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Gameplay and Combat feel extremely responsive!


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Dear Bioware,


I would just congratulate your company on a fantastic job in developing SWTOR, especially in regards to gameplay fluidity.


Combat feels very intuitive and snappy, as instant abilities immediately cast when they are pressed, and casting abilities immediately resolve when the cast bar finished channeling; I can tell that you guys have invested a great deal of time, energy, and development to ensure the quality of SWTOR's gameplay, and have done yourselves in this department.


Truly, I feel that are no pressing issues at all with the combat system as I feel no ability delay whatsoever when pressing my character's skills; Dare I say no game can ever shine a light next to SWTOR's combat responsiveness.


Anyways, a job well done, and happy holidays!


- Dr. Bo'lined Phanboi

Edited by jtype_sw
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Dear Bioware,


Combat feels very intuitive and snappy...


Anyways, a job well done, and happy holidays!



Your irony feels very intuitive and snappy!


Anyways, a job well done, and happy holidays!

Edited by Narq
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Bioware is totally infallible.


All hail our lords and savior BW. They have created the best mmo responsiveness ever in a game.


All hail our new lords Bioware. Perfect beyond God it's self. I will suckle at the sweet meat Bioware has to offer me.


Anyone who criticizes the most perfect game ever should be strung up and have copious amounts of slightly rotten fruit thrown at them.

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I love the game but anyone who doesn't see the ability delay/lag is blind. I HATE trying mounting up going to start moving then instantly dismounting because i wasn't technically mounted.


Or someone dies in pvp because the heal that was 'finished' actually wasn't.


Edit: If you are being facetious then cool, but i have legitimately seen people argue against the ability delay and its annoying.

Edited by Aisriyth
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I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about. The combat is very responsive from my perspective, you always cast a skill when you're supposed to. Sure the animations

might lag behind, but I'd rather be able to see that my character is running around, or that he's getting knocked back over seeing the combat animation I've seen a thousand times before.


I don't think this is an issue with the game, just the way you're trying to play it.


Could be wrong though. Maybe I've just never experienced this bug before.

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I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about. The combat is very responsive from my perspective, you always cast a skill when you're supposed to. Sure the animations

might lag behind, but I'd rather be able to see that my character is running around, or that he's getting knocked back over seeing the combat animation I've seen a thousand times before.


I don't think this is an issue with the game, just the way you're trying to play it.


Could be wrong though. Maybe I've just never experienced this bug before.


I completely agree with you!

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combat is awful. Not only is it straight from 2003, it's bugged to high heaven and most most abilities don't even go off when you need them too.


QFT. The OP's sarcasm nails it nicely. It's hard enough dealing with reflex combat without having a UI that simply ignores mouse clicks when it gets too "overloaded", or interrupts that have a half-second lag before they fire.


I don't care how many tens of millions BioWare spent on voice acting and eye candy, if the gameplay mechanics are fundamentally flawed and even basic MMO features are missing.

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Anyone who criticizes the most perfect game ever should be strung up and have copious amounts of slightly rotten fruit thrown at them.


LMAO, yeah, because the critics are sooooo open-minded and tolerant of contradictory viewpoints. Most of the critics just dismiss any contradictory viewpoints as "fanboy" enthusiasm. "Kettle? Hello, this is Pot. You're black."


The funny thing is that they don't get that it's not their message which falls on deaf ears, it's the manner of communication. As soon as criticism of this game gets attached to ranting, non-critics aren't going to take the comments at face value. There's absolutely no reasonable justification for ranting just to make a point about the game or convey constructive criticism and it adds nothing to the message.

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Man... why do people seem to take EXTREME sides. It seems nothing can fall in the middle. It is either broken or perfect. It either sucks or is awesome.


I think combat is a perfect example of something neither broken nor perfect. I never feel like the game is screwing me over, but sometimes it does feel a little clumsy or slow or even unclear.

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