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Inquis/Sage woes


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Most classes can crit for that much and more, provided they've got decent gear with expertise and/or surge. I'd say the reason sorc/sage is considered OP is that they get aseveral CC skills early on so they're good at lower levels. Going up against a high level sniper/gunslinger, operative/scoundrel, mercenary/commando or marauder/sentinel definitely seems to be much more difficult IMO.


Sorc also give the imprssion that they're OP since all their attacks look pretty much the same so it will look like they're just spamming the same skill over and over again.

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Just cuz u seen big lightning doesnt mean u wasnt sniped at same time. Wait for combat logs, then QQ. Never seen so hugh crit from sorc/sage, more like sniper or operative stuff.


Scrolling combat text popped 4532 and it was as lightning landed on me.


That's as good as combat logs.

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Today a sorcerer ghosted into my toon's body and took over control. He then went around and ninja'd all the nodes for the Sith and my team couldn't do anything about it because my character was unattackable to them. Nerf sorcerers!!!!!!eleventyone!!!1111!!!


Sorcerers are fine. You PvPd, died, and decided to post about it on the forums. Congrats, you win teh internetz.

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It was most likely a level 50 assassin or shadow with a surge relic activated, 2 minute 60% crit cooldown activated, a epic level 50 surge rating pot activated, with 2 stacks of the shock/project damage buff, and the original poster was probably level 10 with terrible armor rating. Given the exact same scenario but against a level 50 with decent armor, that same crit would be around 3200 (that's with tons of surge rating too).


It's a little over the top, but certainly not as bad as some other things. Like death from above doing about 3k per crit on 5+ people, 3 times in a row (so 9k per person on 5 people over about 3 seconds), or snipers doing 4k+ from 35 yards away, etc.

Edited by SeanPoe
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4.6k Shoot first crit with a 3k back blast crit followed by a 1900 blaster whip and 2k suckerpunch. Whats best? People still complain about sorc/sage. Awesome! :D


Your point is valid, and I have no issues with the purple lightning really. I would rather just no bubble.


This is certianly possible, but the chances of it happening are so slim. You need to crit all 4 skills (how often do you crit four in a row?), Need to have really good equipment, opponent has to not react with a dodge type ability, you have to start from stealth, be behind the opponent and you need to be attacking a light or may be medium armor opponent.

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So I took a 4.5 crit from an Inquisitor today, no other class has hit me this hard.


Is it just me or is this class already overpowered? I keep hearing sages and inquisitors are super strong.


That's completely impossible by the way. If you're going to lie, at least do it correctly.

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Originally Posted by Necrolepsy

So I took a 4.5 crit from an Inquisitor today, no other class has hit me this hard.


Is it just me or is this class already overpowered? I keep hearing sages and inquisitors are super strong.

That's completely impossible by the way. If you're going to lie, at least do it correctly.



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I would rather just no bubble.


If they remove bubble then sage/sorc needs a massive survivability buff to compensate. When bubble is down they're the weakest class in the game; Laughably easy to kill, especially if you stun their force rush so they can't sprint away, which any good player will do. Also, you have to keep in mind that they have to recast bubble every 20 seconds or so even if they're out of combat because they will die 100-0 in 4 seconds if a stealth class opens on them without it up. Other classes gets tons of passive survivability via armor which is enough to last through a stun so they can use some of their other survivability cooldowns. If a sage/sorc gets stunned with bubble down they will die 100-0 in those 4 seconds. Sage/sorc have ZERO survivability cooldowns so bubble is extremely necessary.


People just see 'absorb' 'absorb' etc and assume the bubble is OP. What you don't realize is you're doing way less damage on other classes all of the time. Say a bounty hunter takes 15-20% less damage FOR FREE via armor and an additional 25% less from their generic survivability cooldown, so over 13k health that's like having effectively ~19k hp. A single bubble only absorbs about 3k so it's HALF AS GOOD. The armor alone would give more survivability than using bubble on cooldown (20% more damage reduction is about 2.5k more effective health for every 13k damage taken). Now realize these classes get this damage reduction FOR FREE, and it requires NO MAINTENANCE.


People need to stop being ignorant on these forums and think before they blindly make assumptions that something is OP or UP.

Edited by SeanPoe
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Was critting for 4214 with 5 heat sigs in blue 50 pvp gear with rail shot....not too mention higher 3500 heat seakers with the power up this convo is mute though. Sorcs i think just need to be even more squoshyif they have access to as much cc as they do. Cut there hp 1/4 and they can crit that hard and cc without being invincible like they seem at high lvls.
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On no guise! The *mage* class is doing burst damage? SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!


*meanwhile in Assassin Land --> 3.5k backstabs*


I'll admit our 100% chance to crit for the next 2 foce abilities IS a bit OP. As a Sin I can just pop that and Force Lightning 500 damage a second (if not more).

Edited by Ovanmaru
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Was critting for 4214 with 5 heat sigs in blue 50 pvp gear with rail shot....not too mention higher 3500 heat seakers with the power up this convo is mute though. Sorcs i think just need to be even more squoshyif they have access to as much cc as they do. Cut there hp 1/4 and they can crit that hard and cc without being invincible like they seem at high lvls.


Rofl @ "crit that hard." Literally every other class has better burst damage than sorc/sage. Every single one.

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Was critting for 4214 with 5 heat sigs in blue 50 pvp gear with rail shot....not too mention higher 3500 heat seakers with the power up this convo is mute though. Sorcs i think just need to be even more squoshyif they have access to as much cc as they do. Cut there hp 1/4 and they can crit that hard and cc without being invincible like they seem at high lvls.


Sage/sorc CC is no better than any other class (arguably worse than some even). Sage/sorc are already the squishiest class in the game. Sage/sorc already have the worst burst in the game. Stop being an ignorant fool repeating rhetoric you heard other people on these forums spouting.

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Try being a low level shadow with ****** gear. I can't hit over 1k, I hardly see that as being OP


Please read my post at the top of this page. I just said...I'm an assassion (shadow's mirror class) and I crit for a f-ton with my backstab. The diffecence is I have years of Rogue experiance with various games and I know what I'm doing.

Edited by Ovanmaru
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