FP groups with bad gear or sloppy play. While you might argue that only the player themselves dealt with the problems caused by that, you'd be wrong. Many players stopped joining WZs and FPs due to the influx of "12x" players.




But it would affect me. It would affect everyone. It would be a major change to the games economy and ecosystem. To propose that level of change and just flippantly declare that it will have no effects outside the individual player shows that you simply haven't considered the actual ramifications.




So, you're fine if I run hacks? I mean, you just said that other people should let me play how I want to play. Who are you to force your play style on me? Or do you only care about other people's play styles when it negatively impacts you?


And what would you do if this was put in place... and it started negatively impacting players who weren't you. Would it be okay that they were hurt, but you weren't?



Wall of Text....


Anywho..out of all of that the ONLY solid negative impact you stated was the lower planets would be empty. Gee...so what.... without 12x XP you ever go to Quesh??? Yep....ghost town city. Why....NO ONE wants to do missions there that they are not required to do.


Solid positives are:


More people in the Queue for HM FPs, Ops, etc etc. Sure some may require coaching ....but you cant tell me that even if they did all the PvE quests they would be suited for a HM Ops without some level of help (especially if they are new to the traditional MMO roles of tanks, dps, heals).


Aside from the GREAT job Bioware did with the storylines.... I live for the end game and the grind at that point of gearing up (a bit too grindy at times...but such is a MMO end game).

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I leveled up as a Madness Sorc. When I got to 60, I changed to Lightning for PvP. I basically had to completely re-learn my character. The playstyle was completely different, and virtually every ability in my primary 'rotation' was new to me. I had to learn about an entirely new set of passive buffs and how they interacted with these new abilities.


For all intents and purposes, I was playing a brand new character with zero prior experience. I was starting from the ground up and had no clue what I was doing at first. Fast-forward an hour or two later, and I pretty much had it figured out. It's not that complicated.


So this notion that people will have no idea how to play their class if the leveling process is shortened is just completely asinine and pure fiction. If you change disciplines at 60, you're basically playing a brand new character anyway. And the leveling process in no way trains or prepares you were HMs or PvP. At best, it just lets you learn your half dozen or so most-used abilities. You don't really get a great deal of practical application in challenging environment. And as mentioned, if you change disciplines, you're basically going to have a whole new set of abilities to learn anyway.


In other words - internet Chick Littles gonna chicken little.. At least it makes it easy for the rest of us to figure out who to ignore.

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No, no, no, no. If you really want to see the storylines all over again, feel free to look it up on youtube. Don't punish those of us who actually WANT to play the game by cramming this down our throat.


Nobody is going to force you to buy this. I would like the option myself, I'd probably open it to anyone tbh. It would make the game a whole lot more accessible for new or returning casuals like me.

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To many of the people in this thread, the childish behavior is actually coming from the players who feel they should be able to play the way they want to play no matter how it might affect others, and no matter whether the designers of the game agree or not. Quite simply: It's childish because it explicitly states that there was no consideration or thought put into how it affects others.


Getting a legacy unlock doesn't affect anyone other than the person with the unlock. If you truly believe otherwise then all unlocks should be banned according to you and your logic.


Childish? It is childish to DENY other people the option to have it just because YOU don't want it. I could give a crap what other people do in their game so long as it is not hacking. Period. I also don't expect others to play as I do or how I do.


I don't do flashpoints because I find them boring, but others do them everyday.

I don't do much class story anymore (because I've done them all already), I just PVP to 50+, but others hate PVP and only like doing class story.

Etc, etc.


So, using the PVP or Flashpoint XP unlock effects no one other than the person using it. PERIOD. The same would apply to 12xp.


Move the heck on already man, seriously. You don't need to set on the forums all day picking every word people say apart with 2 mile long posts no one will read.


You don't want the unlock, fine. We get it. Fantastic. I and alot of other people do. If we get the unlock it wont effect you. Don't use it and play your game instead of setting on the forums all day worrying about something that will probably never end up in the game anyway.


Move on.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Legacy 50 is too high, in my opinion. I think playing all 8 classes through once should be requirement enough, and doing that doesn't even get you to legacy 40.


I was nodding all along your post till you get to the requirement to play all 8 class stories… See, I want this unlock so I could see all 8 class stories, without repeating every planet 8 times.


I will have the blessed Legacy 50 any day now, but have two classes left to see, and if not for the 12xXP, it would have been 4 or 5.


How about an either or to accommodate the different play-styles and player preferences? Either Legacy 50 or all 8 classes to L50?

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ENE, the point is both sides have already provided plenty of proof. You are one of the few that has offered little but philosophical views to the discussion.


Are you asking me to provide proof that it has detriments or benefits? I have done both, as have many others.


Perhaps I wasn't clear, so I will say it one last time.


You have to provide logical reasons that it will be harmful to the game or it's players in order to convince folks to accept your views.


In the end, however, you do not need my approval, and I most certainly do not need yours. Neither of us makes the decision, and both of our opinions have been posted.


Once again....if you wish to post a list of LOGICAL detriments, so be it. Otherwise continue as you are, and continue to meet the same resistance.


Folks are ready and willing to chat about detriments. What they do not seem willing to do is accept hyperbole...which is your most common contribution to the discussion.


You are free to do as you please.




No.. No I don't. I don't have to provide ANYTHING.


You really need to look up 'Burden of Proof' in Logic/Argumentation.


I have no responsibility to demonstrate anything, though I have provided some just to be helpful.

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You keep using that phrase. I don't think it means what you think it means.


Someone makes a suggestion for a wanted change. People support the change and say why they want it. You say that it's bad for the game and will do disastrous things, and then claim the burden of proof is on everyone else to prove that it's good for the game. That's not how it works. You have to prove that it's bad because it's your claim that it's bad.


Incorrect. Read up any number of available web sources on argument and refutation, or logic I general. As the person proposing a change sole responsibility lies upon you to justify the change, not on others to demonstrate why your change is bad.

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